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Is the slogan "Have it your way" burger king's? --Contrib 18:38, 30 Apr 2005 (UTC)


Should we note the new slogan in Australia? BTW it's 'Oh Yeah'. Dont know bout anywhere else though. rmccue 06:56, 1 January 2006 (UTC)

I sense the slogan that appears in the center of this list "We make your kids fat" is erroneous and should be removed. Is there any bizarre proof that this slogan was ever really used???

It was vandalism and has been removed. Peyna 21:37, 23 August 2006 (UTC)


Could someone add any information on burger king's mascot. That big plastic king dude, and explain why I keep seeing photos of him on the internet that say "Where is your god now?"

Yes, It is making fun of how creepy the ads are. You see a man in his bedroom and then this guy in a mask shows up from nowhere unannounced and uninvited. In short the "Burger king" is more creepy than "Jason" form the horror movies.

There are several sites on the internet, including blogs, that discuss how creepy the Burger king mascot is. It's most likely a ploy by Burger King's marketing group to generate "chatter" about the icon.

Actually I am surprised that there's nothing on the Burger King himself. Mrtea (talk) 21:58, 16 December 2005 (UTC)
I vaguely remember the King and the Duke of Doubt from my childhood. Would be great if some photos were added. -- 16:49, 25 September 2006 (UTC)

If someone has the time or background to look up or write about some of "The King" meme origins, a section on it would be appreciated.

What the?

.....who reverts a talk page?

  • someone who notices that idiots vandalised it. a better question would be who vandalises a talk page! sikander 05:22, August 7, 2005 (UTC)

Thats what I meant. Jack Cain

Strategy of locating next door to a McDonalds?

Burger King's in MI used this strategy so consistently that we all assumed that it was a national strategy too. The fact that our article doesn't cover that makes me think it may not have been. A google search under terms I could think of didn't find anything in the first several pages. Anyone have any idea? - Taxman Talk 22:49, August 17, 2005 (UTC)

The Burger King where I live tried that and closed earlier this year (or maybe it was last year, I forgot). McDonald's would have a monopoly here if it weren't for Hardee's, which is in a different part of town. --/ɛvɪs/ /tɑːk/ /kɑntɹɪbjuʃ(ə)nz/ 00:01, 3 November 2005 (UTC)
That seriously isn't a well-known strategy??? Every McDonald's in town where I live (also Michigan) has a Burger King across the street and a Taco Bell or a Wendy's within five buildings.
I think this is rather commonplace in any type of establishment that involves multiple locations. I can hardly find a Lowe's that isn't near a Home Depot.--Attitude2000 02:21, 7 June 2006 (UTC)

They do that here in Iowa too. (and Nebraska) Their is a Burger King right next to every McDonalds in my town except for one, and their is a KFC next to it and a Burger King in the Mall which is right next to it technically too. So yeah, they try, I just think sometimes they dont succeed.

In the UK town of Redhill, Surrey there is a Burger King, McDonalds and KFC all within a couple of minites walking distance of each other. The same in Crawley and Croydon 20:03, 25 July 2006 (UTC)

KFC, Everything except hardees bisuits and their fried chicken they used to have, Wendy's, and Taco Bell are all terrible. Sadly they're also all really close to McDonalds, Popeye's, and Burger Kings, the good restaraunts.

In Manchester,New Hampshire,Taco Bell,McDonalds, Wendys and Burger King are all on the same street. Its kinda weird. But I mean, they must all be placed there for compitition,because there's no other reason to be next to your biggest competitors.Darth Gladius 23:27, 11 April 2007 (UTC)

From my own personal experience living in Warrington, England, I have seen BK build right next to McDonalds... ironically that BK isn't there anymore, replaced by a Starbucks! Also in Manchester, KFC and McDonalds are in very close proximity. - AlexFili

