Wanted articles about Africa - entries in reference books, etc.
- Morton
Morton, Fred; Ramsay, Jeff; Mgadla, Part Themba (2008). Historical Dictionary of Botswana. African Historical Dictionaries. Vol. 108 (4th ed.). Metuchen, New Jersey: Scarecrow Press. ISBN 978-0-8108-5467-3.
- Administration
- Air transportation
- Alcohol
- Anglicans / Anglican Church in Botswana
- Archaeology and prehistory / Archaeology of Botswana / Prehistory of Botswana
- Archives
- Baha'is
- Bakgatla National School
- Ballinger-Barnes Tour
- Baptists
- Baralong Farms
- Baruti Kgosidintsi
- Batswana-Boer War of 1852-1853
- Batswana-Boer War of 1881-1884
- Battle of Derdepoort
- Battle of Dithubaruba
- Battle of Dutlwe
- Battle of Matopos
- Battles of Shoshung / Battle of Shoshung
- Besele Wessels
- Birwa / Babirwa
- Bobjwale / Boyale
- Bolata / Botlhanka
- Bonewamung Padi Sechele
- Botswana Confederation of Commerce, Industry and Manpower / BOCCIM
- Botswana Council of Non-Governmental Organisations / BOCONGO
- Botswana Diamond Valuing Company / BDVC
- Botswana Export Development and Investment Authority / BEDIA
- Botswana International Finance Services Centre / IFSC
- Boundaries
- Henry Boyne
- Bramestone Memorandum
- Brigades
- Broadcasting
- Buddhists / Buddhism in Botswana
- Victor Busang
- Bushmen in Botswana / Bushmen (Botswana)
- Cattle in Botswana
- Abdul Rahim Chand
- China
- Cinema
- Civil society
- Civil wars in Botswana / Civil war in Botswana
- Concessions
- Cooperatives
- Copper
- Councils / Joint Advisory Council
- Crafts / Craft in Botswana / Crafts of Botswana
- Abdul Sattar Dada
- Amos M. Dambe
- Dance
- Deti / Deti people
- Diamonds / Debswana
- Disabilities / Disability in Botswana
- Dithapo Meno
- Dithubaruba
- Drama / Drama of Botswana
- Drought in Botswana
- Dukuri
- Economic planning
- Employment
- Ethnicity
- External economic relations
- Family in Botswana
- Federal Party / Liberal Party (Botswana) / Bechuanaland Protectorate Federal Party
- Flogging Incident
- Foreign Jurisdiction Act / Foreign Jurisdiction Act 1890 / Foreign Jurisdiction Act (Botswana)
- Gagomakwe K. Sechele
- Baledzi Gaolathe
- Gaseitsiwe
- Gasetshwarwe
- Joseph Gerrans
- Ghanzi Farms
- Louis Glover
- Gobuamang
- Peder Gowenius
- Hamlyn Ludovic Grant / Sandy Grant
- Great Thirst
- Grobler Affair
- Gui / /Gui
- James George Haskins
- High Commissioner
- Hindus
- Max Luis Hirschfeldt / Raphalane Hirschfeldt
- Homosexuality in Botswana
- David Hume / Taute
- Hurutshe / BaHurutshe
- Independent churches / Christianity in Botswana
- Incorporation (Botswana) / Incorporation
- Initiation in Botswana / Bogwera
- International Finance Services Centre / IFSC
- Ipelegeng / Help Yourselves
- Isang Pilane
- Ivory
- Justice
- Kaa / BaKaa / Kaa people / BaKaa people
- Kamanakao Association
- Munjuku Keheranju / Phakalane Keheranju
- Kgabo I
- John Leo Kgaboesele / John Kgaboesele
- Kgafela
- Kgafela Kgatla / Kgafela BaKgatla
- Kgalagadi / BaKgalagadi
- Kgamane
- Kgamanyane
- Kgampu Kamodi
- Kgaraxamae
- Kgari I / Pebane
- Kgari Sechele II
- Kgosidintsi / Raditsebe
- Kgwebe Hills
- Semene Khama / Semene Setlhoko
- Khukwe Mogodi
- Khurutshe / BaKhurutshe
- Kololo / BaKololo
- Kopong Conference
- Simon Koppa
- Kuhane / BeKuhane / BaSubiya
- !Kung bushmen
- Kuru Trust
- Kwena / BaKwena
- Labor in Botswana / Labour in Botswana
- Land tenure in Botswana
- Languages in Botswana
- Lawyers in Botswana / Law in Botswana
- Kgosi D. Lebotse / Kgosi Lebotse
- Elijah W. M. J. Legwaila / Elijah Legwaila
- Lekalake Moitsheki / Lekalake
- Lenyeletse Mpetwane Seretse / Lenyeletse
- Lesoma Massacre / Lesoma massacre
- Lete / BaLete / Lete people / BaLete people
- Letlole Mosielele
- Letsholathebe I
- Letsholathebe II
- Letsholo
- Lilima / BaLilima
- Linchwe I
- Linchwe II Kgafela / Linchwe II
- Literacy in Botswana
- Lost city of the Kalahari / Through the Kalahari / G. A. Farini / William Leonard Hunt
- Lowe's Cave
- Joseph Ludorf
- Lutherans in Botswana / Lutheranism in Botswana
- Macheng
- Phinehas Macintosh
- John Mafikeng
- Maganelo
- Samuel Maharero / Makaba II
- Manufacturing in Botswana
- Maphakela Lekalake
- Peter Maruping
- George Mashwe
- Gladys Masire / Gladys Olebile Molefi Masire
- Setlhomo Edison Masisi / Setlhomo Masisi
- Philip Matante Parcel Goanwe Matante / Philip Matante
- Gobe Willie Matenge
- Mathiba
- Mathiba Moremi
- Mazezuru
- Mbanderu / OvaMbanderu
- Mbukushu / HaMbukushu
- Mephato
- Methodists in Botswana / Methodism in Botswana
- Migrant labour in Botswana / Migrant labor in Botswana
- Traditional military in Botswana
- Parastatals / Parastatal / Parastatal (Botswana)
- Parks in Botswana / Game reserves in Botswana
- Quentin Neil Parsons / Q. N. Parsons
- Pentecostal churches in Botswana / Pentecostalism in Bostwana
- Philatelics / Philatelics in Botswana
- Thomas Phiri
- Kgosi Pilane / Pilane
- Amos Kgamanyane Pilane
- Mosielele Pheko Pilane
- Police in Botswana
- Presbyterians in Botswana / Presbyterianism in Botswana
- Privatization in Botswana
- Proclamation / Proclamation (Botswana)
- Protectorate
- Tumelo Puleng
- Race relations in Botswana
- Radio in Botswana
- Ramokate Pelaelo
- Ramono Pilane
- Rasebolai / ??
- Ratshosa Motswetle
- Oratile Ratshosa / Oratile Khama
- Simon Ratshosa
- Refugees in Botswana
- Regency (Botswana) / Regent (Botswana)
- Regiment (Botswana)
- Eyes Reokwaeng
- Reserve (Botswana)
- Resident Commissioner (Bechuanaland) / Resident Commissioner of Bechuanaland
- Charles Fernand Rey
- Johann Reyneke
- River villages
- Road transportation in Botswana
- Rock art in Botswana
- Richard Montshiwa Rowland
- San / San (Khoe)
- Sarwa / BaSarwa
- Chombo Saundo
- Sebego I
- Sebele II
- G. G. Seboso
- Martinus Seboni
- Michael Seboni
- Sechele II / Sechele II Kealeboga Sebele
- Seepapitso II
- Seepapitso IV
- Segale
- Segokgo / Motlatsi Keseabetwe Segokgo
- Moanaphuti Rampodu Segolodi
- Segotshane
- Sekgoma I
- Sekgoma Letsholathebe
- Seleka / BaSeleka
- Senang Ditsela
- Senthufe
- Sentsho / Sentsho Legong
- Seventh Day Adventist Church in Botswana
- Seventh Day Adventism is Botswana
- Sebolai Shomolokae
- Shua / Shua people
- Peter Sidzumo / Peter J. J. Sidzumo
- Anthony Sillery
- Slave trade in Botswana
- Society for the Propagation of Ikalanga Language / SPIL
- South African Native Labour Contingent / SANLC
- Spiritual Healing Church
- Spiritual healing churches
- Talaote / BaTalaote
- Tati Concession
- Tautona
- Tawana / BaTawana
- Tawana I
- Taxation in Botswana
- Television in Botswana
- Three kings in London
- Tiger Kloof
- Tirelo Sechaba / TS
- Tobacco in Botswana
- Towns in Botswana / List of towns in Botswana
- Traders in Botswana
- Tshosa Makaba
- Tshosa Sebego
- Archelaus Moleleki Tsoebere
- Tswapong / BaTswapong
- Vapostori
- Jan W. Viljoen
- Vision 2016
- Wankie Campaign
- Water in Botswana
- White slaves of Molepolole
- Ralph Champney Williams
- William Charles Willoughby
- Women in Botswana
- World War I in Bechuanaland
- World War II in Bechuanaland
- Botswana-Zimbabwe relations / Zimbabwe-Botswana relations
Burkina Faso
- Mcfarland
- McFarland, Daniel Miles (1978). Historical Dictionary of Upper Volta (Haute Volta). African Historical Dictionaries. Vol. 14. Metuchen, New Jersey: Scarecrow Press.
- McFarland, Daniel Miles; Rupley, Lawrence (1998). Historical Dictionary of Burkina Faso. African Historical Dictionaries. Vol. 74. Metuchen, New Jersey: Scarecrow Press. ISBN 978-0810834057.
