Missing articles about psychology and behavior
Psychological terminology
- Accustomization - ()
- acrophase actigraphy - ()
- action slip - ()
- Adaptive prediction - ()
- affective prosody - ()
- allotriophagy - ()
- Analogous thinking - ()
- anamnesia - ()
- Anchoring gaze - ()
- anergia - ()
- Anniversary syndrome - ()
- anomalous psychological experience - ()
- Anosotonic - ()
- Antineurasthenia - ()
- Antisocial factor - ()
- Asthenic reaction - ()
- asymptomatic polysomnographic finding - ()
- Attachment formation - ()
- attention crash - ()
- Attentional inertia - ()
- Augmentation principle - ()
- Autoanalysis - ()
- Autoregression (psychology) - ()
- autoscopic phenomena - ()
- availability heuristics - ()
- Avoidance relationship - ()
- Basic personality - ()
- Basic psychic functions - ()
- Behavioral psychophysics - ()
- Bestialization - ()
- Biased apperception - ()
- Blind spot (psychology) - ()
- Categorical attitude - ()
- Ceiling Rate - ()
- Circular reaction - ()
- co-orienting thought - ()
- Codability - ()
- Combination principle - ()
- Communication credibility - ()
- Complementary phenomena - ()
- Compound schedule - ()
- Conative process - ()
- concept center - ()
- Conceptual labeling - ()
- Concurrence-seeking tendency - ()
- Conditional stimulus - ()
- Conflicting behaviors effect - ()
- Confounding effect - ()
- consensual validation - ()
- Contract effect - ()
- Curvature contrast - ()
- deceptive detection - ()
- Determinism (psychology) - ()
- Discounting principle - ()
- Ego strength - ()
- emotional insulation - ()
- Enterperience - ()
- Environmental stressor - ()
- Escape mechanism - ()
- Evaluation schedule - ()
- Exafferent stimulation - ()
- executive autonomy - ()
- executive capacity - ()
- experience-dependent plasticity - ()
- external stimuli - ()
- Figure-round - ()
- Formal discipline - ()
- Frustrative nonreward - ()
- Function principle - ()
- Game theory (psychology) - ()
- General adaptive syndrome (GAS) - ()
- Gradiant - ()
- gross stress reaction - ()
- Growth principle - ()
- Hermeneutics (psychology) - ()
- Holism (psychology) - ()
- Hyper-emotivity - ()
- hyperemotivity - ()
- hysteria-psychosomatic-somatization - ()
- Hysterical field - ()
- Identity shift effect - ()
- imagined ugliness - ()
- Implicit repetition - ()
- Inductive stimulus - ()
- informal consent - ()
- Ingraining - ()
- Interaction principle - ()
- Internal simulation - ()
- Internal world - ()
- Internatism - ()
- Intersubjective mental ability - ()
- Involuntary expressive system - ()
- Law of contingency - ()
- Leniency effect - ()
- life change event - ()
- Life space - ()
- Locentrism - ()
- Lullaby effect - ()
- magnitude representation congruency - ()
- male brooding - ()
- Mental ability - ()
- Mental conflict, conflict frustration - ()
- Mental flossing - ()
- mental health direction - ()
- Mental Performance Index - ()
- mental status schedule - ()
- Middle years - ()
- Mondrian apparatus - ()
- Monism (psychology) - ()
- mortality salient - ()
- Multiple control principle multiple control - ()
- Multiple response principle - ()
- Multiple schedule - ()
- negative association - ()
- Negative instance - ()
- neurotic paradox - ()
- Nonverbal cue - ()
- Novel stimulus - ()
- Number of noncommon effects - ()
- object play - ()
- objective utility - ()
- Offside effect - ()
- Omitted stimulus response - ()
- onterity group - ()
- Operationalism (psychology) - ()
- Order of intentionality - ()
- Orientation response - ()
- Orthogenesis (psychology) - ()
- Pain principle - ()
- Paradoxical cold - ()
- Parallelism (psychology) - ()
- peak admittance - ()
- Peripheralism - ()
- persistent constant - ()
- Polarizing processes - ()
- Presentation time - ()
- primal trauma - ()
- Primary mental ability - ()
- Proaieretic code - ()
- progressive conditionalising - ()
- psych trauma - ()
- psychic anaphylaxis - ()
- Psychic trauma - ()
- Psychodynamic resistance - ()
- Psychogenic factor - ()
- Psychologic predisposition - ()
- Psychological abstract - ()
- Psychological damage - ()
- Psychological feedback - ()
- Psychological field - ()
- psychological liminality - ()
- Psychological moment -()
- Psychological parallelism - ()
- Psychological phenomena or Psychological phenomenon -() / ()
- Psychological society - ()
- Psychopanychism - ()
- psychophysiologic habituation - ()
- psychophysiological fitness - ()
- Psychophysis - ()
- Psychosomatic maturation - ()
- Psychosomatic polarities - ()
- psychospiritual – ()
- Psychotaraxics - ()
- Pyknology - ()
- Realism (psychology) - ()
- Realistic attitude - ()
- Response latency - ()
- risk behavior - ()
- Role transition - ()
- Schizophrenogenie - ()
- Secondary process - ()
- selective adaptation - ()
- Self object - ()
- Siddociation - ()
- Sincerity conditions sincerity condition - ()
- situation interest - ()
- Situational familiarity - ()
- Specific Affect (SPAFF) - ()
- Spell (trance) - ()
- Stereotyped response - ()
- stimulus property - ()
- Stimulus-freedom stimulus freedom - ()
- Strategic psychological activities - ()
- Subjective reduction - ()
- Support environment - ()
- Sympathetic introspection - ()
- Token stimulus - ()
- Tonal knowledge - ()
- Tonal tension - ()
- Topaestheia, topaesthesis - ()
- Transient effect - ()
- Transposability - ()
- Vicarious arousal - ()
- Wordless narrative – ()
Eponymic terms
- Bunsen-Roscoe effect - ()
- Poetzl effect - ()
Schools of psychology
- Biological behaviorism - ()
- Classical behaviorism - ()
- Constructional approach - ()
- Discoursive psychology - ()
- Hormic psychology - ()
Types of psychology
- Aviation psychiatry - ()
- Behavioral toxicology - ()
- Behavioural psychophysics - ()
- Biblical psychology – ()
- biobehavioral science - ()
- biodynamic psychology - ()
- eidetic psychotherapy - ()
- Ergology- ()
- existential psychiatry - ()
- existential psychoanalysis - ()
- Factor psychology - ()
- Field psychology - ()
- Hormic psychology - ()
- Orthopsychiatry - ()
- Positional psychology - ()
- preventive psychiatry - ()
- Psychological sociology - ()
- Psychology at sea - ()
- psychology of communication - ()
- Purposive psychology - ()
- schizophrenic psychology - ()
- Somatopsychology - ()
- Topological psychology – ()
- Vocational (Counseling) Psychology) - ()
- Zoopsychology – ()
Psychological theories
- Abney's law of additivity - ()
- Abstinence rule - ()
- Abstinence theory - ()
- Action theory (psychology) - ()
- action theory of information exposure - ()
- Acuity theory - ()
- Adaptation level theory adaptation theory - ()
- Affective arousal theory affective arousal- ()
- Aleatoric theory - ()
- Anterior-posterior development theory - ()
- Assimilation theory - ()
- Associative chain theory associative chain - ()
- Associative model - ()
- attitude theory - ()
- behavior constraint theory - ()
- behavioral family theory - ()
- Behavioral theory - ()
- Birth memories hypothesis - ()
- Birth order theory - ()
- Body-type theories - ()
- Boundary deficit hypothesis - ()
- Braid's theory of hypnosis - ()
- Brain field theory - ()
- Bundle hypothesis - ()
- causal theories of intentionality - ()
- Causal theories of perception - ()
- causal theory of meaning - ()
- Causal theory of memory - ()
- Charpentier's law - ()
- Cloaca theory – ()
- Cognition theory - ()
- cognitive development theory - ()
- Cognitive developmental theory - ()
- Cognitive evaluation theory of emotion - ()
- Cognitive learning theory cognitive learning - ()
- Cognitive organization theory - ()
- Cognitive personality theory cognitive personality - ()
- Concentration theory of cutaneous cold - ()
- Congruity theory, congruity principle - ()
- Consolidation theory of learning - ()
- Constancy hypothesis - ()
- Control theory (psychology) - ()
- cross-activation hypothesis - ()
- Defect theory - ()
- Depth theory - ()
- Dialectic theory - ()
- Dimension-psychological-personality theory - ()
- discreet state theory of emotions - ()
- Disposition theory - ()
- Dominator modulator theory - ()
- Double bind theory - ()
- Drive stimulus theory - ()
- Drive theory of motivation - ()
- Duplex theory of memory - ()
- Dynamic effect law - ()
- Dynamic system theory - ()
- Dynamic theory - ()
- Ebbinghaus's law - ()
- Echo principle - ()
