The Diocese of Nantes (Latin: Dioecesis Nannetensis; French: Diocèse de Nantes; Breton: Eskopti Naoned) is a Latin Church diocese of the Catholic Church in Nantes, France. The diocese consists of the department of Loire-Atlantique. It has existed since the 4th century. It is now suffragan of the Archdiocese of Rennes, Dol, and Saint-Malo, having previously been suffragan to the Archdiocese of Tours. The seat of the bishop is the Cathedral of S. Pierre in the city of Nantes.
In 2021, in the Diocese of Nantes there was one priest for every 3,802 Catholics.
According to late traditions, Saint Clarus (Saint Clair), first Bishop of Nantes, was a disciple of Saint Peter. Arthur Le Moyne de La Borderie, however, has shown that the ritual of the Church of Nantes, drawn up by Helias the precentor in 1263,[1] ignores the apostolic mission of Saint Clarus, and also that Saint Peter's nail in Nantes Cathedral was not brought there by Saint Clarus, but at a time subsequent to the invasions of the Northmen in the 10th century. He showed further that Felix of Nantes, writing with six other bishops in 567 to Saint Radegund, attributed to Martin of Vertou the chief role in the conversion of the Nantais to Christianity, and that the traditions concerning the mission of Saint Clarus are later than 1400.[2]
The earliest list of the bishops of Nantes (made, according to Louis Duchesne, at the beginning of the 11th century[3]) does not favour the thesis of a bishop of Nantes prior to Constantine I. The author of the Passion of Donatian and Rogatian, martyrs of Nantes, places their death in the reign of Constantius Chlorus, and seems to believe that Rogatian could not be baptized, because the bishop was absent. Duchesne believes that the two saints suffered at an earlier date, and disputes the inference of the ancient writer concerning the absence of the bishop.[4] The first bishop of Nantes whose date is certain is Desiderius (453), correspondent of Sulpicius Severus and Paulinus of Nola. The Saint Aemilianus supposed to have been Bishop of Nantes in Charlemagne's reign and to have fought the Saracens in Burgundy is considered legendary.
Among the noteworthy bishops is Felix (550-83), whose municipal improvements at Nantes were praised in the poems of Venantius Fortunatus, and who often mediated between the people of Brittany and the Frankish kings. Bishop Gohardus was killed by the Northmen in 843, with the monks of the monastery of Aindre.
Another was Bishop Actardus (843–871), who was driven out of his see by Prince Nominoe (d. 851) because he opposed Nominoe's moves to make himself king of Brittany and dominate the church in northwestern France. Nominoe attempted to create a new ecclesiastical province, depose opposition bishops, and create new dioceses, separate from the province of Tours and centered on Dol. With regard to his interference at Nantes, Nominoe received a sharp letter from Pope Leo IV, exhorting him to cease his support of his usurper Gislard, and support the true bishop, Actardus.[5] During his son's reign, the Breton prince, in his conflict with the metropolitan see of Tours, created a see at Guérande c. 853, and filled it with the deposed usurper of the see of Nantes, who had been expelled.[6] in favour of Gislard, an ecclesiastic of Vannes who had usurped the see of Nantes, at the western end of the diocese of Nantes.
Another notable bishop was the preacher Philippe Cospeau (1621–1636), who had been a professor at the Sorbonne and at the University of Paris.[7]
Françoise d'Amboise (1427–85), who became Duchess of Brittany in 1450, rebuilt the choir of the collegiate church of Notre-Dame,[8] and founded at Nantes the monastery of the Poor Clares; she had a share in the canonization of Saint Vincent Ferrer (1455–1456), and was given one of the saint's fingers as a memento.[9] Widowed in 1457, she resisted the intrigues of Louis XI, who urged her to contract a second marriage, and even attempted to persuade her personally during a pilgrimage to Redon in the Spring of 1462; she sought refuge in Nantes;[10] in 1468 she became a Carmelite nun at Vannes.[11] In 1477, at the request of Sixtus IV, she restored the Benedictine monastery of Couëts, near Nantes.[12]
Gilles de Rais, marshall of France, executed in 1440 in the castle of Nantes, was buried in the chapel of the Carmelite house in Nantes.[13]
Chapter and cathedral
The cathedral in Nantes is dedicated to Saint Peter. It was begun by Bishop Eumelius, and completed by Bishop Felix, who consecrated it in 568. It was destroyed by the Northmen. The first stone of a new cathedral was laid by Duke Jean V of Brittany on 14 April 1434. Building went slowly. The vaults of the nave were begun only in 1628. The choir screen was built between 1622 and 1659. The sacristy was added in 1772.[14]
The mausoleum of Francis II, Duke of Brittany in the cathedral, executed in 1507 by Michel Colomb, is one of the finest monuments of the Renaissance.[15]
The cathedral is staffed and administered by a corporation called the Chapter. It consisted of six dignities (the Dean, the Grand-Archdeacon, the Archdeacon of the Mée, the Cantor, the Treasurer, and the Scholasticus) and fourteen canons. Bishop Brice created seven canonicates on 2 August 1137. The deanship was founded c. 1307, by Bishop Daniel Vigier. The cantorship was established by Pope Pius II in 1460. The scholasticus was founded on July 1471, and the office of penitentiary around 1630. The Dean and the canon of La Psallette are appointed by the bishop. All the others are appointed alternatively by the Pope and the bishop.[16]
Councils and synods
A diocesan synod was an irregularly held, but important, meeting of the bishop of a diocese and his clergy. Its purpose was (1) to proclaim generally the various decrees already issued by the bishop; (2) to discuss and ratify measures on which the bishop chose to consult with his clergy; (3) to publish statutes and decrees of the diocesan synod, of the provincial synod, and of the Holy See.[17]
Councils were held at Nantes, in 600 and 1127.[citation needed] A provincial council was held at Nantes by Archbishop Vincent de Pirmil of Tours on the Tuesday after the Feast of Ss. Peter and Paul (29 June) in 1264; it issued nine canons.[18]
Bishop Daniel Vigier (1304–1337) established a regulation, stating that there would be a general synod every year at Pentecost, and study conferences for clergy on the Feast of St. Luke (18 October), at Christmas, and during Lent.[19]
Bishop Jean de Montrelais (1384–1391) held a diocesan synod in 1387, and published statutes.[20] At Pentecost 1389, Bishop Jean de Montrelais held a diocesan synod, and published twenty statutes.[21] In September 1389, Bishop Jean held a diocesan synod, and published the statutes.[22] Bishop Henri le Barbu (1404–1419) remarked after Pentecost 1406 that he had held more than one diocesan synod.[23] On 24 October 1408, Bishop Henri's vicars held a synod. On the Thursday after Pentecost 1409, Bishop Henri himself presided over a synod.[24]
A provincial council was held in Nantes on 23 April 1431, by Archbishop Philippe de Coëtquis of Tours.[25] In 1445, Bishop Guillaume de Malestroit (1443–1461) presided over a diocesan synod, and over another in 1446, in both cases issuing statutes.[26] Bishop Pierre du Chaffault (1477–1487) held a diocesan synod on the Thursday after Pentecost, 14 May 1478, and issued statutes. He held another on the Thursday after Pentecost, 10 June 1481.[27] A synod was held on 23 May 1499 by the Vicars-General of Bishop Jean d'Espinay (1495–1500).[28] Bishop François Hamon (1511–1532) held a diocesan synod in 1529. Bishop Antoine de Créquy (1554–1562) held synods in 1555, 1556, 1558, and 1560.[29]
Bishop Gabriel de Beauvau (1636–1667) held a diocesan synod in 1638.[30] He held another on 12 June 1642, and published the statutes of the diocese.[31] Another synod was held on 24 May 1646, under the authority of Bishop de Beauvau, by his vicar-general; it issued five statutes, including arrangements for financing a new seminary.[32]
University of Nantes
Despite the fact that a university already existed at Angers, 89 km. (56 mi.) to the east, John V, Duke of Brittany, had conceived a plan to create a university in Nantes, which he communicated to Pope John XXIII. The pope responded on 1 August 1414, not with a university charter, but with a grant of one-third of all the ecclesiastical revenues within the duchy for a period of one year. These were to fund the payment of salaries to teachers.[33] Nothing seems to have come of this effort, but a bull, which has not survived, was signed by Pope Martin V (1417–1431). It too seems to have come to nothing.[34] Duke John V died in 1442 and was succeeded by his son Francis I.
