This page is intended to contain lists of articles found in other print and electronic reference sources relating to Oriental Orthodoxy.
Historical Dictionary of the Coptic Church
From “Historical Dictionary of the Coptic Church” by Gawdat Gabra, Scarecrow, 2008.
- Abarkah; 'Abd al-Masih al-Isra'ili; Yassa 'abd al-Masih; Ablution; Absolution; Yusuf Abu Dakan; Abu al-Majd ibn Yu'annis; Al-Safi Ibn Yuannis; Abu Mina; Abu Salih Yu'annis; Act of Peter; Acts of Peter and the Twelve Apostles; Adam; al As-ad ibn al-Ass'al; Patriarch Alexander I of Alexandria; Alexandria; Ibrahim al-Gohary; Allogenes; Al-Makin Jirjis ibn al-'Amid; Al-Mu'taman ibn al-Assal; Al-Mufaddal ibn abi al-Fada'il; Al-Rashid Abu al-Khayr ibn al-Tayyib; Al-safi ibn al-'Assal; al-Thiqa ibn al-Duhayri; Rufa'il al-Tukhi; al-Wadih ibn Raja'; al-Wajih Yuhanna al-Qalyubi; Amoun; Anapohra of St. Basil; Anaphora of St. Cyril; Anaphora of St. Gregory; Anathema; Patriarch Anianus I of Alexandria or Anianus the Cobbler; Anthropomorphism; Saint Antony (of Egypt); Apocalypse of Adam; Apocalypse of James (First); Apocalypse of James (Second); Apocalypse of Paul; Apocalypse of Peter; Apocryphon of James; Apocryphon of John; Apollinarianism; Apologist; Apostolic Fathers; Apostolic See; Apostolic Succession; Apostolic Tradition; Arab Conquest of Egypt (639-641); Arianism; Arius; Contemporary Coptic Art; Coptic Art; Asclepius 21-29; Askew Codex or Codex Askewianus; Assumption (of Mary); Athanasius, Bishop of Qus; Athanasius (1923-2000); Athanasius of Alexandria; Aziz Suryal Atiya; Authoritative Teaching; Awlad al-Assal;
- Basilides; Berlin Gnostic Codex (Papyrus Berolinensis 8502); Coptic Bible; Bishop; Consecration of a Bishop; Blessing; Book of Thomas the Contender; Bruce Codex (Codex Brucianus); Bulus al-Bushi; Burial rites; Butrus al-Sadamanti; Butrus Sawirus al-Jamil;
- Canon; Canon of the Twelfth Hour (Good Friday); Canonical Hours or Book of Canonical Hours; Canonization; Carpocrates; Catechetical School of Alexandria; Cathedral of St. Mark (Cairo); Council of Chalcedon; Chrism; Christodoulos; Christology; Laying of the Church cornerstone; Church consecration; Church of St. Mercurius (Abu Sayfayn); Church of Sts. Sergius and Bacchus]] (Abu Sargah); Clerical College (Cairo); Codex Bruce Untitled Text; Communion; Concept of Our Great Power; Confession and Penitence; Confession of the Fathers; Confirmation; Confraternity; Second Council of Constantinople; Third Council of Constantinople; Conversion to Islam; Copt; Coptic Calendar; Coptic Church Review; Coptic dialects; Coptic Encyclopedia; Coptic language; Coptic Museum; Coptic Revolts; Copto-Arabic literature; Coptologia; Coptology and Coptological studies; Cyprus; Patriarch Cyril I of Alexandria; Patriarch Cyril II of Alexandria; Patriarch Cyril III of Alexandria (Ibn Laqlaq); Patriarch Cyril IV of Jerusalem; Patriarch Cyril VI of Jerusalem;
- Dayr al-Muharraq; Ordination of a deacon or archdeacon; Dialogue of the Saviour; Copts in the diaspora; Didache; Didascalia; Difnar (Antiphonarion); Patriarch Dioscorus I of Alexandria; Discourse on the Eighth and Ninth; Docetism; Dormition of the Virgin Mary; Doxology; Doxology to the Holy Trinity;
- First Council of Ephesus; Second Council of Ephesus; Third Council of Ephesus; Liturgy of the Epiphany; Eschatology; Ethiopian liturgy; Eucharist; Eucharist bread; Eucharist fast; Eucharistic veils, vessels, and implements; Euchologion; Eugnostos the Blessed; Eusebius of Caesaria; Evagrius Ponticus; Excoucontians; Exegesis on the Soul;
- Isaac Fanous; Farjallah al-Akhmimi; Fasting; Feasts; Monthly festal days; Filioque; Flight into Egypt; Copts at the Council of Florence;
- Patriarch Gabriel II of Alexandria (Ibn Turayk); Patriarch Gabriel III of Alexandria; Patriarch Gabriel V of Alexandria; John Gaianus; Council of Gangra; Genuflection; Mirrit Boutros Ghali; Girgis Habib; Rite of Glorifications; Gnosticism in Egypt; Good Friday; Gospel of Judas; Gospel of Mary; Gospel of Philip; Gospel of the Egyptians; Gospel of Thomas; Gospel of Truth; Gregorious (bishop, 1919-2001); Gregory of Nazianzus; Gregory of Nyssa;
