This page used to be in the main namespace, and was deleted for dubious reasons in October of 2014 (see the debate here). As I feel it does contain some information that is otherwise difficult to collate together, I believe it must be maintained as a public service.
The list of miscellaneous minor planet discoverers are astronomers that have discovered one or more minor planets, but have no other significant claims to fame. Many are amateur astronomers that have dedicated themselves to locating minor planets.
Mark Abraham
18873 Larryrobinson[1] | November 13, 1999 |
18883 Domegge[1] | December 31, 1999 |
20623 Davidyoung[1] | October 10, 1999 |
Mark Abraham formerly an American amateur astronomer, asteroid hunter, owner and principal operator of the EverStaR Observatory in Olathe, Kansas. Mark also has 4 additional asteroids rediscovery/discoveries not yet named awaiting further follow-up and confirmation work. Mark no longer owns or operates EverStaR Observatory and enjoys watching the stars the old fashion way.
Masakatsu Aoki
Asteroids discovered: 2 | |
(16769) 1996 UN1 | October 29, 1996 |
(58627) 1997 VG5 | November 8, 1997 |
Supernovae discovered: 12 | |
SN 1996an | 1996-07-28 |
SN 1996aq | 1996-08-17 |
SN 1996ca | 1996-12-15 |
SN 1996cb | 1996-12-16 |
SN 1997X | 1997-02-02 |
SN 1997dd | 1997-08-20 |
SN 1997dq | 1997-11-03 |
SN 1997eg | 1997-11-03 |
SN 1997ei | 1997-12-24 |
SN 1999eu | 1997-12-24 |
SN 2000db | 2000-08-06[1] |
SN 2000di | 2000-08-23[2] |
Masakatsu Aoki is a Japanese amateur astronomer whose main interest lies in supernovae. He operates from the Aoki Astronomical Observatory, IAU code 908. In the course of his search, he has discovered a couple of asteroids in addition to 12 supernovae. [citation needed]
- External links
Hiroshi Araki
26887 Tokyogiants[1] | October 14, 1994 |
100267 JAXA[2] | October 14, 1994 |
Hiroshi Araki (荒木博志, Araki Hiroshi) is a Japanese astronomer. He works at National Astronomical Observatory of Japan,[3] Mizusawa and was the Science Team sub-Leader of the MUSES-C mission.
He should not be confused with the artist of the same name (born 1956).
Adam Block
45298 Williamon | January 5, 2000 |
Adam Block is an American astronomer who formerly worked at the National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) Kitt Peak National Observatory (KPNO), where he was the lead observer in the Advanced Observing Program for the Kitt Peak Visitor Center.[4]
He is credited with the discovery of one asteroid.
Alfredo Caronia
25602 Ucaronia[1] | January 2, 2000 |
27270 Guidottia | January 2, 2000 |
42614 Ubaldina[2] | March 2, 1998 |
100897 Piatra Neamt[2] | May 5, 1998 |
Alfredo Caronia is an Italian astronomer who works at the Osservatorio Astronomico della Montagna Pistoiese (San Marcello Pistoiese Astronomical Observatory). He is credited with the discovery of three asteroids.
Alex Cruz
51415 Tovinder[1] | March 15, 2001 |
77185 Cherryh[2] | March 20, 2001 |
Alex Cruz is an American amateur astronomer. He is a member of the Fort Bend Astronomy Club (FBAC, Texas) asteroid team (the A-Team) since 2000.[5]
- External links
- ^ IAUC 7475
- ^ IAUC 7483
- ^ Ohio State University (February 12, 2009). "New high-res map suggests little water inside moon". Retrieved 2010-03-30.
- ^ Stiles, Lori (August 27, 2008). "SkyCenter Astronomer Honored For Astrophotography". University of Arizona. Retrieved 2010-03-30.
- ^ "Fort Bend Astronomy Club Asteroid Discoveries at the George Observatory". Bill Dillon. Retrieved 2010-03-30.