- Ego-alter theory - ()
- Empirical law of effect - ()
- Error learning hypothesis, adaptive expectation - ()
- Exigency theory - ()
- Faculty theory - ()
- Fechner's paradox - ()
- Ferry-Porter law - ()
- Flow theory - ()
- Focal sepsis hypothesis - ()
- Forced movement theory forced movement - ()
- Fromm's theory of personality - ()
- Frontal Brain Hypothesis of violent behaviour - ()
- Frustration fixation hypothesis - ()
- Fullerton-Cattell law - ()
- Gain-loss theory of attraction - ()
- Genetical theory of social behavior - ()
- Gibson effect - ()
- Great man theory (psychology) - ()
- Great woman theory (psychology) - ()
- Guttmann scale - ()
- Habituation theory of learning - ()
- Hebb's theory of perception learning - ()
- Heider's Attribution theory - ()
- Hormic theory - ()
- Hullian theory - ()
- Hydraulic theory - ()
- Hyman's law - ()
- Identical elements theory, identical elements law - ()
- identity hypothesis - ()
- Impoverished theory of mind - ()
- Individuality theory - ()
- Indoleamine hypothesis of depression - ()
- Infantile birth theories infantile birth - ()
- Insult-anger theory - ()
- Interests theory - ()
- Interpersonal theory - ()
- Inverse square law of attraction - ()
- Jackson's law - ()
- James-Lance theory - ()
- Jungian world theory - ()
- La belle indifférence - ()
- Ladder Theory Ladder theory - ()
- Law of assimilation - ()
- Law of contrast - ()
- Law of filial regression - ()
- Law of frequency - ()
- Law of piecemeal activity - ()
- Law of progression - ()
- Law of proximity - ()
- Law of shifting - ()
- Law of simplicity - ()
- Law of unreadiness - ()
- Law of use - ()
- Laws of primacy - ()
- Laws of readiness - ()
- Lazarsfeld latent-distance model, latent distance - ()
- Lazarus-Schachton theory of emotion - ()
- Levels of information processing theory - ()
- Life style theory - ()
- Likers scale - ()
- Localization theory - ()
- Lombrosian theory - ()
- MacLean's theory of emotion - ()
- Marbe's law – ()
- Marshall Hypothesis Marshall hypothesis - ()
- Marxist psychological theory - ()
- Marxist psychological theory – ()
- Massed-spaced theory of learning - ()
- Maternal-control hypothesis maternal control - ()
- Maturation hypothesis - ()
- Mediation theory - ()
- Mental faculty theory mental faculty - ()
- Merkel's law - ()
- Micromolar theory - ()
- Mind-twist hypothesis - ()
- Motor theory of consciousness - ()
- Motor theory of meaning - ()
- Mueller's color theory - ()
- Müller-Schumann law - ()
- multimodal models multimodal model - ()
- Multimodel theory of intelligence - ()
- Need-press theory of personality - ()
- Negative law of effect - ()
- No-ownership theory of mind - ()
- Non-common effect principle non-common effect - ()
- Non-continuity in learning theory - ()
- Omnipotency theory - ()
- One-trial learning theory - ()
- Pain-aggression theory - ()
- Persuasion Theory - ()
- Persuasive argument theory - ()
- Pfahler's typology - ()
- Phenomenological approach - ()
- Physiological hypothesis - ()
- Piaget's codification of the rules stage - ()
- Piaget's cooperative stage - ()
- Piaget's egocentric stage - ()
- Piaget's motor habit - ()
- Piaget's motor stage - ()
- Piaget's rules of the game - ()
- Picture theory of the mind - ()
- Pieron's Law - ()
- Piper's law - ()
- Positive instance hypothesis - ()
- Postremity principle postremity - ()
- primal horde theory of Freud - ()
- Principle of advantage - ()
- Principle of associative shifting associative shifting - ()
- Principle of creative resultants - ()
- Principle of disuse - ()
- Principle of dynamogenesis dynamogenesis - ()
- Principle of minimal frustration- ()
- Prior entry law - ()
- Probability theory of learning - ()
- Psychic Reality, psychic reality, Jungian - ()
- Psychic resultant law - ()
- Psychoanalytic developmental theory - ()
- Relaxation principle - ()
- Reorganization theory - ()
- Reproductive phases theory reproductive phase - ()
- Reproductive theory of imagery - ()
- Resonance theory of learning - ()
- Response-unit hypothesis response unit - ()
- Restoration theory - ()
- Rogerian theory - ()
- Sheldon's body types - ()
- Sheldon's constitutional theory - ()
- Short-circuiting law - ()
- signal processing theory - ()
- Simplest part law simplest part - ()
- Skaggs-Robinson hypothesis - ()
- Spot theory - ()
- Spread of effect hypothesis - ()
- Stimulus sampling theory - ()
- Stimulus substitution theory - ()
- Theories of madness - ()
- Thurstone equal-appearing interval scale - ()
- Thurstone's law of comparative judgement - ()
- trace deletion hypothesis - ()
- Trace theory of memory - ()
- Transactional theory - ()
- Tridimensional theory of feeling - ()
- Two-factor learning theory - ()
- Universal law of learning, learning theory - ()
- Vierdot's law - ()
- Visual cliff phenomenon - ()
- Visual perspective hypothesis - ()
- Volley theory of learning – ()
- W-curve hypothesis - ()
- Acquired behavior - ()
- Action avoidance - ()
- Ad hoc behavior - ()
- Alarm behavior - ()
- Anniversary reaction, alleged deaths in the anniversaries of calamities - ()
- Antisocial reaction - ()
- assertive aggression - ()
- Aversion to extremes - ()
- Behavior blocking - ()
- behavior control - ()
- Behavior mechanism Behavior mechanisms - () / ()
- behavior observation techniques behavior observation - ()
- Behavior trait - ()
- Behavioral dominance - ()
- Behavioral dynamics - ()
- Behavioral level specification - ()
- Behavioral residue - ()
- Behavioral silence - ()
- Behavioral symptoms - ()
- Behavioural determinant - ()
- Behavioural evolution, behavioral evolution - () / ()
- Behavioural incident method - ()
- Behavioural level specification - ()
- Callousness - ()
- Career identity - ()
- Casual passion - ()
- Chain behavior - ()
- choice behavior - ()
- Civilian catastrophe reaction - ()
- Communicative doing - ()
- Competitive behavior - ()
- constant routine - ()
- continuous routine - ()
- Conventional behavior - ()
- coronary-prone Type A behavior - ()
- corrective emotional response - ()
- Crisis hawk - ()
- Cue-response paradigm - ()
- Cumulative response curve - ()
- Defensive comparison - ()
- Delayed reaction, delayed response - ()
- Dependence and independence - ()
- Desk rage - ()
- Destructive obedience - ()
- diffuse activity - ()
- Discounting the news - ()
- Dismissiveness - ()
- Diversion behaviour - ()
- dominance aggression - ()
- Dumping responsibility - ()
- Duping delight - ()
- Erotic inertia - ()
- Escape mechanism - ()
- Evolution of expression - ()
- Exposure-Response Function - ()
- expression response - ()
- Face saving ritual - ()
- Fanatical spectator - ()
- Female intimacy - ()
- Flight reflex - ()
- Following response - ()
- Food aggression - ()
- Goal continuation - ()
- Goal-directed behavior - ()
- Goal-directness – ()
- grief reaction - ()
- Gross stress reaction - ()
- Headlight effect (psychology) - ()
- Honest behavior - ()
- Intentional behaviour - ()
- Inter behaviorism - ()
- Interactive dialog - ()
- intermate aggression - ()
- internal arousal - ()
- Interpersonal behavior - ()
- Intuitive prejudice - ()
- Involuntary attention - ()
- Involuntary movement - () - involuntary motion exists as a redirect to Tremor
- irritable aggression - ()
- Jogger's high - ()
- Kodak courage - ()
- Latitude of acceptance/rejection - ()
- Learned safety - ()
- Liar's remorse - ()
- Maintenance behavior - ()
- Mama bear syndrome - ()
- maternal aggression - ()
- Mystic participation - ()
- Object-based neglect - ()
- Passive avoidance - ()
- Pattern of communication - ()
- Peak response - ()
- Person-situation interaction - ()
- Pollyanna response - ()
- predatory aggression - ()
- Predatory behaviour - ()
- Protest response - ()
- Protest stage - ()
- Purposeful behavior - ()
- Questioning attitude - ()
- Reaction overpotential - ()
- Regulatory behavior - ()
- repair service behavior repair-service behavior - ()
- Reward-feedback system - ()
- Risk-sharing, risk-sharing behavior - ()
- Seasonal efficiency - ()
- secondary emotion - ()
- Shifting of blame - ()
- Snow rage - ()
- socially motivated behavior - ()
- Socio-psychological processes socio-psychological process - ()
- Spontaneous confession - ()
- Stereotypical response - ()
- Stimulus-response psychology - ()