Pope Nicholas V issued another charter in 1449, in which he mentioned Martin V's charter; but this bull too had no effect, since Francis I died suddenly in 1450, leaving the ducal throne to his brother, Peter II, who died in 1457.[35] Francis II, a nephew of John V, was able finally to realize the family project. On 4 April 1460, Pope Pius II issued another charter,[36] and the next year a university was actually opened. The bishop of Nantes was to be the chancellor of the University. There were faculties of the Arts, Medicine, theology, Canon and Civil Law. The prosperity of the university did not long outlast the death of its patron in 1488. It was revived as a school of law in 1494, though that was transferred to Rennes in 1735. All institutions of higher learning became the property of the French state in 1791.[37]
After his synod of 12 June 1642, bishop Gabriel de Beauvau announced the establishment of a seminary for the diocese. Previous to this, candidates for the priesthood studied at home or in parish rectories, and were required to partake in a retreat of several days, conducted by the Oratorian fathers.[38] In 1790, the establishment had 9 chambers for teachers, 76 dormitory rooms, with beds for 86 students.[39]
Irish seminary
A college was created at Nantes c. 1680, with the permission of Bishop Jean-François de Beauvau du Rivau (1677–1717),[40] for the education of Irish ecclesiastics.[41] In 1765, King Louis XV granted the college letters patent officially recognizing the college, which, he notes, took root with a large immigration of Irish clerics in 1685. The college was under the jurisdiction of the University of Nantes.[42]
Events at Nantes
The philosopher Peter Abelard was born in 1079 at La Pallet, 8 miles east of Nantes.[43] The First Crusade was preached at Nantes in 1099 by Robert of Arbrissel, founder of the monastery of Fontevrault.[44] The Abbey of La Meilleraye, founded in 1132, was the beginning of an establishment of Trappist Fathers, who played a part in the agricultural development of the country. Charles of Blois won Nantes from his rival Jean de Montfort in 1341. On 8 January 1499, Louis XII married Anne of Brittany at Nantes in the chapel of the château.[45]
Chateaubriant, a town of the diocese, was a Calvinist centre in the 16th century.[46] The Edict of Nantes (1595), which granted Protestants religious freedom and certain political prerogatives, was published at Nantes by order of King Henri IV.[47]
The Maréchal de Thémines, governor of Brittany, died on 1 November 1627; his funeral was held in Nantes, though his remains were taken to his home town, Cahors, for burial. He was succeeded as governor of Brittany and Nantes by the Cardinal de Richelieu. Richelieu was made governor of the citadel of Nantes on 1 March 1632.[48]
On 30 March 1654, Cardinal de Retz, who was struggling to maintain his right to the archbishopric of Paris against the opposition of the French court because he had been a leading Frondeur, was transferred from his imprisonment in the Chateau de Vincennes, and lodged in the castle of Nantes by order of Cardinal Mazarin and Louis XIV. He contrived to escape on 8 August 1654.[49]
French Revolution
Even before it directed its attention to the Church directly, the National Constituent Assembly attacked the institution of monasticism. On 13 February 1790. it issued a decree which stated that the government would no longer recognize solemn religious vows taken by either men or women. In consequence, Orders and Congregations which lived under a Rule were suppressed in France. Members of either sex were free to leave their monasteries or convents if they wished, and could claim an appropriate pension by applying to the local municipal authority.[50]
The Assembly ordered the replacement of political subdivisions of the ancien régime with subdivisions called "departments", to be characterized by a single administrative city in the center of a compact area. The decree was passed on 22 December 1789, the boundaries fixed on 26 February 1790, with the institution to be effective on 4 March 1790.[51] A new department was created called "Loire-Inférieure," and Nantes was fixed as its administrative center. The National Constituent Assembly then, on 6 February 1790, instructed its ecclesiastical committee to prepare a plan for the reorganization of the clergy. At the end of May, its work was presented as a draft Civil Constitution of the Clergy, which, after vigorous debate, was approved on 12 July 1790. There was to be one diocese in each department,[52] requiring the suppression of approximately fifty dioceses.[53] The diocese of Loire-Infrieure was assigned to the "Metropole du Nord-Ouest", with its metropolitan seated in Rennes.
In the Civil Constitution of the Clergy, the National Constituent Assembly also abolished cathedral chapters, canonicates, prebends, chapters and dignities of collegiate churches, chapters of both secular and regular clergy of both sexes, and abbeys and priories whether existing under a Rule or in commendam.[54]
There was considerable resistance to implementing these changes, and therefore the government required an oath to the Civil Constitution and an oath to the Constitution of Year III from every cleric. Those who took the oaths were permitted to serve in the "Constitutional Church"; non-juring clergy were expelled and arrested.[55] In the diocese of Nantes there was massive resistance: of the 600 clergy, only 153 took the oath.[56] Bishop de la Laurencie published a protest against the abolition of the cathedral Chapter and the collegiate churches; he also published his opposition to the oaths, his own dismissal, and the intrusion of a Constitutional bishop, Julien Minée. He was forced to emigrate, settling in England, from which he governed his diocese through his vicars-general.[57] Minée resigned during the Terror in November 1793, apostasized, and married; he died in 1808.[58]
During the French Revolution, certain regions of the diocese were the scene of the War of La Vendée, waged in defence of religious freedom and to restore the monarchy. At Savenay in December, 1793, the remains of the Vendean army succumbed, already defeated in the battle of Cholet. The atrocities committed at Nantes by the Terrorist Carrier are well-known. He conducted a reign of terror, called the Drownings at Nantes, between November 1793 and February 1794, which resulted in the deaths of more than 4,000 persons, many of them priests and nuns.[59]
Religious orders and congregations
The Dominicans were established in Nantes in 1226, thanks to the patronage of André, Seigneur de Vitry. The Franciscan convent was founded in 1296, though they had a presence since the middle of the century. The Carmelites were introduced in 1318. The Carthusians were established in 1425. The Capuchins appeared in 1593, and occupied their convent at La Fosse in 1629. The Minims (Bonshommes) came in 1589, patronized by Duke François II. The Oratorians were established in Nantes in 1618.The Sulpicians took charge of the diocesan seminary in 1648. The Jesuits arrived in 1663;[60] the Brothers of the Christian Schools (Christian Brothers, Frères des écoles chrétiennes) in 1743.[61]
The Ursulines, founded by Saint Angela Merici, were established at Nantes in 1627. Elsewhere in the diocese, Ancensis was founded in 1642, Chateaubriant in 1643, and Guérande in 1644.[62] After their dispersal during the French Revolution, the return of the Ursuliness to Nantes was authorized in 1826.[63]
The Soeurs de la Providence, a diocesan congregation, were founded at Nantes in 1758, but dispersed by the French Revolution; they returned in 1810.[64]
Among the congregations for women in the diocese are: the Sisters of Christian Instruction, a teaching order founded in 1820 at Beignon (Diocese of Vannes) by Abbé Deshayes; their mother-house was transferred to St-Gildas des Bois (diocese of Nantes) in 1828.[65]
The Sisters of the Immaculate Conception, a teaching and nursing order, were founded in 1853 (mother-house at La Haye Mahéas). The Franciscan Sisters were founded in 1871 (mother-house at St-Philbert de Grandlieu).[66] The Oblate Franciscan Sisters of the Heart of Jesus were founded in 1875 and brought to Nantes in 1877 by Sophie Victorine de Gazeau (mother-house at Nantes).[67]
Saints in the diocese
The diocese venerates: the monk Saint Hervé (6th century); the hermits Saint Friard and Saint Secondel of Besné (6th century); Saint Victor, hermit at Cambon (6th or 7th century); the English hermit Saint Viaud (7th or 8th century);[68] the Greek Benoît, Abbot of Masserac (c. 845);[69] Saint Martin of Vertou (d. 601), apostle of the Herbauges district and founder of the Benedictine Vertou Abbey;[70] Saint Hermeland, sent by Lambert, Abbot of Fontenelle, at the end of the 7th century to found on an island in the Loire the great monastery of Aindre (now Indret); the celebrated missionary Saint Amand, Bishop of Maastricht (7th century), a native of the district of Herbauges.