- Gan
- Gandiaga
- Gandraogo Hills
- Ferdinand Ganier
- Marc Tiemoko Garango
- Garatou
- Gardes de Cercle
- Alfa Gazari / Alfa Gazari dan Mahama / Alfa Gadyari / Alfa Gandiara / Alfa Gandiari / Alfa Gardiari / Alfa Gazaré / Alfa Gazari / Alfa Kanzaré / Alfa Kazaré
- Gboue Gboue
- Louis Eugene Geay
- Jean-Marie Gouarnisson / Father Jean-Marie Gouarnisson
- Gobnangou
- Gondo Plain
- Goroual
- Goroubi
- Gouin / Gwin
- Gouiriko / Gwiriko
- Governor of Upper Volta / Lieutenant Governor of Upper Volta
- Groupement d'Action Populaire (GAP)
- Groupement de Solidarité Voltaïque (GSV)
- Hans Gruner
- Guilongou
- Guitti
- Gur
- Gurensi / Gorensi
- Habe
- Hamaria / Amariya
- Alfa Hano / Alfa Hano dan Tadano
- Haut-Senegal-Niger
- Francis B. Henderson
- Dr. Henric
- Mare Aux Hippopotames
- Captain Hugot
- Pierre Ilboudo
- Imports
- Independants d'Outre-Mer (IOM)
- Isala
- Islam
- Alfred Kaboré
- Charles Bila Kaboré
- Dominique Kaboré
- François de Salles Kaboré
- John Boureima Kaboré
- Philippe Zinda Kaboré
- Victor Kaboré
- Kado / Kado people
- Kampti
- Association Camerounaise des Femmes Juristes (ACAFEJ)
- Association de Lutte contre les Violences faites aux Femmes (ALVF)
- Law of Shame
- Mutawalli Al-Sha'rawi / Muhammad Mutawalli Al-Sha'rawi
- Shari'a courts
- Abd al-Rahman al-Sharqawi
- Shaykh al-Balad
- Shaykh al-Sadat
- Jam'iyyat al-Shubban al-Muslimin
- Yusuf Mansur Siddiq
- Husayn Sirri
- Socialism in Egypt / Egyptian socialism
- Socialist Party (Egypt)
- Soviet-Egyptian Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation
- Sports and games in Egypt
- Students' Day (Egypt)
- Sudan Convention
- Sugar in Egypt
- Muhammad Sidqi Sulayman / Sidqi Sulayman
- Taba Dispute
- Taba Incident
- Tariffs in Egypt / Egyptian tariffs
- Tax farming / Tax farming in Egypt
- Telegrams Incident
- Textile industry in Egypt / Textiles in Egypt
- Karim Thabit
- Theater in Egypt / Theatre in Egypt / Egyptian theater / Egyptian theatre
- Three Circles
- Egyptian trade / Trade in Egypt
- Tramways in Egypt / Egyptian tramways
- Tripartite Talks
- Turko-Circassians / Turko-Circassians in Egypt
- Tutankhamon's Tomb
- Atif Muhammad Ubayd
- Makram Ubayd / William Makram Ubayd
- Ulama / Ulama in Egypt
- Umda
- Egypt-UAR relations / UAR-Egypt relations / Relations between Egypt and UAR / Relations between UAR and Egypt
- Egypt-UN relations / UN-Egypt relations / Relations between Egypt and the UN / Relations between the UN and Egypt / Relations between Egypt and the United Nations / Relations between the United Nations and Egypt
- Uthman Ahmad Uthman
- Wafdist Vanguard
- Vanguard Organization (Egypt)
- Apparition of the Virgin Mary (Matariyya)
- Wafdist Bloc
- Al-Waqai' al-Misriyya
- Waqf in Egypt
- World War I in Egypt
- Young Egypt Congress
- Youth Organization (Egypt)
- Ali Yusuf
- Ahmed Zawail
- Al-Zawiya al-Hamra
- Zionism in Egypt
The Gambia
- Hughes & Perfect
Hughes, Arnold; Perfect, David (2008). Historical Dictionary of The Gambia. African Historical Dictionaries. Vol. 109 (4th ed.). Metuchen, New Jersey: Scarecrow Press. ISBN 9781442265226.
- Gambian relations with the African Union
- Alkaaloo / Alkalo / Alkaaloolu
- Anglican church in the Gambia / Anglican church in Gambia / Anglicanism in the Gambia / Anglicanism in Gambia / Anglicans in the Gambia / Anglicans in Gambia
- Anglo-French Convention of 1889 / 1889 Anglo-French Convention
- Anglo-French Convention of 1904 / 1904 Anglo-French Convention
- Association for the Discovery of the Interior Regions of Africa
- Mamur Nderi Ba / Mamadou D'Dare Ba
- Saer Maty Ba / Sait Maty Ba
- Baddibu
- Badge Messenger / Badge Messengers
- Bainunk / Bainouk
- Mousa Gibril Bala-Gaye
- Bubacarr Michael Baldeh
- Michael Joseph Baldeh
- Paul Louis Baldeh
- Banjul City Council / BCC / Bathurst City Counvil
- Banking in the Gambia / Banking in Gambia
- Bantaba
- Banta Faro
- Barrakunda
- Bathurst Advisory Town Council / BATC
- Bathurst Town Council / BTC
- Bathurst Urban District Council / BUDC
- Bathurst Young Muslims Society / BYMS
- Bintang Bolong
- Blackburne Report
- Lamin Bojang
- Lamin "Bolong" Bojang
- Sanjally Bojang
- Tomani Bojang
- Phillip Rodney Bridges
- André Brue
- Alvise da Cadamosto
- Wilfred Davidson Carrol
- Ceded Mile
- Yaya Ceesay
- Cession of the Gambia to France Exchange of the Gambia for French territory
- Momodou Cadija Cham
- Momodou Kotu Cham
- Gambian relations with China
- Thomas Chown / Thomas Chown, Jr.
- Thomas Chown / Thomas Chown, Sr.
- Colony of the Gambia / Crown Colony of the Gambia / British Crown Colony of the Gambia
- Gambian relations with the Commonwealth
- Company of Adventurers of London Trading into Africa
- Conference of Protectorate Chiefs
- Gambian Coup Attempt of 30 July 1981
- Gambian Coup Attempt of 11 Novmber 1996
- Gambian Coup Attempt of 21 March 2006
- Gambian Coup of 22 July 1994
- Duchy of Courland / Courlanders
- Bakary Bunja Dabo
- Democratic Congress Alliance (DCA)
- Demography of the Gambia / Demography of Gambia
- Gambian demonetization crisis
- Momadou Lamine Drammeh
- Gambian relations with Economic Community of West African States / Gambian relations with ECOWAS
- Economy of the Gambia / Economy of Gambia / Economic Revovery Programme (Gambia) / Economic Recovery Programme (The Gambia) / Economic Recovery Programme
- Eropina / Wuropina
- Executive Council (Gambia) / Executive Council (The Gambia) / Executive Council of the Gambia / Executive Council of Gambia
- John Colley Faye
- Harry Finden
- Foni / Fogni
- Kebba Wally Foon
- Foreign policy of the Gambia / Foreign policy of Gambia
- Samuel John Forster / Samuel John Forster, Jr.
- Samuel John Forster / Samuel John Forster, Sr.
- Forster, Smith and Company / Forster, Smith and Co.
- Fuladu
- Sheikh Omar Fye
- Gambia National Union
- Gambia Committee
- Gambia Congress Party / GCP
- Gambia Democratic Party / GDP
- Gambia Field Force
- Gambia Labour Union / GLU
- Gambia Minerals Limited
- Gambia Muslim Congress / GMC
- Gambia National Union / GNU
- Gambia Native Association / GNAssocn
- Gambia Native Defensive Union / GNDU
- Gambia People's Party / GPP
- Gambia Produce Marketing Board / GPMB / Gambia Oilseeds Marketing Board
- Gambia Representative Committee / GRC
- Gambia Socialist Revolutionary Party / GRSP / Gambia Underground Socialist Revolutionary Workers Party
- Gambia Workers' Confederation / GWC
- Ibrahima Momodou Garba-Jahumpa
- Geregia / Jereja
- Henry Charles Goddard
- Diego Gomes
- Government House / Government House, Bathurst
- Alexander Grant
- Gambian relations with Great Britain
- Groundnuts in Gambia / Peanuts in Gambia / Groundnuts in the Gambia / Peanuts in the Gambia
- Government House (the Gambia) / Government House (The Gambia) / State House (the Gambia) / State House (The Gambia)
- Fodi Kabba / Fodi Kabba Dumbuya
- John Warburton Paul / Sir John Paul / John Paul
- People's Democratic Party / People's Democratic Party (The Gambia) / People's Democratic Party (Gambia)
- People's Progressive Alliance / PPA / People's Progressive Alliance (The Gambia) / People's Progressive Alliance (Gambia)
- Portugese Town
- Protectorate of The Gambia / Protectorate of the Gambia / Provinces of the Gambia / Provinces of The Gambia
- Quadrangle (The Gambia) / Quadrangle, Banjul
- Thomas Francis Quin / Thomas Quin
- Rate Payers' Association / RPA
- Joseph William Fox Reffles / Joseph Reffles / Joseph Reffell
- Thomas Reffles / Thomas Reffell
- George Rendell
- Joseph D. Richards
- Company of Royal Adventurers of England Trading to Africa / Company of Royal Adventurers / Royal Adventurers
- Saihou S. Sabally
- Sana Bairo Sabally
- Lamin Kebba Saho
- Momadu Lamin Saho
- Abdoulie Momadou Sallah
- Koro Sallah / Sheikh Amat Tijan Sallah / Tijan Sallah / Tijan Koro Sallah
- Ismaila K. Sambou
- Nyimasata Sannah-Bojang
- Bakari Sardu / Bokar Saada Sy Sardu
- Satee-tiyo
- Henry Frowd Seagram / Henry Seagram
- Seefo / Seyfu / Seefoolu / Seyfolu
- Select Committee of Parlament (1842) / 1842 Select Commttee of Parliament
- Select Committee of Parlament (1865) / 1865 Select Commttee of Parliament
- Howsoon Ousman Semega-Janneh
- Gambian relations with Senegal / Gambia-Senegal relations / Senegal-Gambia relations
- Province of Senegambia / Senegambia
- Senhoras#Fodi Silla / Fode Sillah
- Edward David Singhateh / Edward David Singhatey
- Sheriff S. Sisay
- Biram Sise / Biram Cisse
- Cecil Frederick Sitwell
- Slave trade in the Gambia / Gambian slave trade
- Soldier Town
- Soninke-Marabout Wars / Soninke-Marabout wars
- Burungal Sonko
- Bartholomew Stibbs
- Otto Stiel
- Strange farmers
- Al Hajj Umar Tall
- Tancrowall
- Tariq / Turukh
- Tomani / Tumana
- Omar Alieu Touray
- Yankuba Touray
- Travelling Commissioners
- Tyeddo
- Gambian relations with the United Nations / Gambian relations with the UN
- Gambian relations with the United States
- Urbanization in the Gambia / Urbanization in The Gambia
- John Vermuyden
- Vision 2020 / Vision 2020 (The Gambia Incorporated)
- Vous
- William Chase Walcott / William Walcott
- Wallikunda Rice Scheme
- Wesleyan Methodist Church in the Gambia / Wesleyan Methodism in the Gambia / Methodism in the Gambia
- West Indians in the Gambia
- Women in the Gambia
- Gambian relations with the World Bank
- Yarbutenda
- Yundum College
- Yundum Egg Scheme
McFarland, Historical Dictionary of Ghana
- McFarland, Daniel Miles (1984). Historical Dictionary of Ghana. African Historical Dictionaries. Vol. 39. Metuchen, New Jersey: Scarecrow Press.
