I am an undergraduate student at Rice University. I am interested in topics including economic development, third world feminism, identity-based violence, and LGBT studies. I was enrolled in a Wiki Education class in 2019. I edited Wikipedia article history of bisexuality for the class last year.
I am currently enrolled in the course Human Development in Local and Global Communities. As a part of the assignment, my proposed topics are left-behind children in China and contraceptive security.
I will start editing left-behind children in China between Feburary 2020 and May 2020. I save most of my work on this article in my sandbox. Here is a link: User:Xli1218/left-behind children in China
I am a member of the following WikiProjects:
![]() | This user is a participant in WikiProject Women. |
![]() | This user participates in WikiProject Gender studies. |
![]() | This user participates in WikiProject Law. |
![]() | This user is a participant in WikiProject LGBTQ+ studies. |
Fall 2019 Proposed Topic
- Angelides, Steven. 2001. A History of Bisexuality. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
- Cantarella, Eva. 1992. Bisexuality in the ancient world. New Haven: Yale University Press.
- Dodge, Brian, Michael Reece, and Paul H. Gebhard. 2008. "Kinsey and Beyond: Past, Present, and Future Considerations for Research on Male Bisexuality." Journal of Bisexuality 175-189.
- Duberman, Martin Bauml, Martha Vicinus, and Jr. George Chauncey. 1989. Hidden from History: Reclaiming the Gay and Lesbian Past. Penguin Random House .
- Hinsch, Bret. 1990. Passions of the Cut Sleeve: The Male Homosexual Tradition in China. Berkley : University of California Press.
- MacDowall, Lachlan. 2009. "Historicising Contemporary Bisexuality." Journal of Bisexuality 3-15.
- Stein, Marc. 2003. Encyclopedia of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender history in America Marc Stein, editor in chief. Farmington Hills : Gale, Cengage Learning.
- van Alphen, Elise C. J. 2017. "Erasing Bisexual Identity: The Visibility and Invisibility of Bisexuality as a Sexual Identity in the Dutch Homosexual Movement, 1946-1972." Journal of Homosexuality 273-288.
- We are Everywhere: A Fiveway Review of A History of Bisexuality, Open, Becoming Visible, Bisexual Spaces, and Look Both Ways. 2009. "Alexander, Jonathan; Anderlini-D'Onofrio, Serena ." Journal of Bisexuality 461-476.
- Williams, Craigs A. 1999. Roman Homosexuality : Ideologies of Masculinity in Classical Antiquity. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Spring 2020 Proposed Topics
- Chang, Hongqin, Xiao-Yuan Dong, and Fiona Macphail. 2011. "Labor Migration and Time Use Patterns of the Left-Behind Children and Elderly in Rural China." World Development 2199-2210.
- Dai, Qian, and Rong-Xuan Chu. 2018. "Anxiety, Happiness and Self-Esteem of Western Chinese Left-Behind Children." Child Abuse & Neglect 86.
- hao, Chenyue, Xudong Zhou, Feng Wang, Minmin Jiang, and Therese Hesketh. 2017. "Care for Left-Behind Children in Rural China: A Realist Evaluation of a Community-Based Intervention." Children and Youth Services Review 239-245.
- Mu, Guanglun Michael, and Yang Hu. 2016. Living with vulnerabilities and opportunities in a migration context : floating children and left-behind children in China. Rotterdam: Sense .
- To, Siu-ming, Yuk-yan So, and Ching-man Kwok. 2018. "Meaning-Making of Motherhood Among Rural-to-Urban Migrant Chinese Mothers of Left-Behind Children." Journal of Child and Family Studies 3358-3370.
- Wang, Sophie Xuefei, and Fu Yu Benjamin. 2019. "Labor Mobility Barriers and Rural-Urban Migration in Transitional China." China Economic Review 211-224.
- Yan, Li, Qianqian Zhu, Xiaowen Tu, Xiayun Zuo, Chunyan Yu, Chaohua Lou, Qiguo Lian, and Antonio Palazón-Bru. 2018. "ullying Victimization and Child Sexual Abuse Among Left-Behind and Non-Left-Behind Children in China." PeerJ.
- Zhang, Haomiao. 2018. "A Qualitative Study on the Rights of Rural Left-Behind Children in Sichuan Province, China.A Qualitative Study on the Rights of Rural Left-Behind Children in Sichuan Province, China." Children and Youth Services Review 12-18.
- Zhang, Junhua, Lixia Yan, Huiyan Qiu, and Binron Dai. 2018. "Social Adaptation of Chinese Left-Behind Children: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis." Children and Youth Services Review 308-315.
- Zhonghua quan guo fu nü lian he hui. Er tong gong zuo bu. 2011. Research report on left behind and migrant children. Beijing: he hui ke xue wen xian chu ban she.
- Wickstrom, Jane, and Jacobstein, Roy. “Contraceptive Security: Incomplete Without Long‐Acting and Permanent Methods of Family Planning.” Studies in Family Planning 42, no. 4 (December 2011): 291–298.
- Sharma, Suneeta, and Dayaratna, Varuni. “Creating Conditions for Greater Private Sector Participation in Achieving Contraceptive Security.” Health policy 71, no. 3 (2005): 347–357.
- Tumlinson, Katherine, Steiner, Markus J, Rademacher, Kate H, Olawo, Alice, Solomon, Marsden, and Bratt, John. “The Promise of Affordable Implants: Is Cost Recovery Possible in Kenya?” Contraception 83, no. 1 (2011): 88–93.
- “Involving the Private Sector to Achieve Contraceptive Security.” Reproductive Health Matters 14, no. 28 (November 2006): 193–193.
- Chandani, Yasmin, and Breton, Gerry. “Contraceptive Security, Information Flow, and Local Adaptations: Family Planning Morocco.” African Health Sciences 1, no. 2 (April 24, 2006): 73–82. http://www.bioline.org.br/abstract?id=hs01022.
- Feyisso, Mohammed, Belachew, Tefera, Tesfay, Amanuel, Addisu, Yohannes, and Feyisso, Mohammed. “Differentials of Modern Contraceptive Methods Use by Food Security Status Among Married Women of Reproductive Age in Wolaita Zone, South Ethiopia.” Archives of public health = Archives belges de sante publique 73, no. 1 (January 1, 2015): 38–38. http://search.proquest.com/docview/1760864222/.
- Sharma, Suneeta, Gribble, James N, and Menotti, Elaine P. “Creating options in family planning for the private sector in Latin America.” Revista Panamericana de Salud Pública 18, no. 1 (July 1, 2005): 37–44. http://www.scielosp.org/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1020-49892005000600007&lng=en&tlng=en.
- Schuler, Sidney Ruth, Hashemi, Syed Mesbahuddin, and Riley, Ann P. “The Influence of Women’s Changing Roles and Status in Bangladesh’s Fertility Transition: Evidence from a Study of Credit Programs and Contraceptive Use.” World Development 25, no. 4 (April 1, 1997): 563–575.
- Gawron, Lori M, Simmons, Rebecca G, Sanders, Jessica N, Myers, Kyl, Gundlapalli, Adi V, Turok, David K, and Gawron, Lori M. “The Effect of a No-Cost Contraceptive Initiative on Method Selection by Women with Housing Insecurity.” Contraception (December 24, 2019). http://search.proquest.com/docview/2331255750/.
- Benagiano, G, and Cottingham, J. “Contraceptive Methods: Potential for Abuse.” International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 56, no. 1 (1997): 39–46