Outstanding Tasks
List creation tasks (using AWB's "make list" feature)
Thehelpfulone is having trouble with this task, and without having AWB in front of me, I can't tell what's going wrong. Please see if you can figure out how to do this:
I need you to create two link lists for me...
List one
Starting with User:The Transhumanist/Country outlines, and using AWB's list filter, filter out all the pages that include "= Administrative divisions of ".
(notice the equals sign - er, heading code. This should catch all the headings, regardless of how many equals signs they have.)
The resulting list will be the country outlines that are missing that section.
Post the resulting list on my talk page.
List two
Again, starting with User:The Transhumanist/Country outlines, and using AWB's list filter, filter out all the pages that include "= Municipalities of ".
The resulting list will be the country outlines that are missing that section.
Post the resulting list on my talk page.
Good luck.
Have fun.
Thank you.
The Transhumanist 23:23, 22 February 2009 (UTC)
Another 3-pass search/replace on the country outlines
(If you can find a simpler way to do this, please let me know).
The purpose of this task is to add
(where x is the country's name)
immediately before
OK, here we go...
On the pages listed at User:The Transhumanist/Country outlines, do the following:
Pass one
* [[International rankings of
{{subst:User:The Transhumanist/Sandbox08}}
(Note: without the "nowiki" codes)
Pass two
(Deprecated by updated sandbox)
Pass three
There's 2 parts to this pass (can be done simultaneously):
Name of Wikipedia:WikiProject Outline of knowledge/Drafts/Outline of
Name of
(note: there's a space at the end of both of those strings)
and Replace:
Name of Topic outline of
Name of
(note: there's a space at the end of both of those strings)
Good luck.
Have fun.
The Transhumanist 01:59, 24 February 2009 (UTC)
P.S.: in the future, I assume I can state the goal without having to include the steps? :) The Transhumanist 02:04, 24 February 2009 (UTC)
Completed tasks
AWB bot tasks
For all of these, the quotes are not included in the search or replace strings.
Using User:The Transhumanist/Country outlines as your input list, please do the following:
Search for "|Adjective]]:" and replace with "|Adjectival]](s):"
Search for "|Adjective]]s:" and replace with "|Adjectival]](s):"
Search for "* Population:" and replace with "* [[Population of ]]:"
Search for "* Area:" and replace with "* [[Area of ]]:"
Note that the population and area tasks above are intentionally incomplete. Somebody else will be filling in the country names into those links. Also, there is a space character after the word "of".
Good luck.
Have fun.
And thank you.
The Transhumanist 00:19, 8 February 2009 (UTC)
Doing...do you use IRC? Robert Skyhawk So sue me! (You'll lose) 16:40, 8 February 2009 (UTC)
Done. Robert Skyhawk So sue me! (You'll lose) 04:27, 10 February 2009 (UTC)
Regex tasks
Do these after you do the above tasks, because some of the search strings below won't even exist until you finish the tasks above.
The following tasks require the use of the regex feature of AWB, because the search and replace strings include the beginning of a new line within them. Look at the wiki-code to get the strings, since they may contain links. The regex code for a new line is "\n" (backslash n). To use regex you need to have the regex box checked in AWB.
Please replace:
- Area of :
th most populous country]]
- Area of :
and please replace:
- Area of :
nd most populous country]]
- Area of :
and please replace:
- Area of :
rd most populous country]]
- Area of :
and please replace:
- Area of :
st most populous country]]
- Area of :
and please replace:
- [[:commons:Atlas of
th largest country]]
- [[:commons:Atlas of
and please replace:
- [[:commons:Atlas of
nd largest country]]
- [[:commons:Atlas of
and please replace:
- [[:commons:Atlas of
rd largest country]]
- [[:commons:Atlas of
and please replace:
- [[:commons:Atlas of
st largest country]]
- [[:commons:Atlas of
Unfortunately, I don't know how to use regex. If you can't figure it out, someone on the AWB discussion page or at WP:VPT could probably help you. The Transhumanist 00:41, 8 February 2009 (UTC)
- Ooh! That's quite a set of tasks you've got there. Makes me smile! Now, I understand that userspace edits don't need the bot flag but, I don't think the AWB people will give me bot permissions without a valid request for approval. So, I'm going to wait until I get approval for the bot's original task, then I can get to work. It does help that I don't need approval for the userspace edits; once I get the AWB bot flag taken care of, I won't have to get seperate approval for all of those userspace tags.
- Note that I've indicated my bot's availability at WP:AWB/Tasks for a task you posted there, so there's something else I'll be helping you with. Once again, this all hinges on the bot's request for approval...I don't think it would be against WP:CANVASS if you popped over there and told them about my AWB work, do you? Robert Skyhawk So sue me! (You'll lose) 00:51, 8 February 2009 (UTC)
- Since you will be working extensively on tasks from the project I'm leading, I think they'd appreciate a comment from me. I'll drop in and post something.
- Be sure to refer them to Wikipedia:Bots/Requests for approval/Worldbot, as that discussion is relevant to work to be done on these pages.
- By the way, you do intend to work on these right away even though you don't have a bot yet, right?
- That would give us the opportunity to figure out how regex works.
- Besides, you'll need to be proficient at regex before you can safely automate regex tasks.
- The Transhumanist 01:41, 8 February 2009 (UTC)
- Yes; I can do the simpler ones while we're still waiting. Now is a bad time, but I can get right on it tomorrow (MST). Robert Skyhawk So sue me! (You'll lose)`
- The Transhumanist 01:41, 8 February 2009 (UTC)
find="(th|nd|rd|st)(\]\])(\r\n?|\n)(\* \[\[Area of \]\]:)" replace="$1 most populous country$2$3$4" find="(th|nd|rd|st)(\]\])(\r\n?|\n)(\* \[\[:commons:Atlas of )" replace="$1 largest country$2$3$4"
- Set them regex and case sensitive, don't paste in the quotes.