- Owusu-Ansah, David; McFarland, Daniel Miles (1995). Historical Dictionary of Ghana. African Historical Dictionaries. Vol. 63 (2nd ed.). Metuchen, New Jersey: Scarecrow Press.
- Owusu-Ansah, David (2005). Historical Dictionary of Ghana. African Historical Dictionaries. Vol. 97 (3rd ed.). Lanham and Oxford: Scarecrow Press. ISBN 0-8108-5328-0.
- McFarland A-B
- McFarland C-J
- Ga
- Ga Manche
- Ga Shifimo Kpee
- Gamashie
- Gambaga Scarp
- Gari
- Gbanya
- Gbewa
- Gbonlana
- Gbugbla
- Gbuipe
- Gemi Hill
- Ghana College
- Ghana Notes and Queries
- Ghana Patriotic Movement (GPM)
- Ghana Peace and Solidarity Council (GPSC)
- Ghana People's Representative Assembly
- Ghartey IV / Kwamin Akyempong
- Ghofan Desert
- Gold Coast Newspapers
- Gold Coast Youth Conference
- Gold weight
- Gomoa / Gomua
- Government Gazette
- Great Akanny / Great Akanni
- Great Inkassa / Great Ahasia / Ekassar Iggina
- Great Komenda
- William Brandford Griffith, Sr.
- William Brandford Griffith, Jr.
- Grometto
- Guan / Guang / Gwan
- Gyadam / Jedem
- Gyasehene / Gyaasehene
- Hamale
- Alfa Hano dan Tadano / Alfa Hano
- Johnny Hansen
- Francis B. Henderson
- Hene
- -hene
- Herald (Accra)
- Ho
- Frederic Hodgson
- James Africanus Beales Horton
- Paul Hutter
- Huza
- Hwela / Huela / Vuela / Weela / Hwela people / Huela people / Vuela people / Weela people
- Infuma
- Inkassa / Incassa / Iggina
- Battle of Insamankow
- Insoko
- McFarland K-P
- Kabakaba Mountains
- Kabesterra / Abrambo / Cabesterra
- Kadjebi / Kadzebi
- Kafaba / Kaffaba
- Battle of Kaka
- Kalabule / Gyinabu
- Kambonse / Kambona
- Kammana
- Karamoko
- Katamanso / Akantamasu
- Kedzi
- Kete-Krakye
- Kibi ritual murder trial
- Kintampo culture
- Kitab Ghunja
- Kobina Amamfi / Kwabia Amanfi
- Kokofu
- Kola / Cola / Cola nitida / Gora
- Komenda / Commendo / Guoffo / Kommani / Kommenda / Coomendah / Little Komenda
- Kongensten Fort / Konigstein Fort
- John Konny / John Connie / John Kony
- Konongo
- Konor
- Koranteng-Addow Committee
- Kormantin / Kormantan / Kormanti / Great Kromanti / Cormantyne
- -korpe
- Kotoko Union Society
- Kotoku Akyem / Akyem Oda
- Kpembe / Pembi
- Kpesi / Kpeshi
- Kpone / Kponi
- Kpong / Pong
- Kra / Okra
- Krakye / Krachi
- Kramo
- Gottlob Adolf Krause
- Krepi
- Krobo / Klo
- Krobo Hill
- Krontihene / Kontihene
- Kuduo
- Kuiforo
- Kujani Game Reserve
- Kulpawn
- Kusasi / Kusase / Kusae
- Kusi Obodum / Kusi Bodum / Kwesi Bodum
- Kwa
- Kwabre
- Kwahu / Kwawu / Quahoe / Quahu
- Kwahu Escarpment
- Kwaku Dua II / Kwaku Dua Kuma / Agyeman Kofi / Quacoe Duah
- Kwaman / Kwaaman
- Mount Kwamisa
- Kweku Aka / Quaqoh Accah
- Kyamba / Tchamba
- Kyerepong / Cherepong
- Labadi / Labade
- Ladoku
- Lands Bill of 1894
- Lands Bill of 1897
- Larte / Larteh / Late
- League of Ghana Patriots
- Legu / Lago
- Lennox-Boyd Constitution
- Lewis Report
- Leydsaamheid / Port Leydsaamheid
- Liberator
- Ligbi / Ligbi people / Ligby / Ligby people
- Likpe / Likpe people
- Lobi / Lobi people / Lo / Lo people / Lober / Lober people
- Local Government Ordinance / Local Government Ordinance, 1951 / Local Government Ordinance
- Logba
- Longoro
- Rupert La Trobe Lonsdale
- Mampa / Mompa
- Mampelle / Mampelle language
- Mampong Akuapem / Mampon Akwapim
- Mampong Asante / Mampon Ashanti
- Mampong Escarpment / Mampongtin Range / Kwahu Escarpment
- Manche / Mantse
- Manhiya / Menhia
- Mankatasa War
- Mankuma
- Manso / Mansu
- Manya Krobo
- Metal Cross / Metalen Kruis / Dixcove Fort
- Mfantse
- Migrants in Ghana / Migrants to Ghana / Migration to Ghana
- Milner-Simon Agreement
- Mim/ Mmem
- Mina Coast
- Misore
- Mmoatia
- Mo / Mo people
- Mogya / Bogya
- Moinsi Hills / Adansi Hills
- Mole Game Reserve
- George Edward Moore
- Frederick Siegfred Mørch
- Roland James Moxa
- Mpanyimfo
- Mpesaso Hills
- Mrammuo
- Mumford / Dwomba
- Municipal Corporations Ordinance
- Municipalities Ordinance of 1889
- Na / Naba / Nabdema / Nanamse
- Nabaga / Wadh Naba
- Nabte / Nabte language
- Nambali
- Namnam / Nabdam
- Nana
- Nanaanom Mpow
- Nankansi
- Nanumba / Nanum / Nanume
- Napoleon / Napoleon Farm / Beulah / Beaulah Farm
- Battle of Nasa
- National Association of Socialist Students Organization (NASSO)
- National Commission for Democracy (NCD)
- National Development Company (NADECO)
- National Service Corps
- National Union of Ghanaian Students (NUGS)
- Native Administration Ordinance of 1927
- Native Authority Ordinance of 1944
- Native Jurisdiction Ordinances
- Native Jurisdiction Ordinance of 1883
- Nawen
- Nbanya
- New Dwaben / New Juaben
- Ngbanya
- Nifa
- Kwabena Taylor Nii Bonne
- Ningo / Ladoku
- Great Ningo / Old Ningo / Nigo / Nungo / Old Nigo / Old Nungo
- Mount Ningo / Ningo Grande / Ningo Peak
- New Ningo / New Nungo / New Nigo
- John Hanson Kwabena Nketia
- Nkramo / Kramo
- Francis Kwesi Nkrumah
- Nkwatia
- Nnantombo / Yantambo
- Henry Northcott
- Northern Territories Railroad
- Notsie / Nouatja
- Battle of Nsaki
- Nsamankow / Nsamanko / Insamankow
- Nsumankwaahene
- Ntafo
- Ntereso / Nterso
- Ntetea
- Ntoro / Nton
- Ntrubu / Ntruber
- Ntwumuru / Nchumuru / Nchumbulung
- Numu / Ton / Tonfo
- Nungua / Nungwa
- Nunuma / Nanouma
- Nyagse
- Nyakrom / Nyaakrom
- Nyamsi
- 'Nyame Akuma
- Nyanawase / Nyanaoase
- Nyangbo
- Nyanoa / Nyanga / Nyango / Yagbum
- Battle of Nyantrobi
- Nyarko Kweku / Nyarko Eku
- Obiri Yeboa Manu
- Obosom / Abosom
- Oburoni / Abrofoo
- Alfred John Ocansey
- Oda / Insuaim / Nsuaem
- Odehye
- Odekuro / Adekurofo
- Odwira / Odwire
- Ofori Atta I / Aaron Eugene Boakye Danquah
- Ofori Atta II / Daniel Opoku Akyempon
- Ofori Kuma I / Safori / Kwao Safori / Sakyiama Tenten
- Ofori Kuma II / Bernard Ofusu Apea Koranteng
- Ofori Panin
- Ohemmaa / Ahemmaa
- Ohene / Ahene
- Okai Koi
- Okomfo / Akomfo
- Okomfo Maa
- Okra / Gumbo
- Okuapemhene
- Okyeame
- Okyeame / The Spokesman
- Okyehene
- Okyeman Council
- Onyame / 'Nyame
- Operation Cold Chop
- Opoku Fofie
- Opoku Frefre
- Theophilus Opoku
- Opoku Ware II / Kwaku Asusei
- Opon Enim
- Opon-Mansi Hills
- Sampson Opon
- Osei Tutu / Sai Tutu / Zay Tutu / Zaay Tutu
- Osei Tutu Kwame / Osei Bonsu / Osei Tutu Kwamina Asibe
- Osei Yaw Akoto / Yaw Akoto
- Osu / Orsaky / Christiansborg
- Oti River / Sabran River / Oti / Sabran
- Oti Akenten
- Kwesi Otu
- Oware / Aware
- Oyoko / Owoko
- Okoyo States
- People's Defense Committee (PDC)
- People's Movement for Freedom and Justice (PMFJ)
- People's Popular Front (PPF)
- People's Popular Party (PPP)
- Pilapila
- Pioneer
- Poll Tax of 1852
- Pong Tamale
- The Post
- Posuban
- Prampram / Gbugbia
- Prasu / Praso
- Prempe I / Kwaku Dua III / Agyeman Prempeh / Tubby
- Prempe II / Edward Prempe Owusu / Kwame Kyeretwie / Osei Agyeman Prempeh
- Preventive Detention Act (PDA)
- Program for Work and Happiness
- Protectorate
- Provincial Councils of Chiefs / Provincial Council of Chiefs
- Pusiga
- McFarland Q-Z
- Railroads
- Friedrich August Ramseyer / Johannes Kuhne
- Samuel Rowe
- Saghadre War
- Sagrenti War
- Saint John River
- Salagra / Saharah
- Sallah Case
- Saltpond / Nankesidu
- Alfred Sam
- Saman / Asaman
- Magnus John Sampson
- Samreboi
- San Antonio / Santio Antonio de Axem
- San Jago / San Iago / Coenraadsburg
- San Sebastian
- Sankana
- Santrokofi
- Sarankenyi-Mori / Sarangue Mori / Sarangye Mori / Sarantye More
- Sarkin Sari
- Sasa
- Sasabor War
- Sasraku Ansa I
- Sedition Ordinance, 1934
- Sefwi / Sahwi / Sehwi / Encassar / Inkassa
- Sekyere
- Senchi Rapids
- Senya
