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Unless you change your editing style, I give you a couple of weeks at most before you get a permanent ban. There is enough evidence already to bring your edits to the attention of administrators. Meowy 13:00, 18 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Garabag (Karabakh), Shusha newer was Armenian and Armenian itself is Eravan (Erivan) Azerbaijani territory

—Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 08:37, 20 February 2010 (UTC)[reply] 

Garabag (Karabakh), Shusha newer was Armenian and Armenian itself is Eravan Azerbaijani territoryDizak (talk) 12:12, 24 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]

look web site

Armenian racists, terrorists and discriminators is anywhere around the world. Azerbaijani and Turkish speaking people generally have to be careful about this kind people and watch themselves and anybody have to know our grate history and show this informationDizak (talk) 12:23, 24 February 2010 (UTC) around the world. Dizak (talk) 12:23, 24 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Global Turkic speaking community combined together against Armenian terrorist around the world

Watch Dizak (talk) 12:12, 24 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Армянский теракт в московском метро ...В 1977 году в Москве прогремели три взрыва: на улице 25 Октября (ныне Никольская), в магазине на площади Дзержинского (Лубянка) и в метро между станциями "Измайловский парк" и "Первомайская" - в результате погибло 29 человек. Никаких следов злоумышленников обнаружено не было. Чем могли быть вызваны эти кошмарные акты? Преступникам было явно безразлично, кого убивать, а ведь политический террор обычно направлен против каких-то конкретных лиц. Версия мести или попытки грабежа тоже отпадала.

Преступники скрылись, и никто не взял на себя ответственность за террористический акт, значит, не преследовалась цель привлечь общественное внимание. Оставалось одно: они решили безжалостно, варварски уничтожать мирных, ни в чем неповинных людей - мстить стране. А отсюда следует, что мотивы преступления были все же политическими.

Началась кропотливая работа следствия. По крохотным осколкам удалось восстановить емкость, в которой находилось взрывное устройство (это была гусятница), а затем собрать и само устройство, заложенное в метро.

Взрыв произошел зимой на наземном участке полотна, и чтобы собрать осколки, пришлось несколько дней растапливать снег. По мелким клочкам и ошметкам восстановили и сумку, в которой находился смертоносный груз.

Разыскали пассажиров, находившихся в вагоне метро во время взрыва, и рассадили их на те же места, где они сидели в момент происшествия. Они дали описание людей, которые выходили из вагона на станциях до того, как произошла трагедия.

Учитывая, что взрывы были произведены в трех местах, у следствия возникло предположение: возможно, где-то еще готовились подобные акции. И оно подтвердилось. Опущу пространный рассказ о том, сколько труда и изобретательности потребовалось от оперативников, пока они несколько месяцев спустя не обнаружили на Курском вокзале точно такое же взрывное устройство, но оно, к счастью, не сработало. По словесным портретам, сделанным пассажирами, видевшими владельцев сумки со взрывным устройством на Курском вокзале, начались поиски. Приметы оказались характерными. Террористов было двое, один из них в синем спортивном костюме и, что наиболее существенно, оба - армяне. Правда, армян можно встретить едва ли не в любом городе, но, тем не менее, поиски начались, прежде всего, в Армении.

Сотрудники оперативно-розыскной службы встречали все самолеты и поезда, прибывавшие из Москвы в Ереван, поиски велись и в других местах.

Из первого же московского поезда, прибывшего в Ереван, вышли двое мужчин, по всем приметам похожие на тех, которых видели на Курском вокзале. Их задержали (это были Степанян и Багдасарян). Один из них являлся участником националистической нелегальной группы, которой руководил некий Затикян. При обыске у него на чердаке обнаружили гусятницу - точно такую же, как та, что взорвалась в метро. После задержания преступникам предъявили собранную из осколков гусятницу и еще кое-какие вещественные доказательства. Отпираться они не могли. Что же толкнуло их на столь бесчеловечный акт?

Оказалось, все трое являлись членами нелегальной националистической партии, ставившей целью борьбу против советского строя, а следовательно, против Москвы. Они решили мстить русским, неважно, кому именно: женщинам, детям, старикам - главное, русским.

Казалось бы, этот случай должен был привлечь внимание партийных и государственных руководителей, побудить искать пути устранения причин, ведущих к межнациональному расколу. Однако никаких действий, кроме работы следственных органов и суда, проходившего в Москве, не последовало. А армянское руководство сделало все, чтобы скрыть от населения республики это кровавое преступление. По указанию первого секретаря ЦК компартии Армении Демирчяна ни одна газета, выходившая на армянском языке, не опубликовала сообщения о террористическом акте. Документальный фильм о процессе над Затикяном и его сообщниками, снятый во время заседаний Верховного суда, запретили показывать даже партий- ному активу Армении, его демонстрировали лишь в узком кругу высшего руководства. На экраны фильм так и не вышел, хотя мог принести немалую пользу и помочь в воспитательной работе. Руководство республики мотивировало запрет нежеланием компрометировать армянский народ в глазах русских.

