{{Infobox International Labour Organization convention}}
is an infobox for use with International Labour Organization conventions. There are currently 190 conventions.
Empty syntax
{{Infobox International Labour Organization convention
|code =
|name =
|adopt =
|force =
|shelved =
|classify =
|subject =
|prev =
|next =
Required fields
{{Infobox International Labour Organization convention
|code = (ILO naming code - eg. C104)
|name = (full name of convention)
|adopt = (date convention adopted)
|force = (date convention brought in force)
|classify = (ILO classification)
|subject = (ILO subject)
|prev = (previous convention article name)
|next = (next convention article name)
Optional fields
|shelved = (boolean - any text in the field produces a standard text message.)
{{Infobox International Labour Organization convention
|code = C104
|name = Abolition of Penal Sanctions (Indigenous Workers) Convention, 1955
|adopt = [[July 1]], [[1949]]
|force = [[July 18]], [[1951]]
|classify = Indigenous and Tribal Peoples
|subject = Indigenous and Tribal Peoples
|prev = [[C103 Maternity Protection Convention (Revised), 1952]]
|next = [[C105 Abolition of Forced Labour Convention, 1957]]
|shelved = yes