- Stress reaction - ()
- Submissive behaviour - ()
- sucking behavior - ()
- Teen violence - ()
- Teenage drinking - ()
- territorial aggression - ()
- Time out from positive reinforcement - ()
- trauma reflex - ()
- Underreaction-adjustment-overreaction - ()
- Value hierarchical thinking - ()
- Wild-man behavior – ()
- Ostensible bias - ()
- Therapeutic personality bias - ()
- Erotic inertia - ()
- Healthy sexuality - ()
- impaired sleep-related penile erection - ()
- National Sexuality Symposium - ()
- sex-motivated behavior - ()
- Sexual connection – ()
- sexual fears – ()
- sexual influence – ()
- Stygian sexuality - ()
Child and parents
- Adolescence and puberty - ()
- Birth adjustment - ()
- child behavior disorder - ()
- Child behavior - ()
- Child communication -()
- Child intelligence -()
- child reactive disorder - ()
- Early experience - ()
- fetus-mother relationship - ()
- Infant behavior - ()
- Intrauterine environment - ()
- life cycle stages - ()
- Maternal influence - ()
- Parent counselling - ()
- parent-adolescent communication - ()
- Paternal behavior - ()
- Paternal deprivation - ()
- Paternal exposure - ()
- Pregenetical stage - ()
- Schizophrenogenic family – ()
- Autobiographical self - ()
- Basic personality structure - ()
- Body ego - ()
- Constitutional types constitutional type - ()
- Core self - ()
- Emotionally unstable personality - ()
- Empirical self - ()
- Internal character - ()
- Leptosome Leptosomic - () / ()
- Modal personality - ()
- Nonconscious proto-self - ()
- Occasion of personhood - ()
- Oral character - ()
- Percentile personalism - ()
- Personality absorption - ()
- Personality configuration - ()
- Personality disorganization - ()
- Personality integration - ()
- Personality inventory - ()
- Personality mode - ()
- Personalizing process - ()
- Proto-self - ()
- Psychopathic Racist Personality - ()
- Pyknic - ()
- Recognition seeker - ()
- Role ambiguity - ()
- Segmentalized personality - ()
- Self-ideal - ()
- Status personality – ()
- Working face - ()
- Avoidance relationship - ()
- Biopsychosocial differences - ()
- Interpersonal function - ()
- Mindful mediation - ()
- Relationship problems - ()
- Social mind - ()
Psychological equipment
- Chevreurs pendulum - ()
- cold box (schaefer) - ()
- Geri-chair, bad boy chair - () /()
- Mosso ergograph - ()
- Ranseburg memory drum - ()
- Samadhi tank - ()
- Young's pseudophone – ()
Cognition and consciousness
- Allocentric spatial coordination - ()
- Attentional models attentional model - ()
- Aural perception -()
- Body thinking - ()
- C and C´ - ()
- Cognition competence - ()
- cognitive and information processing - ()
- cognitive appressant - ()
- cognitive cueing - ()
- cognitive distance - ()
- cognitive fatigue - ()
- cognitive focusing - ()
- Cognitive heuristics - ()
- Cognitive insights cognitive insight - ()
- cognitive psychophysiology - ()
- Cognitive selectivity – ()
- cognitive understanding - ()
- cognizant failure - ()
- Comprehension of sound -()
- Comprehension threshold - ()
- Conscious awareness - ()
- Crossmodal space - ()
- Dulled consciousness - ()
- Egocentric spatial coordinates - ()
- Environmental stimuli - ()
- extraordinary cognition - ()
- First-person experience - ()
- Focal attention - ()
- Foreconscious - ()
- Gap effect - ()
- Global mapping - ()
- higher cognitive functions - ()
- human information processing - ()
- Hyperawareness - ()
- Inhibitory loops - ()
- Intellectual cognition - ()
- Jamesian property of consciousness - ()
- Moment of recognition - ()
- Moral cognition - ()
- Mythopoetic imagination - ()
- Narrative self - ()
- Pattern generation - ()
- Perceptual categorization - ()
- Phenomenal transform - ()
- Piagetian notion of self - ()
- Recategorical - ()
- Representation of space - ()
- Residual hearing -()
- Sensation transference - ()
- Sensorimotor loop - ()
- Sound discrimination -()
- Spatial map - ()
- Spatial representation - ()
- Spatiotemporal correlation - ()
- Subjective present - ()
- Symbolic consciousness - ()'
- Symbolic though - ()
- Third-person experience - ()
- Visual localization – ()
Intelligence and problem-solving
- Analogous thinking - ()
- bodily-kinesthetic intelligence - ()
- Brainstorming reconstruction - ()
- Collaborative problem solving - ()
- Creative block, creativity block - ()
- Decision logic - ()
- Duty-based reasoning - ()
- Forward-Looking Strategy forward-looking strategy - ()
- genealogical intelligence studies genealogical intelligence study - ()
- Heartstorming - ()
- Human reasoning process - ()
- Infant intelligence - ()
- Inference logic - ()
- innate intelligence - ()
- Intrusive thinking - ()
- Knowledge innatism - ()
- Long-term planning - ()
- Mental dexterity -()
- Operative intelligence - ()
- Overplanning - ()
- Partial insight - ()
- Performance intelligence - ()
- practical intelligence - ()
- Prelogical mentality - ()
- Primary Test of Nonverbal Intelligence - ()
- Rational potential - ()
- Reverse planning - ()
- Snap judgment - ()
- Split-Half Method split-half method - ()
- Supra-mental intellect - ()
- Though processes -()
- Types of intelligence - ()
- Working Backwards working backwards – ()
- asynchronous gating - ()
- Auditory localization of stimuli - ()
- Binaural cue - ()
- Blue sense - ()
- Brücke-Bartley effect - ()
- common fate - ()
- cross-modal transfer - ()
- Delayed perception - ()
- Differential perception - ()
- Disaster myopia - ()
- ecological approach - ()
- efficient causality - ()
- Ego-centred representation - ()
- event perception - ()
- Evolution of sense - ()
- Excitation potential - ()
- Excitatory connection - ()
- facelike expertise - ()
- feedback pathways - ()
- Field sense (sports) - ()
- gabor patch - ()
- general auditory account - ()
- Gist phenomenon - ()
- Human ventral stream - ()
- infant perception - ()
- Inner imagery - ()
- Kanizsa square - ()
- Landscape amnesia - ()
- Law of closure - ()
- Law of common fate common fate - ()
- Law of good continuation good continuation - ()
- Law of good shape - ()
- Law of identical direction identical direction – ()
- lightness constancy - ()
- non-veridical perception - ()
- object perception - ()
- Perceived effect - ()
- Perception of movement - ()
- Perceptual approach - ()
- Perceptual capture - ()
- Perceptual closure - ()
- perceptual masking - ()
- perceptual process - ()
- Perceptual shorthand - ()
- Personality structure - ()
- Pink-lens effect - ()
- Pitch discrimination - ()
- Point of subjective equality - ()
- Positive sentiment override - ()
- Power of context - ()
- Protoconversation - ()
- psychological signal detection - ()
- response generalization - ()
- Scene analysis - ()
- Sensory spectrum - - ()
- set size effect - ()
- Singleness of vision - ()
- Strawson's auditory world - ()
- Texture perception - ()
- triadic conception of senses - ()
- tuning curves - ()
- Vision network - ()
- Visual awareness - ()
- Visual discrimination - ()
- Visual scene analysis - ()
- Visuo-spatial sketchpad - ()
- Zombie state - ()
- active illusion - ()
- acute hallucinosis - ()
- acute illusion - ()
- afterlife-related hallucination, hallucinatory near-death experience - ()
- algohallucinosis - ()
- altruistic hallucination - ()
- ambiguous illusion - ()
- apperceptive hallucination - ()
- Aristotle's illusion - ()
- assimilative illusion - ()
- audioalgesic hallucination - ()
- audiovisuoalgesic hallucination - ()
- auditory aura - ()
- Auditory Charles Bonnet Syndrome - ()
- auto-representation phenomenon - ()
- autoscopic hallucination - ()
- belladonna delirium - ()
- bilateral hallucination - ()
- binocular figure, ambiguous hallucination - ()
- blank hallucination - ()
- bodily hallucinated smell, instrinsic olfactory hallucination - ()
- bodily hallucination, body sensation hallucination - ()
- body sensation hallucination, bodily hallucination - ()
- braille hallucination - ()
- brain-damage-induced synesthestia - ()
- brainstorm hallucination - ()
- Cataract delirium - ()
- celestial illusion - ()
- census of hallucinations - ()
- cerebro-sensorial hallucination - ()
- chronic hallucinosis - ()
- chronic tactile hallucinosis - ()
- cinematographic vision - ()
- cobweb figure - ()
- cocaine hallucinosis - ()
- coenesthetic hallucination - ()