А вскоре в "Известиях" появилось выступление академика А.Д.Сахарова, который протестовал против якобы незаконного ареста армян. Он отказывался верить, что трое террористов могли приехать в Москву для совершения своего злодеяния. Надо было видеть бурное возмущение Демирчяна: как смел Сахаров оглашать фамилии преступников, кто дал разрешение редакции печатать этот материал!

Даже из факта террора никто не хотел делать политических выводов, борьба с террором - это, дескать, сфера деятельности КГБ, на то они и чекисты, чтобы предупреждать подобные акции и не допускать их, а раз уж такое случилось, пусть сами и расхлебывают. Никто не желал вникнуть в существо вопроса и понять - только разъяснительная работа, направленная против дашнакской пропаганды, могла предотвратить беду. Руководители и в центре, и на местах не хотели понять, что на этом дело не кончится. Даже несколько лет спустя, когда националистические тенденции в республике стали нарастать, а дашнаки все активнее насаждали в Армении свою идеологию, местное руководство не давало им должного отпора и, повидимому, неслучайно...



"КГБ И ВЛАСТЬ". Москва, "Ветеран МП", 1995 год


52 JOURNAL OF AZERBAIJANI STUDIES SPRING 1918: ARMENIAN TERRORISM AND THE TURKO - MOSLEM GENOCIDE IN AZERBAIJAN Jamil HASANLI (Baku State University, Azerbaijan) (Continued from Number 4, Volume 1) An urgent meeting of the leaders of the Baku Soviet was held on March 30 in the evening. They decided to start fighting, and the Armenian National Council and the Dashnak leaders were asked to start the movement of their military forces. The headquarters of the military-training staff was established in the Hotel Casino. A.Mikoyan and N.Anonchenko were instructed to deal with all the relevant organizational matters. Meanwhile, they attacked the Moslem military forces, but it was defeated. Then they started to fire on the Moslem districts of Baku from the vessels of the Caspian fleet and from aircraft, and this created a horrible situation in the city. Special Bolshevik agitators had been sent to the military vessels. Since the crews of these vessels were neither pro-Moslem nor pro- Bolshevik, the agitators told that the Moslems had been committing genocide against the Russian population of the city. But after several hours of bombardment the Russian marines understood that they had been deceived and the Moslems of the city were being massacred in the name of the struggle against "Musavatists." Therefore, they stopped bombing the city. Having been deceived by the same provocateurs, many Russo-Molocan regiments also were brought to the city from Mughan region of Azerbaijan. When they realized the actual situation in the city and refused to fight, the Soviet and Armenian military forces disarmed them. The arms taken from Molocans were distributed to the Armenian "volunteers", who were impatiently waiting for them. Under these conditions the Musavatist leaders accepted the ultimatum of the Revolutionary Defense Committee (RDC) in order to save the population directed by ward bosses (qochular), who were SPRING 1918: ARMENIAN TERRORISM.. 53 acting under their emotions. Later on M.E.Rasulzadeh wrote on this issue: 'The major reason for our failure in the March events... was that our people had not been led by the heads of political fractions and the well-known leaders of the society, but followed irresponsible men whose actions were emotional rather than rational'1. The Moslem delegation came to the Executive Committee of the Soviet on March 31 in order to start negotiations. Despite the fact that the ultimatum of the RDC was accepted by the Moslems, the negotiations held with Gaparidze gave no important results, and three of the Moslem delegates were shot while coming back from the negotiations. The murdef of the Moslem delegates in spite of GaparidzeNs special instruction on providing security for the delegation intensified the conflict even more. In the morning of March 31 the leaders of the "triumphant" Armenian military forces as well as the armed Armenian intellectuals gathered in the headquarters of the RDC. Having been briefly instructed, they were sent back to the Moslem districts of the city. From the districts entirely inhabited by Moslems, such as "Mahammadali" and "P... Dere", few people could escape the massacre. It is shown in the archive documents that "well-armed and trained Armenian soldiers... were breaking into houses, killing people, cutting various parts of their bodies and throwing the Moslem children into the burning houses. Babies of 2-3 days were bayoneted savagely." The Moslem women were subjected to more horrible forms of slaughter. According to the documents of the Azerbaijan Republic State Archive of the History of Political Parties and Social Movements (AHPPSM), 37 dead bodies with cut noses, ears and sexual organs were found just in one district of the city. Many young Azeri women were nailed to the wall alive. In order to shoot those trying to escape, special machine gunners had been placed beforehand at suitable positions. The Bolshevik Regiment led by N.Anonchenko were deployed in Marinskiy, Bazarny and Nicolaevskiy streets as well as in Hotel Metropol and the building of the newspaper Kaspi. These regiments were aimed at slaughtering the people escaping from Icherisheher toward the harbour.1 9 Jamil HASA After the complete destruction of the other Moslem districts of city, Operation Icherisheher started on March 31 at night. In capture of the Icherisheher fortress many Red Guards, such as Sur Shaumyan, Ovchiyan, Kaltzyan, Sarkis, Gaber-Kori, Arte Manucharov, Akopov and the others led by N.Anonchenko took active part. Many official documents and protocols on testimonies witnesses confirm that the Armenian intellectuals directly participate in this acts of massacre and inspired the soldiers, who had already lost their moral qualities as human beings, to murder Moslems by more savage methods. There are plenty of documents about the acts of burning the Moslem corpses and degrading them in other abominable forms