Avgustin (Russian: Августи́н) is a Russian male first name.[1] Its feminine version is Avgustina.[1] The name is derived from the Latin word augustus, which means majestic, sacred.[1] Its colloquial form is Avgust (А́вгуст) (which can also be a separate, albeit related, name).[1]

The patronymics derived from this first name are "Августи́нович" (Avgustinovich; masculine) and its colloquial form "Августи́ныч" (Avgustinych), and Августи́новна" (Avgustinovna; feminine).[1]

Its diminutives include Avgustinka (Августи́нка), Avgusta (Авгу́ста), Gusta (Гу́ста),Gustya (Гу́стя), Ustya (У́стя), Gusya (Гу́ся), and Tina (Ти́на).[1]

See also



  1. ^ a b c d e f Petrovsky, p. 32


  • Н. А. Петровский (N. A. Petrovsky). "Словарь русских личных имён" (Dictionary of Russian First Names). ООО Издательство "АСТ". Москва, 2005. ISBN 5-17-002940-3
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