- Senya Beraku / Senya Bereku
- Seven-year plan for work and happiness
- Silver Stool
- Sisala / Isala / Sissala / Pasala
- Sisili / Sissili
- Sitobu / Sitobo
- Skin
- Alexander Ransford Slater
- Patrick Sloan
- Sobore
- Societé Commerciale de l'Ouest Africain (SCOA)
- Songaw Lagoon
- Songo Hills
- Fort Sophie Louise
- Sorliya
- Suman / Asuman
- Supreme Military Council I
- Supreme Military Council II
- Sutri Rapids
- Swanzy Company / F. & A. Swanzy Company / F. and A Swanzy Company
- Swedish African Company
- Swiss African Trading Company
- Swollen shoot
- Tafi
- Tafoe / Tafu
- Takrama
- Talensi / Talene / Tallensi
- Emmanuel Forster Tamakloe
- Tamale
- Tamale Port / Yapei
- Tampolense / Tampolensi
- Tano Oboase / Tano beneath the rock
- Tarkwa / Tarquah
- Taro
- Tavievi
- Techimantia / Takyimantia / Techimentia
- Tefle
- Temperatures in Ghana
- Ten'dana / Ten'dama / Tindana / Tindama
- Tensob
- Tenzugu Shrine
- John Kofi Barku Tettegah
- Augustus William Kojo Thompson / Kojo Thompson
- James Jamieson Thorburn
- Tinteintina
- Togoland Congress Party (TCP)
- Togoland Remnants
- Togoland Union
- Tohajie / Tohajiye
- Tohogo / Tohugu / Tohagu / Tusugu
- Tokyo Joes
- Ton Ton
- Tong Hills
- Tongu
- Mount Torogbani
- George Torrane
- Town Councils / Town councils
- Trades Union Congress (TUC
- Trans-Volta-Togoland Region (TVT)
- Tropassa
- Trowo
- Tsatsadu Falls
- Tshikapa Mutiny
- John Wallace Tsiboe
- Kojo Tsikata
- Tituojiram / Tutuodgiram
- Twi / Akan / Tshi / Odschi / Oji
- Twifo / Quiforo / Twifu / Cuifferoe
- United Ghana Farmers' Council
- Upper Regions / Upper Region
- Herbert Taylor Ussher
- Vagala / Vigala / Vagele
- Veranda boys / Verandah boys
- Fort Vernon
- Fort Victoria / Phipp's Tower
- Vodza
- Volta / Firao / Frao / Atirri / Volta River
- Volta Delta
- Volta River Project (VRP)
- Volta River Transport Service
- Fort Vredenburg / Fort Vreedenburgh
- Wa
- Wala / Walo / Oule / Walba / Wile
- Walembele
- William Ernest Frank Ward
- Wassipe
- Wassa / Warshas / wasa / Wasaw / Wassaw
- Water Works Ordinance, 1934
- Watson Report
- Wenchi / Wanki / Wanquie
- Togbi Wenya
- West African Cocoa Research Institute
- West African Conference
- West African Produce Board
- West African Regiment (WAR)
- West African Times / Times of West Africa
- West India and Guinea Company (WIGC)
- Western Echo
- Wiase / Wiasi
- Wiawso / Weoso
- Wiawso Hills
- Ivor G. H. Wilks
- Winneba / Winnebah / Simpa
- William Winniett
- Wli Falls / Afegame / Agumasato
- Wofa
- Garnett Joseph Wolseley
- Workers' Brigades / Builders' Brigades
- Wulomo
- Wura
- Fort San Francisco Xavier / Fort Saint Francis Xavier
- Yaa Asantewaa / Ya Asantiwah
- Yagaba / Yariba
- Yagbumwura
- Yakuba
- Yam / Inhame / Dioscorea
- Ya Na
- Ambrose Yankey
- Augustus Kwesi Yankey
- Yapei / Tamale Port
- Yarse / Yarga
- Yendi Dabari / Dapali / Dipali
- Yennenga / Yantaure / Kachiogo / Yalanga / Yenenga / Nyennega
- Yentua Broadcast
- Yilo Krobo
- Yini
- Yiri
- Yo Na
- Yoggo / Yogo / Yoggu
- William Alexander George Young
- Young Pioneer Movement (YPM)
- Youngman
- Youth Study Group (YSG)
- Zabzugu Hills / Shiene Hills
- Hamma Zaza
- Zangberese / Zangbeo
- Muhammad Zangina
- Zirile / Sirili / Zerile / Zirili / Zitiri
- Zongo
- Zoy
- Zulande
Hutchison, Charles Francis (2004). Doortmont, Michel R. (ed.). The pen-pictures of modern Africans and African celebrities by Charles Francis Hutchison: a collective biography of elite society in the Gold Coast Colony. Brill. ISBN 978-9004140974.
- Nee Kojo Ababio IV
- Hon. Nana Ayirebi Acquah III
- J. Addo-Venderpuye
- E. B. Addy
- Hon. Nana Annor Adjae
- Dr. J. E. Kwegyir Aggrey
- Joseph Latilewa Akiwumi
- S. O. Akiwumi
- Hon. Nana Kwesi Akuffu
- Edward Hector Ambaah
- George Amissah
- Prince Albert Oosoo Ansah
- Joseph Antony-Mensah
- F. L. J. Cato
- Sam Baidoo
- Rev. S. R. B. Attoh-Ahuma
- Paul Azu
- Charles Edward Woolhouse Bannerman
- C. A. A. Barnes
- Carl Bartels
- Rev. Charles Henry Bartels
- Nana Kwamin Bassayin
- P. W. Bernasko
- Chief Joseph Edward Biney
- Hon. George Blankson
- Nana Ossei Bonso
- Prince Brew of Dunquah
- William Ward Brew
- Hon. E. J. P. Brown
- J. P. Brown
- Jacob Silvanus Bruce-Vanderpuye
- Vernon Buckle
- John Buckman
- John Akyin Budu
- Walter Callander
- Arthur Robert Chinery
- Hon. George Frank Cleland
- Miss Marian Clerk
- T. W. Cochrane
- Chief William Zacheus Croker
- Alfred Augustus Cole
- Daniel Olorungbami Cole
- Matthew Sagoe Crentsil
- A. Lincoln Cudjoe
- Amos Silvanus Dadzie
- C. H. Dickson
- Francis Thomas Dove
- Frederick William Dove
- Nana Kewku Duah
- Joseph T. G. Duncan
- Rev. Frederick Emmil Ekuban
- A. D. Ellis
- Joseph Smith Erbynn
- Edward Alfred Arthur Erskine
- Swanzy Essien
- Nana John Kwamin Firempong
- Kojo Fori
- Kobina Kwatchi
- Nana Kobina Fori
- John Aaron Garshong
- King Ghartey IV
- Hon. John Glover-Addo
- John Coleman de Graft-Johnson
- Albert T. Hughes Halm
- Dr. Ernest Hayford
- Rev. Mark C. Hayford
- Robert Hutchison
- William Francis Hutchison
- James Bannerman Hyde
- John Inchiful
- Nana Intsiful-Essel II
- Alexander Konuah
- Hon. Kobbina Arku Korsah
- Chief Robert Marmaduke Korsah Tufuhin
- Emmanuel Kwesie Kyerematin
- Frederick Richardt Christian Lutterodt
- Rev. Ezra Douglas Martinson
- Hon. Nene Sir E. Mate Kole
- James McCarthy
- Leslie Ernest Vivian McCarthy
- Alfred Mensah
- Rev. John Josiah Mettle
- Joseph Blankson Mills
- Joseph Kitson Mills
- J. L. Minnow
- Isaac Benjamin Nelson
- T. Jones Nelson
- Hervey Roland Adjai Crowther Nichol
- A. J. Ocansey
- M. V. Ofori
- I. F. Ofori
- S. J. Ofori
- W. M. Ofori
- John Patrick Ofori / Prince of Larteh / Kwame Fori
- Chief Joseph Cruickshank Oppon
- Nee Owoo II / George Owoo
- Robert Ofoo
- Samuel David Pappoe
- J. Swanzy Parker
- Willie R. Phillips
- William Plange
- Nana Edward Prempeh
- Rev. Phillip Quarcoe
- Emmanuel Quartey-Papafio
- Hon. Dr. B. W. Quartey-Papafio
- A. Boi Quartey-Papafio
- E. W. Kwatei Quartey-Papafio
- Hugh Quartey-Papafio
- Miss Mercey Kwarley Quartey-Papafio
- James E. Quarshie
- John B. Quarshie
- Amos J. Quarshie
- Simeon Quarshie
- Dr Charles Elias Reindorf
- Peter Awoonor Renner
- William Awoonor Renner
- Harry Francisco Ribeiro
- Rev. Ebenezer Amos Sackey
- T. H. Sam
- W. E. Sam
- Peter Emerson Sampson
- Hon. John Sarbah
- Akilagpa Sawyer
- John Henry Scheck
- Jacob W. Sey
- Miss Harriet Simons
- Jacob Simons
- Jacob Joseph Simons
- W. H. Simmons
- T. Mackenzie Skues
- John Sraha / Payin Kofi Sraha
- James Eggray Thompson
- A. W. Thompson
- Hon. A. W. Kojo Thompson
- Isaac Vanderpuye
- Joseph Mensah-Vanderpuye
- C. Annan Vanderpuye
- Henry Vanheim
- Francis Awoonor Williams
- James Alexander Williams
- Jacob Walter Yorke
- Nana Kewku Buateng
- Nana Osae Sjan II
- Ashong Lartey
- J. Sardokee-Adoo
- Prince Saky Dian / Oheneba Sakyi Djan
Female politicians
- Ghana Ministers: Adisa Mukeila - Dana Enin - Theresa Owusu - Salina Taylor - Franciska Issake - Christine Amooko-Noamah - Anna Bennyiwa Doe - Joana Appiah-Dwomal - Eunice Brookaman-Amissah - Patience Addow - Fati Seidy - E. T. Mensah - E. A. Ayirebi-Arquah - Hawa Yakubu Ogede - Cecilia V. L. Bannerman - Akua Ohene - Hajia Alima Mahama ... Shirley Ayittey - Hannah Tetteh - Halutie Dubie Alhassan - Zita Okai Kwei ... [1]
Outstanding Ewes of the Twentieth Century
Amenumey, D. E. K. (2002). Outstanding Ewes of the 20th Century: Profiles of Fifteen Firsts. Accra: World Publishing Services. ISBN 9964-978-83-9.