The chief places of pilgrimage of the diocese are: Notre-Dame de Bon Garant at Orvault, a very old pilgrimage, repeatedly made by Francis II, Duke of Brittany; Notre-Dame de Bon Secours at Nantes, a pilgrimage centre which dates back to the 14th century; Notre-Dame de Toutes Aides. Notre-Dame de Miséricorde became a place of pilgrimage in 1026 in memory of the miracle by which the country is said to have been freed from a dragon; the present seat of the pilgrimage is the Church of St. Similien at Nantes.[71]
- Before 453, the list of bishops is undocumented.[72]
To 1000
- [ Clarus ][73]
- c. 310–330: Ennius
- c. 330 : Similien
- c. 374 : Eumalius or Euhemerus.
- c. 383: Martius
- End of 4th century: Arisius
- 453 : Desiderius[74]
- Leo[75]
- attested 461 : Eusebius[76]
- c. 462 – c. 472: Nonnechius[77]
- Cariundus, † c. 475
- Cerunius
- Clemens, † c. 502
- 511: Epiphanius[78]
- c. 515 – 541: Eumerius[79]
- 549–582: Felix of Nantes.[80]
- Nonnechius (II.), † 596.[81]
- 610–614: Eufronius[82]
- c. 626–627: Leobardus[83]
- c. 630: Pascharius[84]
- c. 637: Taurinus
- c. 640: Haïco
- c. 650: Sallapius[85]
- [ c. 703: Agatheus ][86]
- [ Anito ][87]
- [ c. 725: Émilien of Nantes ][88]
- 732: Salvius
- 756–757: Deormarus[89]
- c. 776 – † c. 800: Odilard
- c. 800: Alain
- c. 820 – † 833: Atton
- 834 – † 835: Drutcaire
- 835–824. June 843: Gunthard[90]
- 843–846: Actard[91]
- 851: Gislard[92]
- 853–871: Actard (restored)
- 872–886: Ermengar
- 886 – 896: Landranus[93]
- 896 – 906: Foucher[94]
- 906 – 908 : Isaias[95]
- 907 : Adalard
- 937–949 : Hoctron[96]
- 950–958 : Herdren[97]
- c. 960 – † c. 980 : Gauthier
- (981 –987) : Sede vacante
- [ 981 : Werecus ][98]
1000 to 1300
- 1005 – after 15 October 1041 : Gualterius [102]
- c. 1047 – 1049 : Budic[103]
- 1049–1052: Airard[104]
- 1052 – 1079: Quiriac[105]
- 1079–1111: Benedict[106]
- 1112: Robert[107]
- 1112 – 1140: Brice[108]
- 1142 – 1147 : Iterius
- 1147 – † 29 December 1169 : Bernard
- 1170 – 1184 : Robert.[109]
- 1184 – † 1187 : Artur?
- 1185–1198 : Maurice de Blaron[110]
- 1199 – 1212 : Geoffroi[111]
- 1213 – 1227 : Etienne de la Bruyère[112]
- 1227: Clément II.[113]
- 1228 – 1235 : Henri[114]
- 1236 – 1240 : Robert of Nantes[115]
- 1240 – 1263 : Galeran[116]
- 1264 : Gautier[117]
- 1264 – 1267 : Jacques[118]
- 1267 – 1277 : Guillaume de Verne[119]
- 1278 – 1292 : Durand[120]
- 1292 – 1297: Henri de Calestrie[121]
- 1298 – 1304: Henri[122]
- 1304 – 1337: Daniel Viger[123]
- 1338 – 1340 : Barnabé[124]
- 1340 – 1354 : Olivier Salahadin[125]
- 1354 – 1366 : Robert Paynel[126]
- 16 March 1366 – 1384: Simon de Langres
- 1384 – 1391: Jean de Montrelais (Avignon Obedience)[127]
- 1392 – 1398 : Bonabius de Rochefort (Avignon Obedience)[128]
- 1397 – 1404 : Bernard du Peyron
- 1404 – 1419 : Henri le Barbu, Avignon Obedience[129])
- 1419 – 1443 : Jean de Malestroit[130]
- 1443 – 1461 : Guillaume de Malestroit[131]
- 1462 – 1477 : Amauri d'Acigné[132]
- [ 1477: Jacques d'Elbiest ][133]
- 1477 – 1487 : Pierre du Chaffault[134]
- 1488 – 1493 : Robert d'Espinay[135]
- 1493 – 1500 : Jean d'Espinay[136]
- 1500–1506: Guillaume Guégen[137]
- 1507–1511: Robert Guibé[138]
- 1511–1532: François Hamon
- 1532–1542: Louis d'Acigné[139]
- 1542–1550 : John, Cardinal of Lorraine
- 1550–1554 : Charles, Cardinal de Bourbon
- 1554–1562 : Antoine de Créquy[140]
- 1562–1566 : Antoine II de Créquy
- 1566–1594 : Philippe du Bec[141]
- [ 1596 : Jean du Bec-Crespin ][142]
- 1598–1617 : Charles de Bourgneuf de Cucé[143]
- 1617–1621 : Sede vacante[145]
- 1621–1636 : Philippe Cospéau[146]
- 1636–1667 : Gabriel de Beauvau[147]
- 1668–1677 : Gilles de La Baume Le Blanc de La Vallière[148]
- 1677–1717 : Jean-François de Beauvau du Rivau[149]
- 1717–1723 : Louis de La Vergne-Montenard de Tressan[150]
- 1723–1746 : Christophe-Louis Turpin de Crissé de Sanzay[151]
- 1746–1775 : Pierre Mauclerc de La Mousanchère[152]
- 1775–1783 : Jean-Augustin Frétat de Sarra[153]
- 1784–1801 : Charles-Eutrope de La Laurencie[154]
- Constitutional Bishop of Loire-Inférieur
- 1791–1793 : Julien Minée[155]
From 1800
- 1802–1813: Jean-Baptiste Duvoisin[156]
- 1817–1822: Louis-Jules-François-Joseph d'Andigné de Mayneuf[157]
- 1822–1838: Joseph-Michel-Jean-Baptiste-Paul-Augustin Micolon de Guérines[158]
- 1838–1848: Jean-François de Hercé[159]
- 1848–1869: Antoine-Matthias-Alexandre Jacquemet[160]
- 1870–1877: Félix Fournier[161]
- 1877–1892: Jules François Lecoq[162]
- 1893–1895: Auguste-Léopold Laroche
- 1896–1914: Pierre-Emile Rouard
- 1914–1935: Eugène-Louis-Marie Le Fer de la Motte
- 1936–1966: Jean-Joseph-Léonce Villepelet
- 1966–1982: Michel-Louis Vial
- 1982–1996: Emile Marcus, P.S.S.
- 1996–2009: Georges Pierre Soubrier, P.S.S.
- 2009–2019: Jean-Paul James[163]
- 2020–present: Laurent Percerou
See also
- ^ De la Borderie, Etudes historiques bretonnes p. 3: "La plus ancienne mention de S. Clair, évêque de Nantes, qu'on puisse citer est de l'an 1263. Elle existe dans l'Ordinaire ou rituel de l'église de Nantes, rédigé cette année même par Hélie, chantre de cette église...."
- ^ De la Borderie, Etudes historiques bretonnes p. 4: "Le plus ancien document qui rapporte aux temps apostoliques la mission de S. Clair est un bréviaire de Nantes manuscrit, sans date, mais dont l'écriture accuse le commencement du XVe siècle, et qu'on appelle d'ordinaire Bréviaire de 1400."
- ^ Duchesne, p. 360.
- ^ Duchesne, 364
- ^ Philippus Jaffe and S. Loewenfeld, Regestum pontificum Romanorum, second edition (in Latin), Volume 1 (Leipzig: Veit 1885), p. 331, no. 2600.
- ^ Joseph Morlent, Précis historique, statistique et minéralogique sur Guérande, Le Croisic et leurs environs: précédé d'un abrégé de l'histoire de Bretagne, (in French) (Nantes: Kermen, 1819), pp. 14-15. Gislard (or Gillard) died in 899, and had no successor.