by the Armenian clergy and intellectuals. In the report submitted to the Ministry of Justice by the chairman of the Extraordinary Investigation Commission the following were recorded: 'The Armenian soldiers who were on the offensive along with the Nicolaevskiy Street were headed mainly by the Armenian intellectuals. Another group of Armenians broke into the house of Bala Ahmad Mukhtarov in the Fars Street, brought nine Moslem intellectuals out of the house and shot them in the church square, and then threw two of the corpses into the burning Hotel Daghestan.2 0 Moreover, the Armenian intellectuals called for the destruction of Turko-Islamic cultural centers and historical heritage. As it was recorded in the journal Yeni Qafqaziya: 'This conflict exerted upon not only the survival, but also the morality of the Turks. Within three days 15,000 Moslems were killed and the unique cultural heritage of Turks—the Islamiyyeh building—and the publishing houses of the journals Achiq Söz and Kaspi were fired on. The biggest mosque of Baku [that is, the Islamiyyeh - J.H] was riddled by gunfire." Burning down of Islamiyyeh (popularly known as "the home of Turks") was one of the gravest crimes committed by Armenians against the Azerbaijani Turks. In his book "Historical, Cultural and Political Information About Azerbaijan" published in 1919, Adilkhan Ziyadkhanly wrote: "The names of those who burnt down Islamiyyeh— the cradle of Turkic culture —must be remarked in the SPRING 1918: ARMENIAN TERRORISM.. 55 history as the name of Herostrates had been remarked for his burning down the Greek temple in Efesus [ the temple of Artemida - J.H.]. The legend says, Herostrates was not punished by court, because he was not mentally fit. But those who burnt down the Islamiyyeh were intellectuals and did it deliberately. Therefore, the Azerbaijani Turks will damn them every time they see the destroyed Islamiyyeh".2 1 Thus, the Extraordinary Investigation Commission reported that from March 30 to April 1, over twelve thousand "counterrevolutionaries" were killed by the combined Armenian and Bolshevik military forces. Of course, the term "counter-revolutionary" here refers to the Turko -Moslem population of Baku. The newspaper of Merisheviks, Nash Golos, described the situation in the city after the massacre as follows: "There were corpses everywhere. Small "mountains" made up of the tormented and unrecognizable corpses of men, women and children appeared in many parts of the city. The sight around Tezepir mosque was horrible. The mosque was burnt down... We will have to do many things in order to eliminate this hostility and avoid this sense of hate turning into a sense of revenge."2 2 The RDC, having broken the negotiations of Marsh 31 under various pretexts and seen that the existing situation was in its favour, demarched with another ultimatum on April 1. It was stated in the ultimatum that if demands of the RDC were not met by 3: 00 p.m., it would continue the war. At 4: 00 p.m. a delegation of the political parties and associations of Azerbaijan, which included A.Ashurov, E.M.Topchubashov, Molia Haji Mir Muhsin, Haji Husseyn Taghiyev and Ebdul Kazimzadeh, went to the Hotel Astora for negotiating With the RDC. In the "peace conference" opened by Gaparidze an hour later, Fioletov, Dudin, Sukhartsev and the delegates of the Armenian National Council —Atabeyov and Ter-Mikosyan, as well as the Consul of Iran in Baku Hebibullah Khan also took part. The ultimatum declared by Gaparidze in this meeting was directed completely against the Musavat Party. They blamed the Musavatists for all these events. But E.Kazimzadeh protested to their accusations about Musavat and stated that the Soviet and Dashnak military forces 56 Jamil HASANL were responsible for this tragedy. After long debates on the issue, thi ultimatum of the RDC was accepted at 9: 00 p.m. The following wen set down in the articles of the ultimatum: 1. The authority of th< Soviet of Workers, Soldiers and Sailors of Baku is to be recognized 2.The counter-revolutionary "Savage Division" [as they called th( Moslem division - J.H] is to be immediately withdrawn from Baki and its districts, and the remaining Moslem and Armenian militar forces are either to withdraw from Baku or be completely subordinated to the Soviet of Workers, Soldiers and Sailors of Baku and the issue of the armament of the population as a whole is to b supervised by the Baku Soviet. 3. Immediate measures are to be takei to open the railroads from Baku to Tiflis and Petrovsk.23 Although a cease-fire agreement was concluded in this meeting the attacks of the Armenian and Soviet military bands on the Moslen districts continued until the evening of April 2. For example, th< people who came together to extinguish the burning Ismailliyel mosque were shot down again. After all this, the Turko - Moslem people of the city who manage( to survive began to leave Baku in droves. On April 2 Gaparidze wrot( to S.Shaumyan that assistance to them was coming from Tashkent аш the North, and it was time to give the Moslems autonomy in order t< pacify them for a while. In order to represent this tragedy to th( Moslem population as a "revolutionary movement", not a massacre о Moslems, M. Ezizbeyov was appointed as the Commissar of th< Moslem districts, from where the Moslems had already fled...24 Making a report in the Baku Soviet about the agreement that wai signed after the defeat of Azeri people, I. Sukhartsev joyfull] announced that the Musavat party had been annihilated and the "Baki front of Turkey" had been defeated.25 Thus, from the March Genocidi to September 1918, Baku was in the hands of Armenians in coalition! with various political groups, and those who could not leave the cit; due to the material difficulties and poverty, as well as the populatioi of the nearby villages had been subjected to the Armenian terror. S.Shaumyan was the leading figure among those who initiated th< falsification of this massacre by reporting the number of murderei SPRING 1918: ARMENIAN TERRORISM.. 