- Seth Kobla Anthony
- Enoch Davidson Komla Kom / Enoch D. Kom / Enoch Kom
- Gottlieb Kofi Noamesi / Gottlieb K. Noamesi / G. K. Noamesi
- Charles Kobla Nutornutsi Wovenu / Mawu Fe Ame Wovenu / Mawu Fe Ame / Mawu Fe Ame C. K. N. Wovenu
Ghanaian literature
Angmor, Charles (1996). Contemporary Literature in Ghana 1911-1978: A Critical Evaluation. Accra: Woeli Publishing Services. ISBN 9964-978-20-0. - The Third Woman (play) - Elegy for the Revolution - Foriwa - The Gab Boys - Fragments - In the Cutting of a Drink - Albert Kayper-Mensah - Joseph Abruquah - Edufa - No Sweetness Here - The Shadows of Laughter - Why Are We So Blest
O'Toole, Historical Dictionary of Guinea
- o'Toole, Thomas (1978). Historical Dictionary of Guinea (Republic of Guinea/Conakra). African Historical Dictionaries. Vol. 16. Metuchen, New Jersey: Scarecrow Press.
- o'Toole, Thomas (1987). Historical Dictionary of Guinea (Republic of Guinea/Conakra). African Historical Dictionaries. Vol. 16 (2nd ed.). Metuchen, New Jersey: Scarecrow Press.
- o'Toole, Thomas; Bah-Lalya, Ibrahima (1995). Historical Dictionary of Guinea (Republic of Guinea/Conakra). African Historical Dictionaries. Vol. 16 (3rd ed.). Metuchen, New Jersey: Scarecrow Press.
- o'Toole, Thomas; Baker, Janice E. (2005). Historical Dictionary of Guinea. African Historical Dictionaries. Vol. 94 (4th ed.). Metuchen, New Jersey: Scarecrow Press.
- O'Toole A-Z
- Administrative organization
- Alumina
- Amaria
- Animal husbandry
- Armed forces
- Arrondissements in Guinea
- Assimilation policy
- Assimilé
- Association Inter-gouvernementale des Pays Producteurs de Bauxite (IBA)
- Association policy
- Aviation
- Badiaranke (Badyaranké)
- Ballet Africain
- Banking
- Banque Guinéenne de Commerce Exterieur (BGCE)
- Banque Nationale pur le Developpement Agricole (BNDA)
- Bauxite
- Senaindou Behanzin
- Beyla
- Bloc Africain de Guinée (BAG)
- Boké project
- Bordo
- Brigades de production
- Buré / Bouré
- Bureau Politique National (BPN)
- Canton
- Catholic Missions
- Centre de Modernisation Rurale (CMR)
- Centre d'Education Revolutionnaire (CER)
- Centre Nationalde Production Agricole (CNPA)
- Sekou Cherif
- Chieftancy / Chieftancies
- Emile Cisse
- Guinea
- Comité Central (Central Committee)
- Comité d'Unité de Production (CUP)
- Comité National des Femmes (CNF)
- Commandant de Cercle
- Communaute Française
- Compagnie des Bauxites de Guinée (CBG)
- Comptoir Guinéen du Commerce Exterieur (CGCE)
- Comptoir Guinéeen du Commerce Interieur (CGCI)
- Conakry-Gbessia Airport
- Confédération National des Travailleurs de Guinée
- Coniagul
- Conseil Économique National
- Conseil National de la Révolution
- Constitution
- Cooperative Agricoles de Production (CAP)
- Cooperative de Production Agricole et de Consommation (COPAC)
- Cooperatives
- Credit National pour le Commerce, l'Industrie et l'Habitat
- Currency
- Diakhanke
- Moussa Diakhite / Moussa Diakhité
- Abdoulayé Diallo
- Saifoulayé Diallo
- Dialonké / Djankonké / Dyaloké / Jallonké
- Diamonds
- Diecke Forest
- Dieppe Merchants
- École Supérieure d'Administration (ESA)
- Économie Mixte
- Electricity
- Ethnic conflict
- Ethnic groups in Guinea
- Études Guinéennes
- Evolué
- Finances
- Fishing
- Fonds d'Investissement pour le Developpement Économique et Social (FIDES)
- Foreign aid in Guinea
- Forest Region
- Forestry
- French language
- Front pour la Liberation Nationale de Guinée (FLNG)
- Garde Republicaine
- Gendarmerie
- Government
- Guedokou
- Guerze
- Higher education
- Horoya
- Housing
- Hydroelectric power
- Iles Tristāo
- Importex
- Industry
- Institut National de Recherches et de Documentation (INRD)
- Institut Polytechnique Gamal Abdel Nasser de Conakry (IPC)
- Investissement Humain
- Jeunesse de la Révolution Democratique Africaine / JRDA
- Journal Officiel de la Republique de Guinée (JORG)
- Namory Keita
- General Noumandian Keita / General Noumandian Keita
- Kissi
- Kogon River
- Kokulo River
- Kouranko
- Labé Plot
- Labor
- Labor unions
- Landoma / Landouma / Cocoli / Tyapi / Tiapi
- Legal system
- Local administration
- Loi-cadre
- Maninkakan
- Mifegui / Société des Mines de Fer de Guinée
- Migration
- Millices Populaires
- Mining
- Nafoya
- Office de Commercialisation Agricole (OCA)
- Office National des Chemins de Fer de Guinée (ONCFG)
- Ouassoulounke (Wasulunka)
- Ouroukoro
- Parti-État
- Parti Progressiste de Guinée (PPG)
- Plan Comptable National
- Plan Quinquennial
- Planning
- Plots
- Ports in Guinea
- Population of Guinea
- Poular
- Pouvoir Revolutionnaire Local (PRL)
- Press / Newspapers
- Protestant Missions
- Quinzaine Artistique
- Railroads in Guinea / Railways in Guinea
- Autra Ray / Mamadou Traore
- Recherches Africaines
- Refugees from Guinea
- Regional administration of Guinea
- Roads in Ghana
- Sabouya
- Toumane Sangare
- Satiyo-Tito
- Savanna
- Shopkeeper's plot / Trader's plot
- Siguirl
- Slave trade
- Smuggling
- Societé Africaine des Pêches Maritimes (Afrimar)
- Societé Commerciale de l'Ouest Africain (SCOA)
- Societé Guinéene de Petrole (SOGUIP)
- Societé Guineo-Koweitiene de Pêche (Sougouikop)
- Societé Industrielle et Automobile de Guinée (SIAG)
- Societé Nationale d'Assurance (SNA)
- Societé Nippo-Guinéene de Pêche (Sonigue)
- Societés Indigènes de Prévoyance (SIP)
- Soriya
- Sujets Indigenes
- Syliart
- Al Hajj Umar Tall
- Tariq
- Teacher's plot
- Timber
- Tobacco
- External trade
- Internal trade
- Transportation
- Union Generale des Travailleurs d'Afrique Noire (UGTAN)
- Urbanization
- Victoire de 27 Decembre / Victory of 27 December
- Voix de la Révolution
- Wahhahiya
- Waterways in Guinea
- William Ponty School
- Guinea in World War II
- Youmou
Nigeria at 60
Anita Kouassigan (4 October 2020). "60 Nigerians In 60 Years Making "Nigerian Lives Matter"".
- Otunba Subomi Balogun, CON
- Chief FRA Williams, QC, SAN (1920 – 2005)
- Dr. Nabo Graham- Douglas, SAN (1926 – 1983)
- Oba Nsugbe QC, SAN
- Anne Imafidon, MBE
- Dr. George Ndukwe, MB, BS, FWACS, FRCOG
- Dr. Yemi Johnson
- Dr. Dapo Majekodunmi
- Dr. Obinna Igwilo
- Funke Adekoya, SAN
- Imeime Umana
- Maje Ayida
- Abdul Samad Isyaku Rabiu
- Chief Gabriel Osawaru Igbinedion
- Prof. Charles Egbu
- Adebayo Jones
- Njideka Akunyili-Crosby
- David Oyewole, OBE
- Ed Keazor
- Omotade Ojora
- Chika Ofili
Historical Dictionary of Zambia
- Simon, David J.; Pletcher, James R.; Siegel, Brian V., eds. (2008). Historical Dictionary of Zambia. African Historical Dictionaries. Vol. 106 (3rd ed.). Metuchen, New Jersey: Scarecrow Press. ISBN 978-0-8108-5305-8.
- Abercorn Native Welfare Association
- Abolition of Slavery Proclamation / Abolition of Slavery Proclamation 1906 / Abolition of Slavery Proclamation of 1906
- AIDS in Zambia / HIV in Zambia
- Action Group (Zambia)
- Administration of Native Proclamation No. 8 / Administration of Native Proclamation No. 8 1916 / Administration of Native Proclamation No. 8 of 1916
- Advisory Council of Northern Rhodesia / Advisory Council / Northern Rhodesia Advisory Council
- African Affairs Board
- African Democratic Socialism
- African National Congress (Northern Rhodesia) / ANC (Northern Rhodesia) / African National Congress (Zambia) / ANC (Zambia)
- African National Freedom Movement
- African National Independence Party
- African Representative Council / ARC
- Agricultural Sector Investment Program / ASIP
- Agriculture in Zambia / Agriculture of Zambia
- Akufuna Tatila / Akafuna Tatila
- Amalgamation / Amalgamation of Rhodesia
- Ambo / Ambo people / Kambonsenga
- Anglican Church in Zambia / Anglicanism in Zambia / Anglicans in Zambia
- Anglo-American Corporation of South Africa / Anglo-American Corporation of South Africa, Ltd.
