- ...That the 2007 Australian Jamboree is the first official Scouting event in the centenary year of Scouting?
- ...That because Scouting was so important to US President Gerald Ford, a Distinguished Eagle Scout, that his family asked for an honor guard of over 400 Eagle Scouts at this funeral?
- ...that on February 22, 2007, The Scout and Guide Spirit Flame was lit at Robert Baden-Powell's grave side in Kenya? It set off on a journey to reach Brownsea Island, UK on 2007-07-31, the eve of Scouting's Sunrise.
- ...that the World Crest, also known as the World Membership Badge is a badge or patch worn by Scouts and Scouters around the world to indicate their membership in the World Organization of the Scout Movement? Each national organization may determine where on their Scout uniform this emblem is worn.
- ...that Princess Ileana of Romania found the Romanian Guides Movement and when she married a Habsburg was refused permission to live in Romania? She later moved to Argentina and then the United States. Her ancestral castle was eventually returned to her son Dominic.
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