DescriptionCarimersa.jpg |
English: From source: Figure 1. Holotype of Carimersa neptuni, exoskeleton and soft parts (OUMNH PAL-C.376503): (a–e, i–u) ‘virtual' reconstructions (a–c,e,i–r,u are stereo-pairs); (f) specimen in rock. The exact boundary between structures such as body and limbs, as indicated by colour changes, involves some interpretation. (a) Head shield, dorsal view showing eyes. (b) Head shield, ventral oblique view showing eyes and hypostome/labrum complex, other soft parts omitted. (c) Dorsal view. (d) Left lateral view. (e) Ventral view. (f) Section through abdomen showing sediment filled body cavity and other features. (g,h) Cluster of radiolarians and a single specimen between trunk appendages 2–5. (i) Head in ventral view. (j) Anterior oblique view. (k) Left appendage 1, dorsal view of proximal part. (l,n–r) posterior oblique view of right head appendages 2 (l), 4 (n), 5 (o), trunk appendages 1 (p), 5 (q), 6 (r). (m) Left appendage 3, anterior oblique view. (s) Posteroventral view of the gut, head shield, eyes and hypostome/labrum complex; all other features omitted. (t) Right lateral oblique view of gut (showing posteriorly flexed oesophagus) and eyes; all other features omitted. (u) Left anterior oblique view. ab, abdomen; as, abdominal spine; ba, basipod; es, eye stalk; ey, eye; et, exite; ex, exopod; f1–3, flagella; ga, gastropod; gn, gnathobase; gs, genal spine; h1–h5, head appendages; gu, gut (or possibly body cavity); hs, head shield; lb, limb base; la, hypostome/labrum complex; os, oesophagus; pa, precoxal area; sp, spine(s); sr, strengthening rod; t1–t10, trunk appendages; tr, trunk; ts, tail spine. Numbers refer to trunk tergites (1–10) and abdominal segments (1–4). Arrows in (l–r) indicate podomere boundaries. Scale bars: a–f, i, j, o–u are 2 mm; g, h, k–n are 0.5 mm. |
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