57 Azeris as much less than it was and representing these events under the cover of Mcivil war.1 1 In the report that he sent to Moscow— to the Soviet of Public Commissars —on April 13 he wrote: MDuring three days — from March 30 to April 1 — there were intense skirmishes in the city of Baku. On one front the Soviet Red Army that we established, the Red Fleet and the Armenian national regiments, on the other front the Moslem "Savage Division" and armed Moslem b a n d s - led by the Musavat Party were fighting... Airplanes of the Aviation School also assisted us. We have achieved good results in the battles. The enemy has been completely destroyed... The casualties from both sides are about three thousand. If they had won the battles in Baku, they would have declared the city the capital of Azerbaijan, and all the non-Moslems would have been disarmed and massacred.2 6 A year later the Armenians started to represent the March events as a struggle for power between Bolsheviks and the Moslems. In the document submitted by the bishop of the Armenians of Baku to General Harboard, the head of the US mission, which had been to Baku in the fall of 1919, it was stated that the Armenians had not participated in the March genocide. Just like S. Shaumyan, he, too, falsified the number of people murdered. He argued that during these events, 1000 people had been killed, of which 300 were Armenians and Russians and 700 were Moslems.2 7 Since the March genocide had resulted in very heavy casualties, the Armenian press was frequently publishing articles in which the participation of Armenians in this event was denied and the event as a whole was misrepresented. The Dashnak newspaper Ashratavor had published so many false articles that even the newspaper Gruziya (Georgia) expressed its objections: "They [Ashratavorls writers- J.H] are very well aware of how the Armenians fought the Moslems and what crimes they committed during the rule of Bolsheviks in Baku. Haven't they seen the photos of Armenian soldiers killing pregnant Moslem women and cutting the heads of their babies".2 8 The Turko-Moslem genocide was committed not only in Baku, but also in the nearby provinces such as Shamakhy, Quba-Khachmaz, Lenkaran, Hajiqabul and Salyan, beginning from early April. "The 58 Jamil HASANLI punishment regiments" which were being sent to the provinces of] Azerbaijan under the cover of "Soviet forces" were led by Armenian! "commanders" such as T.Emiiyan, S.Lalayan, Hamazasp and many others. Among these provinces Shamakhy was subjected to the heaviest punishments by Dashnaks. In the first half of April, the Moslem population of the city of Shamakhy and the nearby villages suffered severe from the casualties, and those who managed to survive left the province. It was noted in the documents of the Extraordinary Investigation Commission that 15 carriages full of arms had been delivered from Baku to Medrese in January. In mid-March, two thousand Armenian soldiers and 60 more carriages of arms had been sent to Shamakhy by the Baku Soviet. After the negotiations with the Armenian inhabitants of the province, the tensions between them and the Moslems decreased, but this did not last very long. In the morning of March 30 [When the genocide in Baku started - J.H] the Armenian- Bolshevik forces started to fire on Shamakhy from Medrese. The Armenians, having achieved military superiority in Shamakhy, began to "cleanse" this province of Azeris. The military operations of Armenian national forces were led by ShaumyanNs deputies and S. Lalayan, who received instructions directly from him. La lay an, having come to Shamakhy as the commander of the Armenian forces, ordered his soldiers to besiege the mosques and other buildings where the elderly, women and children gathered, tc shoot everyone in the streets and to bum mosques. According to a document of AHPPSM, Akhund Molla Jafarqulu, a Moslem pries! who hid many women and children in order to save them from the massacre was killed by the Armenian soldiers... They broke into the mosque, found him, took out his eyes, cut his nose, ears and tongue stripped off the skin of his head and face and finally shot him. The] shot all the women in the mosque". In a few years the Moslem populated parts of Shamakhy was completely destroyed. The Moslen villages of the province were subjected to the Armenian terror. 51 villages of Shamakhy were destroyed by the Armenian military force of the Baku Soviet in one month. About 8,000 people were killed о SPRING 1918: ARMENIAN TERRORISM. which over 2600 were women and children. The material loss of the Moslems of Shamakhy amounted to more than one billion rubles.2 9 Shamakhy could not recover from the damages of this bloody destruction for years. The population of the city decreased sharply. In 1918 the population was 15,000, of which Turks constituted 80 percent, whereas in 1921 it was a village with 1700 inhabitants.3 0 "The punishment regiments" headed by the Armenian-Bolsheviks committed similar savage acts in Quba, Geoychay, Kurdemir, Salyan and Lenkaran, as well. An Armenian regiment of two thousand soldiers in Lenkaran was so insolent that even the Georgians of the province fought against them. The main aim of the Armenians after their victory in Baku was to attack Ganja so that all of Azerbaijan would be occupied, and hand in hand with the Armenians of Karabagh made making preparations for this. S.Shaumyan expressed this intention when he was making a report to the Soviet of Public Commissars in May. In his opinion, after the Soviet army captured the Yevlakh Bridge and deployed forces along the Kur River, they would attack Yelizavetpol (Ganja) in order to provoke Armenian riots in that province. However, the I establishment of the Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan in May 1918, the restoration of national statehood and the beginning of the struggle for the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan kept the Armenian-Bolshevik aggressors from implementing their plan to occupy all of