- ^ J. de Kersauson, "L'Épiscopat Nantais à travers les siècles," (in French), in: Revue historique de l'Ouest, Volume 8 (Vannes 1892), pp. 288: "Rempli d'instruction et de talents qui le placèrent bientôt au premier rang des prédicateurs de son siècle, le jeune Cospéau ne dut son élévation qu'à son mérite . Etant venu faire ses humanités à Paris , où il fut le disciple du fameux Juste Lipse, il devint successivement professeur à la Sorbonne et à l'Université de Paris".
- ^ Stéphane Praud de La Nicollière-Teijiero, Église royale et collégiale de Notre-Dame de Nantes, (in French) (Nantes: Forest & Grimaud, 1865), p. 75.
- ^ Édouard Sioc'han de Kersabiec, La Bienheureuse Françoise d'Amboise, Duchesse de Bretagne, (in French), (Nantes: Forest & Grimaud 1865), pp. 147-150. Françoise was also given Ferrer's doctoral cap and his belt. She placed them in the monastery of Couëts.
- ^ François Marie Benjamin Richard, Vie de la bienheureuse Françoise d'Amboise, Duchesse de Bretagne, (in French), Volume 1 (Nantes: Forest & Grimaud 1865), pp. 240-249.
- ^ Sioc'han de Kersabiec, pp. 263-272. François Marie Benjamin Richard, Vie de la bienheureuse Françoise d'Amboise, Duchesse de Bretagne, (in French), Volume 2 (Nantes: Forest & Grimaud 1865), pp. 5-26.
- ^ Sioc'han de Kersabiec, pp. 293-301; 419-427.
- ^ Georges Durville, Études sur le vieux Nantes: d'après les documents originaux, (in French) Vol. 2 (Nantes: Lafolye, 1915), pp. 192-198.
- ^ Grégoire, État du Diocèse de Nantes en 1790, p. 27.
- ^ Leslie Richardson, Brittany and the Loire (New York: Dodd, Mead, 1927), pp. 25-26.
- ^ Grégoire, État du Diocèse de Nantes en 1790, pp. 25-26.
- ^ Benedictus XIV (1842). "Lib. I. caput secundum. De Synodi Dioecesanae utilitate". Benedicti XIV ... De Synodo dioecesana libri tredecim (in Latin). Vol. Tomus primus. Mechlin: Hanicq. pp. 42–49. Archived from the original on 21 May 2024. Retrieved 2 June 2019. John Paul II, Constitutio Apostolica de Synodis Dioecesanis Agendis (19 March 1997): Acta Apostolicae Sedis 89 Archived 15 February 2020 at the Wayback Machine (1997), pp. 706-727.
- ^ J.-D. Mansi (ed.), Sacrorum Conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio, editio novissima, (in Latin), Vol. 23 (Venice: A. Zatta, pp. 1117-1122.
- ^ Edmond Martène & Ursin Durand, Thesaurus novus anecdotorum ... Varia concilia, (in Latin), Volume 4 (Paris: Delaulne, 1717), p. 953: "præcipimus & mandamus, temporibus infra acriptis: videlicet, una vice inter synodum sancti Lucæ, & Nativitatem Domini; aecunda vice infra mediam quadrageaimam; tertia vice infra Pentecoaten; quarta vice infra sequentem synodum annualem, & sic deinceps singulis annis."
- ^ Martène & Durand, Thesaurus novus anecdotorum ... Varia concilia, Volume 4, pp. 972–978.
- ^ Martène & Durand, Thesaurus novus anecdotorum ... Varia concilia, (in Latin), Volume 4, pp. 979–989.
- ^ Martène & Durand, Thesaurus novus anecdotorum ... Varia concilia, Volume 4, pp. 990-993.
- ^ Martène & Durand, Thesaurus novus anecdotorum ... Varia concilia, Volume 4, p. 994: Omnia & singula statuta prædecssorum nostrorum per nos alias non revocata, unà cum statutis in nostris synodis præcedentibus factis insuper & additis approbamus, ratificamus, ac de novo, si opus est, nostra auctoritate ordinaria confirmamus."
- ^ Martène & Durand, Thesaurus novus anecdotorum ... Varia concilia, Volume 4, p. 998-1002; 1102-1103.
- ^ Hauréau, Gallia christiana vol 14, p. 828. Adolphe Charles Peltier, Dictionnaire universel et complet des conciles tant généraux que particuliers: des principaux synodes diocésains, et des autres assemblées ecclésiastiques le plus remarquables, (in French), Volume 14 (Paris: Chez J.-P. Migne, Editeur, 1847), pp. 23-24.
- ^ Martène & Durand, Thesaurus novus anecdotorum ... Varia concilia, Volume 4, pp. 1008-1012.
- ^ Martène & Durand, Thesaurus novus anecdotorum ... Varia concilia, Volume 4, pp. 1013-1015; 1015-1017.
- ^ Martène & Durand, Thesaurus novus anecdotorum ... Varia concilia, Volume 4, pp. 1017-1022.
- ^ Peltier, Dictionnaire universel et complet des conciles, p. 25.
- ^ J. de Kersauson, in: Revue historique de l'Ouest, Volume 8 (Vannes 1892), p. 412.
- ^ Travers, III, p. 310.
- ^ Travers, III, p. 331-332.
- ^ Marcel Fournier, Les Statuts et privilèges des universités françaises depuis leur fondation jusqu'en 1789, (in French and Latin), Volume 3, part 1 (Paris: Larose et Forcel, 1892), p. 33, no. 1588. Pope John XXIII was arrested by order of the Council of Constance, and deposed on 29 May 1415.
- ^ Hastings Rashdall, The Universities of Europe in the Middle Ages, Volume 2 (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1895), p. 202.
- ^ Fournier, III, p. 34, no. 1590.
- ^ Fournier, III, p. 35-37, no. 1591.
- ^ Rashdall, pp. 202-203. P. Teulé, "L'ancienne université Nantaise," (in French), in: Revue de Bretagne, Volume 21 (1867), pp. 348-349.
- ^ Travers, III, p. 311.
- ^ Grégoire, p. 34.
- ^ P. Hurley, "The Irish at Nantes.... Irish Seminary at Nantes," in: The Dublin Review vol. 56 (1892), pp. 44-47.
- ^ Patrick Boyle, The Irish College in Paris, from 1578 to 1901 (London: Art and Book Co. 1901, pp. 122-123.
- ^ Jules Mathorez, "Notes sur les prêtres irlandais réfugiés à Nantes aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles," (in French), in: Revue d'histoire de l'église de France vol 13 (1912), pp. 164-173, at pp. 169-171.
- ^ Historia Calamitatum, 1. Peter Abelard, Historia Calamitatum: The Story of My Misfortunes (tr. H.A. Bellows) (Saint Paul MN: T. A. Boyd, 1922), p. 1.
- ^ Camille Mellinet, La commune et la milice de Nantes, (in French), Volume 2 (Nantes: Camille Mellinet 1840), pp. 119-120.
- ^ Arthur de la Borderie, Histoire de Bretagne, (in French), Vol. 4 (Rennes: Plihon & Hommay 1906), pp. 593-595, states that the marriage took place on 8 January 1499. Anne gave birth to a daughter on 15 October 1499.
- ^ Ernest du Laurens de la Barre, Histoire de Châteaubriant et de ses Barons, suivie d'une notice sur la ville et ses environs, (in French) (Chateaubriant: Chevalier 1854), pp. 50, 110.
- ^ Guillaume de Félice, History of the Protestants of France, from the Commencement of the Reformation (London: Routledge 1853), pp. 218-220. Jacques Boulenger. Les protestants a Nîmes au temps de L'Edit de Nantes, (in French) (Paris: Librairie Fischbacher, 1903), passim, esp. pp. 1-5; pp. 115-118; pp. 180-190.
- ^ Travers, III, pp. 269-270; 305; 355.
- ^ Léonce Curnier, La cardinal de Retz et son temps: étude historique et littéraire, (in French), Volume 2 (Paris: Amyot, 1863), pp. 158-166.
