Factoids about DerKommissar78...
This user often makes mistakes while typing, and would like to take this oppurtunity to aoplogiae.
This user really likes old computers.
This user thinks "there
is no place like".
This user remembers using 300-baud acoustically-coupled modems
PHPThis user can code PHP.
This user remembers upgrading to a 2400 baud modem.
This user is a fan of
This user is an FCC-licensed amateur radio operator, with General-class privileges.
ARESThis user is active in ARES.
en-nycThis user speaks in New Yorker. {{{1}}}.
Flag of Noo Yawk CityDis usah hails from Noo Yawk City. Tawk to him!
This user is polyamorous.
This user is omnist.
This user respects women and rejects any violence against women.
This user is an autism ally.
This user is proudly
This user is against child abuse in all forms.
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