Azerbaijan. The documents compiled by the Extraordinary Investigation Commission, established by the Azerbaijani government in August 1918, confirm that thousands of native Turko-Moslem people had been massacred in Baku and other provinces of Azerbaijan by the armed forces of Dashnaks and the other Armenian parties, and the Soviet organs, in which the Armenians had been in a dominant position. According to the Resolution of the UN General Assembly dated December 11, 1946, and the International Convention of December 9, 1949, such acts of massive punishments are considered genocide. The forms and magnitude of the tragedy of 1918 [50,000 Azeris savagely killed by Armenians] as well as many international legal acts and 60 documents constitute a strong basis for this massacre of Azerbaijani Turks to be considered genocide. Of course, the UN and many оther international organizations should be informed about this. Unfortunately, the Armenian terrorists' hatred for and enmity towards the Azeris have continued up to the present. The massacres committed by the Armenian terrorists in the territory of Azerbaijan in the last 10 years are of the same nature as those committed in 1918. Those who sometimes compare the Armenian terrorists with fascists miss one point, that during fascist occupations the indigenous people had not been forced to, leave their motherland. However, in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan there is no Azeri. The roots of this should be sought in the history of Armenian terrorism and their psychology of hate, just one example of which I briefly analyzed in this article. It's worth to keep in mind Lord Curzon4s opinion that the Armenians were not as clean and innocent as an 8-year-girl. By their extremely savage acts they had proved to what extent they are NOTES 19. The Republic of Azerbaijan Archive of the History of Political Parties and Social Movements (AHPPSM), fund 276, page 2, case 22, points 75-77. 20. Azerbaijan, October 17,1992. 21. A.Ziyadkhanov, Azerbaijan, Baku, 1993, p.81. 22. Nash Golos, Marsh 24,1918. 23. Byulleten KRO g. Baku i у ego rayonov, April 4, 1918. 24. Byulleten KRO g. Baku i у ego rayonov, April 7,1918. 25. Yeni Qafqaziya, March 31,1924. 26. M.G.Shaumyan, Selected Articles, vol. Ш, Baku, 1978, pp. 259-260. 27. AHPPSM, fund 276, page 2, case 22, point 25. 28. Gruziya, November 26,1918. 29. The Central State Archive of the History of Manuscripts, Baku, fund 1061, page 1, case 108, point 7. 30. Noviy Vostok, 3, 1922, p. 184. 31.TAN, March 12,1920. SPRING 1918: ARMENIAN TERRORISM.. 61 X ülas 1918-Cİ İLİN YAZI: AZ RBAYCANDA ERM Nİ TERRORİZMİ V TÜRK-MÜS LMAN SOYQIRIMI C mil H S NLİ (Bah Dövbt Universit si, Az rbaycan) 1918-ci ilin yazında Bakida baş vermiş hadis l ri о zamankı Rusiyanın her bir guş si il muqayise etmek mumkiin deyil. Bolşeviklerle lbir olan erm ni milli, dini siyasi teşkilatları Qafqazda türk-müselman halisine qarşı etnik t mizl m planlarını h yata keçirm k üçün faci li hadis l r tör tdil r. 1918-ci ilin may ayında yaradilmiş Azerbaycan Xalq Cümhuriyyetinin ilk addimlanndan biri türk-müselman halisine qarşı toredilmiş kütl vi q tl ve qar tl ri araşdiran Fövqelade istintaq Komissiyasınin yaradılmasi oldu. Bu komissiyanin topladiği materiallar Azerbaycan respublikasi Dövlet Arxivinin 1061-ci fondunda v Siyasi Partiyalar, Ictimai Herekatlar Dövlet Arxivinin 277-ci fondunda toplanmişdir. Qeyd edilen fondlarda toplanan materiallann araşdirmasi 1918-ci ilin mart aymda Bakida, az sonra ise Azerbaycan qezalannda ttirkmüselman ehalisine qarşi genosid hadisesi toredildiyini tesdiq edir. Azerbaycan Milli herekatının genişlenmesi, "Musavat" partiyasinin ümummilli partiyaya çevrilmesi "Böyük Ermenistan" xülyasi ile yaşayan ermeni siyasi teşkilatlarıni narahat etmeye başlamişdi. Mart hadiselerini toretmekde yaxin meqsed Bakida "Musavat"in sosial bazasini mehv etmek idi. Bu plani gerç kl şdirmek üçün ermeniler Bakida müxtelif adlar altinda 18 min neferlik silahlı qüvve toplamişdilar. Bakida qanlı hadiseler mart ayinin 30-da başladi ve üç gun davam etdi. Fovqelade istintaq komissiyasimn umumileşdirdiyi hesabata gore üç gun erzinde Bakida milli ve dini elamete gore 12 min türk müselman qetle yetirilib. Azerbaycan medeniyyet merkezleri, "Ismailiyye", "Qoşa Qala qapisi", 'Teze Pir" mescidi ve s., "Kaspi" ve "Açıq söz" qezetlerinin redaksiyaları, habele. onlarca me'marlıq incileri düşm n terefinden dagidilmişdir. Qetl ve qaretlerde ermeni kilsesi ve ziyahlan feal i§tirak etmi§dir. tnsanlar ya§a, cinse baxmadan son derece qeddarlıqla qetle yetirilmişdir. Senedler ve şahidlerin d i n d i rm protokolu tesdiq edir ki, hamile qadinların qarninin yirtilmasi, adamlann diri-diri divara mismarlanmasi, sudemer u§aqlann doğranması, insanların beden uzvlerinin kesilmesi, muselman meyitlerinin yanan odun içine atilmasi kimi vehşiliklerde ermeni ziyalı ve din xadimleri bilavasite iştirak etmişler. 62 , Jamil HASANLI Bakida mart hadis l rini töretmökl erm niler bolşevizm adi altinda hakimiyy tin l alınmasi prosesini başa çatdirdilar. Aprel ayinda S.G.Şaumyan başda olmaqla Baki XKS yaradildi. Bakida baş veren faci li hadiseler aprel ayı rzinde eyni ile ona yaxin olan q zalarda da t krar edildi. Şamaxı q zasinda qisa muddetde 8 mine qeder adam oldürüldü ki, bunun da 1653 neferi qadin, 965 neferi u§aq idi. 1918-ci ilin aprel ayinda Quba qezasına gönderilen c za desteleri q zanın 122 müs lman kendini dağıtdılar, yüzl rl türk ve l zgi halisini terror etdiler. G6y?ay, Kiirdemir, Salyan, Lenkoran vo digor yerler 198-ci ilin yazinda ermeni ceza d st lerindon ciddi ziyan çekdiler. Bakı, Şamaxi, Kürdemir, Salyan, Quba v L nk ran tutulduqdan sonra silahlı yadellil rin h d fi G nc idi. Lakin 1918-ci ilin mayinda Azerbaycan Xalq Cümhuriyy tinin yaranmasi yadelli diüşmenlorin planlarıni pozdu. Bel likl , 1918-ci ilin mayinda Azerbaycan Cümhuriyyetinin yaratdıgı Fovqelade istintaq Komissiyasının topladiği s n dl r 1918-ci ilin yazinda ermeni silahlı birleşmolori t r find n Azerbaycan ehalisine qarşi genosid hadis si tör dildiyini tesdiq edir.



