I'm a 30-something computer programmer living in Manchester. If you're desperate to know more about me, search the web for "blufive".

Most of my contributions here are likely to be grammar/prose polishing, except in a few areas that I know well.


Some of my biggest contributions to date include:

Initial Creations


  • First-person shooter. An ongoing project, this one - I'm attempting to turn it from a disjointed list of fanboy gushings into a proper article.
  • Dragon 32/64. Guess what I ran that copy of Phantom Slayer on. I learned to program on one of these beasties, so I've got a bit of a soft spot for them. (Another one of my piccies)
  • Iron Maiden (band). Another one I'm trying to gently shove away from fanboy gushings to article-hood.
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