- complex hallucination - ()
- composed hallucination - ()
- compulsive hallucination - ()
- conductive hallucination - ()
- conesthetic hallucination, coenesthetic hallucination - ()
- creative hallucination - ()
- crepuscular hallucinosis - ()
- datura hallucination - ()
- dead-weight hallucination - ()
- deathbed apparition, take-away apparition - ()
- delirious hallucination - ()
- deuteroserpia hallucination - ()
- dissociative hallucination - ()
- distortion hallucination - ()
- drug-induced hallucination - ()
- drug-induced synaesthetic - ()
- ectohallucination - ()
- erethic hallucination - ()
- experiental hallucination, experiental phenomenon - ()
- focal hallucination - ()
- formed hallucination - ()
- formicative hallucination - ()
- functional hallucination - ()
- ganglionic hallucination - ()
- genital hallucination - ()
- Gulliverian hallucination - ()
- hallucinated game, hallucinatory game - ()
- hallucinated headache - ()
- hallucinated inner speech - ()
- hallucinated pain - ()
- hallucination in Braille - ()
- hallucinatory disposition - ()
- hallucinatory obsession - ()
- hallucinatory polyophic - ()
- hallucinogen-induced persistent perception disorder - ()
- hallucinogenic syndrome - ()
- hallucinosis phantasica - ()
- hallucinotic eidolia - ()
- Heterosmia - ()
- hostage hallucinosis, hostage hallucination - ()
- hygric hallucination, hygric sensation - ()
- hypercrowded hallucination - ()
- hysterical hallucination - ()
- ictal hallucination - ()
- illusion of comparative interpretation, psychical illusion - ()
- illusion of corporal displacement, body scheme illusion - ()
- illusion of corporeal transformation, body scheme illusion - ()
- Illusion of doubles, illusion of false recognition, capbras' syndrome - ()
- illusion of illusion - ()
- illusion of immanence - ()
- Illusion of recognition - ()
- Illusion of the pierced hand - ()
- illusionary emotion - ()
- illusive conception, spectral illusion - ()
- illusive perception, ocular spectra - ()
- illusory arm extension - ()
- illusory displacement of limbs - ()
- illusory movement of limbs - ()
- illusory movement - ()
- illusory nose prolongation, Pinocchio illusion - ()
- illusory splitting - ()
- illusory visual spread - ()
- Kava-induced hallucination - ()
- kinaesthetic hallucination - ()
- macroptic hallucination - ()
- malignant hallucination - ()
- mesencephalic hallucinosis - ()
- microptic hallucination - ()
- microscopic hallucination, microptic hallucation - ()
- monocular hallucination - ()
- mood-congruend hallucination - ()
- mood-incongriety hallucination - ()
- motor verbal hallucination - ()
- multimodal hallucination, compound hallucination - ()
- narcotic hallucinosis - ()
- negative hallucination - ()
- non-affective verbal hallucination - ()
- nonverbal hallucination - ()
- obsessional hallucination - ()
- ocular hallucination - ()
- oneiroid hallucination - ()
- organic hallucinosis - ()
- orthographic hallucination - ()
- palihaptic hallucination - ()
- panoramic hallucination - ()
- paradoxical cold - ()
- paradoxical heat - ()
- paranoid hallucinatoria - ()
- passenger hallucination - ()
- pathological hallucination - ()
- persistent hallucinosis - ()
- phantom sensation - ()
- phantom tooth pain - ()
- phantom vision - ()
- physiological hallucination - ()
- plant's hallucinosis - ()
- polymodel hallucination, corporal hallucination - ()
- polysensorial hallucination - ()
- positive hallucination - ()
- post-hypnotic hallucination - ()
- post-traumatic flashback - ()
- presence hallucination - ()
- primitive hallucination - ()
- propagated hallucination - ()
- proprioceptive hallucination - ()
- psychic hallucination - ()
- psychogenic hallucination - ()
- psychomotor hallucination - ()
- psychotic hallucination - ()
- reflex hallucination - ()
- reflex polysynaesthesia hallucinosis - ()
- release form of hallucinatory experience - ()
- release hallucination - ()
- rudimentary hallucination - ()
- scenic hallucination, panoramic hallucination - ()
- sensorial hallucination - ()
- sensory hallucination - ()
- sexual hallucination, erotic hallucination - ()
- slow-motion hallucination - ()
- solar wind and hallucinations - ()
- somaesthetic hallucination - ()
- somatic hallucination - ()
- space-motion hallucination - ()
- stable hallucination - ()
- Static hallucination - ()
- stereognosic hallucination - ()
- Stereotypical hallucination - ()
- sthenic hallucination - ()
- sun illusion - ()
- syphilic hallucination - ()
- telepathic hallucination - ()
- television-induced hallucination - ()
- teliologic hallucination - ()
- tessellated hallucination, tessellopsia - ()
- therapeutic hallucination - ()
- thermal hallucination - ()
- trait hallucination, trait-positive hallucination - ()
- unformed vision, unformed hallucination - ()
- unilateral hallucination - ()
- unimodal hallucination - ()
- unstructured photophobia - ()
- verbal auditory hallucination - ()
- verbal hallucination - ()
- veridical hallucination - ()
- voluntary hallucination - ()
- windmill illusion - ()
- withdrawal hallucination - ()
- After image test - ()
- Aristotle's anomaly - ()
- Auricular deception - ()
- Cherished illusion -()
- Disappearing Dot Illusion - ()
- Ehrenstein Contour Illusion - ()
- floating-finger illusion - ()
- force-movement illusion - ()
- front lighting - ()
- ganglionic illusion - ()
- Gestalt illusion - ()
- hat illusion - ()
- ictal illusion - ()
- Jastron's Duck-Rabbit - ()
- Kanizsa Polygon Illusion - ()
- Lily pads problem - ()
- Lipps illusion - ()
- Miller-Lyer illusion - ()
- mosaic illusion, mosaic vision - ()
- Munker-White Illusion - ()
- Paradox illusion - ()
- Parallel Lines Optical Illusion - ()
- Parchment-skin illusion - ()
- passive illusion - ()
- phantom nose illusion, Pinocchio illusion - ()
- physical illusion, stimulus-distortion illusion - ()
- physiological illusion - ()
- psychical illusion - ()
- Stump illusion - ()
- Time-lapse sensation - ()
- Wheel Illusion wheel illusion – ()
- Acronym System, a mental aid - ()
- Associate learning - ()
- behavioral memory - ()
- Conscious experience - ()
- Dispositional memories - ()
- dynamic memory model - ()
- event memory - ()
- Eyewitness memory reconstruction - ()
- Factor theory of learning - ()
- Habit acquisition - ()
- Iconic learning - ()
- Information collection process - ()
- Instructive theory - ()
- Learning mechanism, learning mechanisms - ()
- Learning of motor skills - ()
- Learning plateau - ()
- Learning set - ()
- Learning through repetition - ()
- Life experience - ()
- Longitudinal learning effect - ()
- Maze learning - ()
- Memory abnormality - ()
- Memory binding - ()
- memory contamination - ()
- Memory cuing - ()
- Memory cycle - ()
- Memory research - ()
- mental recall - ()
- Mnemonic strategy - ()
- mnemonic strategy - ()
- Object location memory - ()
- Personal-social learning - ()
- Phenomenal experience - ()
- Probability learning - ()
- Pseudo-forgetting - ()
- Recursive conditioning -()
- Remembered present - ()
- Slow learning - ()
- Span of memory - ()
- Stimulus-response learning – ()
- Subliminal learning - ()
- Superlearning - ()
- Thematic Organization Point (TOPs) - ()
- Value-category memory - ()
- Violence and recall - ()
- Visceral learning – ()
- visual world memory - ()
- Words and memory – ()
- digit-symbol mnemonic method - ()
- Keyword mnemonic technique - ()
- Link mnemonic method - ()
- pegword mnemonic model – ()
Sleep and dreaming
- age and sleep - ()
- apnea-hypophenia index - ()
- battle dream - ()
- Beauty sleep - ()
- benign epileptiform transients of sleep (BETS) - ()
- body rocking - ()
- Circadian Learning Center - ()
- circadian timing system - ()
- death during sleep - ()
- desynchroned sleep - ()
- dream content - ()
- Dream deprivation D-deprivation, - ()
- drugs and sleep - ()
- early morning arousal, early morning awakening - ()
- elderly and sleep, elderly sleep - ()
- electrical status epilepticus of sleep (ESES) - ()
- electrosleep - ()
- EM atonia - ()
- environmental time cues - ()
- exercise and sleep - ()
- first night effect - ()
- fragmentary myoclonus - ()
- gigantocellular tegmental field - ()
- head rolling - ()
- hypnagogic hypersynchrony - ()
- hypnagogic nightmare - ()
- hypnagogic reverie - ()