Replace double colon with single colon
Here's a simple minor task:
In the country outlines (at User:The Transhumanist/Country outlines) please change the double colon (::) with a single colon (:).
The Transhumanist 23:27, 12 February 2009 (UTC)
Doing... Robert Skyhawk So sue me! (You'll lose) 02:53, 13 February 2009 (UTC)
Done Robert Skyhawk So sue me! (You'll lose) 03:18, 13 February 2009 (UTC)
Completing "Population of " and "Area of" links
I think I've figured out a way to automate the completion of at least this link.
But before you start, I have a question for you: can regex handle multiple search/replaces, where the replaces share a match sequence used in one but not all of the searches?
Where "x" is the country's name, in the country outlines please search for:
And replace with:
Related to the question above and as part of the same regex (using the x match string), if it is possible, please search for:
And replace with:
Scratch that. We've found an easier way to do this, using AWB in a two-pass search/replace.
Pass one
respectively with
{{subst:User:The Transhumanist/Sandbox04}}
{{subst:User:The Transhumanist/Sandbox06}}
(Of course, leave out the "nowiki" codes).
Doing... Robert Skyhawk So sue me! (You'll lose) 16:57, 22 February 2009 (UTC)
Pass two
- [[Population of Topic outline of
- [[Area of Topic outline of
- [[Population of
- [[Area of
Note that there is a blank space at the end of both the search and replace strings!
Good luck, have fun.
The Transhumanist 23:35, 21 February 2009 (UTC)
Re: My bot is at your service
Hi there! Well, I've been doing numerous tasks for your counry outline project (which I think I'm going to join now) using AWB, which I have quite enjoyed, and I've noticed that I'm taking a lot of time doing edits that really don't require any thinking, just pressing the save button. So I'm making an AWB bot account for these repetitive tasks that I periodically take on. Yes, I'm hoping that User:Robert SkyBot will be up and running momentarily. I'm letting you know so that you can take full advantage of an automated bot who is at the moment fully dedicated to your project. The bot won't be able to help you with any tasks that require human input before deciding whether to make an edit, but it can perform repetitive tasks like sorting all of the country outlines or moving everything to a new category. So, let me know if you need something, and I hope I'll be able to serve your project more efficiently with this new bot account. Robert Skyhawk So sue me! (You'll lose) 04:57, 7 February 2009 (UTC)
- Thank you!
- You asked for it. :) I'll try to give you a steady stream of AWB bot tasks to work on. There are quite a few on the country outline set, and soon there will be a bunch to do on the "demographics of" pages as well.
- Note that I applied for a bot account awhile back, and I was told that for bot work on these country outlines, we can use a bot without getting approval. See Wikipedia:Bots/Requests for approval/Worldbot.
Do you know how to use Regex?
In AWB, do you know how to do search/replaces using REGEX? (See also: WP:REGEX).
Some of the search/replaces I need done have more than one line in them. That is, the search string resides on more than one line at the same time. I think the regex code for this is \n ("New line"). I believe it is equivalent to "carriage return / line feed".
/n should also be useful for indicating search strings that directly precede a particular line, or that are at the beginning of a line.
I look forward to your reply.
The Transhumanist 23:47, 7 February 2009 (UTC)
Regarding regex
Bot approval aside...
Using AWB's regex feature and regex wildcards, you should be able to search for the country name on each country outline using a single search string, even though the country name differs on every outline.
Please take a look, and see if you can accomplish that. Perhaps Wikipedia:AutoWikiBrowser/Regular expression and WP:REGEX will be of help.
I have lots of search/replaces that include the country name.
I look forward to your reply with great anticipation.
The Transhumanist 01:35, 8 February 2009 (UTC)
- Ok, I'm ready to start working on the RegEx parameters for these tasks, and once those are done, the tasks themselves. I'll use those pages you gave me and see if I can't figure it out...if not I'll ask. Robert Skyhawk So sue me! (You'll lose) 16:20, 8 February 2009 (UTC)
See my comment at Wikipedia:Bots/Requests for approval/Robert SkyBot (eom)
Area of, Population of "per instructions"
This change is creating red links in Country outlines. What's going to be? --Zlerman (talk) 17:18, 8 February 2009 (UTC)
- Yes; as you can see from the section above titled "AWB bot tasks", User:The Transhumanist is leaving this incomplete on purpose; someone else will go through and add country names. This incompleteness is exactly why I'm not editing the mainspace. Robert Skyhawk So sue me! (You'll lose) 17:22, 8 February 2009 (UTC)
- All the edits are in Wikipedia namespace, so red links will be fine as the articles will not be moved into mainspace until they are complete. The Helpful One 21:29, 8 February 2009 (UTC)
Re: Starting Section 2
Hi. Just wanted to let you know that I've got a RegEx string figured out, and I'm starting on the second task you gave me (here). Meanwhile, I have the bot flag so it'll all be automated from here out. Let me know if you have any questions/concerns. Robert Skyhawk So sue me! (You'll lose) 02:16, 12 February 2009 (UTC)
- The task is complete, but the bot only changed 31 pages, so either only 31 pages had this problem or there was something wrong with the RegEx string. Either way, the bot did a runthrough of that task, so hopefully the results are to your liking. Thanks, Robert Skyhawk So sue me! (You'll lose) 03:58, 12 February 2009 (UTC)
- I'll need to access a Linky-capable fast server to check the outlines over. Probably tomorrow. Then I'll base new tasks off of the current configuration of the outlines. No worries. The Transhumanist 23:27, 12 February 2009 (UTC)