- Anglo-German Concordat of 1890 / Anglo-German Concordat 1890
- Anglo-Portugese Agreement of 1891 / Anglo-Portugese Agreement 1891 / Anglo-Portugese Agreement of 1893 / Anglo-Portugese Agreement 1893 / Anglo-Portugese Agreements / Anglo-Portugese Agreements (1891 and 1893)
- Angola–Zambia relations / Zambia–Angola relations
- Anti-Corruption Commission / Anti-Corruption Commission (Zambia) / ACC
- Anti-Retroviral Therapy in Zambia / Anti-Retroviral Treatment in Zambia /ARVT in Zambia
- Arabs in Zambia
- Frederick Stanley Arnott
- Art in Zambia / Art of Zambia
- Asians in Zambia
- Aushi / Aushi people / Ushi / Ushi people
- Awemba War
- Ayrshire Farm
- Ba-
- Bakabilo
- Bakafula
- Balungwana / Bangwana
- Hayden Dingiswayo Banda / Hayden Banda
- Banking in Zambia
- Bantu Botatwe Group
- Banyama / Munyama
- Pedro Joao Baptista
- Barotse Anti-Secession Society / Barotse Anti-Secession Movement
- Barotse National Association / Barotse National Society
- Barotse National Council
- Barotse National School
- Barotse Native Authority Ordinance / Barotse Native Authority Ordinance of 1936 / Barotse Native Authority Ordinance 1936
- Barotse Native Courts Ordinance / Barotse Native Courts Ordinance of 1936 / Barotse Native Courts Ordinance 1936
- Barotse Native Police
- Barotse Patriots
- Barotse Province
- Barotseland Agreement, 1964 / Barotseland Agreement
- Basic Bantu / Fanagalo / ciLapalapa / kitchen kaffir / mine kaffir / iSikula
- Basungu / Bazungu / Musungu / Muzungu
- Batoka Gorge
- Batoka Plateau
- Bayete / Bayeté
- Bazimba
- Bechuanaland Exploration Company
- Beerhall System
- John M. Bell
- Bemba / Bemba people / Awemba / Awemba people / Wemba / Wemba people
- Bena Chishinga
- Bena Mukulu
- Benson Constitution
- Bilonda
- Bisa / Bisa people
- Black Mamba / Black Mambas / Black Mamba bombings
- Boma
- Botswana-Zambia relations
- Bottle store / Bottle store (Zambia)
- Brain drain / Brain drain from Zambia
- William Vernon Brelsford
- British Central African Protectorate / British Central Africa
- Broken Kill Native Welfare Association
- Build-A-Nation Campaign / BAN Campaign
- Theo Bull
- Bulozi / Ngulu
- Lillian Burton
- Robert A. Butler
- Buxton Report of 1921 / Buxton Report, 1921 / Buxton Report 1921
- Bwalwa
- Bwana Mkubwa Mine
- Bwembya
- By-elections in Zambia
- Cabinet in Zambia / Zambian cabinet
- Carlton House Terrace Conference
- Cassava in Zambia
- Caucus for National Unity / CNU
- Central African Broadcasting Service / CABS
- Central African Council
- Central African Rifles
- Central Committee of UNIP / UNIP's Central Committee / Central Committee (UNIP)
- Cha-Cha-Cha Campaign
- Chafisi Hill
- Wilson Mofya Frank Chakulya / Wilson Chakulya
- Chama
- Chambezi District / Chambeshi District
- Chambishi Mine
- Lewis Mutale Changufu / Lewis Changufu
- Henry Chibangwa
- Chibanza
- Chibesakunda
- Chibuku
- Chibuluma Mine
- Chibwa Marsh and Salt Pans / Chibwe Marsh and Salt Pans
- Chief Justice of Zambia / Chief Justice
- Chiengele / Ciengele
- Chifubwa Stream
- Chikanamulilo
- Chikunda
- Chikwanda
- Chilanga
- Safele Chileshe
- Chileshye Chepela
- Chilolo
- Chiluba
- Vera Chiluba
- Chilubi
- Chimba
- Justin Musonda Chimba
- Chimbwi Shinta
- Chinsali African Welfare Association
- Chinyama
- Chipekeni
- Chipekwe
- Chipenge
- Elias Chipimo
- Chirenji
- Chisamba
- Chisanka
- John Chisata
- Derrick Chitala
- Frank Chitambala
- Chitambo’s Village
- Chitapankwa / Chitapangwa
- Chitapo
- Chiti / King Chiti
- Chitupa / Fitupa
- Jonathan Kalunga Chivunga
- Chiwala
- Chokwe
- Chona Commission
- Mark Chuunyu Chona
- Chondwe
- Chondwe Group
- Chongwe
- Rodger Chongwe
- Christian Council of Zambia / CCZ
- Chungu
- Xavier Chungu
- Chuulu Commission
- Ci-
- CiBemba
- ChiBemba
- CiNyanja
- Citizen’s Convention / Citizen’s Convention (Zambia)
- Citizen’s Green Paper
- Citizenship Clause
- CiTonga / ChiTonga
- Civil society in Zambia
- Civil Society for Poverty Reduction / CSPR
- Clans in Zambia / Zambian clans / Clans / Clan
- Coal in Zambia / Coal mining in Zambia / Coalmining in Zambia / Coal-mining in Zambia
- Coalition Government (1962) / Coalition Government (Zambia)
- Cobalt in Zambia / Cobalt production in Zambia
- Collector (British South Africa Company) / Collector
- Colour bar in Zambia / Colour bar
- Committee of Thirty
- Concession of 1906
- Concession of 1909
- Confederate Party / Confederate Party (Zambia)
- ‘’Congress Circular’’
- ‘’Congress News’’
- Constituent Assembly / Constituent Assembly (Zambia)
- Constitution of Zambia (Amendment) Bill / Constitution of Zambia (Amendment) Bill of 1957 / Constitution of Zambia (Amendment) Bill (1957)
- Constitution of Zambia (Amendment) Bill of 1991 / Constitution of Zambia (Amendment) Bill (1991)
- Constitution of Zambia (Amendment) Bill of 1996 / Constitution of Zambia (Amendment) Bill (1996)
- Constitution Party / Constitution Party (Zambia)
- Constitutional Review Commission / Constitutional Review Commission (Zambia)
- Cooperatives in Zambia
- Copper Crosses / Copper Cross / Katanga Cross
- Copperbelt Shop Assistants Union
- Cotton in Zambia / Cotton production in Zambia
- Coup attempt of 1997 / Zambian coup attempt of 1997
- C. E. Cousins / Ted Cousins
- Crown and Native Trust Lands
- Colin Cunningham
- Currency of Zambia
- Dalgleish Commission
- Dambo
- Dambwa
- Dance in Zambia
- Thomas G. Davey
- Edmund Davis / Sir Edmund Davis
- Arthur Davison / Yengwe
- Democratic People’s Party / DPP / Democratic People’s Party (Zambia)
- Department of Information (Northern Rhodesia) / Northern Rhodesian Department of Information
- Deputy Chief (Zambia)
- Development assistance / Official Development Assistance
- Devonshire Agreement of 1923 / Devonshire Agreement (1923) / Devonshire Agreement
- Direct rule
- District (Zambia) / Zambian district / District of Zambia
- District Governor
- District Secretary
- Dongwe River
- Doyle Commission
- Drug Enforcement Commission / DEC / Drug Enforcement Commission (Zambia)
- Drug trade in Zambia
- Economic Advisory Council
- Economics Association of Zambia / EAZ
- Electoral Commission of Zambia / ECZ
- Ethiopian Church of Barotseland
- Eurafrican / Coloured / Euro-African
- European Mineworkers Union / EMWU
- Ifor Evans
- Evelyn Hone College of Applied Arts and Sciences
- Executive Council (Zambia)
- Farm block
- Federal Dominion Party / FDP / Dominion Party / Dominion Party (Zambia)
- Federal Electoral Bill / Federal Electoral Bill (Zambia)
- Federal Fighting Fund / FFF
- Federal Party / Federal Party (Zambia)
- Federation (Northern Rhodesia) / Federation
- Federation of African Societies of Northern Rhodesia / Federation of Welfare Societies
- Federation Order in Council / Constitution Order in Council
- Feira / Feira, Zambia
- Fife, Zambia / Fife
- Fifty Plus One Provision
- Financial Development Corporation / FINDECO
- First Republic (Zambia)
- Food Reserve Agency / FRA
- Foreign Exchange Management Committee / FEMAC / FEMC
- Fort Jameson
- Fort Jameson Ngoni
- Fort Rosebery
- Forum for Democracy and Development / FDD
- Foundation for Democratic Process / FODEP
- Thomas S. L. Fox-Pitt / Commander Thomas S. L. Fox-Pitt
- Harry Franklin (Northern Rhodesia)
- Free Church of Scotland in Zambia / Free Church of Scotland
- Fwambo
- Captain António Gamitto / António Gamitto
- Garden House Meeting
- John Gaunt
- Genetically modified crops in Zambia / GM crops in Zambia
- Major A. St. Hill Gibbons / A. St. Hill Gibbons
- Valdimar Gielgud / Val Gielgud
- Victor Giraud
- A. H. Gondwe
- Jeremiah Gondwe
- George Grey (1968-1911)
- James Griffiths / Jim Griffiths
- Groundnuts in Zambia / Groundnuts
- Gwembe
- Gwembe Tonga
- Gwembe Valley
- Gwisho Hot Springs
- Colin Harding / Colonel Colin Harding
- Hubert Tyler Harrington / Chiana Harrington
- Hatch System
- Hakiande Hichilema
- High Court (Zambia) / High Court of Zambia
- Michael J. Holland
- Homo Rhodesiensis
- The Hour Has Come
- House of Chiefs
- Rowland Skeffington Hudson
- Godfrey Martin Huggings / Lord Malvern
- Human Rights Association of Zambia
- Hut Tax
- Icengelo
- Ikawa
- Chief Ikelenge
- Ila
- Ia-Tonga peoples
- Ilendela
- Ilunga
- Ilute
- Imwiko
- Inamwanga
- Indaba
- Indeni Refinery
- Independence Constitution
- Indirect Rule
- Induna
- Industrial Conciliation Act (1959)
- Industrial Development Corporation of Zambia / Industrial Development Corporation of Zambia, Ltd / INDECO
- Industrial Relations Act, 1990
- Industry of Zambia / Industry in Zambia
- Interim National Development Plan / INDP
- Inter-Territorial Conference
- Iron Age in Zambia
- Ishinde / Shinde
- Itabwa
- Ivory in Zambia
- Iwa
- Adolphe Jalla / Louis Jalla / Adolphe and Louis Jalla
- Jehovah's Witnesses in Zambia
- Kabwalala
- Kabwe man
- Kabwe Mine
- Kafue Hook / Hook of the Kafue
- Kafue Hydroelectric Schema and Dam / Kafue Hydroelectric Dam
- Kafue Textiles, Inc.