- hypnalgia - ()
- hypnotic sleep - ()
- hypnotoxin - ()
- hyponea - ()
- idiopathic hypersomnolence - ()
- inadequate sleep hygiene - ()
- indetermined sleep - ()
- intermediate sleep state - ()
- intermediate sleep, indetermined sleep - ()
- long sleeping - ()
- Maggie’s Law - ()
- Monophasic- ()
- Nasal positive pressure ventilation (NPPV) - ()
- nocturnal confusion - ()
- Nocturnal paroxysmal dystonia - ()
- nocturnal sleep episode - ()
- non-REM intrusion - ()
- nonfocal activity, diffuse acting - ()
- nonrestorative sleep - ()
- NREM sleep period - ()
- NREM-REM sleep cycle - ()
- ontogeny of sleep - ()
- Positive Occipital Sharp Transients in Sleep (POSTIS) - ()
- Primitive dreams - ()
- quiet sleep - ()
- reciprocal interaction model of sleep - ()
- REM reboard - ()
- REM-beta activity - ()
- REM-on cells - ()
- reversed first night effect - ()
- shift-work sleep spindles - ()
- short sleeper - ()
- sleep atonia - ()
- sleep disorder center, sleep disorder clinic - ()
- sleep dream vision - ()
- sleep initiation and maintenance disorder - ()
- sleep lag - ()
- sleep medicine and clinical polysomnosic examination - ()
- sleep mentation - ()
- Sleep movements – ()
- sleep restriction therapy - ()
- sleep specialist - ()
- sleep stage demarcation - ()
- sleep stage episode - ()
- sleep surface - ()
- sleep talking somniloquy - ()
- sleep-disnatural breathing - ()
- sleep-onset disorder, hypnagogic nightmare - ()
- sleep-regulation center - ()
- sleep-related gastroesophageal reflux - ()
- slow rolling eye movements - ()
- Stage two sleep spindles - ()
- status cataplecticus - ()
- Syncronized sleep - ()
- Theta activity - ()
- Trace alternant - ()
- Vertex sharp transient - ()
- acute confabulatory psychosis, hallucination of memory - ()
- adjustment sleep disorder - ()
- alcohol-dependent sleep disorder - ()
- critical incident stress syndrome - ()
- desynchronization of circadian rhythms - ()
- disorder of initiating and maintaining sleep - ()
- dream anxiety attack - ()
- environmental sleep disorder - ()
- fibromyositis syndrome, fibrositis syndrome - ()
- hypnotic-dependent sleep disorder - ()
- impaired decision-making capacity - ()
- impaired decisional autonomy - ()
- impaired executive autonomy - ()
- impaired executive capacity - ()
- infant sleep disorder - ()
- Insufficient sleep syndrome - ()
- intermittent DOES syndrome - ()
- limit-setting sleep disorder - ()
- menstrual-associated sleep disorder - ()
- nocturnal dyspnea - ()
- paroxysmal nocturnal dystonia, nocturna paroxysmal dystonia - ()
- postraumatic hypersomnia - ()
- proposed sleep disorders - ()
- sleep onset association disorder - ()
- sleep palsy - ()
- sleep-related asthma - ()
- sleep-wake transition disorder - ()
- Toxin-induced sleep disorder - ()
- altitude insomnia - ()
- conditioned insomnia - ()
- idiopathic insomnia - ()
- internal arousal insomnia - ()
- psychophysiological insomnia - ()
- Sleep maintenance insomnia - ()
- Sleep-onset insomnia - ()
- Sunday night insomnia - ()
- Combat and operational stress - ()
- Stress system - ()
- Time pressure - ()
Mental states
- Activation theory of emotion - ()
- Apathy-indifference - ()
- Background emotion - ()
- Body reaction theory of emotion - ()
- Causal efficacy, psychology of mental states - ()
- Coenestopathic state - ()
- Combat high - ()
- Conjugal bereavement - ()
- Constructive apathy - ()
- Depressive reaction - ()
- Despair response - ()
- Disinterestedness - ()
- Drive state - ()
- Emotion object - ()
- emotional adjustment - ()
- Emotional cue - ()
- Emotional dependence - ()
- Emotional expressiveness - ()
- Emotional hijacking - ()
- emotional kaleidoscope - ()
- Emotional overlay - ()
- Emotional sender - ()
- Emotional union - ()
- Forepleasure - ()
- Free-floating aggression - ()
- heart race in emotion - ()
- Hyperemotivity - ()
- Libidinal cocoon - ()
- Loss experience - ()
- Mental conflict - ()
- Mischief-joy - ()
- Mood theory - ()
- Narrative self - ()
- Negative attitude change - ()
- Nonconscious - ()
- Popez's theory of emotion - ()
- Primary emotions, universal emotions - () / ()
- Reality shock - ()
- Religious thrill - ()
- Sense of belonging - ()
- Sense of competence - ()
- Sense of security - ()
- Situatedness, presence in the environment - ()
- Unconscious function - ()
- Unconscious transference – ()
- Acquired drive, secondary drive, psychological drive - ()
- Acquired motive habits - ()
- Acquired motive pattern - ()
- Activity motive - ()
- Affectional drive - ()
- Affiliative motive - ()
- Basic drive, physiological drive, biological drive, innate drive, primary drive - ()
- Binomial motive - ()
- Biogenic motive - ()
- Compromise reaction, compromise formation - ()
- Curiosity motive - ()
- Ego-involved motive - ()
- Elimination drive - ()
- Exploratory motive - ()
- Hunger drive - ()
- Instrumental motivation - ()
- Integrative motivation - ()
- Intention movement - ()
- Intrinsic needs intrinsic need - ()
- Life instinct - ()
- Manipulative drive - ()
- Maternal drive - ()
- Motivational approach - ()
- Motivational orientation - ()
- Motivational state - ()
- Need-drive incentive pattern - ()
- Performance objective behavioural objective - ()
- Peripheral theory of drive - ()
- Physiological need, primary need - ()
- Primary need, physiological need - ()
- Purposeful behavior - ()
- Sleep drive - ()
- Social motive - ()
- Tendency-in-situation Tendency in situation Tinsit, - ()
- Vocabulary of motive – ()
Psychological disorders
- Acoria excessive appetite - ()
- animectomy complex - ()
- anticipatory vomiting - ()
- Anxiety repression - ()
- Aphrasia, refusal to speak or produce sound- ()
- Asymbolia, disorder of symbolic formulation- ()
- Augmented nervous irritability - ()
- Autotoxemia - ()
- Behavior disorder - ()
- Cataphasia - ()
- Catastrophic stress disorder - ()
- Cathard - ()
- Cerebretonia - ()
- Chakore - ()
- Collapse (mental) -()
- Compulsive Collector Syndrome - ()
- Coprophemia - ()
- Cutlery craving - ()
- Delayed psychosomatic maturation - ()
- Delayed Reaction Syndrome - ()
- Disaster syndrome, civilian catastrophe reaction - ()
- Dissocial disorder - ()
- Dorito syndrome - ()
- Dysphrasia, disorder in the expression of ideas after a mental illness - ()
- Emergency Services stress - ()
- Exercise Addiction/Overactivity disorders - ()
- fearfullness disorder - ()
- Focal retrograde amnesia - ()
- French chronic delusional states - ()
- Giving up complex, given up complex - ()
- gross stress reaction - ()
- Hyperorality - ()
- Landscape amnesia - ()
- Lapsus memoriae - ()
- Learned paralysis - ()
- Legasthenia, word blindness - ()
- Logoneurosis, logopudia, Lalopudia psychoneurotic speaking shyness - () - () - ()
- Looking-glass syndrome - ()
- Lost move syndrome - ()
- Manager burnout - ()
- mentally disabled person - ()
- Mind deafness - ()
- Neurotic depressive reaction, depressive reaction - ()
- Neurotic paradox - ()
- Non-iconographic or Non-iconography, inability to "read" pictures - () / ()
- Nonanatomical sensory loss - ()
- Objective disorder - ()
- Paralogia - ()
- Pediatric Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (POCD) - ()
- Persisting Perception Disorder, persisting perception disorder - ()
- Post-Vietnam Syndrome - ()
- Postdisaster morbidity - ()
- Postural fainting - ()
- Primary shock - ()
- Pseudoretardation - ()
- Pseudosuperiority, artificial over stimulation by parental vanity - ()
- Psychedelic disorder - ()
- Psychic deafness - ()
- Psychic epidemic - ()
- Psychogenic acalculia - ()
- Psychogenic agraphia - ()
- Psychogenic alexia - ()
- Psychogenic loss of speech - ()
- Psychological paralysis - ()
- Psychoneurotic disorder - ()
- Psychophysiological disorder - ()
- psychotic affective disorder - ()
- Psychotic depressive reaction - ()
- Reduplicative hallucination - ()
- Rhesasthenia, habitual speechlessness in speakers and teachers- ()
- Schizophrasia, schizophrenic disjointed speech- ()
- schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorder - ()
- Schizophrenic fugue - ()
- Severe delirium – ()
- sexual and gender disorder - ()
- Shock syndrome - ()
- social behavior disorder - ()
- Social breakdown syndrome - ()
- Sociopathic Personality Disturbance - ()
- Somatonia - ()