- ^ J. B. Duvergier, Collection complète des lois, décrets, ordonnances, règlemens avis du Conseil d'état, (in French), Volume 1 (Paris: A. Guyot et Scribe, 1834), p. 118: "La loi constitutionnelle du royaume ne reconnaitra plus de voeux monastiques solennels des personnes de l'un ni de l'autre sexe: en conséquence, les ordres et congrégations réguliers dans lesquels on fait de pareils voeux sont et demeureront supprimés en France, sans qu'il puisse en être établi de semblables à l'avenir." Michael Burleigh, Earthly Powers: The Clash of Religion and Politics in Europe, from the French Revolution to the Great War (New York: Harper Collins 2006), p. 54.
- ^ Pisani, pp. 10-11. Departement de Puy-de-Dôme, "Création du département"; retrieved 15 July 2024.
- ^ "Civil Constitution," Title I, "Article 1. Chaque département formera un seul diocèse, et chaque diocèse aura la même étendue et les mêmes limites que le département."
- ^ Ludovic Sciout, Histoire de la constitution civile du clergé (1790-1801): L'église et l'Assemblée constituante, (in French and Latin) ., Vol. 1 (Paris: Firmin Didot 1872), p. 182: Art. 2 "...Tous les autres évêchés existant dans les quatre-vingt-trois départements du royaume, et qui ne sont pas nommément compris au présent article, sont et demeurent supprimés."
- ^ J. B. Duvergier, Collection complète des lois, décrets, ordonnances, règlemens avis du Conseil d'état, (in French), Volume 1 (Paris: A. Guyot et Scribe, 1834), p. 244: "20. Tous titres et offices , autres que ceux mentionnés en la présente constitution , les dignités , canonicats, prébendes, demi-prébendes, chapelles, chapellenies, tant des églises cathédrales que des églises collégiales, et tous chapitres réguliers et séculiers de l'un et de l'autre sexe, les abbayes et prieurés en règle ou en commende, aussi de l'un et de l'autre sexe, et tous autres bénéfices et prestimonies généralement quelconques , de quelque nature et sous quelque dénomination que ce soit, sont, à compter du jour de la publication du présent décret, éteints et supprimés, sans qu'il puisse jamais en être établi de semblables."
- ^ Lallié, Vol. 1, pp. 246-250.
- ^ Paul Pisani (1907). Répertoire biographique de l'épiscopat constitutionnel (1791-1802) (in French). Paris: A. Picard et fils.
- ^ J. de Kersauson, in: Revue historique de l'Ouest, Volume 8 (Vannes 1892), pp. 528-529.
- ^ Pisani, p. 139.
- ^ Lallié, Vol. 1, pp. 397-402. Alfred Lallié, J.-B. Carrier, représentant du Cantal à la Convention, 1756-1794, d'après de nouveaux documents, (in French), (Paris: Perrin 1901), pp. 148-188.
- ^ Travers, III, pp. 411-415. Teulé, Revue de Bretagne, Volume 21 (1867), pp. 346-348.
- ^ J,-M. Besse, Abbayes et prieurés, pp. 243-244.
- ^ Victor Postel, Histoire de sainte Angèle Merici et de tout l'ordre des Ursulines depuis sa fondation jusqu'au pontificat de Léon XIII, (in French), Volume 1 (Paris: Poussielgue, 1878), pp. 522-523.
- ^ Émile Keller, Edouard Pontal, Les congrégations religieuses en France, (in French), (Paris: Poussielgue Frères, 1880), p. 322.
- ^ Émile Keller, Edouard Pontal, Les congrégations religieuses en France, (in French), (Paris: Poussielgue Frères, 1880), p. 322. Pierre Helyot, Dictionnaire des ordres religieux, (in French), Volume 4 (Paris: Atelier cath. du Petit Montrouge, 1859), pp. 1163-1164.
- ^ Émile Keller, Edouard Pontal, Les congrégations religieuses en France, (in French), (Paris: Poussielgue Frères, 1880), pp. 318-319. Règle des Soeurs de l'Instruction chrétienne établies à Saint-Gildas-des-Bois, diocèse de Nantes (Nantes: Masseaux et Bourgeois 1856).
- ^ Émile Keller, Edouard Pontal, Les congrégations religieuses en France, (in French), (Paris: Poussielgue Frères, 1880), pp. 320-321.
- ^ Durand & Faugeras, Diocèse de Nantes, p. 235. Norbert de Laissac, Les Religieuses Franciscaines: notices sur les diverses congregations de soeurs du Tiers-Ordre Régulier de Saint-François établies actuellement en France, (in French), (Paris: Ch. Poussielgue, 1897), pp. 240-242.
- ^ Viaud (Vitalis): Paul Gruyer, Les saints breton, (in French), (Paris: H. Laurens, 1923), p. 9.
- ^ Besse, p. 259.
- ^ Hyacinthe Morice, L'Eglise de Bretagne: depuis ses commencements jusqu'à nos jours.., (in French) (Paris: Méquignon Junior, 1839), pp. 487-489.
- ^ Grégoire, État du Diocèse de Nantes en 1790, pp. 266-267.
- ^ Tonnerre, in Diocèse de Nantes, p. 9.
- ^ The name of Bishop Clarus first appears in an episcopal catalog of the 11th century: Duchesne, pp. 361, 365, no. 1.
- ^ Desiderius: Duchesne, pp. 246, 365, no. 7. Charles Munier, Concilia Galliae, A. 314 — A. 506, (in Latin), (Turnholt: Brepols 1963), p. 136.
- ^ Leo: Duchesne, pp. 362, 365, no. 8.
- ^ Bishop Eusebius took part in the council of Tours on 18 November 461. Munier, p. 148: "Eusebius episcopus Namneticae ciuitatis interfui et subscripsi."
- ^ Bishop Nonnechius took part in the council of Vannes, which was held at some point between 461 and 491. Munier, p. 150. Duchesne, 365, no. 10.
- ^ Bishop Epiphanius attended the Council of Orléans on 10 July 511. Duchesne, p. 366, no. 14. Charles De Clercq, Concilia Galliae A. 511 — A. 695, (in Latin), (Turnholt: Brepols 1963), p. 13: "Epyfanius episcopus de Namnitis suscripsi".
- ^ Bishop Eumerius (or Eumelius) attended the Council of Orléans on 23 June 533. He did not attend the Council of Orléans in 538, but sent a representative (p. 128: "Marcellianus presbyter directus a domno meo Eumerio episcopo subscripsi."). He was present at the Council of Orléans on 14 May 541 ("Eumerius in Christi nomine episcopus Namnetece ciuitatis subscripsi."). He is credited with beginning the reconstruction of the cathedral. Duchesne, p. 366, no. 15. De Clercq, Concilia Galliae A. 511 — A. 695, pp. 102, 128, 144.
- ^ It is calculated that Felix became bishop in 549; he died in Year 7 of Childebert II, which was 582, and was in his 33rd year of being bishop. His anniversary was on 8 January. He participated in the council of Tours on 18 November 567, and of Paris in a year between 553 and 567, and of the Council of Paris on 11 September 573 ("Felix acsi peccator in Christi nomine episcopus eclesiae Namneticae constitutionem nostram subscripsi."). He dedicated the new cathedral, begun by Bishop Eumerius, on 30 September. In 580, he gave shelter to Riculfus, who had tried to depose Bishop Gregory of Tours. He attempted to have his nephew Burgundio as his successor, but he was below the minimum age for consecration, and Gregory of Tours refused to consecrate him. Duchesne, p.366-367, no. 16, with special attention to note 5. De Clercq, Concilia Galliae A. 511 — A. 695, pp. 194, 200, 214.
- ^ Nonnechius was a cousin of Bishop Felix, and was nominated by King Chilperic. He is mentioned in 587 and 591. Duchesne, p. 367, no. 17.
- ^ Bishop Eufronius attended the Council of Paris on 10 October 614. Duchesne, 367, no. 18. De Clercq, Concilia Galliae A. 511 — A. 695, p. 281: "Ex ciuitate Namnatis Eufronius episcopus."
- ^ Bishop Leobardus attended the Council of Clichy on 27 September 626 or 627. Duchesne, 367, no. 19. De Clercq, Concilia Galliae A. 511 — A. 695, p. 297: "Ex ciuitate Namnetis Leobardus episcopus."
- ^ Pascharius is mentioned in the "Life of Saint Hermeland". He was a contemporary of Abbot Lambert of Fontanelle, who became bishop of Lyon by 678. Pascharius assisted in the foundation of the monastery of Indre. Duchesne, p. 368, no. 21, notes the chronological inconsistencies.
