{{Infobox sailboat specifications
|fetchwikidata = ALL <!-- 'ALL', 'none' or blank (default) -->
|onlysourced = true <!-- 'true' (default), 'false' (not recommended) -->
|name =
|insignia = <!-- file or from Wikidata P5962 -->
|insignia size =
|insignia alt =
|insignia caption =
|line drawing =
|line size =
|line alt =
|line caption =
|image boat = <!-- file or from Wikidata P18 -->
|image size =
|image alt =
|image caption =
|designer = <!-- or from Wikidata P287 -->
|architect =
|location =
|year = <!-- or from Wikidata P571 -->
|no built = <!-- or from Wikidata P1092 -->
|design =
|class = <!-- or from Wikidata P289 -->
|brand = <!-- or from Wikidata P1716 -->
|builder = <!-- or from Wikidata P176 -->
|role =
|boats =
|crew =
|trapeze =
|draft = {{convert||m|ft|abbr=on}} <!-- or from Wikidata P2048 with qualifier P642=Q244777 or P2262 -->
|air draft = {{convert||m|ft|abbr=on}} <!-- or from Wikidata P2048 with qualifier P642=Q2446632 -->
|displacement = {{convert||kg|lb|abbr=on}} <!-- or from Wikidata P2067 with qualifier P642=Q5636358 -->
|hulls =
|hull type = <!-- or from Wikidata P279 -->
|construction = <!-- or from Wikidata P186 -->
|loa = {{convert||m|ft|abbr=on}} <!-- or from Wikidata P2043 with qualifier P642=Q2358152 -->
|loh = {{convert||m|ft|abbr=on}}
|lwl = {{convert||m|ft|abbr=on}} <!-- or from Wikidata P2043 with qualifier P642=Q1817392 -->
|beam = {{convert||m|ft|abbr=on}} <!-- or from Wikidata P2049 with qualifier P642=Q2376482 or P2261 -->
|hull weight =
|engine = <!-- or from Wikidata P516 -->
|appendages =
|keel type =
|ballast = {{convert||kg|lb|abbr=on}} <!-- or from Wikidata P2067 with qualifier P642=Q5461048 -->
|rudder type =
|rigs =
|rig type =
|I = {{convert||m|ft|abbr=on}} <!-- or from Wikidata P2670 is Q547649 with qualifier P2048 -->
|J = {{convert||m|ft|abbr=on}} <!-- or from Wikidata P2670 is Q547649 with qualifier P2043 -->
|P = {{convert||m|ft|abbr=on}} <!-- or from Wikidata P2670 is Q1121807 with qualifier P2048 -->
|E = {{convert||m|ft|abbr=on}} <!-- or from Wikidata P2670 is Q1121807 with qualifier P2043 -->
|mast length = {{convert||m|ft|abbr=on}} <!-- or from Wikidata P2048 with qualifier P642=Q331744 -->
|rig other =
|sails =
|sailplan =
|sailarea main = {{convert||m2|sqft|abbr=on}} <!-- or from Wikidata P2670 is Q1121807 with qualifier P2046 -->
|sailarea headsail = {{convert||m2|sqft|abbr=on}} <!-- or from Wikidata P2670 is Q547649 with qualifier P2046 -->
|lp =
|sailarea spin = {{convert||m2|sqft|abbr=on}} <!-- or from Wikidata P2670 is Q1137340 with qualifier P2046 -->
|sailarea gen =
|sails other =
|sailarea upwind =
|sailarea downwind =
|sailarea total =
|rating =
|d-pn =
|rya-pn =
|phrf = {{convert||m|ft|abbr=on}} <!-- or from Wikidata P4271 with qualifier P642=Q7168207 -->
|status =
|previous =
|successor =
TemplateData for Infobox sailboat specifications
Provides a consistent layout for summary information about sailboats, to appear at the top right of article pages.