- Labib Habachi; Hades; Coptic Hagiography; Hegumon; Hegumenos ordination; Henoticon; Heracleon; Hexapla and Tetrapla; Church hierarchy; Higher Institute of Coptic Studies; Historia Monachorum in Aegypto or History of the Monks in Egypt; History of the Churches and Monasteries of Egypt; History of the Patriarchs; Holy Cross Day; Coptic doctrine of the Holy Spirit; Holy Week; Holy Week Saturday; Homoeans; Hosanna; Hypostasis; Hypostasis of the Archons; Hypsiphrone;
- al-Nushu' abu Shakir ibn al-Rahib; Shams al-Ri'asa abu al-Barakat ibn Kabar; Ibn Katib Qaysar; Icon; Incarnation; Incense; International Association for Coptic Studies; Interpretation of Knowledge;
- Rite jar; Jerome; Books of Jeu; Jirjis ibn al-'Amid al-Makin; John the Little; Patriarch John XI of Alexandria;
- Murad Kamil; Kellia; Khurus; Athanasius Kircher; Martin Krause;
- Iqladiyus Labib; Pahor Labib; Lectionary; Lectionary of the Holy Week; Letter of Peter to Philip; Coptic literature; Liturgical instruments; Liturgy in the Coptic Church; Lobsh; Lord's Prayer;
- Macarius the Great or Macarius the Egyptian; Mark the Evangelist; Marqus ibn al-Qunbar; Marriage; Marsanes; Mary the Egyptian; Mass of the Catechumens; Mass of the Faithful; Liturgy of the Matins; Matta al-Miskin; Patriarch Matthew I of Alexandria; Maundy Thursday; Mawhub ibn Mansur ibn Mufarrij; Melchizedek; Melitian schism; Middle East Council of Churches; Mikha'il, Bishop of Atrib and Malij; Mikha'il, Metropolitan of Damietta; Tugo Mina; Mo'allaqa; Ragheb Moftah; Monarchianism; Monastery of Al-Baramous; Monastery of St. Anthony; Monastery of St. Apollo at Bawit; Monastery of St. Hatre at Aswan; Monastery of St. Jeremiah; Monastery of St. Macarius; Monastery of St. Paul; Monastery of St. Pshoi (Anba Bishay) at Sohag; Monastery of St. Pshoi at Wadi Al-Natrun; Monastery of St. Shenoute at Shohag; Monastery of the Archangel Michael at Naqlun; Monastery of the Syrians; Monastic and liturgical vestments; Egyptian monasticism; Monophysitism; al-Mu'aqqub; Music;
- Nag Hammadi Codices; Nawruz; Council of Neocaesarea; Nestorians and Copts; Council of Nicaea; Nicene Creed; Nitria; Christianity in Nubia; Nubian liturgy;
- On the Origin of the World; Ophites; Oratory; Orientation toward the East; Origen;
- Pachomius; Palladius; Pambo; Paramone; Paraphrase of Shem; Patriarch; Patriarchal residences; Patriarch's Consecration; Paul of Thebes; Pelagianism; Penance; Patriarch Peter I of Alexandria aka Seal of the Martyrs; Physiologus; Pilgrimage; Pistis Sophia; Pope; Prayer of Thanksgiving; Prayer of the Apostle Paul; Priest; Psalis; Psalmodia;
- Ya'qub Nakhlah Rufaylah;
- Sabellianism; Saint Mark Foundation for Coptic History Studies; Samuel (bishop, 1920-1981); Samuel al-Suriany; Sawirus ibn al-Muqaffa'; Sayings of the Fathers; Second Treatise of the Great Seth; Semi-Arians; Sentences of Sextus; Sethians; Severus of Antioch; Yuhanna Sheftishi; Patriarch Shenouda III of Alexandria; Shenouda the Archimandrite Coptic Society; Shenute of Atripe; Marcus SimaikaSim'an ibn Kalil; Georgy Sobhy; Society of Coptic Archaeology; Sophia of Jesus Christ; Structure of the Coptic Church; Synaxarion; Syncletica;
- Tafsir; Teachings of Silvanus; Testimony of Truth; Patriarch Theodosius of Alexandria; Theodotus; Theology of the Coptic Church; Patriarch Theophilus of Alexandria; Theopistus of Alexandria; Theotokia; Thought of Norea; Three Steles of Seth; Thunder:Perfect Mind; Patriarch Timothy I of Alexandria; Patriarch Timothy II of Alexandria; Treatise on the Resurrection; Trimoprhic Protennoia; Tripartate Trachtate; Trisagion; Troparia of Sext and None of the Good Friday; Troparion “O Only Begotten”; Tubh; Turuhat of the Holy Week;
- Unction of the sick;
- Valentinian Exposition; Valentinus; Apparition of the Virgin Mary; Twelve Virtues;
- Wadi al-Natrun; Watani; Watus; Wednesday of Job; Women in the Coptic Church;
- General Ya'qub; Yuhanna, Bishop of Samannud; Yuhanna ibn abi Zakariyya; Yusab, Bishop of Fuwwah; Yusab al-Abahh, Bishop of Jirja and Akhmim; Yusuf al-Qibti;
- Zostrianos;
Paulos Milkas Dictionary of Ethiopian Christianity
Comparatively substantive articles on these topics exist in the Paulos Milkias Dictionary of Eastern Christianity, Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 2010.
