
I am studying Fine Art at University College for the Creative Arts, Canterbury. I am 23 and approaching the end of my final year. In holidays I am a general labourer and barkeep. I love my indulgences. --HeyImDan (Talk) 00:52, 7 April 2008 (UTC)


A favourite topic of mine is Dante's Divine Comedy, which you can read about in Italian (it:Divina Commedia) aswell.

New Signature

Having joined Wikipedia in late April 2006, I today figured out how to customise my signature using a "Raw signature" which employs HTML and Wikicode. This underlines my inferiority to the rest of the world in keeping up with the pace of life in general. It's not that everything is passing me by, necessarily, just that it all seems a bit daunt... Wait, sorry! This isn't my diary, is it? Sorry about that, wow, I nearly went off on one there... --Heyimdan (Talk) 04:00, 3 January 2007 (UTC)


This user is a translator from Italian to English on Wikipedia:Translation.
This user is a translator from French to English on Wikipedia:Translation.
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