- ^ Bishop Sallapius did not attend the council of Chalon-sur-Saône, on 24 August of a year between 647 and 653, but sent his archdeacon in his place. Duchesne, p. 367, no. 20. De Clercq, Concilia Galliae A. 511 — A. 695, p. 309: "Chaddo archidiaconus in uicem Sallappio episcopo ecclesiae Namnatice subscripsi."
- ^ "Episcopal catalogue": vocatus sed non episcopus. Duchesne, pp. 362, 368. A. de la Borderie, Histoire de Bretagne vol. 1 (Rennes: Plihon & Hommay 1905), pp. 544-545. Duchesne, p. 368.
- ^ Anito: vocatus sed non episcopus. Duchesne, pp. 362, 368.
- ^ Duchesne, p. 368, note 3.
- ^ Bishop Deormarus took part in the assembly at Compiègne in 757. J.-D. Mansi (ed.), Sacrorum Conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio, editio novissima, (in Latin), Vol. 12 (Florence: A. Zatta 1766), p. 655. Duchesne, p. 368.
- ^ Gunthardus and his flock, who had taken refuge in the cathedral to escape the Northmen, were captured and massacred, according to the "Chronicon Nannatense". Merlet, Chronique de Nantes, p. 16.
- ^ Actard: Arthur Le Moyne de La Borderie, Histoire de Bretagne, (in French), Volume 2 (Rennes: Pithon et Hommay, 1906), p. 102.
- ^ Gislard: René Merlet, La chronique de Nantes (570 environ-1049), pp. 41-43.
- ^ Landranus (Landeranus, Landranius) became bishop in 886, but was forced to flee with all of his clergy to Angers during a Norman invasion; he returned in 1889. He died on 5 February 896. J. de Kersauson, "L'épiscopat Nantais à travers les siècles," in: Revue historique de l'Ouest, Volume 5 (Vannes 1889), p. 123.
- ^ Fulcherius had been abbot of Saint-Sauveur de Redon from 888. He became bishop of Nantes under Pope Formosus (891–896). He died in 906. Kersauson, in: Revue historique de l'Ouest, Volume 5, p. 123-125.
- ^ Isaias was named bishop in November 906. He subscribed a document in 908. Kersauson, in: Revue historique de l'Ouest, Volume 5, p. 125.
- ^ Hoctron was bishop of Saint-Pol-de-Leon. He was brought to Nantes by Count Alain c. 939, to fill the void left by the flight of Bishop Adelard in 919. Hoctron returned to his diocese in 949. Kersauson, in: Revue historique de l'Ouest, Volume 5, pp. 126-127.
- ^ Hesdrenus: Kersauson, in: Revue historique de l'Ouest, Volume 5, pp. 127-128.
- ^ Werecus (Guericus, Warochus, Guerikus) was the son of Count Alain of Brittany and brother of Count Hoël. Werecus elected by the clergy and people in 981, and was on his way to the court of King Lothar to obtain confirmation when news was brought of the death of his brother the count. Instead of becoming bishop, he married. The bishopric was vacant for seven years Travers, I, pp. 171-180. Kersauson, in: Revue historique de l'Ouest, Volume 5, p. 130.
- ^ Judicaël was the son of Count Hoël and nephew of Count Guericus. Being too young to be consecrated a bishop, he held the diocese in commendam until the death of his cousin, Alain, the son of Count Guericus, in 990. He was then obliged to marry, in order to continue the family line. Travers, I, pp. 180-182. Kersauson, in: Revue historique de l'Ouest, Volume 5, p. 130.
- ^ Hugo: Travers, I, pp. 182-183. Kersauson, in: Revue historique de l'Ouest, Volume 5, pp. 130-131.
- ^ Hervaeus: Kersauson, in: Revue historique de l'Ouest, Volume 5, pp. 131-132.
- ^ Gautier II had been married, and had a son Budic; he became bishop after his wife died. He was present on 15 October 1041 at the dedication of the church of Saint-Florent (Travers, I, p. 191). He designated his son Budic (Pudicus) as his successor. Hauréau, Gallia christiana XIV, p. 809. Travers, Vol. 1, pp. 186-192. Kersauson, in: Revue historique de l'Ouest, Volume 5, pp. 223-224.
- ^ Pudicus († 1050) was the son and designated successor of his father, Bishop Gualterius. When he succeeded is unknown. He first appears as a bishop on the occasion of the dedication of the cathedral of Saintes in 1047 (Gallia christiana II (1717), "Instrumenta", p. 458). He was deposed for confessed simony by Pope Leo IX at the Council of Reims on 3 October 1049. Philippus Jaffe, S. Loewenfeld, Regesta pontificum Romanorum, (in Latin), second edition (Leipzig Veit 1885), p. 532. Kersauson, in: Revue historique de l'Ouest, Volume 5, pp. 224-225. Jean Dunbabin, France in the Making, 843-1180, 2nd edition (Oxford: OUP 2000), p. 198.
- ^ Airardus (Erard, Aerard) was appointed bishop by Pope Leo IX in 1049, after 1 November. Travers, vol. I, pp. 196-203. Hauréau, Gallia christiana XIV, p. 810. William Ziezulewicz, "Sources of reform in the episcopate of Airard of Nantes, 1050-1054," Journal of Ecclesiastical History, July 1996. [volume & issue needed] [page needed]
- ^ Quiriac (or Guérec, Guerech, Waroch or Werech) was the son of Alain, Comte de Quimper. He was elected in 1052, at the age of 24. He died in 1076, 1078, or 1079, perhaps on 31 July. Travers, Vol. 1, pp. 203-214.
- ^ Benoît: Travers, Vol. 1, pp. 215-236. Kersauson, in: Revue historique de l'Ouest, Volume 5, pp. 316-319.
- ^ Robert was the nephew of Bishop Benedict, and had been archdeacon of Nantes since 1104. He was transferred to the diocese of Quimper, succeeeding another of his uncles. Travers, Vol. 1, pp. 237-238. Kersauson, in: Revue historique de l'Ouest, Volume 5, pp. 319-320.
- ^ Brice died on 29 October 1140 (or 1139): Kersauson, in: Revue historique de l'Ouest, Volume 5, pp. 329-324.
- ^ 25 December 1170 – † 15 January (1184?)
- ^ Maurice de Blaron was appointed Bishop of Poitiers on 21 December 1198. He died c. 1214. Eubel, I, p. 399.
- ^ Geoffroi died in 1212: Eubel, Hierarchia catholica I, p. 355.
- ^ Bishop Etienne died on 8 February 1227. Eubel I, p. 355.
- ^ Bishop Clement died on 8 September 1227. Eubel I, p. 355.
- ^ Henri (I.) died c. 4 February 1235. Eubel I, p. 355.
- ^ Bishop Robert was transferred to Jerusalem on 14 May 1240, by Pope Gregory IX. Eubel I, pp. 275, 355.
- ^ Galeran died on 21 September 1263. Eubel I, p. 355.
- ^ Gautier: Travers, I, pp. 373-374. J. de Kersauson, "L'épiscopat Nantais à travers les siècles," in: Revue historique de l'Ouest, Volume 6 (Vannes 1890), pp. 88-89.
- ^ Jacques of Guérande had been a canon of Paris, and Dean of the cathedral Chapter of Tours. He was consecrated bishop in the last days of January 1265. He died at the beginning of January 1267. Travers, I, pp. 375-377. J. de Kersauson, Volume 6, pp. 89-92.
- ^ On 21 March 1269, Guillaume was still bishop-elect, when he swore allegiance to Duke Jean I of Birttany, the first bishop of Nantes to do so. Guillaume died on 14 October 1277. Travers, I, pp. 377-387. J. de Kersauson, Volume 6, pp. 92-95.
- ^ Durand, a native of Rennes, had been Treasurer of the cathedral Chapter of Nantes. He died at Fougeray on 6 May 1292, according to the necrology of the cathedral of Nantes. A provincial council was held at Angers in late January 1292 (Travers, p. 390), at which a bishop of Nantes was present, fixing a terminus post quem for Durand's death. Travers, I, pp. 387-392. J. de Kersauson, Volume 6, pp. 193-196.