- Somatophrenia phantastica - ()
- Somatotonia, unrestrained voice - ()
- Soundtrack autism – ()
- Split-second syndrome - ()
- Syngenism - ()
- Temporary autism - ()
- Toponeurosis - ()
- Transient situational disturbance - ()
- Viscerotonia – ()
- Investment addiction - ()
- Luxury addiction – ()
- abstraction anxiety - ()
- ancient anxiety - ()
- anxiety and pain - ()
- anxiety hierarchy - ()
- anxiety hysteria - ()
- books as anxiety relief - ()
- catastrophic anxiety - ()
- cognitive anxiety - ()
- epidemic anxiety - ()
- Facilitating anxiety - ()
- free-flowing anxiety - ()
- holiday anxiety - ()
- humor as anxiety relief - ()
- id anxiety - ()
- lactate-induced anxiety - ()
- nocturnal panic - ()
- objective anxiety - ()
- psychosexual anxiety - ()
- self-reported anxiety - ()
- signal anxiety - ()
- sport anxiety - ()
- superego anxiety - ()
- treat anxiety – ()
- Vocal anxiety – ()
- Acenesthesea, form of depression - ()
- Chemical depression - ()
- Homosynaptic depression - ()
- long-term synaptic depression - ()
- Monday morning blues - ()
- periodical melancholia - ()
- psychogenic depression - ()
- weekend depression - ()
- compulsion to exercise - ()
- compulsive slowness - ()
Fears and phobias
- Acanophobia - ()
- acarophobia - ()
- adolescent fears - ()
- Appersonation - ()
- Avoidance fixation - ()
- Castophrenia, phobia of one's thoughts being stolen - ()
- Cletomania - ()
- Doraphobia - ()
- enjoyment of fear - ()
- evolutionary fear - ()
- examination phobia - ()
- fear inventory - ()
- food fears - ()
- guilty fear - ()
- impulse fear - ()
- incubation of fears - ()
- Intuitive fear - ()
- Logophobia - ()
- Nameless fear - ()
- paranoid delirium - ()
- phobia following bereavement - ()
- phobic character - ()
- Phobic regularity - ()
- prepared fears - ()
- rum phobia - ()
- sexual fears – ()
- Somtophobia - ()
- universal fears – ()
- Note that many -phobias are mainly linguistic playthings and people can be irrationally afraid of essentially anything
- Ablutomania - ()
- Aphrodisiomania - ()
- Dachomania - ()
- instinctual monomania - ()
- Mississippi Mania - ()
- Opsomania - ()
- Paradidomania - ()
- Phagomania - ()
- Photomania - ()
- Sitomania - ()
- Sophomania - ()
- Thanatomania – ()
- Aphthongia, neurosis that affects verbal communication but leaves the singing voice intact - ()
- Bomb neurosis - ()
- Compensation neurosis - ()
- Compulsive neurosis - ()
- Dermatoneurosis - ()
- family neurosis – ()
- obsessional brooding - ()
- Physio-neurosis - ()
- Primary anxiety neurosis - ()
- Sexual neurosis - ()
- Trophoneurosis – ()
- childhood psychosis – ()
- Functional psychosis – ()
- Organic psychosis - ()
- Vampire psychosis - ()
- Cleopatra syndrome - ()
- Clerambault’s syndrome - ()
- Dorian Gray syndrome - ()
- Dorito syndrome - ()
- first-season syndrome - ()
- Judas Syndrome - ()
- One per cent syndrome - ()
- Pin-drop syndrome - ()
- Strauss syndrome - ()
- Anvil therapy - ()
- Assertion training - ()
- Attitude adjustment -()
- Aversive counterconditioning - ()
- Bandler's theatre - ()
- Behavior elimination - ()
- Behavior group therapy - ()
- behavior vision therapy - ()
- Biographical therapy - ()
- Body Awareness Therapy Body awareness therapy - ()
- Brief dynamic therapy - ()
- brief focal family therapy - ()
- chemical aversion therapy - ()
- chemical convulsive therapy - ()
- Chemical stimulation of the brain - ()
- Cognitive conditioning - ()
- Comfort conditioning - ()
- Conceptual psychotherapy - ()
- Conditional stimulus - ()
- Conditioned task aversion - ()
- Configurational learning - ()
- counter-phobic training - ()
- Deep PEAT - ()
- directive counseling - ()
- directive counseling - ()
- Directive therapy - ()
- distance counseling - ()
- Donders method - ()
- dual-zev therapy - ()
- E-Counseling - ()
- Emotional Kinesthetic Psychotherapy emotional-kinesthetic psychotherapy (EKP) - ()
- evocative therapy - ()
- Experiential-existential group therapy - ()
- Family counselling - ()
- Gardening therapy, garden therapy - () / ()
- golding therapy - ()
- Habit elimination - ()
- hallucination-focused integrative treatment - ()
- humor therapy - ()
- Integral psychoanalysis - ()
- Kite therapy - ()
- Leisure counselling - ()
- Lidcombe program - ()
- Mood altering, mood altering drugs -()
- multiple psychotherapy - ()
- Negative sentiment override - ()
- Neurosis therapy - ()
- Nondirective counseling - ()
- Nondirective technique - ()
- organismic psychotherapy - ()
- participant modeling - ()
- partner counseling - ()
- Personal counselling - ()
- Physical Conditioning, physical conditioning - ()
- Preimaginal conditioning - ()
- Problem-centred therapy - ()
- Progressive conditionalizing - ()
- psychiatric somatic therapy - ()
- psycho-imagination therapy (PIT) - ()
- Psychological consolidation activities - ()
- psychological techniques - ()
- Psychological treatment - ()
- Psychosis therapy - ()
- Psychosocial therapy - ()
- puppet therapy - ()
- Reality orientation - ()
- reconditioning therapy - ()
- Recovery process - ()
- Remotivation - ()
- respiration relief therapy - ()
- Rhythmic auditory stimulation (RAS) - ()
- Self help therapy - ()
- Sensory training - ()
- Social learning therapy - ()
- Soothing - ()
- Suggestion therapy - ()
- suggestive therapeutics - ()
- Tear therapy - ()
- Therapeutic interview – ()
- thought theory therapy - ()
- Training group - ()
- Trauma therapy - ()
- Treatment of stress - ()
- Video therapy Video or "Reel" therapy - ()
- Vocational counseling – ()
- will therapy - ()
- Zen therapy - ()
- affect bridge - ()
- authoritative hypnosis - ()
- Captation - ()
- neuro-hypnosis - ()
- Sedative-hypnosis - ()
- Suggestion therapy – ()
Psychological tests and analytical methods
- Ability test - ()
- Acquaintance survey - ()
- Acroplossic Questionnaire (APQ) - ()
- Active analytic technique - ()
- Adaptive behavior testing - ()
- Affective Communication Test - ()
- Agoraphobic Questionnaire Cognitions - ()
- Anxiety Disorder Interview Schedule Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedule (ADIS) - ()
- Anxiety Sensitivity Index (ASI) - ()
- Attitude measurement - ()
- Audio-Psycho-Phonology approach - ()
- Auditory synthesis test - ()
- Behavior Analysis Training System (BATS) - ()
- behavior checklist - ()
- Behavior rating scale - ()
- behavior rehearsal - ()
- Behaviourally anchored rating scale (BARS) - ()
- Belief calculus - ()
- Briese Exercises - ()
- Bruhn's method - ()
- Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale - ()
- clinical polysomnographer examination clinical polysomnographer- ()
- Cohn's chart - ()
- Communication Affectiveness Index (CETI) - ()
- Complexity Self-Test Description Instrument - ()
- computerized Assessment on Intelligibility in Dysarthric Speakers - ()
- Concealed Information Test - ()
- covert rehearsal - ()
- Culture-fair test - ()
- Death Anxiety Scale (DAS) - ()
- Division TEACCH - ()
- Doerfler-Stewart test - ()
- Doll play, doll-play procedure - ()
- Dorm room analysis - ()
- early intervention program - ()
- Emotion Quotient - ()
- Engagement Index, NASA measure of attention to the task - ()
- existential analysis - ()
- Eysenck Personality Inventory - ()
- Fear Survey Scale (FIS) - ()
- Figure drawing test - ()
- fractional analysis - ()
- framinghan type A Scale - ()
- Full Circle Program - ()
- Generalized Contentment Scale - ()
- Gesell test - ()
- gestalt approach - ()
- Giese's shunting test - ()
- graduated and reciprocal instruction in tension reduction (GRIT) - ()
- Halrin life art process - ()
- Hen maze - ()
- Hoct method - ()
- Individualized Behavior Avoidance Test (IBAT) - ()
- Intelligent Self Assessment - ()
- interaction analysis - ()
- interactional modification - ()
- Interest inventories interest inventory - ()
- Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology Inventory of Depressive Symptoms - ()
- Kahn test - ()
- Kinzie's method - ()
- MacArthur Communicative Development Inventory - ()
- Make-a-picture story test - ()
- Maudslay Marital Questionnaire - ()
- Maudsley Medical Questionnaire - ()
- Memory and encoding related multifaceted electronecemphalotgraphic response (MESMER) - ()
- mental navigation test - ()
- moreland match test - ()
- Motivation research - ()