Parameter | Description | Type | Status | |
fetchwikidata | fetchwikidata | 'ALL' means that data will be automatically included from Wikidata when available; 'none' or blank (default) will not fetch any field from Wikidata.
| Unknown | optional |
onlysourced | onlysourced | 'true' (default) will only display wikidata properties that have a reference, 'false' (not recommended) will display data even if there are no references in Wikidata.
| Unknown | optional |
name | name | displays the name of the class at the top of the infobox. Generally only needed if there are multiple infoboxes on the page. If left blank it will default to saying "Current Specifications".
| String | optional |
insignia | insignia | insignia will be automatically sized if text, but logos may need to be sized by the editor. A size of "120x60px" works well for most logos.(Formerly class_symbol). Wikidata P5962
| File | suggested |
insignia size | insignia size | insignia size is automatically sized to be no larger than 250 pixels in width and 150 pixels in height (Formerly imagesize)
| Number | optional |
insignia alt | insignia alt | insignia alt (Formerly alt)
| String | optional |
insignia caption | insignia caption | no description
| String | optional |
line drawing | line drawing | formerly image
| File | suggested |
line size | line size | line size is automatically sized to be no larger than 250 pixels in width and 150 pixels in height
| Number | optional |
line alt | line alt | no description | String | optional |
line caption | line caption | no description | String | optional |
image boat | image boat | formerly class_image. Wikidata P18
| File | suggested |
image size | image size | image size is automatically sized to be no larger than 250 pixels in width and 150 pixels in height (Formerly class_imagesize)
| Number | optional |
image alt | image alt | image alt sets the alternative text (Formerly class_imagealt)
| String | optional |
image caption | image caption | image caption is optional, and only need is the image needs some explanation. (Formerly caption)
| Unknown | optional |
designer | designer | designer is the designer of the class. Wikidata P287
| String | suggested |
location | location | location is where the class was designed.
| String | optional |
year | year | year are the years during which the design was built. Wikidata P571
| String | suggested |
no built | no built | no built is the number built. Wikidata P1092
| Number | optional |
design | design | design is the type of boat be it One-Design, a Development Class, or other (such as Box Rule)
| String | optional |
class | class | class is not a commonly used option it may be worth here it is worth considering using the template sailboat specification rather than this one
| String | optional |
brand | brand | brand is the brand the boat is being marked under
| String | optional |
builder | builder | builder are the notable builders. Wikidata P176
| String | suggested |
role | role | role is what the sailboat is used for be it a youth trainer, offshore racer, recreational sailing etc..
| String | optional |
boats | boats | boats: generally field for any unique features | String | optional |
crew | crew | crew is the number of people who typically are needed to crew the boat.
| String | optional |
trapeze | trapeze | trapeze sets whether or not the class includes a trapeze. Alternatives (such as hiking planks) should be mentioned where appropriate. | String | optional |
draft | draft | draft of the boat in the sailing condition. Wikidata P2048 with qualifier P642=Q244777 or P2262
| String | optional |
air draft | air draft | air draft The distance vertically from the waterline to the highest point on the boat.
| String | optional |
displacement | displacement | displacement Boat Weight (Excluding Crew). Wikidata P2067 with qualifier P642=Q5636358
| String | suggested |
hulls | hulls | hulls Generally field for any unique features | String | optional |
hull type | hull type | hull type states the style of boat - for example, Monohull, Catamaran, Trimaran, or Proa. (formerly call type). Wikidata P279
| String | optional |
construction | construction | construction sets the materials that are used for constructing the hull (plywood, fiberglass, unrestricted). Wikidata P186
| String | optional |
loa | loa | loa – Length Overall – may or may not include the bowsprit if present. Wikidata P2043 with qualifier P642=Q2358152
| String | suggested |
loh | loh | loh – Length of Hull – does not include bow or stern fittings that extend past the hull itself
| String | optional |
lwl | lwl | lwl – Waterline Length. Wikidata P2043 with qualifier P642=Q1817392
| String | optional |
hull weight | hull weight | hull weight - hull weight. (formerly call hull)
| String | optional |
beam | beam | beam - Width of the hull. Wikidata P2049 with qualifier P642=Q2376482 or P2261
| String | suggested |
engine | engine | Wikidata P516
| String | optional |
appendages | appendages | Generally field for any unique features | String | optional |
keel type | keel type | keel type specifies centerboard, daggerboard or fixed keel. (Formerly keel)
| String | optional |
ballast | ballast | ballast (formely keelweight). Wikidata P2067 with qualifier P642=Q5461048
| String | optional |
rudder type | rudder type | no description
| String | optional |
rig type | rig type | is the style of sail rig: bermuda, ketch, yawl, gunter, etc.
