I grew to national prominence as a news personality on American radio stations, first as a disk jockey and then as national News Director for Lee Abrams. I was the youngest major market ND in the country at 22 in Chicago at General Cinema Corporation's WICV in Chicago under Abrams and in Chicago on WMET with Gary Bryan under PD Ronnie Knight. I then worked as fill-in morning drive DJ in New York on country station WKHK before attaining my own show in the 10pm-2am slot, and later on WCBS FM, WPIX FM as morning-drive news personality. I also was heard on WABC in New York and simultaneously on WOR in New York. I have been heard on WYNY, WNBC, and WINS in New York and on WERE, WGCL, and WWWE in Cleveland and was the morning news personality during the Pat Reilly and Dick Kent show on WLAC AM in Nashville in addition to appearances on numerous small-town stations in Cheyenne, Wyoming, Alturas, California, Carlsbad, New Mexico and elsewhere. I was the afternoon drive News Personality on KIMN when it won its 1972 National Association of Broadcasters Station of the Year Award with acclaimed news director J. Paul Emerson during the Brant Miller Show and was program manager at KVWO, Cheyenne when it received 3 Wyoming Association of Broadcasters awards in the early 1970s. In 1980 I marketed the famous Hollywood Sign with Hank Berger attaining over 500,000,000 advertising impressions around the world as the publicist and was, myself, the first to attain a U.S. Trademark on the sign in 1986 attaining articles in TIME, The Wall Street Journal and myriad others in so doing.
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