Erməniləri LƏNƏTLƏYİRİK. Erməni əsirliyindəki vəhşiliklər

24 iyul 1993-cü ildə Ağdam rayonunun işğalı zamanı ermənilər tərəfindən girov götürülmüş 3 yaşlı Şövqi Əliyevin bazu sümüyü Xankəndində erməni «həkimləri» tərəfindən çıxarılmış, nəticədə Şövqi ömürlük şikəst olmuşdur.

31 mart 1993-cü ildə Kəlbəcər rayonunun işğalı zamanı girov götürülən Gülcamal Quliyevanın girovluqda dünyaya gəlmiş oğlu Arzu Hacıyevə erməni «həkimi» Aida Serobyan naməlum tərkibli iynələr vurmuşdur. Ömürlük şikəst olmuş A.Hacıyev 2003-cü ilin may ayında vəfat etmişdir.

21 oktyabr 1992-ci ildə ermənilər tərəfindən əsir götürülmüş Mayıl Məmmədov. Sinəsi qızdırılmış xaçla damğalanmışdır.

26 dekabr 1992-ci ildə yaralı vəziyyətdə əsir götürülmüş Əbdüləzim Məmmədov müxtəlif işgəncələrə məruz qalmış-rezin dəyənəklə döyülmüş,damarına benzin yeridilmiş, üstünə təlim görmüş it buraxılmışdır.

Bir ildən artıq ac saxlanılan əsir İlham Nəsirov 23 noyabr 1993-cü ildə Yerevan hərbi qospitalında kəskin kaxeksiya (acından ölmə) diaqnozundan vəfat etmişdir.

Fikrət Hüseynov.1993-cü ildə əsirlikdə işgəncələrlə qətlə yetirilmişdir.

Ənvər Cəfərov. 1994-cü ildə əsirlikdə qətlə yetirilmişdir.

Gülşad Məmmədov. 1994-cü ildə əsirlikdə başından güllələnərək qətlə yetirilmişdir.

Rüstəm Ağayev. 1994-cü ildə əsirlikdə başından güllələnərək qətlə yetirilmişdir.

