Josh Daniel Joshua William Daniel was born 13th March 1999 in Macclesfield, Chesire. He went to Bollinbrook C of E school until he moved to Wetheral in Cumbria, he then studied at Scotby school which was in the next village to Wetheral. He is now currently at William Howard School. Family He has a younger sister called Emily[11], A Dad called Stephen Daniel[43] and A Mum called Victoria Daniel[42]. He has also got an overweight Westie called Ralph as of 2006. School Years When he was just 2 he started attending Stepping Stones Nursey in Macclsfield until the age of 4, he was extremly happy there and had a fun time playing there with all his friends. When he was old enough he went to Bollinbrook C of E school which was a 10 minute walk away from his house in Macclesfield, he really liked it there but then his family moved to Wetheral. However he was very happy at Scotby School.

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