- Abaddon; Abarbar; Abba Bula; Abba Hor, Abba Besoy and Daydara and their Mother; Abba Salama; Abba Takle; Abbatochachin; Abbatoche; Abbo; Abidu; Abdon; Abiata Kristian; Abiy Sark; Abiy Tsom; Abraha wa Atsbaha; Abraksis; Abrar or Abrir; Abtelis; Abtlsat; Abun; Abuna Gabra Manfas Qeddus; Abuna Kiros; Abuna Salama; Abuna Takla Haimanot; Abuna Sabasamayat; Abuqalamsis; Abushahir; Adararas; Adbar; Aderot; Adonai; Adulis; Afa Barakat; Afa Mamhir; Aflag; Aflha or Aflho; Agabos; Agamtas; Agiasmos or Akoteta Qurban; Ahab (8th century BC); Ahmed ibn Ibrahim el Ghazi; Abu Bahale; Akala Kristos (Qeba'at); Akala Kristos (13th c.); Akala Kristos (author); Akala Wald; Akale Waragna; Akalu (or Abuna Lukas); Akawuh; Akhadomu; Akios; Aklil; Aklila Brehan; Aklila Sok; Aklila Tsige; Akrosia; Aksimaros; Aksum; Aksum-Tsion or Ri'isa Adbarat wa'Gadamat Qidist Mariam Tsion Beta Kristian; Akuteta Qurban; Al Amida I; Al Amida II; Ala Dbar; Ala Gabaz; Ala Iskindros; Ala Tsaham; Ala'azarawyan; Alaniqos; Alaqa Milat; Al-Aswad ibn Maqsud; Albas; Alef; Alexandrian Catechetical School; Manoel de Almeida; Alms; Alvarez Francisco; Am al-fil; Amakniyo; Amasinit; Amata alam; Amata Imfitrat; Amata Mihrat; Amata Mihrat Etiopia; Amata Qamar; Amata Sama'itat; Amata Sigawe; Amata Tanbalat; Amata Tsaggahu; Amda Tsion (d.1344); Amda Tsion (16th c.); Amhara; Amharic; Amistu A'imada Mistir; Ammalaj; Amots; Amsho Rim; Anaeb or Ebana; Anagnost; Anako; Anania (15th c. monk); Anania (Menelik-era monk); Anania ze-Waldiba; Anathema; Anbas; Anbasa Wudim; Anbro id; And Bahriy; Andaribe; Andimta; Angabo; Angada Hawariat Church; Angara; Angulalaq Kidane Mehret Church; Anish; Ankatsa Brehan; Ankobar Giorgis Church; Ankobar Madhame Alam Church; Ankrotos; Annunciation Ba'ala Bsrat; Anorewos; Anorewos of Morat; Anqasa Amin; Anqatsa Brehan; Anqi; Anastasios (Ras); Anthony of Egypt; Antonios (14th c.); Antonis (17th c.); Antonis (Dabra Bizan); Anzari; Apaydon; Aplon; Apocalypse of Moses; Apocrypha; Apollos; Aqabe Sa'at; Aqabe Saray; Aqaquam; Aqlidos; Aqqabe Saray; Aquaquam; Arab Faqqih; Aragawi Abba; Aragawi Manfasawi; Arangada; Araray; Arat Ayna; Ar'ayana-Saggahu; Arba or Ar'ba; Arba'etu; Arbab; Arbad; Ardamis; Arem; Argano; Ariam; Ariat; Ariel; Aringo; Arias; Arizazo; Ark of the Covenant; Arkaladis; Armah; Arodion; Aron Manqirawi; Arwe; Ascension or Matsahafa Irgata Lamariam; Book of Joseph and Asenat or Asenats; Askema; Asmadewos; Asmat; Astamhiro; Astaqasama; Astare'eyo or Astar'ayo Mariam; Atete; Atnatewos or Athanasius of Alexandria; Ras Atnatewos; Atnatewos or Aba Atnatewos (Qeba'at); Atnatewos or Abba Atnatewos (against Qeba'at); Abuna Atnatewos or Girma Sion (19th-20th c.); Abuna Atnatewos (19th c.); Atraska; Atronsa Mariam; Atsbaha; Atsqa Lewi; Aura; Ausabios or Eusebius of Samosata;Ausabios or Eusebius of Caesarea; Ausabios or Eusebius of Herakleia; Autakios or Eutyches; Awalidt; Awda Nagast; Awostatewos of Azazo; Awostatewos of Sankwa; Awsabesos (Abba); Awsgenios (Qeba'at); Awsgnios; Awuda Abaqte; Awugariwos or Evagrius Ponticus; Aware Gazama or Miriam Haila; Awustateos' Credo; Azaria (Solomonic era); Azaria (Zagwe dynasty); Azariat; Azazo Mariam Beta Kristian; Azazo Takla Mariam;