Erməni əsirliyində ölmüş

1992-ci il fevralın 25-dən 26-a keçən gecə Ermənistan silahlı qüvvələri, Dağlıq Qarabağ ərazisindəki ermənilərin qeyri-qanuni silahlı dəstələri Xocalı şəhərində Azərbaycan xalqına qarşı soyqırım həyata keçirmişdir.

Erməni terroru

16 sentyabr 1989-cu il. «Tbilisi-Bakı» sərnişin avtobusu partladılmış, 5 nəfər həlak olmuş, 25 nəfər yaralanmışdır.

«Tbilisi-Bakı» avtobusunda törədilmiş terror aktının qurbanları.

«Tbilisi-Bakı» avtobusunda törədilmiş terror aktının qurbanları.

«Tbilisi-Bakı» avtobusunda törədilmiş terror aktının qurbanları.

18 fevral 1990-cı il. «Şuşa-Bakı» sərnişin avtobusu partladılmış, 13 nəfər yaralanmışdır.

10 avqust 1990-cı il. «Tbilisi-Ağdam» sərnişin avto¬bu¬su partladılmış, 20 nəfər həlak olmuş, 30 nəfər yaralanmışdır.

24 mart 1990-cı il. Azərbaycan, Qazax rayonu. Ermənistan ərazisində fəaliyyət göstərən terrorçu qrupun silahlı basqını nəticəsində 6 nəfər qətlə yetirilmişdir.

24 mart 1990-cı il. Azərbaycan, Qazax rayonu. Ermənistan ərazisində fəaliyyət göstərən terrorçu qrupun silahlı basqını nəticəsində 6 nəfər qətlə yetirilmişdir.

24 mart 1990-cı il. Azərbaycan, Qazax rayonu. Ermənistan ərazisində fəaliyyət göstərən terrorçu qrupun silahlı basqını nəticəsində 6 nəfər qətlə yetirilmişdir.

09 yanvar 1991-ci il. «Molodyoj Azerbaycana» qəzetinin müxbiri Salatın Əsgərova və 3 rus hərbi qulluqçusu avtomobilin atəşə tutulması nəticəsində qətlə yetirilmişlər.

09 yanvar 1991-ci il. «Molodyoj Azerbaycana» qəzetinin müxbiri Salatın Əsgərova və 3 rus hərbi qulluqçusu avtomobilin atəşə tutulması nəticəsində qətlə yetirilmişlər.

09 yanvar 1991-ci ildə törədilmiş terror aktının iştirakçıları-A.Mkrtçyan, Q.Petrosyan, A.Manqasaryan və Q.Arustamyan hadisə yerində ifadə verərkən.

30 may 1991-ci il. Rusiya Federasiyası Dağıstan Respublikasının Xasavyurd stansiyası yaxınlığında «Moskva-Bakı» sərnişin qatarı partladılmış, 11 nəfər həlak olmuş, 22 nəfər yaralanmışdır.

20 noyabr 1991-ci il. Xocavənd rayonunun Qarakənd kəndi yaxınlığında «Mİ-8» vertolyotu erməni terrorçuları tərəfindən atəşə tutulmuş, 19 nəfər həlak olmuşdur.

20 noyabr 1991-ci il. Xocavənd rayonunun Qarakənd kəndi yaxınlığında «Mİ-8» vertolyotu erməni terrorçuları tərəfindən atəşə tutulmuş, 19 nəfər həlak olmuşdur.

08 yanvar 1992-ci il.Türkmənistandan «Krasnovodsk-Bakı» marşrutu ilə hərəkət edən dəniz bərəsində terror aktı törədilmiş, 25 nəfər həlak olmuş, 88 nəfər yaralanmışdır.

08 yanvar 1992-ci il.Türkmənistandan «Krasnovodsk-Bakı» marşrutu ilə hərəkət edən dəniz bərəsində terror aktı törədilmiş, 25 nəfər həlak olmuş, 88 nəfər yaralanmışdır.

01 fevral 1994-cü il. Bakı dəmiryolu vağzalında «Kislovodsk-Bakı» qatarında terror aktı törədilmiş, 3 nəfər həlak olmuş, 20 nəfər yaralanmışdır.

19 mart 1994-cü il. Bakı metropoliteninin «20 Yanvar» stansiyasında partlayış nəticəsində 14 nəfər həlak olmuş, 49 nəfər yaralanmışdır.

19 mart 1994-cü il. Bakı metropoliteninin «20 Yanvar» stansiyasında partlayış nəticəsində 14 nəfər həlak olmuş, 49 nəfər yaralanmışdır.

03 iyul 1994-cü il. Bakı metropoliteninin «28 May» və «Gənclik» stansiyaları arasında elektrik qatarı partladılmış, 13 nəfər həlak olmuş, 42 nəfər yaralanmışdır.

03 iyul 1994-cü il. Bakı metropoliteninin «28 May» və «Gənclik» stansiyaları arasında elektrik qatarı partladılmış, 13 nəfər həlak olmuş, 42 nəfər yaralanmışdır.

02 iyun 1993-cü il tarixdə Bakı dəmiryolu vağzalında sərnişin qatarının vaqonunda partlayış törətmiş İqor Xatkovski.