- ^ Henri de Calestrie, a native of Tréguier, was elected in 1292, and consecrated in Tours by Archbishop Regnaud de Montbason. Travers, I, pp. 392-394. J. de Kersauson, Volume 6, pp. 196-197.
- ^ Bishop Henri (III) attended a provincial council at Chasteaugonier in the third week of February 1298. He visited Rome in 1302, and subscribed Boniface VIII's bull "Unam sanctam". He died on 15 October 1304. Gui Alexis Lobineau, Histoire de Bretagne, (in French and Latin) Vol. 2 (Paris: François Muguet, 1707), p. 445. Travers, I, pp. 394-396. J. de Kersauson, Volume 6, pp. 197-198.
- ^ Vigerius. End September 1304 – Bishop Daniel died on 12 February 1337. Hauréau, Gallia christiana XIV, pp. 824-825. Eubel I, p. 355.
- ^ Barnabas was appointed bishop of Nantes on 17 July 1338, by Pope Benedict XII. He died in 1340. Eubel I, p. 355.
- ^ Olivier died on 24 August 1354. Eubel I, p. 355.
- ^ 20 December 1354 – † 23 February 1366
- ^ Jean de Montrelais held a licenciate in Civil and Canon Law, and was Dean of the cathedral Chapter of Tours. He was Bishop of Vannes (1378–1382), and was appointed bishop of Nantes by Pope Clement VII on 20 October 1382. He died on 13 September 1391. Eubel I, pp. 356, 520 with note 5.
- ^ Bonabius had been archdeacon of Mée in the diocese of Nantes. He was appointed bishop of Nantes by Pope Clement VII on 19 August 1392. He died on 8 August 1398. Eubel I, p. 356.
- ^ Henri had previously been Bishop of Vannes (1383–1404). He was appointed bishop of Nantes on 2 May 1404, by Pope Benedict XIII. He died on 27 April 1419. Eubel I, p. 356, 520.
- ^ Jean, also known as Jean de Châteaugiron had been Bishop of Saint-Brieuc since 1404, on appointment of Pope Benedict XIII (Avignon Obedience). He was transferred to Nantes by Pope Martin V on 17 July 1419. Pope Felix V named him a cardinal on 12 November 1440. He was chancellor of Jean V, Duc de Bretagne. He died on 14 September 1443. J. de Kersauson, in: Revue historique de l'Ouest, Volume 7 (Vannes 1892), pp. 217-226. Eubel I, pp. 146; 356; II, p. 10, no. 19.
- ^ Guillaume de Malestroit: J. de Kersauson, in: Revue historique de l'Ouest, Volume 7 (Vannes 1892), pp. 678-682.
- ^ Acigné: 19 March 1462 – † 23 February 1477. J. de Kersauson, in: Revue historique de l'Ouest, Volume 7 (Vannes 1892), pp. 682-688.
- ^ Delbiest: Travers, II, pp. 164-165, points out that there is no documentary evidence to confirm the assertion that Delbiest was bishop of Nantes; in fact, there is no mention of his nomination or election in the registers of the Chapter, as there is of Pierre de Chaffault in the same year.
- ^ Pierre du Chaffault: 1477 – † 12 November 1487. J. de Kersauson, in: Revue historique de l'Ouest, Volume 7 (Vannes 1892), pp. 688-694.
- ^ 1 October 1488 – † August 1493. Eubel, Hierarchia catholica II, pp. 198-199.
- ^ Jean d'Espinay was appointed bishop of Nantes by Pope Alexander VI on 4 November 1493. He was transferred to the diocese of Saint-Pol-de-Léon on 25 September 1500. He died in 1503. Eubel II, pp. 175, 199.
- ^ Guégen died on 2 November 1506. Eubel, Hierarchia catholica III, p. 252, note 2.
- ^ Guibé had been Bishop of Tréguier from 1483 to 1502, and then Bishop of Rennes from 1502 to 1507. He was named a cardinal on 1 December 1505, and transferred to Nantes by Pope Julius II on 24 January 1507. He resigned in August 1511. He died in Rome on 9 November 1513, at the age of 54. J. de Kersauson, in: Revue historique de l'Ouest, Volume 7 (Vannes 1892), pp. 839-843. Eubel II, p. 254; III, pp. 10, no. 6; 252 with notes 3 and 4; 283, note 2.
- ^ Acigné had been a canon of Tréguier. He was appointed bishop at the age of 28, by King Francis I of France, and confirmed as bishop of Nantes by Pope Clement VII on 8 February 1532. He took possession of the diocese by proxy on 31 May. He died on 2 February 1542. Hauréau, Gallia Christiana XIV, p. 833. Eubel III, p. 253 with note 6.
- ^ (also Bishop of Amiens)
- ^ Philippe was appointed bishop of Nantes on 6 September 1566, by Pope Pius V; a successor was not appointed until 31 August 1598. He was nominated Archbishop of Reims on 25 July 1594, and approved on 7 January 1598, by Pope Clement VIII. He died on 10 January 1605. Eubel III, p. 253 with notes 13 and 14.; 285 with note 7.
- ^ Jean du Bec was the son of Sieur Charles de Boury, and the nephew of Bishop Philippe du Bec. He was nominated bishop of Nantes by Henry IV in 1596, but the nomination was opposed by the Chapter of Nantes on canonical grounds. He never received his bulls of institution and consecration from Pope Clement VIII, and was not consecrated a bishop. Hauréau, Gallia christiana XIV, p. 835.
- ^ Bourgneuf had been Bishop of Saint-Malô (1584–1598). He was appointed bishop of Nantes on 31 August 1598, by Pope Clement VIII. He resigned on 17 July 1617, in favor of his nephew, Henri de Bourgneuf d'Orgères, and died a few days later, perhaps on 26 July. J. de Kersauson, in: Revue historique de l'Ouest, Volume 8 (Vannes 1892), pp. 279-283. Gauchat, Hierarchia catholica IV, pp. 227 note 2; 252.
- ^ Henri de Bourgneuf was the nephew of Bishop Charles de Bourgneuf, and, in July 1617, his designated successor. He was a clerical councillor of the Estates of Brittany. He never obtained bulls of instditution or consecration, and was never in fact consecrated a bishop. Travers, III, pp. 215, 218-219. 228. J. de Kersauson, in: Revue historique de l'Ouest, Volume 8 (Vannes 1892), pp. 283-286.
- ^ Travers, III, pp. 228: "La vacance du siége dura depuis le 17 juillet 1617, jusqu'au 7 avril 1622, par la faute des élus . Le premier , Henri de Bourgneuf, ne prit point de bulle, et le second, Philippe de Cospean, laissa s'écouler plus d'une année avant de prendre possession et de prêter le serment."
- ^ Cospéau had previously been Bishop of Aire (1606–1621). He was named bishop of Nantes by King Henri IV, and approved by Pope Gregory XV in the consistory of 13 October 1621. He was transferred by Pope Urban VIII to the diocese of Bishop of Lisieux, upon the nomination of Cardinal Richelieu, on 28 January 1636. He died on 8 March 1646. J. de Kersauson, "L'Épiscopat Nantais à travers les siècles," (in French), in: Revue historique de l'Ouest, Volume 8 (Vannes 1892), pp. 287-293. Gauchat, Hierarchia catholica IV, pp. 69 with note 2; 220 with note 5; 252 with note 3. Joseph Bergin, The Making of the French Episcopate, 1589-1661 (New Haven CT: Yale University Press, 1996), pp. 600-601. Émile Jacques, Philippe Cospéau: Un ami-ennemi de Richelieu, 1571–1646, (in French) (Paris 1989).
- ^ Gabriel de Beauvau: J. de Kersauson, in: Revue historique de l'Ouest, Volume 8, pp. 410-413.
- ^ Gilles de La Baume Le Blanc: J. de Kersauson, in: Revue historique de l'Ouest, Volume 8 (Vannes 1892), pp. 414-419.
- ^ Beauvau du Rivau: J. de Kersauson, in: Revue historique de l'Ouest, Volume 8 (Vannes 1892), pp. 419-422.
- ^ Tressan was strongly opposed to the Jansenists. He was later Archbishop of Rouen. Jean, Les évêques et les archevêques de France, p. 438, no. 101. J. de Kersauson, in: Revue historique de l'Ouest, Volume 8 (Vannes 1892), pp. 422-425.