- Ba'ala Arb'a; Ba'ala Daqsios; Ba'ala Egziabher; Ba'ala Hamsa; Ba'ala Kletsereq; Ba'ala Matq; Ba'ala Mikael; Ba'ala Timqat; Ba'ala Wald; Ba'ata or Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary; Ba'ata Gibts or Entry of Jesus Christ into Egypt; Ba'hinta Imqatu Igzi'ina; Ba'ida Mariam; Ba'inta Irina Qidist Selassie; Ba'inta Lidatu; Ba'inta Miriam; Ba'inta Nisiha Wazakama Yirakib Tadla wa'iraft; Ba'ala Arb'a; Ba'ala Astr'ayo; Ba'ala Masqal; Ba'ala Matsallat; Ba'ala Sanbat; Ba'ala Sibkat or Sibkata Ganna; Ba'ala Sibkat; Ba'ala Siqlat; Ba'ata Tsom; Babnuda; Badl ai ibn Said Adid; Badl Wad; Badran; Bag'u; Bagana; Bahir; Bahra Hasab; Bahriy or Dabtara Bahriy; Bainta Tasagwotu La Egziabher or On the Incarnation of the Logos; Bainta Wald or Homily on the Son; Bainta Wald Fiqur or Homily on the Beloved Son; Bakimos; Bala Hulat; Bala Izaeabher or B'ala Egziabher; Bala Masqal or Ba'ala Masqal; Bala Samon; Bala Wald; Balas or Balason; Balasan; Balasost; Balat or Ba'alat; Balaz; Baraka Igzi'ina; Baralam Wayiwasif; Apocalypse of Baruch; Bartalomewos; Basilios; Bata or Ba'ata or Ba'ata-Lamariam; Batra Giorgis; Batra Muse; Batra Wangel (Etchage); Bazen; Belhor; Belot; Belta Kli'e Tweraq; Bereyal; Beta Israel; Beta Kristian; Beta Kristos; Beta Lihem or Beta Mirfaq; Beta Mariam; Beta Ri'is; Beta Samayat; Beta Shamasa; Beta Tsalot; Beta-Hibist; Beyzait or Bezawit; Bi'ila Nagast; Bi'ise Salam; Bibiw; Bihera Hyawan; Bilal; Biniamin; Birbir Mariam; Bisrata Gabriel; Bitsi'it Anti; Bitsu'a Amlak; Book of the Hymaritees; Brehan; Brehana Masqal; Brehana Tinsa'e; Bryal; Bsrat; Bsrata Gabriel; Buruk Amlak; Bzuhana Mariam;
- Canon or Ye Etiopia Beta-Christian Canona; Christian Topography;
- Dabalo; Dabe; Dabra Mitmaq or Dabra Mitmaq Ginbot; Dabra Qwisqwam; Dabra Tabor; Dabra Tsion; Dabra Zait; Daer Sultan; Daja Brehan; Damara; Dammana; Damyanos or Aka Abba Daqiqa Istifa; Daqaistifa; Daqe Istifa; Daqiqa Istifa; Daqsios; Darash Amlak; Dariganda Ewustatewos; Dasayit; Dask; Der; Dha Tra Qusqam Church; Dibab; Dibdiqon; Dibe Kidana Mihret; Dibora; Didsqilia; Dil Na'ad; Dimaha Gann At; Dimare er z; Dingay Tira Qeddus Giorgis Church; Dingal Mariam; Dino; Dirsan Ba'inta Qidist Fasika; Dirsan za abba Ya'iqob; Dirsana Fatayati; Dirsana Madhanealam; Dirsana Mahyawi; Dirsana Mariam; Dirsana Qeddus Gabriel; Dirsana Qeddus Mikael; Dirsana Qeddus Raguael; Dirsana Qeddus Urael; Dirsana Sanbat; Dirsana Selassie; Dirsana Siberios; Dirtiqon; Dorho;
- Edna; Efud; Enkurkurit; Ethiopic Enoch; Esmiphaneus; Estarot; Etchage; Ewostatewos;
- Falasfa; Falasha Mura; Farago; Fari Samonagna; Fasika or Tinsa'e; Fasildas; Fikare Iyasus or Fekkare Eyasus; Fikkare Haimanot; Filipos or Philipos; Filkisiyos; Filmona; Filsata; Fim Chari; Fire; Fire Haimanot; Firkuta; Fisih; Fitat; Fitiha Nagast; Council of Florence; Fremona; Frumentius or Freminatos; Fuqran;
- Gabarbar; Gabata Hawaria; Gabaz; Gabaza Aksum; Gabazan; Gabicha; Gabir; Gabra Amlak; Gabra Hawaria; Gabra Himamat; Gabra Kristos (12th c.); Gabra Kristos (14th c.); Gabra Kristos or St. Alexius, the Man of God; Gabra Kristos (Gunda Gunde); Gabra Lelit; Gabra Madhin; Gabra Manfas Qidus; Gabra Mariam za Alagan; Gabra Masih; Gabra Masqal (14th c.); Gabriel II of Alexandria; Gad; Gadl; Gadla Abraham; Gadla Azqir; Gadla Hawariat; Gadla Sama'itat; Gadla Tsadqan; Gadriel; Gahad; Galamitu; Galanesh Haddis; Confessions of Tsawana Nafs Galawdewos; Galilia; Dabtara Gamaliel; Ganat; Council of Gangra; Ganna; Gannat; Gannawi; Gara'alta Yima'ata; Garalta Abiata Kristiawat; Gargel; Garim Abbo Church; Garim Gabriel Church; Garima; Gazfa; Gebra Hawaria; Gebra Lelit; Georgis or George; Gibra Hawaria; Gibra Himamat; Gibra Lelit; Gigar; Giho Walatta-Mangasa; Ginzat; Giorgis; Giorgis of Gasicha; Giorgis of Sagla; Amba Gishen; Giyorgis of Ethiopia; Gizrat; Gorgorios I'hiwa Basilios; Gorgorios Inzinazu; Gregory of Nyssa; Greek Cross; Gubba; Gudit or Yodit-Gudit; Gulo Makkida; Gumarios; Gunda Gunde;
