Typical road signs at the A1 Motorway

Albania is a signatory to the Vienna Convention on Road Signs and Signals. Therefore, road signs do not differ much from the rest of Europe, such as Italy, San Marino, Montenegro and Kosovo. The Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy regulates them. Albania drives on the right as with the rest of Europe, except for Cyprus, Ireland, Malta and the United Kingdom. Although Albania is not a member of the European Union, the road signs largely follow the general European conventions concerning the use of shape and colour to indicate their function.[1][2]

Warning signs

Warning signs (Albanian: sinjale paralajmëruese) are used to warn road users of the danger that threatens them in a certain place, or part of the road, and to inform them about the nature of that danger. Warning signs are predominantly red and white in color. They include: [3]

Temporary signs

Temporary signs (Albanian: sinjale të përkohëshme) are used to notify road users of a problem they will face while driving in certain place during a limited period of time, such as during construction activities on the road or damaged parts of it. Warning signs are predominantly red and yellow in color. They include:[3]

Regulatory signs

Priority signs

Priority signs (Albanian: sinjale të prioritetit) are used to indicate the order in which vehicles shall pass intersection points. They include:[3]

Prohibition signs

Prohibition signs (Albanian: sinjale të ndalimit) are used to warn of prohibitions imposed on those who want to use the road. They include:[3]

Mandatory signs

Mandatory signs (Albanian: sinjale të detyrueshme) are used to warn of conditions imposed on those who want to use the road. They predominantly use blue and white. They include:[3]

Indication signs

Indication signs (Albanian: sinjale shpjeguese) are used to provide additional information to the road's users. They include:[3]

See also


  1. ^ Programi i përgatitjes teorike për Lejet e Drejtimit të kategorive A1, A2, A, B1, B dhe BE (PDF). DPSHTRR. p. 7-31.
  2. ^ Përmbledhëse legjislacioni për qarkullimin rrugor. Qendra e Botimeve Zyrtare. 2021. pp. 6–17. ISBN 978-9928-01-136-7.
  3. ^ a b c d e f Palnikaj, Mark (2012). Sinjalet rrugore. Grand Prind. p. 4-18.
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