- Kafue Weed
- Kafwimbi
- Kakenge
- Kalambo Group
- Kale / Kahadi
- Kalela Dance
- Paul Kalichini
- Kalimanshila
- Kalimba
- Kaliminwa
- Kalindula
- Kalomo people
- Solomon Kalulu
- Katele Kalumba
- Kalunga River
- George W. Charles Kaluwa
- Kambulumbulu
- Kambwili
- Kanongesha
- Kansansama
- Kansanshi
- Kanyanta
- Kaoma
- Kaonde
- Stephen Kapata
- Kapenta
- Kapidi
- Kapidri Mposhi
- Kaputa
- Simon Mwanza Kapwepwe
- Kapwirimbwe
- Kapwirimbwe Group
- Kara Counselling
- Kariba Dams and Hydroelectic Projects
- Kasempa
- Kola / Buluba
- Lochner Concession / Barotse Treaty of 1890
- Steven Lungu / Captain Solo / Captain Steven Lungu / Order In Council of 1899 / Barotseland North-Western Rhodesia Order In Council of 1899
- Sicaba Party / Barotseland National Party
- Strikes of 1935 and 1940 / Strike of 1935 (Zambia) / Strike of 1940 (Zambia) / Copperbelt Strike of 1935
- Supreme Court (Zambia) / Court of Appeal (Zambia)
- Zambezi District / Balovale District
Zambian artists
- Artists represented in the Lechwe Trust collection
- Jodam Allingham (born 1955), Papua New Guinean artist who moved to Zambia in 1993
- Carol Aslin (born 1955)
- Barbara Julie Ballachey / Barbara Ballachey, Canadian artist
- Ngamanya Banda (born 1974)
- Nsofwa Bowa
- Aase Marie Brun
- Mulenga Chafilwa (born 1967)
- Flinto S. Mumbi Chandia / Flinto Chandia (1953-2017)
- David Kalyongo Chibwe (born 1984)
- Lawrence Chikwa (born 1973)
- Raphael Chilufya (born 1964)
- Lwando Chilapya
- Laura Chimowitz (born 1964)
- David Chirwa (born 1968)
- Bright Raphael Chishimba (born 1953)
- Chansa Chishimba (born 1956)
- Danny Chiyesu (born 1966)
- Njalikwa Chongwe (born 1966)
- Kenneth Zenzele Chulu (born 1967)
- Tubayi Dube 1930 - 1997
- E. J.
- Brian Ford (cartoonist) / Trevor Ford (cartoonist) / Yuss (1937-2007)
- Pam Ghurs-Carr
- Ruth Dorothy Hartley / Ruth Hartley (born 1943)
- Baba Jack
- Paul Kabwe (1957-1994)
- Poto Kabwe (bron 1959)
- Angela Kalunga
- Edwin Kalusa (1985-2009)
- Stephen Chipango Kappata (1939-2007)
- Radu Tesaro Kirby
- Fackson Kulya
- Style Kunda (born 1953)
- Petson Lombe
- Bente Lorenz / Bente Steen Lorenz (1922-2011)
- Samuel Mabuku
- Lillian Magodi
- Peter Maibwe (1955–2011)
- David Makala
- Victor Makashi (born 1956)
- Andrew Makromallis (born 1965)
- Julia Malunga
- Jesat Mbewe
- Clement Mfuzi
- Mikiti
- John Miti
- Therica Miyanadeniya (born 1965)
- Caroline Miyoba
- Eduard Mubanga
- Mwamba Mulangala (born 1973)
- Henry Mulenga
- Eddie Mbao Mumba (born 1953)
- Patrick Mumba (born 1961)
- Ronnie Mushipe
- Raphael Mutulikwa (born 1964)
- Stary Mwaba (born 1976)
- Lutanda Mwamba (1966-2014)
- Adam Mwansa (born 1960)
- Mabvuto Mwanza (born 1973)
- Esnart Mweemba
- Patrick Mweemba
- Kate Naluyele
- Laurey Nevers (bron 1957)
- Germaine Ngoma (born 1953)
- Angela Ninda
- Dabson Njobvu (born 1958)
- Mcdonald Nkhoma
- Gift Nondo
- Meta Norheim
- Dean Paul Katongo Nsabashi (bron 1951)
- Nezias Nyirenda (born 1971)
- Robert Nyirenda
- Tony Philips
- Bisalom Phiri
- Geoffrey Phiri (born 1973)
- Martin Abasi Phiri / Martin Phiri (artist) (1957-1997)
- Rabson Phiri (born 1982)
- Vincentio Phiri (born 1956)
- Margaret Plesner
- Ignatious Sampa
- Bernice Schwartz
- Godfrey Setti (1958-2002)
- Shadreck Simukanga (1955-2004)
- Festus Sinyinza (born 1963)
- Njekwa Kahalu Sitwala (born 1955)
- Alison Street
- Friday Tembo (1962-2004)
- Nukwase Tembo
- Vandita Varjangbhay (born 1949)
- Stephen Williams (artist) (1938-1995)
- Bert Witkamp
- Lawrence Yombwe (born 1958)
- Elisha Alex Zulu (born 1957)
Mambo Book of Zimbabwean Verse
Style, Colin; Style, O-lan, eds. (1986). Mambo Book of Zimbabwean Verse in English. Mambo Press. ISBN 0869223674.
- Nick Alexander (Zimbabwean writer)
- Noëline Barry
- Francisca Batista
- Philippa Berlyn
- Greta Bloomhill
- G. R. Brown
- Luke C. Chidavaenzi
- I. S. Chidavaenzi
- Paul Chidyausiku
- Chirwa P. Chipeya
- Wilson B. Chivaura
- Carlos Chombo
- Thomas Craig (Zimbabwean writer)
- Vernon Crawford (Zimbabwean poet)
- Vi Driver-Jowitt
- Caleb Dube
- Judy Edgar
- Harold Farmer
- Hugh Finn (poet)
- Jean Gemmel
- Broughton Gingell
- Cullen Gouldsbury
- D. Gulube
- Mordikai A. Hamutyinei / Mordikai Hamutyinei / Mordecai Abenia Hamutyinei / Mordecai A.Hamutyinei / Mordecai Hamutyinei
- Lewis Hastings
- Aaron C. Hodza
- Madeleine Holland
- Roy Holland
- William Hussey (Zimbabwean writer)
- Mudereri Kadhani
- Chawaona Kanoti
- Noel Kashaya
- Dintweng Kousu
- Armin Kuhme
- J. C. Kumbirai / Joseph Camillo Kumbirai
- W. Sixto Kwimba
- Glanville Le Sueur
- Charles Lotters
- Solomon Mahaka
- A. G. Mandishona
- Eric Mazani
- S. J. M. Mhlabi
- Stuart Montgomery
- Judith Moyo
- D. Mthombeni
- Kizito Muchemwa
- Miss F. Munemo
- O. M. Munyaradzi
- Edgar Musarira
- N. M. Mwanaka
- S. J. Nondo
- Neil Park (poet)
- Henry Pote
- Olive Robertson
- Mark Rundora
- Shepistone Sekeso
- Hopewell Seyaseya
- Mayford Sibanda
- S. C. Sidambe
- N. S. Sigogo
- Charles Singende
- Alison Smith (poet)
- John Stewart (Zimbabwean poet)
- O-lan Style
- G. B. Tshabalala
- Enetia Vasilatos
- Tapiwa Viki
- David H. M. Wright
- Eddison J. Zvobgo
- George Fortune
- Killam, Douglas; Rowe, Ruth, eds. (2000), The companion to African literatures, Oxford: J. Currey
- Frank Aig-Imoukhuede
- Agoro Anduru
- Ogbuefi Nwagu Aneke
- Seinde Arogbofa
- Yaw M. Boateng
- T. Obinkaram Echewa
- Tunde Fatunde
- James Ene Henshaw
- Samuel Kahiga
- Nevanji Madanhire
- Timothy O. McLoughlin
- Edison Mpina
- Mbuyiseni Mtshali
- Mothobi Mutloatse
- Osija Mwambungu
- Anthony Nazombe
- Geoffrey Ndhlala
- Blaise N'Djehoya
- Pol Nnamuzikam Ndu
- Stephen N. Ngubiah
- Akomaye Oko
- Onookome Okome
- Tayo Peter Olafioye
- Naiwu Osahon
- Sonny Oti
- Martin Owusu
- Segun Oyekunle
- Jacques Rabérnanajara
- George Seremba
- Ben Sibenke
- Francis Carey Slater
- T. K. Tsodzo
- Ada Ugah
- Kalu Uka
- Godwin Wachira
- Kenneth Watene
- Andrew Whaley
- Peter Wilhelm
- Adebayo Williams
- The African Image - An African Tragedy - The Bacchae of Euripides - The Beadle - The Beatification of Area Boy - The Black Docker - Blame Me on History - Blanket Boy's Moon
- Writers shortlisted for the Commonwealth Writers' Prize
- Poets in The Heinemann Book of African Poetry in English
- Poets in The Heinemann Book of African Women's Poetry
- Malak' Abd al-Aziz / Malak`Abd l-Aziz (born 1935), Egyptian critic, poet and writer
- Women writers
From Women Writing Africa
- Abena P.A. Busia (Ghana)
- Agnes Lottering (South Africa)
- Alex Smith (South African writer) (South Africa)
- Alison Lowry (South Africa)
- Alissa Baxter (South Africa)
- Amma Kyererwaa (Ghana)
- Andrina Dashwood Forbes (South Africa)
- Anji Ossai (Nigeria)
- Ann Harries (South Africa)
- Ann Miller (South African writer) (South Africa)
- Anne Akpabot (Nigeria)
- Anne Bebington (South Africa)
- Anne Emslie (South Africa)
- Anne Fraser (South African writer) (pseud.) (South Africa)
- Annica Foxcroft (South Africa)
- Anthonia C. Kalu
- Anya Kotzuba (South Africa)
- Astrid Fleming (South Africa)
- Bananuka Jocelyn Ekochu (Uganda)
- Barbara Bauman (Kenya)
- Barbara Erasmus (South Africa)
- Barbara F Lscher (South Africa)
- Barbara Kinghorn (South Africa)
- Barbara Schreiner (South Africa)
- Beverley Whyte (Zimbabwe)
- Beverly Rycroft (South Africa)
- Bongekile Joyce Mbanjwa (South Africa)
- Bridget Hilton Barber (South Africa)
- Bridget Mcnulty (South Africa)
- Bryony Rheam (Zimbabwe)
- Caesarina Kona Makhoere (South Africa)
- Carolyn Terry (South Africa)
- Catriona Ross (South Africa)
- Cecilia Mashayeni (Zimbabwe)
- Chantal Collings (South Africa)
- Cherry Clayton (South Africa)
- Cheryl Ntumy (Ghana)
- Chrystal Sharp (South Africa)
- Cicely Luck (South Africa)
- Corney Gichuki (Kenya)
- Daphne Barnard (South Africa)
- Daphne Muir (South Africa)
- Dawn Garisch (South Africa)
- Debbie Taylor (Zimbabwean writer) (Zimbabwe)
- Diana Bamford Mcbagonluri (Ghana)
- Dianne Case (South Africa)
- Dianne Hofmeyr (South Africa)
- Dominique Botha (South Africa)
- Dorothea Spears (South Africa)
- E. M. Macphail (South Africa)
- E. Muller (Namibia)
- Edyth Bulbring (South Africa)
- Elizabeth Du Preez (South Africa)
- Elizabeth Lowry (South Africa)
- Elle Matthews (South Africa)
- Ellen Palestrant (South Africa)