- Haile Selassie; Haimanota Abaw; Haimanota Masihawit; Haimanota Rit'it; Haliyu Zanta Ba'albabikimu Mnt Wu'itu Nidet; Halleluya (monastery); Hanna; Harag; Hatata Zarayaqob or Zarayaqob's Discourse; Hawi; Hidar Mariam; Hindake or Nigista Saba; Hintsata Beta Kristian or The Building of the Church bearing her Name (at Philippi); Hinsata beta Maqd or The Construction of the Temple; Hinzat; Hizqias; Hosa'ina or Palm Sunday; Huratu Iskindir or The Journeys of Alexander;
- Igwala Qwa'at or the Petite Crow; Ikiye Azeb; Ikwa Kristos; Ilata Rakb; Inbaqom; Inkurkurit; Inqu or the Book of the Pearl of Great Price; Inqutatsh; Insata; Inzinazu or St. Gregory of Nazianzos; Inzira; Irafta or Her Falling Asleep (Feast of the Dormition of Mary); Irafta Mariam; Irfa Masqual; Irgat; Ascension of Isaiah or Irgata Isaias; Israel or Za-israel (son of Astse Caleb); Istifanos or Tigray; Itisa; Iyarusalem Samayawit; Iyasus-Mo'a; Iyor; Izra Suta'el or Apocalypse of Ezra;
- Jar Gadam; Jar Selassie; Book of Jubilees;
- Kabaro; Kalalte Walda Mikael; Kaleb (d. 543) or Ella Asbaha III or St. Elasba'an; Kamos; Karra; Karsa Hamar; Kawakibt Tsilmutan; Kawanim; Kibra Nagast; Kidan or Testament of Our Lord Jesus Christ; Kidan Zanagha; Kidana Mehrat; Kidana Mihrat or The Covenant of Mercy; Kindake or Candice; Kirub; Kitab; Kokaba Gadam; Kubat Warara;
- Labidios; Labya Iyasus; Laha la Qidist Mariam; Lai Bet; Lalibala; Churches of Lalibala (including Beta Danagil, Beta Mikael, Beta Madhanealam, Beta Miriam, Beta Golgota, Beta Giorgis, Beta Amanuel, Beta Markoreos, Beta Aba Liquanos, Beta Gabriel Wa-Rufael); Lanqa; Lay Bet; Council of Lazabshaha; Lebese Mariam; Lent; Libanos; Libna Dingil; Lidat; Lidata or Book of the Birth of Mary or Protevangelium of James; Lidata; Lidata Simon; Lifasa Tsidq; Liqa Dabtara; Liqa Hidar; Liqa Kahnat; Liqa Makwas; Lombi; Loze Gebru; Lubar; Ludolf; Luqas; Lusifer;
- Ma'alt or daytime; Ma'al Sa'atat or Sa'atata Ma'alt; Ma'ata; Mabraq or Lightening; Madabir; Madhanina Igzi; Mafararaja; Mafwas; Maggabit Madhane Alam; Mahadayas; Mahbara Bikur; Mahileta Tsige or Ta'amira Mariam; Makbib; Makfalt; Makida; Malak Saggad; Malakat; Malakawuyan or Daqiqa; Mali'ikta Barnabas or Epistle of Barnabas; Mali'ikta Petros or the Epistle of Peter; Malka Tsedaq or Melchizedek; Mallayyo; Manbara Dawit; Manbara Tabot; Manbara Takla Haimanot, Dabra Libanos; Manbara Tsaba'ot, Aga'iste, Qidist Selassie Beta Kristian; Mar'awi or Marawi or Mari'awi or The Bridegroom; Mara; Margaf Ayqar; Margaj; Mariam (book); Mariam Innatu; Mariam Qidist; Marqorewos; Marqos; Martyrdom of Arethas; Glory of the Holy Virgin Mary or Kebra Qidist Dingil Mariam (Ascension of Mary); Masqal or the Cross; Matbahtawi; Matewos; Mato Masqal; Matsahafa Ahbiro; Matsahafa Brehan; Matsahafa Falasfa Tabiban; Matsahafa Ginzat; Matsahafa Gitsawe; Matsahafa Gitsiw; Matsahafa Kidan or Book of the Covenant; Matsahafa Milad; Matsahafa Mistir or Book of Mysteries; Matsahafa Qandil; Matsahafa Qeddase; Matsahafa Sa'atat; Matsahafa Taklil; Matsahafa Timqat; Matsaw; Matsahafa Gannat or Book of Paradise; Matsihafa Yoseph Walda Korion or Josippon; Mawasit; Mazruq or Mazruk; Mazurot; Misir Qana; Mistira Samay wa-Midir or Mystery of Heaven and Earth; Mizan or Abba Krestos-Bezana; Motalami;
- Nagara Mariam; Nagh or morning; Nagodgwad or Thunder; Nazret or Nazareth; Nolawi or The Shepherd; Na'akuto La'ab Church; Na'akutaka; Nach Sar; Nafayl; Nagada Brehan; Nagada Israel; Nagada Mala'ikt; Nagara Haimanot; Nagara Mariam; Nagara Wag'e; Nagarit; Nagran; Naskil Agar Gabriel Church; Nazar; Nine Saints of Ethiopia; Niqolawos; Niway; Nob or Nibura Id; Nolawi or Nolawe;
- Organona Dingil;
- Pachomius; Pantalewon; Persfora; Petros (10th c.); Petros (5th c.); Petros (6th c.); Petros Paulos; Philipos; Prester John;
