Agafonik (Russian: Агафо́ник) is an old and uncommon[1] Russian Christian male first name.[2] Its feminine version is Agafonika.[1] The name is derived from the Greek name Agathonikos,[2] which in turn derives from words agathos—meaning kind—and nikē—meaning victory.[2][1]
The diminutives of "Agafonik" are Agafonya (Агафо́ня) and Agafosha (Агафо́ша),[1] as well as Gafon (Гафо́н), Gapon (Гапо́н), Gafa (Га́фа), Gapa (Га́па), Nika (Ни́ка), and Aga (А́га).[1]
The patronymics derived from "Agafonik" are "Агафо́никович" (Agafonikovich; masculine) and "Агафо́никовна" (Agafonikovna; feminine).[1]
- А. В. Суперанская (A. V. Superanskaya). "Словарь русских имён" (Dictionary of Russian Names). Издательство Эксмо. Москва, 2005. ISBN 5-699-14090-5
- Н. А. Петровский (N. A. Petrovsky). "Словарь русских личных имён" (Dictionary of Russian First Names). ООО Издательство "АСТ". Москва, 2005. ISBN 5-17-002940-3
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