Jeff Kidder has a Ph.D. in Mathematics and worked on Floating Point Arithmetic optimization. He has also worked on FP validation in CPUs. His background is in dynamical systems, real analysis, knot theory, and complex systems (such as neural networks, genetic algorithms, chaos and the like). He is now an aspiring Science fiction author.
- Sustainability
- Floating point arithmetic
- Mathematics
- Meaning
- History esp. of stuff going on 500 years ago and during the 1380s
- Medieval history -- History of cooking --- Lathe -- Pattens
- 1330s -- 1335, 1336, 1337
- 1380s -- 1385, 1386, 1387, 1388, 1389
- 14th century, 15th century
- Squire -- Courtier
- Other
- Exercise -- Aerobics -- Kathy Smith -- Stretching -- History of fitness -- Vernacular -- Anniversary
- remember my squire sib Lynwood with fondness
Projects of interest:
- FP
- The human condition
- Meaning
- History
- 1500s (often should be 16th century)
- 1502, 1503, 1504, 1378
- Historical reenactment
- Pipkin
- Chess
- Other
- Formal, horchata, Richard Gere, Lancelot, Monologue, Plot, Rodney Dangerfield, Story, Tournament,Turbulence, Vortex, Vow, Mangosteen, Group 70 (RIP)
Wiki Wish List
These are thoughts on features I wish Wikipedia supported. I've filed most of these on
- Support for what ought to link here
- Easy mode for batch editing instances of a link.
- E.g., if you want to change links from 1700s to 1700s. Right now you need to go to each page. Edit the page. Save the change. I'd like to bring up all articles that link to 1700s and edit them all at once, or in some batch format. Blind substitution of the links doesn't work because some of the links should be left alone.
- Another example I personally have run across is foot the body part vs Foot (unit of length) the measurement. In any given article you might expect foot or feet to go to the right place, but it depends on which context you are in which seems more natural and many mistakes are made. So what I am asking for is some kind of bulk editing capability.
- When you fix a links which is often to the wrong page, a redirect, or a disambiguation page you often face this situation where you would like to click on "what links here" then walk through each of those links and either fix it one way, or possibly another, or just leave it alone based on the context.
- Easy mode for batch editing instances of a link.
- Be able to sort searches and What links here in some meaningful way(s)
- When last edited -- alphabetically -- length -- ...
- Bios:
- Authors: Petrarch, Chaucer, Jean Froissart
- Astronomers: Galen, Nicolaus Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo
- Mathematicians: Fibonacci
- Rulers: Richard II of England, Charles VI of France
- Science:
- History:
- Place: