Tehsil to be made into another article

The article is clearly meant to be about the city with encyclopedic information. A list of Tehsils is not that and is recommended to be covered by a 'list' type article separately, where it would can include more data about the individual tehsils. Please write you opinions within a week. (talk) 16:06, 27 September 2008 (UTC) Quork[reply]


Hi All,

first of all, the number representing the population of kolhapur is grossly inaaccurate. It needs to be clearly mentioned if this is of city population or district. Even in case of city population, 4,19,000 is much smaller. I'm from kolhapur and lived in the city all my schooling thru higher education. Though I dont have the factual figures as of today, lets check and rectify this.

btw, happy to see article on kolhapur.

cheers -atul. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 12:27, 24 April 2008 (UTC)[reply]


It is said that the main languages of Kolhapur city are,Marathi, Hindi and English. I am wondering if the person who made the statement has ever visited Kolhapur. Many people can speak Hindi and a few educated can speak English but only Marathi are used universaly for almost all purposes. --Sandipani 19:53, 23 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

people may understand Kannada but almost all the population speaks and understands Marathi very well.  — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 06:00, 23 December 2012 (UTC)[reply] 


The vandler is one who wrote the above paragraph, If i want i can remove n place all those words placed by him n write my own, but the fact is kannadigas dont do it ever, As a general fact there are 30-40% people in kolhapur are kannadigas and 70% can speak kannada with no hazel, basically lingayat people of northern karnataka are located here, history says karnataka (the mysore empire) was spread between soth kaveri to north Godavari, hense most of the kannada ansistirs are still in maharashtra as most of the karnatakan n kannada speaking cities like, kolhapur,solhapur, Miraj, saangli, Gadhinglaj are hijacked by maharshtra from karnataka, shameless marathi's are still unhappy with it and everyday fighting for belgaavi issue, which is never ever possible, marathi's think that all those central goverment officials, judges and indian law is stupid which devided the stataes in 1956. Mahantesh v

I just wanted to share some information with the writer who wrote the second paragraph. Dear Mahantesh V, I appreciate your love about your mother tongue Kannada but I will never agree with your figure indicating Kannada population in kolhapur as I spent my whole life here.I am not saying that you are totally wrong because considerable kannada population staying here is migrated from Karnataka state for business and employment purpose long back. I don't know where you got that false information which shows Kolhapur is hijacked by Maharashtra?? We Marathi people respect every language and every single person. We do not call anyone shameless like you called. That's why people from other state prefer to stay in Maharashtra and hence Kannadigas are also staying peacefully here. They learned this language and got absorbed very nicely in this culture Please do not spoil their image. Now you will ask Marathis staying in Karnataka to learn Kannada. For your information I am staying in Bangalore right now from past two years and I can speak Kannada somehow even if it's very difficult for we north people as there is nothing similar in Devanagari and Kannada script. Some kannadigas and Tamils like you won't even respect Hindi as our national language.You have to spend just a year in Maharashtra to understand Marathi culture and hospitality. My intention in not to hurt anyone here but just wanted to highlight the fact. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Shashank.shirodkar (talk • contribs) 16:16, 27 June 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Dear Shashank Shirodkar, please get your facts right. Hindi is not a national language. For your information, our country doesn't have a national language. Hindi is used as the official language for all constitutional purposes. This is in response to your statement above that "Some kannadigas and Tamils like you won't even respect Hindi as our national language" Its not we Kannadigas who are protesting against Hindi, its Mr. Thackray and co who are protesting against and Hindi & Hindi speaking people on the streets of Mumbai. Many languages are spoken in our country, however when it comes to writing(script)most of the North Indian languages use Devanagiri script or a variant of Devanagiri script(Bengali script). Apart from that Tamil script is used by Tamil Nadu and Malayalam(Malayalam branched out of Tamil some centuries back) and Old Kannada script which is being used in present day Karnataka and Andra pradesh. Taking this in to account, Government of India has awarded Classical language status to the above mentioned languages. One can clearly see the writing on the walls of Kolhapur Lakshmi temple most of it is in Kannada and Sanskrit. I am not demeaning Marathi language in any way, as the saying goes Be a Roman in Rome. So if a non-native settles down in Bangalore lets respect Kannada & the same applies to Kannadigas living in pune or Biharis in Mumbai

Dear all don't fight with languages, Respect all languages and our country. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 05:54, 5 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]