| String | optional |
I | I | I Forestay Height as per the WS Equipment Rules of Sailing. Wikidata P2670 is Q547649 with qualifier P2048
| String | optional |
J | J | J Foretriangle Base as per the WS Equipment Rules of Sailing. Wikidata P2670 is Q547649 with qualifier P2043
| String | optional |
P | P | P Mainsail Luff Mast Distance as per the WS Equipment Rules of Sailing. Wikidata P2670 is Q1121807 with qualifier P2048
| String | optional |
E | E | E Outer Foot Distance as per the WS Equipment Rules of Sailing. Wikidata P2670 is Q1121807 with qualifier P2043
| String | optional |
mast length | mast length | mast length - total height of the mast from the deck to the top of the section. (Formerly mastheight). Wikidata P2048 with qualifier P642=Q331744
| String | optional |
rig other | rig other | rig other: general section for adding other facts such as mizzen or unique features | String | optional |
sails | sails | Generally field for any unique features | String | optional |
sailplan | sailplan | sailplan sloop, yawl, ketch / masthead or fractional etc.
| String | optional |
sailarea main | sailarea main | sailarea main - area of the mainsail. (Formerly mainsail). Wikidata P2670 is Q1121807 with qualifier P2046
| String | optional |
sailarea headsail | sailarea headsail | sailarea headsail - area of the largest headsail (Formerly jib). Wikidata P2670 is Q547649 with qualifier P2046
| String | optional |
lp | lp | lp - the luff perpendicular of the headsail
| String | optional |
sailarea spin | sailarea spin | sailarea spin - area of the spinnaker. (Formerly spinnaker). Wikidata P2670 is Q1137340 with qualifier P2046
| String | optional |
sailarea gen | sailarea gen | sailarea gen - area of the Asymetric spinnaker. (Formerly gennaker)
| String | optional |
sails other | sails other | sails other - a general section for adding other facts or sails like mizzen, cutter sails etc. | String | optional |
sailarea upwind | sailarea upwind | sailarea upwind - combined area of the mainsail and the jib.(Formerly mainsailandjib)
| String | optional |
sailarea downwind | sailarea downwind | sailarea downwind - combined area of the mainsail and spinnaker
| String | optional |
sailarea total | sailarea total | sailarea total - combined area of all the sails, used where the mainsail& jib are insufficient (e.g. a cutter rig). (Formerly sail area)
| String | optional |
rating | rating | Rating systems in sail racing (IRC, ORC, ORCi, MOCRA, ...)
| String | optional |
phrf | phrf | Performance Handicap Racing Fleet (PHRF). Wikidata P4271 with qualifier P642=Q7168207
| String | optional |
d-pn | d-pn | d-pn is the U.S. Portsmouth Number (based on a 100 benchmark) | Number | optional |
rya-pn | rya-pn | rya-pn is the U.K. Portsmouth Number (now based on a 1000 benchmark) | Number | optional |
status | status | status 'may be set to olympic, former olympic, vintage, para, world sailing, or former world sailing (Formely called olympic)
| String | optional |
previous | previous | previous is the name of wikipedia page of the previous model
| String | optional |
successor | successor | successor is the name of wikipedia page of the replacement model
| String | optional |
class_imagesize | class_imagesize | deprecated now image size | Number | deprecated |
class_imagealt | class_imagealt | deprecated now image alt | String | deprecated |
class_symbol | class_symbol | deprecated now insignia | File | deprecated |
caption | caption | deprecated now image caption | String | deprecated |
type | type | deprecated now hull type | String | deprecated |
hull | hull | deprecated now hull weight | String | deprecated |
keel | keel | deprecated now keel type | String | deprecated |
keelweight | keelweight | deprecated now ballast | String | deprecated |
jib | jib | deprecated now sailarea headsail | String | deprecated |
olympic | olympic | deprecated now status | String | deprecated |
image | image | deprecated now image boat | Unknown | deprecated |
mainsail | mainsail | deprecated now 'sailarea main' | Unknown | deprecated |
{{Infobox sailboat specifications
|name = Wiki 60 Star
|insignia = Sailing_laser.svg
|insignia size = 100
|insignia alt = Wiki 60 Sail Insignia
|insignia caption = N/A
|line drawing = Sloop_Example.svg
|line size = 100
|line alt = Wiki 60 Line Draswing (Credit Wiki Yachts Plc)
|line caption =
|image = LPZ_20110519_0141.JPG
|image size = 100
|image alt = Wiki designed WWiki 60 class
|image caption = Container at the 2020 World Championships
|designer = Mr Wiki
|location = USA
|year = 1953 - 1997
|no built = 323
|design = Box Rule
|class = Maxi 70 Class
|brand = Oceansail
|builder = Oceanic Boat Company Inc.