- ^ Crissé de Sanzay had been Bishop of Rennes (1712–1724). He was nominated bishop of Rennes by King Louis XV 26 October 1723, and approved in consistory by Pope Innocent XIII on 27 September 1724. He died on 29 March 1746. J. de Kersauson, in: Revue historique de l'Ouest, Volume 8, pp. 426-432. Ritzler & Sefrin, Hierarchia catholica V, pp. 279 with note 5; 331 with note 5.
- ^ J. de Kersauson, in: Revue historique de l'Ouest, Volume 8 (Vannes 1892), pp. 521-523. Ritzler & Sefrin, Hierarchia catholica VI, p. 301 with note 2.
- ^ Fretat: J. de Kersauson, in: Revue historique de l'Ouest, Volume 8, pp. 524-526. Ritzler & Sefrin, Hierarchia catholica VI, p. 301 with note 3.
- ^ La Laurencie: J. de Kersauson, in: Revue historique de l'Ouest, Volume 8, pp. 527-530. Lallié, Vol. 2, pp. 201-202. Ritzler & Sefrin, Hierarchia catholica VI, p. 301 with note 4.
- ^ Lallié, Vol. 2, pp. 275-276.
- ^ Duvoisin was nominated by First Consul Napoleon Bonaparte on 13 July 1802, and confirmed by the papal Legate, Cardinal Giovanni Battista Caprara, on 25 July 1802. He died on 9 July 1813. Kerviler, "Nantes", pp. 396=397. J. de Kersauson, in: Revue historique de l'Ouest, Volume 8 (Vannes 1892), pp. 530-535. Ritzler & Sefrin, Hierarchia catholica VII, p. 276.
- ^ Andigné de Mayneuf had been Vicar-General of the diocese of Chalons-sur-Marne. He refused the oaths in 1792 and went into exile. After his return in 1801, he became Vicar-General of Bishop Boulogne of Troyes. He was nominated bishop of Nantes by Louis XVIII on 9 September 1817, and confirmed on 1 October, but was not consecrated until 17 October 1819. In ill health, he died in Nantes on 2 February 1822. Kerviler, "Nantes", pp. 397-398. J. de Kersauson, in: Revue historique de l'Ouest, Volume 8 (Vannes 1892), pp. 535-538. Ritzler & Sefrin, Hierarchia catholica VII, p. 276.
- ^ Micolon: J. de Kersauson, in: Revue historique de l'Ouest, Volume 8 (Vannes 1892), pp. 538-542.
- ^ Hercé: Amand René Maupoint, Vie de Mgr Jean-François de Hercé, évêque de Nantes (in French), (Rennes-Paris: Hauvespre, 1856), pp. 197-476. J. de Kersauson, in: Revue historique de l'Ouest, Volume 8 (Vannes 1892), pp. 542-544.
- ^ Victor Martin, Vie de Monseigneur Jaquemet, évèque de Nantes, (in French), (Paris: Poussielgue, 1889), pp. 217-252. J. de Kersauson, in: Revue historique de l'Ouest, Volume 8 (Vannes 1892), pp. 545-549.
- ^ Fournier: A. Pothier, Monseigneur Fournier, évêque de Nantes: sa vie ses oeuvres, (in French), Volume 2 (Nantes: Libaros, 1900). J. de Kersauson, in: Revue historique de l'Ouest, Volume 8 (Vannes 1892), pp. 550-552.
- ^ Lecoq: J. de Kersauson, in: Revue historique de l'Ouest, Volume 8 (Vannes 1892), pp. 552-555.
- ^ "Resignations and Appointments, 14.11.2019" (Press release). Holy See Press Office. 14 November 2019. Retrieved 14 November 2019.
Reference works
- Eubel, Conradus, ed. (1913). Hierarchia catholica (in Latin). Vol. 1 (second ed.). Münster: Libreria Regensbergiana.
- Eubel, Conradus, ed. (1914). Hierarchia catholica (in Latin). Vol. 2 (second ed.). Münster: Libreria Regensbergiana.
- Gulik, Guilelmus (1923). Eubel, Conradus (ed.). Hierarchia catholica (in Latin). Vol. 3 (second ed.). Münster: Libreria Regensbergiana.
- Gauchat, Patritius (Patrice) (1935). Hierarchia catholica (in Latin). Vol. 4 (1592-1667). Münster: Libraria Regensbergiana. Retrieved 2016-07-06.
- Ritzler, Remigius; Sefrin, Pirminus (1952). Hierarchia catholica medii et recentis aevi (in Latin). Vol. 5 (1667-1730). Patavii: Messagero di S. Antonio. Retrieved 2016-07-06.
- Ritzler, Remigius; Sefrin, Pirminus (1958). Hierarchia catholica medii et recentis aevi (in Latin). Vol. 6 (Tomus VI) (1730–1799). Patavii: Messagero di S. Antonio.
- Ritzler, Remigius; Sefrin, Pirminus (1968). Hierarchia Catholica medii et recentioris aevi (in Latin). Vol. VII (1800–1846). Monasterii: Libreria Regensburgiana.
- Remigius Ritzler; Pirminus Sefrin (1978). Hierarchia catholica Medii et recentioris aevi (in Latin). Vol. VIII (1846–1903). Il Messaggero di S. Antonio.
- Pięta, Zenon (2002). Hierarchia catholica medii et recentioris aevi (in Latin). Vol. IX (1903–1922). Padua: Messagero di San Antonio. ISBN 978-88-250-1000-8.
- Besse, J.-M. (1920). "Diocese de Nantes," in: Dom Beaunier (ed.), Abbayes et prieures de l'ancienne France: recueil historique des archevêchés, évêchés, abbayes et prieurés de France, (in French), Volume 8 (Paris: A. Picard, 1920), pp. 235-265.
- De la Borderie, Arthur Lemoyne (1888). Études historiques bretonnes. (in French) iie sèrie, Volume 2. Paris: H. Champion 1888. [Saint Clair, and Saint Yves]
- Duchesne, Louis Fastes épiscopaux de l'ancienne Gaule: Vol. II: L'Aquitaine et les Lyonnaises. (in French). deuxième edition. Paris: Thorin & fils, 1910. pp. 360–371. Internet Archive
- Durand, Yves; Faugeras, Marius; Tonnerre, Noël-Yves; et al. (1985). Le Diocèse de Nantes. (in French). Paris: Editions Beauchesne, 1985.
- Durville, Georges (1913). Les fouilles de l'évêché de Nantes, 1910-1913. (in French). Nantes: Dugas, 1913.
- Grégoire, Pierre Marie (1882). État du Diocèse de Nantes en 1790. (in French). Nantes: V. Forest et E. Grimaud, 1882.
- Grégoire, Pierre Marie (1885). Le rétablissement du culte dans le diocèse de Nantes après la révolution. Nantes: Forest/Grimaud, 1885.
- Hauréau, Barthélemy (1856). Gallia Christiana: In Provincias Ecclesiasticas Distributa... De provincia Turonensi (in Latin). Vol. 14. Paris: Typographia Regia. pp. 793–830, "Instrumenta" pp. 171–188..
- Kerviler, René (1907), "Nantes", (in French), in: L'épiscopat français depuis le Concordat jusqu'à la Séparation (1802-1905), (Paris: Société bibliographique (France) Librairie des Saints-Pères, 1907), pp. 396-403.
- Lallié, Alfred (1893). Le diocèse de Nantes pendant la Révolution (in French). Volume 1. Nantes: B. Cier, 1893. Volume 2.
- Merlet, René (1896). La Chronique de Nantes: (570 - 1049). (in Latin and French). Paris: A. Picard et Fils, 1896.
- Travers, Nicolas (1836). Histoire civile, politique et religieuse de la ville et du comté de Nantes. (in French). Volume 1. Nantes: Forest, 1836. Vol. 2 (1837). Volume 3 (1841).
External links
- (in French) Centre national des Archives de l'Église de France, L’Épiscopat francais depuis 1919, retrieved: 2016-12-24.
- Goyau, Georges. "Nantes (Nannetes)." The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 10. New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1911. Accessed 15 November 2024.
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