- Qabbala; Qadamit Sanbat; Qafarawudim; Qala Awadi; Qala Gizit or Anathemas; Qalamintos or Clement (book); Qalamintos or Clement (person); Qalamintos (martyr); Qambar Giorgis Church; Qana Za Galila; Qatara or Eve of Epiphany; Qawustos; Qay Afar Mikael Church; Qeddase Beta; Qeddus Yared; Qedir; Qerelos (13th c.); Qerelos (7th c.); Qerelos (Coptic Patriarch in 1856); Qerelos (Patriarch of Ethiopia 1928-); Qerelos VI; Qerelos za Iskindria or Cyril of Alexandria; Qerelos za Iyarusalem or Cyril of Jerusalem; Qibat; Qibrat of Maqbar; Qibtsia monastery; Qine; Qobbo Mariam Church; Qolo Gadam Kidana Mihrat Church; Qorasta; Qorke; Qosmas; Qosmas of Alexandria (d. 933); Qozamis; Qozmas (14th c.); Qoamos of Yeha; Qulfe Gabra Manfas Qeddus Church; Qulibi Gabriel Church; Quncha Giorgis Church; Qundi Giorgis Church; Qur; Qura Anbassa Guba'e; Qurban; Qusquam;
- Raiya Mariam; Rama; Retua Haimanot; Rgum Takla Haimanot; Ritu'a Hamanot; Rufinus; Christian Paulus Ludwig Rufo; Ruq Wuduq;
- Sa'atat; [[Sab'atu Bahtawiyanor Seven Ascetics of Tuna]] and Companions; Sabela; Sabla Mariam; Sabla Wangel (wife of Tsadqu Yohannes); Sabla Wangel (wife of Libna Dingil) or Elleni; Sablaniyos; Sahma; Sahu Tidarana; Saifa Arid; Saifa Selassie or Sword of the Trinity; Saint Angels; Saint Martyrs; Saint Apostles; Saint Prophets; Salam Laki; Salama Gabriel; Salama Za-Azeb; Salama (Junior); Salome (15th c. nun); Sama Sanbat; Samania; Samen Sagad; Samma Sanbat; Samuel (18th c.); Samuel (12th c.); Samuel (Lalibala era); Samuel or Samuel za Dabra Abbay; Samuel (of Kirubel); Samuel za Hale Luya; Samuel za Quyatsa; Samun Qiddist; Samuna Himamat; Samuna Manfas Qeddus; Samuna Tinsa'e; Sanbata Mahtawa Fasika or Easter Eve; Sandros; Saqoqawa Dingil; Sar Amba Gabra Manfas Qeddus; Sar Amba Selassie; Sartsa Dingil; Sawn or Showan; Sawiros (late 11th c.); Sayadar B. Mahrawal; Sayfay; Seherta Gizawe; Siqlat or Good Friday; Selwanos; Sewa Wangel; Shambaqo bar Mikael; Queen of Sheba or Queen of South Arabia; Shotal Amba Kidana Mihrat; Sibhat La'ab (Yekatit 20 martyr); Sibhat La'ab (Tana Qirqos monastery); Sibhata Mahaliy; Sibkat; Sibkata Ganna or Fast of the Prophets; Sibuha Amlak; Book of Sibyl; Sidi Masqal; Silwanos; Sim'on; Sim'on (13th-14th c.); Sim'on (17th c.); Sim'on Beth Arsham; Sim'on (Ahmad Gragn era); Sim'on (of Dabra Banko); Sim'on (martyr of Yekatit 20); Sim'on (anointer of Ssenyos); Simay; Simintagnaw Shih; Sina Mika'el; Sinkisar; Sinoda (of Tsimuna); Siqlat; Sira Giorgis; Sirak; Siriaqos or Cyriacus of Jerusalem; Sorqa; Sosana (15th c.); Suba'e Abriham; Suba'e Adam; Suba's Daniel; Suba'e Izra; Suba'e Siqlat; Sumuyafa Aswa or Esimiphanes; Susenyos; Suta Mariam; Sutafe Kristos;
- Ta'akiah; Ta'amira Mariam or the Book of Mary's Dormition; Ta'ika Nagast; Ta'amani ba Egziabher; Ta'aqbo Mistir (book); Ta'awuqa Brehan; Tabal; Tabot; Tabot Mabarak; Tabot Shoa Giorgis; Tabota Iyasus; Tabota Tsion; Tach Bet; Tach Dan Kidana Mihrat; Tach Danse Mariam; Tach Gamo Mariam; Tadbaba Mariam; Tadewos; Tadewos of Shoa; Tadla Ganat; Tado Adar Church; Tafasihe Mariam; Tagagn; Ta'ika Nagast; Takla Abriham; Takla Adonai; Takla Asfa; Takla Giorgis (Emperor); Takla Giorgis (Qesis); Takla Haimanot; Takla Haimanot (Emperor); Takla Haimanot (Etchage); Takla Haimanot (king); Takla Haimanot of Itsa (1215-1313); Takla Haimanot (15th c.); Takla Iyasus (d.1672); Takla Iyasus (13th c.); Takla Iyasus (19th c.); Takla Iyasus (16th c.); Takla Iyasus (nephew of Hiruta Amlak); Takla Mariam or Mab'a Tsion; Takla Mariam (16th c.); Takla Mikael (musicologist); Takla Mikael (of Dabra Tsigaga); Takla Tsion; Takla Wald and Tsirug Masare; Takla Haimanot's Credo; Takla Wahid; Tal or Dew; Tammo Gadara Mariam; Tamra Mariam or Ta'amira Mariam; Tans'a Brehan; Tansay or Tinsa'e or Fasika; Tans'ia Kristos (Ginbot 19); Tans'ia Kristos (of Begamdir); Tans'ia Kristos (Dabr monastery naming? - same as first, maybe?; Tans'ia Kristos (martyr); Tansia Kristos (14th-15th c. official); Taqatsal Tsige; Taratar Gabriel Mihrat Church; Tarik (book); Tarika Nagast; Tasfa Giorgis; Tasfa Histan; Tasfa Histan (Abba); Tasfa Hiywat; Tasfa Iyasus (Tir 21); Tasfa Iyasus (disciple of Buruk Amlak); Tasfa Mariam; Tasfa Masqal (Walaita); Tasfa Masqal (Zara Yaqob era); Tasfa Mikael; Tasfa Hedan; Tasfa-Sillus; Tatamqa Madhin (14th-15th c.); Tatamqa Madhin (missionary); Tatamqa Madhin (of Bagada); Tatamqa Madhin (16th c.); Tatamqa Madhin (of the two Sabbaths); Taye; Tazena; Tazkar or Taksir or Tazkir; Tefut; Telam or Talem or Telem; Tesm'et or Tasb'ot; Testament of Jesus or Epistle of the Apostles; Tewodros (son of David); Tewodros (disciple of Takla Haimanot); Tewodros (1818-1868); Tewodros (son of Zara Yaqob); Tewoflos (1910-1974); Tewoflos or Atsrar Sagad (d. 1703?); Tewoflos or Theophilus (4th c. Arian); Tewoglos; Tewologia; Tharbis; Infancy Gospel of Thomas; Acts of Thomas; Thomas Sunday; Ti'izaza Sanbata; Tibaba Solomon; Tigray; Timhirta Galawudewos; Timhirta Hibuat; Timihirta; Timqat or Epiphany; Tinsa'e or the Resurrection; Tinsa'e Kidana Mihrat; Tirfe (16th c.); Tirguame Matshafa Solomon or Mahaliye Mahaliy Zwuitu zu Solomon or Homily on the Solomon's Song of Songs; Tirhaqa; Tisbi'it or the Incarnation; Tobia or Tobit; Tomas (disciple of Tacla Haimanot); Tomas (holiday); Tomas (5th c. metropolitan of Ethiopia); Tomas or Brother Thomas of Ganget; Tomas (of the Church of Zion in Axum); Tomb of Menelik I; Tomb of the Queen of Sheba; Tor'a; Tsabart; Tsadanat or Tsedenat; Tsaday; Tsaga Za'ab; Tsagga or Walda Tsugga or Yetsegga Lijoch (adoptionist group); Tsalota Hamus or Maundy Thursday; Tsalota-Hawaria; Tsawana Nafs Galadwdewos; Tsedenia; Tsibah or Sunrise; Tsige or Blossom; Tsinsata or St. Anne's Conception of Mary; Tsiwa or Tsiwa'i; Tsoma Arba; Tsoma Dabra Qwisqwam; Tsoma Diggwa; Tsoma Dihnat or Fast of Salvation; Tsoma Filsata or Fast of the Assumption or Fast of the Virgin Mary; Tsoma Gahad or the Vigils; Tsoma Hawariat or the Fast of the Apostles; Tsoma Himamat or Good Friday; Tsoma Hirkan; Tsoma Hirqal; Tsoma Kristos; Tsoma Nabiat or the Fast of the Prophets; Tsoma Nanawe or Fast of Nineveh; Tsoma Sibkat Ganna;
- Umarios or Berralanga;
- Wadara Mariam Church; Wadara Selassie Church; Wagag (monastery); Wagag Amba Gabra Manfas Qidus Church; Wage; Wagra Tay; Wain Haddis; Wain Karami; Waito; Walal; Walata Giorgis; Walata Kristos; Walata Paulos; Walata Petros; Walata Takla Haimanot; Walatta-Wahid; Wald Sa'ala; Walda (early 15th c.); Walda (aunt of Sartsa Dingil); Walda Amlak Agar Mikael; Walda Giorgis; Walda Haimanot; Walda Hawaria; Walda Heiywat; Walda Kristos; Walda Kristos (writer); Walda Lewi; Walda Mariam (19th c.); Walda Mikael; Walda Qib; Walda Tinsa'e; Walda Tinsa'e (17th c. jurist); Walda Tinsa'e (of Azazo monastery); Walda Yohannes (of the Tawahedo line); Walda Yohannes (17th c. Axumite); Walda Yohannes (19th c.); Walda Yona (of Dabra Libanos); Walda-Tsagga; Walde Agar Ma'ala Walid Church; Waldibba; Waldibe Ingida; Wanbar; Wanchare; Wanda Gari; Wangelawit; Wanjal; Wankafe Mikael Church; Waquera Giorgis Church; Waqera Mariam Church; Warab; Warab Mikael Church; Warab Gabriel Church; Waro Mariam Church; Warwar; Wasange; Washa Mikael Church; Way Yeleshe; Wazb; Wazema; Wilhat; Wiuddasse Mariam; Wubit Giorgis Church; Wubit Mariam Church; Wudase Amlak; Wudase Mariam; Wuddasse-Amlak; Wulbam Mariam Church; Wuluda Artemis;