- Multicultural Personality Questionnaire - ()
- Multilater Questionnaire (MG) - ()
- Nitsche's method - ()
- owl and lark questionaire - ()
- Paper And Pencil Interviewing - ()
- Parenting Stress Index - ()
- Performance monitoring - ()
- Performance ratings - ()
- Personality inventory - ()
- Pesso Boyden Systen Psychomotor - ()
- Picture Elicitation Methods - ()
- Picture-frustration study, Rosenzweig test - ()
- Profile of Nonverbal Sensitivity (PONS) - ()
- Prognostic test - ()
- psychiatric photography – ()
- Psychological stress evaluation, measuring of stress levels in a recorded voice - ()
- Psychological Stress Evaluator (PSE) - ()
- Psychometric table - ()
- psychophysical risk assessment - ()
- Rapid Serial Visual Representation - ()
- Readiness test - ()
- relaxation response technique - ()
- Rivermead Behavioral Memory Test (RBMT) - ()
- Rosenzweig test - ()
- Rossolimo's test of concrete intelligence - ()
- Sex Anxiety Inventory (SAI) - ()
- Smitheran and Huxon Technique – ()
- Snake Questionnaire - ()
- Social Anxiety Inventory (SAI) - ()
- Spider Questionnaire - ()
- Staircase method, hearing test - ()
- Standardized Behavioral Avoidance Test (SEAT) - ()
- Successful intelligence, IQ test of Robert Sternberg - ()
- Tayside children's sleep questionnaire - ()
- test for nonverbal intelligence - ()
- Tomkins-Horn picture arrangement test – ()
- Trait rating scale - ()
- verbal unwinding - ()
- Vigilance testing - ()
- Visual abilities test - ()
- Visual-blending exercise - ()
- vocal stress analysis - ()
- Vocational aptitude test – ()
- Voice Activity and Participation Profile (VAPP) - ()
- Wallach-Kogan creativity test – ()
- Wilkinson auditory regular testing - ()
Psychological experiments and research
- Allpost-Vernon-Lindzey Study of Values - ()
- Basic psychological operating study (BPS) - ()
- Behavioral observation - ()
- Census of Hallucinations - ()
- Dagus experiment - ()
- Disaster studies, disaster study - ()
- free will experiment - ()
- German parliament experiment - ()
- Good samaritan experiment – ()
- Greenvale experiment - ()
- Heider experiment to project personality into geometric shapes - ()
- Human obedience research - ()
- Human-factors research - ()
- Hutton's Twins Study - ()
- Iowa experiment - ()
- isolation experiment - ()
- Maze learning - ()
- Motivation research (MR) - ()
- Murray Experiment - ()
- Obedience experiments obedience experiment - ()
- Priming experiment - ()
- Rope experiment - ()
- Rosenzweig picture frustration study - ()
- Sibling study Sibling studies - ()
- Supermarket-storeroom experiment - ()
- Tower of banana - ()
- unabomber experiment – ()
- Water measuring experiment – ()
Issues in psychology
- adult survivors of child abuse - ()
- Adult survivors of child adverse events - ()
- Antipsychiatry movement - ()
- Assumed desirability of effects - ()
- commitment of mentally ill - ()
- Constancy of the IQ - ()
- Criminality and psychiatry - ()
- Drugs and behavior - ()
- Enjoyment of violence - ()
- Environmental deprivation - ()
- Ethics in Computer-Aided Counseling - ()
- Exposure to violence - ()
- Feminization of psychology - ()
- German romantic psychiatry - ()
- Ideas of influence - ()
- Imagery versus proposition debate - ()
- Inadequate personality - ()
- Induced insanity - ()
- infantile apparent life-threatening event - ()
- institutionalized adolescent - ()
- Institutionalized child - ()
- Misanthropology - ()
- Mother blaming - ()
- Occupation and employment's effect on identity - ()
- Psychiatric confinement - ()
- Psychology and the law - ()
- Psychosocial issues - ()
- Psychotherapist-patient - ()
- Psychotherapy industry - ()
- Rewards versus punishments - ()
- Second nature - ()
- Slave psychology - ()
- Social psychology of language - ()'
- Sociology of mental illness - ()
- Stability of intelligence - ()
- Treatment compliance - ()
- war exposure - ()
Psychology-related laws
- Mental Treatment Act - ()
- Accelerated longitudinal design - ()
- Acoustic feature - ()
- adaptive servo-ventilator - ()
- adaptive stress - ()
- aggression machine - ()
- Anatomy of a Phenomenon - ()
- ancient disorders of childhood - ()
- anniversary reaction - ()
- Antineurasthenia - ()
- artificial stimulus - ()
- augmentative communication dance (ACD)- ()
- autonomous side effect - ()
- Autoscopic near-death experience - ()
- Battle dream - ()
- Battlefield frenzy - ()
- behavior control - ()
- behavioral theory - ()
- Behaviorism in linguistics - ()
- Belle indifference La belle indifference - ()
- Bomb neurosis - ()
- bounce back - ()
- change of life child - ()
- character analysis - ()
- Cheater detection reasoning - ()
- Child study committee - ()
- Cingulated gurys - ()
- circumspection-preemption-control cycle - ()
- cocla deletion - ()
- Communal and personal identity – ()
- communication delay - ()
- complex problem solving - ()
- Confounding effects Confounding effect - ()
- Constitutional type constitutional types - ()
- continuous assistance, continuous-part motive - ()
- creative solitude - ()
- creativity in group - ()
- deception detection accuracy - ()
- Depression nap - ()
- destructive obedience - ()
- dis-stress - ()
- Dream Laboratory - ()
- early childhood assessment - ()
- edit blindness - ()
- electrophysiological studies of mind - ()
- explanation of action - ()
- externalizing behavior problem - ()
- fantasy desensitization - ()
- Five windows of the soul - ()
- Form meditation - ()
- Frustration tolerance - ()
- generalized communicative suspicion - ()
- Gonadostat - ()
- grief resolution - ()
- Gross stress reaction - ()
- habitual in attention - ()
- Head-start effect - ()
- Hereditary genius - ()
- Human-pet bonding - ()
- Hunger drive - ()
- hypersensitive gagging - ()
- hypnagogic syndrome - ()
- in vivo desensitization - ()
- inner language, inner speaking - ()
- Instinct for combination Instinct for combinations - ()
- Instinct of workmanship - ()
- Intellectual realism - ()
- interictal religious experience - ()
- Internal-external locus of control - ()
- Internationalist behavioural meaning - ()
- Learned pain - ()
- life-charge self-rating scale – ()
- Logic of sentiment Logic of sentiments - ()
- longitudinal stick - ()
- Low background counting chamber - ()
- lumps in the throat - ()
- Masculine protest - ()
- Mathematical laws (psychology) - ()
- mechanical view of the mind - ()
- mental automatism - ()
- microfacial expression - ()
- Mirror imaging - ()
- mirroring father - ()
- Mystical selflessness - ()
- narrative comprehension - ()
- negative ambition - ()
- New Look movement – ()
- Nonsense figure - ()
- Object attachment - ()
- Online addiction - ()
- Othello effect - ()
- Oversufficient justification hypothesis - ()
- parameter Setting Model - ()
- passivity hypothesis - ()
- percutaneous diskectomy - ()
- Periodic Table of Consciousness - ()
- Perseveration effect - ()
- Personal satisfaction - ()
- Peter Panning - ()
- Pleasure-pain principle - ()
- Point of subjective equality, psychophysics - ()
- postiectal religious experience - ()
- Power of glance - ()
- preconscious free will - ()
- prepared stimulus - ()
- Prisoner syndrome - ()
- psychiatric aide - ()
- psychiatric status rating scale - ()
- psychiatry in literature - ()
- psychoanalytic movement - ()
- Psychological anticipation - ()
- psychological interview - ()
- psychological phenomena and process - ()
- psychology biofeedback - ()
- Psychology of murder - ()
- Psychology repression - ()
- Real Life Rating Scale (RLRS) - ()
- reality monitoring - ()
- reductive physicality¨resentment - ()
- Register guide - ()
- remedy portrait - ()
- retrieval practice effect - ()
- ritual calling - ()
- Sacted - ()
- Schizophrenic language - ()
- School Mental Health Project - ()
- School Mental Health Project - ()
- Search of Associative Memory (SAM) - ()
- self-absorption, self-reduction, self-reversial - ()
- semantic demands semantic demand - ()
- sensory compensation - ()
- shallow constructivism - ()
- Shared mental model - ()
- Similarity paradox - ()
- Speculative motive - ()
- statement validity assessment - ()
- Stepwise phenomenon - ()
- Suicide potential - ()
- Tabula rasa fallacy – ()
- Technical-mathematic proficiency – ()
- territorial Apprehensiveness Program - ()