Caan Oqanesyan. Ermənistan Respublikası Milli Təhlükəsizlik Baş İdarəsinin şöbə rəisi. 13 may 1994-cü ildə Rusiya xüsusi xidmət orqanları tərəfindən Moskvada həbs olunmuşdur. Onun rəhbərliyi ilə 1992-1994-cü illərdə Rusiyadan Bakıya gələn sərnişin qatarlarında silsilə partlayışlar törədilmişdir.

Aşot Qaloyan. Ermənistan Respublikası Milli Təhlükəsizlik Baş İdarəsinin əməkdaşı. 13 may 1994-cü ildə Rusiya xüsusi xidmət orqanları tərəfindən Moskvada həbs olunmuşdur. «Moskva-Bakı» sərnişin qatarlarında partlayışların təşkilatçılarından biri.

Boris Simonyan. Rusiya Federal Əks-kəşfiyyat Xidmətinin terrorizmlə mübarizə idarəsinin baş əməliyyat müvəkkili. Ermənistan xüsusi xidmət orqanları tərəfindən məxfi əməkdaşlığa cəlb olunmuşdur. 13 may 1994-cü ildə Rusiya xüsusi xidmət orqanları tərəfindən Moskvada həbs olunmuşdur. «Moskva-Bakı» sərnişin qatarlarında partlayışların təşkilatçılarından biri.

Caan Oqanesyanın Moskvadakı gizli mənzilindən Rusiya xüsusi xidmət orqanları tərəfindən müsadirə edilmiş silah və partlayıcı maddələr

Caan Oqanesyanın Moskvadakı gizli mənzilindən Rusiya xüsusi xidmət orqanları tərəfindən müsadirə edilmiş silah və partlayıcı maddələr

Caan Oqanesyanın Moskvadakı gizli mənzilindən Rusiya xüsusi xidmət orqanları tərəfindən müsadirə edilmiş silah və partlayıcı maddələr

1991-ci il. Azərbaycanın Dağlıq Qarabağ bölgəsində fəaliyyət göstərən erməni terrorçu qrupundan müsadirə edilmiş silah-sursatın bir qismi.

1991-ci il. Azərbaycanın Dağlıq Qarabağ bölgəsində fəaliyyət göstərən erməni terrorçu qrupundan müsadirə edilmiş silah-sursatın bir qismi.

 	1991-ci il. Azərbaycanın Dağlıq Qarabağ bölgəsində fəaliyyət göstərən erməni terrorçu qrupundan müsadirə edilmiş silah-sursatın bir qismi.

Dağlıq Qarabağ bölgəsi və və onun ətrafındakı 7 rayonun Ermənistan Respublikası silahlı qüvvələri tərəfindən işğalı nəticəsində bir milyondan artıq insan 10 ildən çoxdur ki, qaçqın və məcburi köçkün şəraitində yaşayır.

Relevant examples from history...

"The Armenian republic of Dashnaks [during its formation in 1918] had got from Allies the Kars district, the parts of the Erivan guberniia (province) taken away in 1918. So, the territory of Armenia made up approximately 17,500 English square miles with population of 1,510,000 people (795,000 Armenians, 575,000 Moslems [Azerbaijanis], 140,000 of other nationalities). Dashnaks not being satisfied with it layed claims to the Akhalkalak and Borchaly territories (parts of Georgia), and to Karabakh, Naxcivan districts and to the southern part of great Elisavetpol guberniia (parts of Azerbaijan). The attempts of annexing these territories by force (in the period of the British occupation of Transcaucasus) led to the war with Georgia (December, 1918) and long bloody struggle with Azerbaijan resulted in reduction of contested regions' population by 10-30%, and a number of settlements were literally wiped off the face of the earth. The fight was extremely fierce in Karabakh where the Dashnaks settled down firmly. Only downfall of the Musavat Party and Sovietization of Baku (27 April 1920) saved the Karabakh Armenians from complete defeat."

"Being proposed (July 1920) to accept Karabakh, Naxcivan and other areas [of Azerbaijan] loyal to Soviet power, Yerevan government agreed to start guerilla actions on the mentioned above territories issuing confidential order to their Dashnak war leaders. These actions started in September 1920. At the same time Dashnaks having received weapons from Britain, organized pogroms of Moslem [mainly Azerbaijani] population in the whole of Kars province and Erevan district reducing Shuragel, Sharur-Daralagez, Kaguzman, Surmanly, Karagurta, Sary Kamysh regions to ashes. Having secured such a rear they attacked Olta and Kaguzman acquiring the support of Makin Sardar."

Great Soviet Encyclopedia (GSE), "Armenian Question" First Edition, Volume Three (ANRIO-ATOKCIL), Moscow, 1926. GSE was the most authoritative and comprehensive Soviet encyclopedia, an equivalent of the Encyclopedia Britannica in the West.

Malik-Abbas family

Malik-Abbas (Məlik-Abbas) family is Azerbaijani family from Azerbaijani Garabakh territory, this family is originates 1300 years ago in the Garabakh. This is Azerbaijani Nobleman (aristocrat) family. In that period time armenian does not even now there is Garabakh territory on the map. Affirmed - photo attachment No.1 To be continued; ~ Dizak (talk) 12:39, 24 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]

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