- Yadla; Yafqraha Igzi; Yafqrana Igzi'i za-Guguben; Yahannis (of Shoah); Ya'iqob (d. early 15th c.); Ya'iqob (bishop); Ya'iqob (emperor); Ya'iqob II; Yamata or Yemata; Yared Of; Yared; Yaxum; Ye'ate Washa Mariam; Yefiqrana Igzi'e; Yemana Ab; Yemariam Baria; Yemata; Yemisirach; Yemsa'e-Mehrat; Yerda'e-Mika'el; Yibara; Yibarkanna Kristos; Yidla; Yigam Gabra Manfas; Yikunno Amlak; Yimrahana Kristos or Prester John; Yirda'hanna Kristos (of Dabra Libanos); Yirda'hanna Kristos (Saint); Yisahalana Egziabher or Yisahalana Kristos; Yisahalu Kristos; Yisi'haq; Yishihaq (martyr); Yishihaq (of Aksum Tsion); Yitbarak (philosopher); Yitbarak (13th-14th c.); Yitbarak (Emperor); Yodit or Gudit or Judith; Yoftahe Niguse (d. 1942); Yohani (14th c.); Yohannes (15th-16th c.); Yohannes (liturgical season); Yohannes (of Dabra Mahfid); Yohannes (arrived Ethiopia 525 AD); Yohannes (of Tsilalo); Yohannes (of Dabra Bizan); Yohannes (Metropolitan, d. 849); Yohannes or Takle Ta'amrat of Addis Alam (d. 1956); Yohannes (Coptic Patriarch, 1920s); Yohannes (exhumer of Abuna Awstatewos); Yohannes (of Dabra Libanos); Yohannes (government official, author); Yohannes or John the Baptist; Yohannes (of Qadla); Yohannes (20th c. Metropolitan of Ethiopia); Yohannes (Tsahaft Mankarat); Yohannes (17th c.); Yohannes Ailaf Sagad; Yohannes Gablawi; Yohannes IV; Yohannes Kama; Yohannes Mesraqawi; Yohannes Walda Amid; Yohannes Za Sagala; Yohannes (15th c. shelterer); Yohannes (Metropolitan, 819-830); Yohanni (abbot of Dabra Damo); Yohanni (of Dabra Sina); Yona'el; Yosef (Metropolitan, 1210-); Yosef (of Walaqa); Yosef (preacher, saint); Yosef (of Dabra Haiq Istifanos); Yosef (preacher, late 19th c.); Yostinos; Yostos; Ysihaq; Ysihaq (of Daqiqa Istifa); Ysihaq (b. Armenian); Ysihaq (bishop of Tigray, 1928-); Ysihaq (Metropolitan, 15th c.); Ysihaq (appointed metropolitan, died in Sinnar); Ysihaq (monastery)
- Za Qabala Tsom; Za Tsadqan or Za-Tsadqan or the Righteous Ones; Za Yohannes (14th c.); Za Yohannes (15th c.); Za'anqia Walda Mai; Za'iyasus (of Dabra Libanos); Za'iyasus (the blind, Qib'at); Za'iyasus (Qib'at); Za'iyasus (of Dabra Haiq Istifanos); Za-Dingil; Zadingil (16th-17th c. ecclesiastic); Za-Ella-'Asfeha (3rd c.); Zagabriel; Zagaya; Zage Hana Church; Zagiorgis; Zagiorgis (governor of Fantale); Zagwe dynasty; Zahawariat (of Qorata); Zainqi'a Walda Mai or the Source Sprang by her Son; Za'iyasus (16th c.); Za'iyasus (the blind); Za'iyasus (Qib'at); Za'iyasus (of Dabra Haiq Istifanos); Zakaria (1845-1920); Zakarios (of the night prayers); Zakarias (14th-15th c.); Zakarias (viceroy); Zaki Tumal; Zakkarias; Za-Kristos (husband of Egzi'e-Kebra); Zakristos (of Daqiqa Istifa); Zakristos (claimed to be Christ); Zamada; Zamalakot; Zamana Irgat; Zamana Tinsa'e; Zamariam Agar Yohannes Church; Zamikael (friend of Abakrazun); Zamikael (of Dabra Libanos); Za-Mika'el Aragawi; Zamikael za Mugar; Zanbaba Madhane Alam Church; Zanbalat Kidana Mihrat Church; Zanbo Takla Haimanot Church; Zande Kidana Mihrat Church; Zar'a Abriham; Zar'a Buruk (academic); Zar'a Buruk (of Quar Amba); Zar'i and Dammana; Zar'a Abriham; Zar'a Buruk (late, 17th c., martyr); Zara'a Ya'qob; Zarafu Walda Tsadiq (d. 1930); Zara-Yaqob (b. 1592); Zarufael; Za-Selassie; Zasilase (16th c. monk); Zawalda Mariam (of Waldiba); Zawalda Mariam (of Shoa); Zawalda Mariam (of Dabra Bizan); Zawalda Mariam (Etchage); Zawalda Mariam (author of Mysteries of Heaven); Zawangel; Zawuditu; Zegamaloch; Zema; Zema Bet; Zena Beta Kristian The Etiopia; Zena Gabriel (14th c.); Zena Gabriel (15th c.); Zena Gabriel (17th-18th c.); Zena Iskindir or Zenna Iskindir or Story of Alexander; Zena Kristos; Zena Marqos; Zena Petros; Zena Takla Haimanot; Zena-Ayhud; Zena-Marqos; Zhinqe Mariam; Zikra Mariam; Zimare Mawasi'it; Zion Coptic Church; Ziquala; Zanaenus; Zuramba; Lake Zway;