
{{Infobox rugby football league season
| title               =
| logo                =
| pixels              =
| caption             =
| sport               = Do not include/use this field unless you want something other than "[[Rugby league]]" to be displayed
| structure           = To explain divisional structure in seasons with no unified elite division eg ''Separate county championships

| league              = The elite division's name (for those years there is one - some years have separate county leagues)
| duration            =
| no_of_teams         =
| matches             = The number of matches
| points              = Points scored in the season
| highest_attendance  = Enter the attendance and the team name
| lowest_attendance   = Enter the attendance and the team name
| avg_attendance      = Enter average attendance
| attendance          = ?,???,??? {{increase}} <br />(average ?,???)
| TV                  =
| season              = yyyy Season
| season_champs       = Name of champion club in bold, club colours in size 16 if available
| season_champ_name   = E.g. "[[Rugby Football League Championship|Champions]]" or link to GF: "[[yyyy Super League Grand Final]]"
| season_champs_count = 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. e.g. South Sydney's win in 2014 was their 21st title 

| league_leaders      = Useful when play-off decides championship. Name of club at top of table after regular season
| league_leaders_name = Useful when play-off decides championship. E.g. "[[League Leader's Shield|League Leaders]]"
| league_leaders_count = Useful for a count of minor premierships, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. 

| second_place        = Not used currently

| premiership_win     = Use in season from 1974-75 until 1997. Name of Premiership winning club
| premiership_win_name= Use in season from 1974-75 until 1997. "[[Rugby League Premiership|Premiership winners]]"

| wooden_spoon        = team finishing in last place
| wooden_spoon_count  = e.g. Parramatta in 2013 was their 13th wooden spoon 

| MVP                 =
| MVP_link            = Enter title of Player of the season award; defaults to "Man of Steel" if no title entered. Do not wikilink
| biggest_home_win    = Enter the scores and teams
| biggest_away_win    = Enter the scores and teams
| top_scorer          =
| top_scorer_link     =
| top try scorer      =
| top try scorer_link =

| membership_type     = For a method of club joining/leaving league other than promotion/relegation and licences
| join                = Club that is joining
| join_method         = How club are joining
| leave               = Club that is leaving
| leave_reason        = Why club are leaving

| promote             =
| promote_from        =
| relegate            =
| relegate_to         =

| licence_period      =
| awarded             =
| removed             =

| season2             = For split league or 2nd grade
| no_of_teams2        = Teams in this pool or 2nd grade
| season_champs2      =
| season_champ_name2  =
| league_leaders2     =
| league_leaders_name2=
| second_place2       =
| MVP2                =
| MVP_link2           = Enter title of Player of the season award; defaults to "Player of the year" if no title entered. Do not wikilink.
| top_scorer2         =
| top_scorer_link2    =
| top try scorer2     =
| top try scorer_link2=

| promote2            =
| promote_from2       =
| relegate2           =
| relegate_to2        =

| season3             = For split league or 3rd grade
| no_of_teams3        = Teams in this pool or 3rd grade
| season_champs3      =
| season_champ_name3  =
| league_leaders3     =
| league_leaders_name3=
| second_place3       =
| MVP3                =
| MVP_link3           = Enter title of Player of the season award; defaults to "Player of the year" if no title entered. Do not wikilink.
| top_scorer3         =
| top_scorer_link3    =
| top try scorer3     =
| top try scorer_link3=

| membership_type3    =
| join3               =
| join_method3        = e.g. Election
| leave3              =
| leave_reason3       =

| prevseason_link     =
| prevseason_year     =
| nextseason_link     =
| nextseason_year     =

See also

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