- Elsabe Brink (South Africa)
- Emma Van Der Vliet (South Africa)
- Erica Emdon (South Africa)
- Eunice Beyleveld (South Africa)
- Eva Royston (South Africa)
- Eve Zvichanzi Nyemba (Zimbabwe)
- Fatima Kazim (Nigeria)
- Fatima Pam (Nigeria)
- Fauziya Kassidja (Togo)
- Fiona Snyckers (South Africa)
- Fiona Zerbst (South Africa)
- Florence Mbaya (Kenya)
- Freedom T.V. Nyamubaya (Zimbabwe)
- Futhi Ntshingila (South Africa)
- Gaele Sobott Mogwe (Botswana)
- Gail Dendy (South Africa)
- Gail Schimmel (South Africa)
- Gaile Parkin (South Africa)
- Gertrud Strauss (South Africa)
- Gladys Ngwenya (Zimbabwe)
- Goldlyn Ugonna Ozowuba (Nigeria)
- Grace N. A. Osifo (Nigeria)
- Gwen Alford (Nigeria)
- Haidee Kruger (South Africa)
- Hazel De Silva (Kenya)
- Heather Parker (South Africa)
- Heather Robertson (South African writer) (South Africa)
- Helen Brain (South Africa)
- Helen Moffett (South Africa)
- Henrietta Rose Innes (South Africa)
- Hope Keshubi (Uganda)
- Hélène Cooper (Liberia)
- Ina Lawson (South Africa)
- Iris Vaughan (South Africa)
- Jacqui Taylor (Zimbabwe)
- Jameela Saddiqi (Kenya)
- Jane Alison Kaberuka (Uganda)
- Jane Bennett (South African writer) (South Africa)
- Jane Chifamba (Zimbabwe)
- Jane Fox (South Africa)
- Janet Levine (South Africa)
- Jassy Mackenzie (South Africa)
- Jassy Mackenzie (South Africa)
- Jean Lipkin (South Africa)
- Jenna Mervis (South Africa)
- Jennifer Bobito (Kenya)
- Jennifer Davids (South Africa)
- Jenny Hobbs (South Africa)
- Jenny Robson (South Africa)
- Jenny Seed (South Africa)
- Jenny Winter (South Africa)
- Jesse Breytenbach (South Africa)
- Jessie Prisman (South Africa)
- Joan Meterlerkamp (South Africa)
- Joanne Brodie (South Africa)
- Joanne Hichens (South Africa)
- Julia Grey (South Africa)
- Julia Martin (South African writer) (South Africa)
- Julie Frederikse (South Africa)
- June Mckinnon (South Africa)
- Kaleni Hiyalwa (Namibia)
- Karen Cochlovius (South Africa)
- Karen Jayes (South Africa)
- Karen King Aribisala (Nigeria)
- Karen Lazar (South Africa)
- Kari Dako (Ghana)
- Kate Nwankwo (Nigeria)
- Kate Thompson (South African writer) (South Africa)
- Kathryn White (South African writer) (South Africa)
- Katy Bauer (South Africa)
- Khadija Tracey Carmelita Heeger (South Africa)
- Kholo Matsha (South Africa)
- Laura Longmore (South Africa)
- Laure St. John (Zimbabwe)
- Lauren Ursula Kellner (South Africa)
- Lauri Kubuitsile (South Africa)
- Laurian Clemence (South Africa)
- Lerato Matsaneng (South Africa)
- Lillian Rinndyebwa (Uganda)
- Linda Fortune (South Africa)
- Linzi Glass (South Africa)
- Lisa Combrinck (South Africa)
- Louise Make (South Africa)
- Lucy Michot (Zimbabwe)
- Lydiah Mumbi Nguya (Kenya)
- Lynn Lyster (South Africa)
- Lynne Bryer (South Africa)
- Madeleine Barnard (South Africa)
- Madeleine Holland (South Africa)
- Maja Kriel (South Africa)
- Malika Lueen Ndlovu (South Africa)
- Margaret Clough (South Africa)
- Margaret Evans (South Afrian writer) (South Africa)
- Marguerite Black (South Africa)
- Mari Pete (South Africa)
- Mari Serebrov (Namibia)
- Marialena Van Tonder (Namibia)
- Marianna Brandt (South Africa)
- Marilet Sienaert (South Africa)
- Marion Baraitser (South Africa)
- Mariss Everitt (South Africa)
- Marita Van Der Vyver (South Africa)
- Marlene Van Niekerk (South Africa)
- Mary Clanahan (South Africa)
- Mary Kize (Kenya)
- Mary Okoye (Nigeria)
- Maureen Isaacson (South Africa)
- Maya Fowler (South Africa)
- Meg Vandermerwe (South Africa)
- Megan Voysey Braig (South Africa)
- Menán du Plessis (South Africa)
- Mercy Owusu Nimoh (Ghana)
- Michelle Mcgrane (South Africa)
- Mira Van Pletzen (South Africa)
- Moira Berman (South Africa)
- Moira Thatcher (South Africa)
- Molara Ogundipe Leslie (Nigeria)
- Molly Reinhardt (South Africa)
- Monica Genya (Kenya)
- Morag Vlaming (South Africa)
- Nadine May (South Africa)
- Naka Pillman (South Africa)
- Nani Khabako (South Africa)
- Nazia Peer (South Africa)
- Nikki Ridley (South Africa)
- Nolo Mothoagae (South Africa)
- Nomvuyo Ngcelwane (South Africa)
- Nora Laing (South Africa)
- Nora Stevenson (South Africa)
- Ntsoaki Senokoanyane (South Africa)
- Pamela Power (South Africa)
- Pat Stamat Los (South Africa)
- Patricia Chater (Zimbabwe)
- Patricia Haward (Uganda)
- Paula Nangle (Zimbabwe)
- Pauline Henson (Zimbabwe)
- Praba Moodley (South Africa)
- Reneilwe Malatji (South Africa)
- Reviva Schermbrucker (South Africa)
- Rhona Stern (South Africa)
- Rita Ehrmann (Botswana)
- Rita Swanepoel (South Africa)
- Robin Winckel Mellish (South Africa)
- Rosamund Haden (South Africa)
- Rosamund Kendal (South Africa)
- Rose Anizoba (Nigeria)
- Rosemary Irene Uwemedimo (Nigeria)
- Rosie Fiore (South Africa)
- Sandra Braude (South Africa)
- Sandra Charles (South Africa)
- Sarah Frost (South African writer) (South Africa)
- Sarah Penny (South Africa)
- Sarudzai Mubvakure (Zimbabwe)
- Shaida Kazie Ali (South Africa)
- Shamin Meer (South Africa)
- Sharon Kasanda (Namibia)
- Sheila Roberts (South African writer) (South Africa)
- Shirley Eskapa (South Africa)
- Shukie Nkosana (South Africa)
- Sibusiswe Dhuwe (South Africa)
- Sobhna Poona (South Africa)
- Star Nyaniba Hammond (Ghana)
- Stella Kahaki Njuguna (Kenya)
- Stella Martins (Nigeria)
- Stephnie Day (South Africa)
- Sue Rabie (South Africa)
- Sumayya Lee (South Africa)
- Susan N. Kiguli (Uganda)
- Sylvia Bond Smith (Zimbabwe)
- Tertia Albertyn (South Africa)
- Theresa Edwards (South Africa)
- Therese Benade (South Africa)
- Toni Strasburg (South Africa)
- Tracey Farren (South Africa)
- Tracy Gilpin (South Africa)
- Trudie Bloem (South Africa)
- Tshego Monaisa (South Africa)
- Tsitsi V. Himunyanga Phiri (Zambia)
- Valerie Chetty (South Africa)
- Valerie Cuthbert (Kenya)
- Valerie Rosenberg (South Africa)
- Victoria Swaartboot, aka Nombulelo Mermaid (South Africa)
- Violet B. Lunja (Zimbabwe)
- Violet Kala (Zimbabwe)
- Vuyelwa Carlin (South Africa)
- Wame Molefhe (South Africa)
- Wendy Woodward (South Africa)
- Yvonne Burgess (South Africa)
- Zarina Maharaj (South Africa)
- Zazah Khuzwayo (South Africa)
- Zubeida Jaffer (South Africa)
- Zuretha Roos (South Africa)
- Global African History
- Black Studies Association of Japan[1]
- Eshetu Chole[2]
- Martín Morúa Delgado[3]
- East African City States[4]
- Founding of Sierra Leone[5]
- Ligue Universelle pour la Défense de la Race Noire / LUDRN[6]
- Mahdist Revolution[7]
- O Clarim d'Alvorada[8]
- Edgardo Ortuno/Edgardo Ortuño[9]
- Sebastián Rodríguez Brito[10]
- Black Loyalist Exodus to Nova Scotia[11]
- Camille Thierry[12]
- Tirailleurs Sénégalais in the Indochina War[13]
- Elliot C. Van Zandt[14]
- African American History
- 32nd and 33rd Women's Army Corps[15]
- Henry Adams (Louisiana)[16]
- George B. Anderson[17]
- Anita Bush Players[18]
- Pedro Barbosa III[19]
- Jacqueline Barrett[20]
- Charles Bernard Bell / Charles Bernard Bell, Jr. / Charles B. Bell, Jr. / Charles B. Bell[21]
- Arnold Bertonneau / E. Arnold Bertonneau[22]
- Black Jews of Harlem[23]
- African American History in the American West
Who's Who in Africa
John Dickie; Alan Rake (1973). Who's who in Africa: The Political, Military and Business Leaders of Africa. African Development. ISBN 978-0-9502755-0-5.
- Algeria
- Angola
- Botswana
- Burundi
- Central African Republic
- Chad
- Congo
- Dahomey
- Egypt
- Equatorial Guinea
- Ethiopia
- Gabon
- Gambia
- Ghana
- Ivory Coast
- Kenya
- Lesotho
- Bernard Makale Khaketla
- Joseph Riffat Larry Kotsokoane
- Mohapi Benedict Leseteli
- Selbourne Ramaeba Letsie
- Paul Matete Majara
- David Phatela General Makoae
- Seth Makotoko
- Anthony Clovis Manyeli
- Samuel Seephephe Mphosi Matete
- Albert Steerforth Mohale
- Shakhane Rolong Mokhehle
- Charles Dube Molapo
- Peete Nkuebe Peter Peete
- Liberia
- Libya
- Madagascar
- Malawi
- Mali
- Mauritania
- Morocco
- Mozambique
- Niger
- Nigeria
- Portuguese Guinea
- Rhodesia
- Rwanda
- Senegal
- Sierra Leone
- Somali Republic
- South Africa
- South-West Africa
- South-West Africa
- Sudan
- Swaziland
- Tanzania
- Togo
- Tunisia
- Uganda
- Upper Volta
- Zaire
- Zambia
- ^ Martin K.I. Christensen (26 January 2010). "Ghana Ministers". Worldwide Guide to Women in Leadership. Martin K.I. Christensen. Retrieved 2010-05-31.