NameThis user's name is Janio.
YThis user is a member of
Generation Y.
This user is of Italian ancestry.
This user largely subsists on cold leftover pizza and credits this diet for their health & success in life.
This user prefers Coca-Cola over Pepsi.
This user is interested in maps.
This user is a carnivore.
Santa Caterina State FlagThis user hails from Santa Catarina.
This user is a chemist.
This user plays their music in the treble clef.
This user is from, or living in,
This user is interested in the Portuguese Empire.

This user accepts evolution as a biological fact.
C2H5OH-3This user utilizes alcohol at an advanced level.
ACThis user went and hanged themself, and then there were none...
it-4Quest'utente utente ha una conoscenza da madrelingua dell'italiano.
ptEste usuário/utilizador tem como língua materna o português.
This user is interested in the
Middle Ages
en-4This user can contribute with a near-native level of English.
This user is interested in Fossils.
This user prefers black-and-white photography.

This user comes from Brazil.
This user bows down before the awesome might of Vodka.

And that's enough.

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