Food safety

According to MSNBC, Burger King ranks #1 in its list of the worst fast food restaurants in terms of food safety. I went last night to a local branch here in Austin to check, I didn't expect to see exactly what is said in the report including, but not limited to, employees handling ready-to-eat foods with their bare hands. I don't know if this is normal here (since there were other customers and none of them complained), but having lived in Saudi Arabia for a long time, I've never seen this kind of violation there, even in Burger King itself. -- Eagleamn 20:58, 7 October 2005 (UTC)

  • I can easily obtain a video and attach it to the email, as their practices are still the same. However, it is very interesting to read: "Communication with Burger King Corporation is not accepted via e-mail."[1] Well, I think they receive too many complaints by email than their in box size. - Eagleamn 22:00, 22 January 2006 (UTC)

ok, ill probably get shot for saying this... I work at Hungry Jacks (Aussie version of Burger King) in Perth, WA. i have to say that the most safety conscious people are actually the teenagers like me who work there. all the people my age who do the same job as me (burger maker basically) wear hair nets, hats, gloves, aprons etc. however, there are health/safety violation, and youd be surprised but 99% of the time it is the managers who do it. None of the managers wear hair nets or hats, and none of them wear gloves. their excuse is that they dont actually make the burgers, but do paper work, but in a rush hour if you walk into the back you can be assured that a manager will be helping the crew out by making the burgers...all the time with no hat, no hair net, and no gloves...

oh and btw, before you all stop eating HJ's or Burger king, jsut remember, chefs in proper guarantees NEVER wear hear nets or gloves at all....just a thought...freaky773 11:24, 16 January 2006 (UTC)

Just following on from what freaky has said having worked in Burger King before. I wish to confirm the scenario with regards to the manger never wearing hairnets etc, This is intact the case. Probably a little incidental but for the most part Mangers should in fact be on the floor except in unusual circumstances according to the official documentation governing procedures, but who is going to tell them otherwise likewise with them wearing hairnets. With regard to handling food, when i worked there food was handled by the preparer with raw hand but there was a huge emphasis on minimal contact.

Most sanitation codes only require hair to be restrained and do not say how. BK employees' hair is covered by the baseball cap that it has its employees wear, longer hair will be tied back to add extra protection. Local health regs may require more stringent mean. Go to any restaurant and you will find this to be the case.

HJ/BK in Australia

The naming of franchises in Australia has been mentioned in the article. Does anyone else think it would be worthwhile mentioning details as to what areas were labeled with which name, and when they changed? That is, if we can source the info? -- Chuq 02:18, 15 November 2005 (UTC)

Most shops in Australia were Hungry Jacks until recently. How recently? Wouldn't know. I haven't seen any that have changed unless they've been renovated which isn't many in my area, except for new shops. I think some were actually changed back to HJ. Can anyone else confirm this? In my area (Gold Coast, QLD,Australia) they are all HJs. rmccue 06:51, 1 January 2006 (UTC)

I'm in Melbourne and I'm fairly certain all the Burger Kings that suddenly appeared have since been reverted to Hungary Jack's. I remember hearing somewhere that they'd bought them out, also the adds for Burger King have completely disappeared.

Most burger kings in Australia were bought by hungry jacks about 2 years ago. The burger kings only lasted about 2 years. In Sydney all of them are hungry jacks now....

Have significantly rewritten this section of the article adding appropriate legal case citations and other relevant material. Will continue to watch and improve this section. thewinchester 13:06, 27 December 2006 (UTC)

Remove the statement "All Australian outlets are now under the Hungry Jack's name." This may have been the case for a long time, but sadly, Burger King branded outlets have started appearing in recent years. There are several in Melbourne's CBD alone. (Unsigned comment, undated, moved into relevant section - thewinchester 13:06, 27 December 2006 (UTC))

Not all Burger Kings are Hungry Jacks in Sydney, actually. I have seen at least one, located in South-East Sydney, near Sylvania/ Miranda. 11:00, 16 July 2007 (UTC)

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