@Shashank Shirodkar your statement is funny it's very difficult for we north people as there is nothing similar with Kannada Language script"

neither Marathi people are North Indian nor Tamil people in any way related to Kannada People,stop your bullshit on wiki page forever on languages issue

Lists of places, schools etc

Are not at all needed here. Wikipedia is not a dumping ground for purposeless data. Please give only information that need mention in an encylopedia. The lists can be externally linked ­ Kris (talk) 14:55, 4 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Lists not required

Firstly, I am pretty sure there are more interesting facts about our wonderful city. The lists at the end of the article are a waste of space. Most are not linked and have no references. Many are just adverts. Most disappointed, please put ur views forward. Sugar mills in Kolhapur? I havent seen any, have you? Every single one of them is outside the city limits and should be considered under a 'Sugar Industry in Maharashtra' banner, not under Kop. Or may be a more specific 'District Wide' list. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Quork (talk • contribs) 13:08, 11 January 2007 (UTC).Quork 13:08, 11 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]


Create a page called "World Famous in Kolhapur" which can be a universal dumping ground for all this idiotic data and lists. This page can be ideal for lists like 'Famous Non Veg' or 'Famous rickshaw rear-window messages'
yours truly,
Texas Bunty/Masoom/Vastav

Quork 13:41, 11 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
(u will only 'get' this message if u've ever lived in Kop)

Lists . . . AAAARGH

did u know, Shah Rukh Khan was born in Kolhapur too. Lets add him to the list. Salman Khan came to Kop once in 2001, he must be born there too. Lets add him. Or Mahesh Bhupati, or may be N Night Shamalan, he is def from there.(Ref. Famous Personalities from Kolhapur)
Oh! this is getting annoying, someone think of sorting this list situation soon. I m sure there is a way to conserve this information in a more orderly manner without deleting it all, even though how tempting it may sound. Quork 13:16, 11 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Dont forget take aswad of Pandhara Rassa u wont get like the same taste in all over india


Lot of Kannadigas are present in Kolhapur . Infact there are more number of Kannadigas there then Marathi speaking ones. Since the state language is Marathi it is not noticeable as Kannadigas never formed parties like MES which is formed in Belagavi. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 08:14, 5 October 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Marathi chavunism once again : when will this end

Please refer to this link http://nclm.nic.in/moredecl.asp?lnid=Declared%20Areas

This contains the state wise declaration of areas where linguistic minorities are more than 15 %. See Maharashtra state in this list, In kolhapur district only few parts of gadhinglaj taluk have significant kannada poulation. Kolhapur city (municipal corporation) is clearly not declared in this list.

I don't know what better proof you whan that kannada population in KOLHAPUR CITY is insignificant.

I just wonder that people who write this don't know anything about kolhapur. Just because of grudge related to belgaum you guys come in and vandalize all articles related to maharashtra cities.

As usual marathi wikipediens don't care or become silent spectators.

We love India

Guys please visit my user page and copy the code to make the we love India template shown on you page too Vertical.limit (talk) 08:28, 23 June 2009 (UTC)[reply]

I am restoring the article to original. If restored, then I am sorry to say that "WIKIPEDIA GENERATES NOISE AND NOT KNOWLEDGE". —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 11:15, 23 October 2007 (UTC)[reply]

The language of Kolhapur is undoubtedly Marathi. I don't want to get into this Kannada Marathi thing but we should accept that the language of Kolhapur Is Marathi, just the way the language of Mysore is Kannada. Why I mention Mysore is bacuse Kolhapur is to Maharashtra what Mysore is to Karnataka. Kolhapur has its unique culture and the primary language is /was Marathi. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 06:07, 23 December 2012 (UTC)[reply]


I've removed the new section about schools as it mentioned a single school besides that we have a seperate list list of schools in India which lists schools in India --NotedGrant Talk 09:06, 3 October 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Karveer Nivasini Ambabai Also Known As Mahalaxmi

[1] During the historic period from First century before Christ to ninth century AD, Kolhapur was situated on the Brahmpuri hills. The excavations on the hill and the research on items found there indicate that during Satwahan period there was wealthy and cultured population staying there. From 225 AD to 550 AD there was dynasty of royal families of Wakatak, Kadamb, Shedrak and Mourya. During 550 Ad to 753 AD there was kingdom of Chalukya family from Badami. In 634 AD, King Karnadeo from this family started construction of Mahalaxmi temple. Almost all Chalukys kings address Kolhapur as ‘Dakshin Kashi’ or 'Mahateerth'. In 753 AD to 850 AD Rashtrakut dynasty was established in the south. Kolhapur region also came under their jurisdiction. From that time to 1210 AD there was kingdom of Shilahar in Kolhapur. Kolhapur has played a major role during that period as a main power center of Shilahaar kingdom. Kolhapur has been referred as Mahateerth in the stone carvings during the period of Gandaradivya king. He completed the construction of Mahalaxmi temple. His sister Chandrikadevi was married with Chalukya King Second Vikramaditya and the wealth of Kolhapur started growing.

Brahmpuri, Uttareshwar, Kholkhandoba, Rankala, Padmala and Ravaneshwar were the main natural centers of Kolhapur city in the ancient time. Hence the Kolhapur region was known as of historical importance. The above centres were like small villages at that time. In ninth century Ad, Mahalaxmi temple was established and these centers were bound in to strong cultural and financial center. Archeologists believe that stone carvings, literature and architecture suggest that Mahalaxmi temple’s wealthy background cannot be taken back beyond 9th century A.D. ie. Rashtrakuta dynasty.

Kolhapur in the light of geographical and cultural context. Karvir Peeth is referred as Dakshin Kashi in old literature. Mahalaxmi lifted the city by her pious hands to a safe place during in Pralay calamity. Hence the city was aptly named as ‘Karvir’. This hypothesis was suggested by Major Graham. In Karvir Mahatmya it is mentioned that Karvirnagar is the city lifted by Karvirnivasini Mahalaxmi goddess with her hands. In Han Puran also Mahalaxmi there is a mention of Karvir.

City was referred as Karvir after the installation of Mahalaxmi temple. Before that, there were many names like Kollapur, Kollpur, Kollagiri, Kolladigiripattan. Kolla means valley and Kolhapur means city of vallies. In short, Brahmapuri, Karvir and Kolhapur are different names for this place. After the establishment of Mahalakshmi temple, Kolhapur was recognized as a religious centre and gave rise to various cultural and financial developments.

The goddess of wealth and power, Devi Ambabai's temple is located at the heart of the city. this temple is famous for its well-known South-Indian Architecture, built by Chalukya king Karndev in 634 AD.

[citation needed]

The English in this article is extremely poor. I hope that group responsible for the upkeep of this page will see to it that phrases such as "it is named as" will be done away with in the near future. Remember, Wikipedia targets a global audience and it suffices to say that the dialect of English used should be a standard one. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 03:39, 1 March 2011 (UTC)[reply]


  1. ^ http://www.kolhapurcorporation.org/hcl/english/Ancient_Historical_Places.html [dead link]

Request to all expert wikipedians-Please improve this article by adding more pictures

I would like to say that I am a new Marathi Widipedian from Kolhapur, so not quite sure how to improve this article. I am looking at this page from so many days but still I cannot see much improvement. So, I will be very happy if some experts improve this article by adding attractive pictures of places in Kolhapur. I seen many links showing the places but their pictures are not visible on main page. I can see few pictures including Goddess Mahalaxmi and beautiful panorama view of Rankala.

Honestly it will be very nice to represent kolhapur not only as a tourist place but upcoming developing city.Unfortunately if you see the article of Maharashtra, there also Kolhapur has not referred by anyone as one of the important cities. Very disappointing! Even I know that Kolhapur is not a big city like Mumbai, Pune but still it has a lot of potential to develop but it needs to be notice by people.

I would have improve this, but not quite sure about it. Will try to learn, but can take some time for it. But I can suppose this was one of my initiative to bring Kolhapur into notice because I love this city. Thanks and Regards, Shashank —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 15:06, 3 May 2011 (UTC)[reply]

File:Mahalaxmi Temple in Kolhapur.jpg Nominated for speedy Deletion

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Recently the city has got attention of Marathi readers because of poems written by SHRIDHAR TILVE in his book ATMACHARITRATLE KALPANIK KSAN in which he has explored the world of kolhapuri chappals kolhapuri temples kolhapuri places and many other aspect of kolhapuri culture — Preceding unsigned comment added by Dayendra naik (talk • contribs) 05:48, 1 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

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