MJGoldberg is the Wikipedia username belonging to me, Michael Goldberg. I am an American college student currently attending the Rochester Institute of Technology in Rochester, NY. I am in my third of five years pursuing my BS in Mechanical Engineering with special focus on Automotive Engineering, in addition to a minor in Business Administration, though I am often easily distracted from my main course of study and frequently enroll in such offbeat courses as Karate, Wines of the World, and Ballroom Dancing. Some of my other general interests include music, computers, reading, cooking, and traveling. I consider myself to be a "thinker" and I appreciate good ideas. Although the Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator recently told me that I am an extroverted, intuitive, feeling, and judging guy, I generally just consider myself to be a friendly, enthusiastic, fun loving person who enjoys spending time with other down-to-earth people who also possess these traits. I have recently become a student of the Piano as well as of Golf, and I am eagerly awaiting golf-worthy temperatures which usually arrive late to upstate New York, where I currently reside. I am new to the Wikipedia community and I hope to be able to positively contribute to it in the future.

Wiki Pals

My friend Bill's Wiki Page

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