|role = Offshore Racer
|boat = N/A
|crew = Typically 10 - 12 <br /> Weight Limit {{convert|780|kg|lb|abbr=on}}
|trapeze = N/A
|draft = {{convert|3.2|m|ft|abbr=on}}
|air draft = {{convert|34.2|m|ft|abbr=on}}
|displacement = {{convert|13780|kg|lb|abbr=on}} Lightship <br /> {{convert|13990|kg|lb|abbr=on}} Loaded
|hulls = N/A
|hull type = Monohull
|construction = GRP
|loa = {{convert|15.9|m|ft|abbr=on}} <br /> {{convert|6.8|m|ft|abbr=on}} Inc. Bowsprit
|loh = {{convert|15.8|m|ft|abbr=on}}
|lwl = {{convert|15.6|m|ftin|abbr=on}}
|beam = {{convert|4.80|m|ft|abbr=on}}
|hull draft = {{convert|0.4|m|in|abbr=on}}
|hull weight = {{convert|7000|kg|lb|abbr=on}}
|engine = Volvo 86hp
|appendages = N/A
|keel type = fin keel
|ballast = {{convert|3850|kg|lb|abbr=on}}
|rudder type = skeg hung
|rigs = N/A
|rig type = Bermuda Sloop
|I = {{convert|18.6|m|ft|abbr=on}}
|J = {{convert|7.6|m|ft|abbr=on}}
|P = {{convert|19.6|m|ft|abbr=on}}
|E = {{convert|8.0|m|ft|abbr=on}}
|mast length = {{convert|22.6|m|ft|abbr=on}}
|rig other = N/A
|sails = N/A
|sailplan = Masthead Sloop
|sailarea main = {{convert|32.6|m2|sqft|abbr=on}}
|sailarea headsail = {{convert|42.4|m2|sqft|abbr=on}}
|lp = 150%
|sailarea spin = {{convert|48.6|m2|sqft|abbr=on}}
|sailarea gen = N/A
|sailarea upwind = {{convert|68.0|m2|sqft|abbr=on}}
|sailarea downwind = {{convert|100.6|m2|sqft|abbr=on}}
|sailarea total = N/A
|rating = IRC 1.232 <br /> ORCi 123
|d-pn = N/A
|rya-pn = 1311
|phrf = 72
|status = world sailing
|previous = [[Laser (dinghy)]]
|successor = Wiki MK2 70
Using Wikidata
This Infobox can be automatically generated using data from Wikidata, for instance J/92s. Editors are encouraged to add data to the relevant item directly in Wikidata.
Set the parameter 'fetchwikidata' = ALL, or 'fetchwikidata' = designer, builder, ... (if you only want to retrieve specific fields) and data will be automatically included from Wikidata when available.
By default, only sourced data (i.e. data with a reference) will be retrieved; except if onlysourced is set to false (not recommended).
Any values can be overwritten by directly providing relevant information in the article (if need be), e.g.:
{{Infobox sailboat specifications
| fetchwikidata = ALL
| onlysourced = true
| qid = Q97179551 <!-- J/92s -->
| name = J/92s
| designer = John Smith <!-- Designer name in Wikidata is overwritten by John Smith -->