- time orientation - ()
- Two-word stage - ()
- unconditional positive revival - ()
- Urgency addiction - ()
- Vicarphilia - ()
- Weber number 3 - ()
- Weir Mitchell Cure - ()
- Xenophrenia – ()
- Zone of wishful thinking – ()
Psychological occupations
- accredited clinical polysomnographer (ACP) - ()
- Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor - ()
- Psychiatric liaison - ()
- Psychodrama director - ()
- Support specialist – ()
Psychological journals
Psychology-related organizations
- American Association of Mental Retardation - ()
- American Association of Music Therapy - ()
- American Hyperlexia Association - ()
- American Institute of Stress (AIS) - ()
- American Musical Therapy Association - ()
- American School Counseling Association - ()
- Analytical Psychology Club - ()
- Anxiety (mental health charity) - ()
- Anxiety Disorders Association of Canada - ()
- Association for Retarded Citizens - ()
- Association of Behavior Analysis - ()
- Association of Humanistic Psychology - ()
- Brazilian Association of Psychiatry - ()
- Brazilian Society of Biological Psychiatry - ()
- British Psycho-Analytic Society - ()
- Budapest Psycho-Analytical Congress - ()
- C.G. Jung Foundation for Analytical Psychology - ()
- Center for Sleep Research - ()
- Commission on Mental and Physical Disability Law - ()
- Compulsions Analysis - ()
- Diagnostic Classification of the Sleep Arousal Disorders - ()
- Division of Mental Hygiene - ()
- Division of Psychologists in Public Service - ()
- European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies - ()
- European Association for Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry and Psychosomatics - ()
- Forest Institute's School of Professional Psychology - ()
- German Association of Psychiatry - ()
- German Society of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Neurology - ()
- Higashi Institute for Professional Development - ()
- Human Factor Systems, NASA - ()
- Human Information Processing Group - ()
- Humanistic Psychology Association - ()
- Insane Asylum Museum - ()
- Institute for Behavioral Medicine Research - ()
- Institute for Meditation and Psychotherapy - ()
- Institute for Personality Assessment - ()
- Institute for Psychoanalysis, Chicago, USA - ()
- Institute for the Achievement of Human Potential - ()
- Integrative Psychotherapy Center - ()
- Interdisciplinary Council on Development and Learning Disorders – ()
- International Organization of Applied Psychology - ()
- International Psychological Association - ()
- International Sleep Society - ()
- International Society of Personality Disorders - ()
- Israeli Psychiatric Association - ()
- Italian Psychiatric Society - ()
- Japanese Society of Psychiatry & Neurology - ()
- Lunacy Board of Control - ()
- Marshall Field Foundation - ()
- Maryland Psychiatric Society - ()
- Medical Society for Analytical Psychology - ()
- mental health association - ()
- Midwestern Psychological Association - ()
- Milton H. Erickson Institute - ()
- Missouri Department of Mental Health - ()
- Murray Research Center - ()
- Narcolepsy Institute, Narcolepsy Project - ()
- National Advisory Mental Health Council - ()
- National Center for Sleep Discovery Research - ()
- National Institute of Industrial Psychology - ()
- National Phobias Society Anxiety UK - ()
- Nebraska Psychological Association - ()
- Olinda Psychiatric Hospital - ()
- Project Sleep - ()
- Psychiatrist Research Foundation - ()
- Psycho-Analytic Congress - ()
- Psychological Society of South Africa - ()
- Public Initiative for Prevention of Suicide and Self Harm – ()
- Research Center for Economic Psychology - ()
- Sands Point Movement Study Group - ()
- Singapore Institute of Mental Health - ()
- Singapore Psychiatric Association - ()
- Sleep Quest - ()
- Sleep Research Online - ()
- Sleep-Wake Disorders center - ()
- Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis - ()
- Society for Industrial & Organizational Psychology - ()
- Society for the Scientific Study of Sex – ()
- Society of Industrial-Organizational Psychology - ()
- South African Institute for Psychotherapy - ()
- South African Society of Psychiatrists - ()
- Stress Reduction Clinic - ()
- Survivors International - ()
- Tamalpa Institute - ()
- Trager Institute - ()
- Traumatic Stress Discipline Club - ()
- Victoria Mental Hospital - ()
- Women's Lunatic Asylum - ()
- Working Commission for the Investigation of the Use of Psychiatry for Political Purposes – ()
Psychological training
- Air encephalography, ventricugraphy - ()
- Behavioral surveillance data monitoring - ()
- Type-1 oscillator - ()
- X-oscillation - ()
- Psycho-Analytic Congress, Budapest 1918 - ()
Psychological and psychiatric institutions
- Anxiety Treatment Australia - ()
- Cambridge Applied Psychology Unit - ()
- Canadian Psychiatric Association - ()
- Caro Center - ()
- Eastern Oregon Psychiatric Center - ()
- Eastern Pennsylvania Psychiatric Institute - ()
- Hollywell Mental Hospital - ()
- Hong Kong Mood Disorders Centre - ()
- International College of Psychosomatic Medicine - ()
- Jung Institute - ()
- Kalamazoo Psychiatric Center - ()
- Lapeer State Home and Training School - ()
- London Child Guidance Clinic - ()
- Mental health association - ()
- Misery club, club where people gather to cry - ()
- Moscow Serbsky Institute for Social and Forensic Psychiatry - ()
- Supported decision-making community Treatment Order (CTO), New Zealand - ()
- Wakefield Asylum – ()
- Walter Reuther Psychiatric Hospital - ()
- York Lunatic Asylum – ()
Psychologists and related people
- Adolph Jost, German psychologist - ()
- Antonia Wolf (1888-1953), Swiss Jungian analyst - ()
- Bella De Paulo, writer in social psychology - ()
- Ben Furman, Finnish TV psychologist - ()
- Carol Feldman, US psychoanalyst - ()
- Cheryl Malmo, psychologist - ()
- Christoph Heizmann, German psychotherapist - ()
- Edward S. Robinson (1893-1937) US psychologist - ()
- Elena Leonieva Maximova, Soviet political psychiatrist - ()
- Eric Horwitz, cognitive scientist - ()
- Ernest B. Skaggs, US psychologist - ()
- Eugene V. Beresin, US professor of psychiatry - ()
- Frank Anderson Logan (1924- ) US psychologist - ()
- Glenda Wildschut, South African psychiatrist and physician and member of the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission - ()
- Gregory Ochoa, US Hispanic man diagnosed as retarded but later became an Washington University professor - ()
- Howard Levanthal, US social psychologist - ()
- Ian Oswold, US psychologist - ()
- J. Allen Hobson, US psychologist - ()
- Jacobus Schoondermask, Dutch sexologist - ()
- Jane Williams Brehm, US psychologist - ()
- John Arthur Swets (1928 - ) US psychologist - ()
- John Cohen (psychologist) (b 1911) British psychologist - ()
- Kiyo Kitahara, Japanese teacher and therapist - ()
- Lamarque Douyon, Haitian psychologist - ()
- Larry Ventis, US social psychologist - ()
- Louis Gottshalk, US psychologist - ()
- Mapule Ramashala, South African psychologist, former exile and member of the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission - ()
- Marco Iacoboni, US neuropsychiatrist - ()
- Martin T. Dire, US psychologist who influenced modern forensic psychiatry - ()
- Mary Mellon (1904-1946) US founder of the Bollingen Foundation - ()
- Matti Hyrck, Finnish psychoanalyst - ()
- Maurizio Bossi, Italian sex expert - ()
- Mikhail Asatiani, Georgian psychiatrist - ()
- Orval Jobart (1907-1982) US psychologist - ()
- Petra Boyton, US psychologist and sex educator - ()
- Spiradou Virsaladzo, Georgian therapist - ()
- Vivian Clayton, US psychologist - ()
- Wilhelm Poppe, Stasi psychiatrist - ()
- William A. McCall, US professor of educational psychology - ()
- Yolande Lucine, Australian psychiatrist - ()
Famous patients
- Gloria Sykes, accidental nymphomaniac - ()
- Arthur Solomon Loevenhart, US psychiatrist (Q) - ()
Missing related books
- () ISBN 9781591473800
Sources include
- The Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology (3rd ed.)
See also
Red links in:
- Culture-bound syndrome
- Glossary of psychiatry
- Index of psychology articles -
- List of clinical psychologists
- List of disorders
- List of ICD-9 codes 290-319: Mental disorders
- List of mental illnesses
- List of psychology topics