JR is a DC lifer who grew up in Southwest by the Waterfront. His dad is Black and his mom is Filipino. He is also queer and polyamorous. He is a communications professional who also volunteers a significant portion of his time in a variety of creative organizations and community endeavors, from the boards of local arts nonprofits to organizations in the global Burning Man community. After 10 years in the nonprofit sector, he also began to work on equity, diversity, and inclusion. His interest as a Wikipedia editor primarily focuses on articles that have anything to do with any of the above.
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Värsked postitused
- Margus Punab: laste saamiseks pole varsti enam naisi vajagi
- Galerii: “Uru Valteri isikunäitus” ühendab endas rahvusromantika ja küünilisuse
- Video: piilu Kumu kunstimuuseumi kogudesse ja tagatubadesse
- Grant Fisher jooksis nädalase vahega teisegi maailmarekordi
- Trump tegi mitu otsust fossiilenergia tootmise suurendamiseks
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