This user is a twat and is on the shit list due to his unwelcome commie viewpoints and abusing his admin privledge to push his pro-U.S. pro-TI bias while being a KMT stooge. This user has been warned for blanking articles and enjoys anal intercourse and teabagging, and does not understand that "" is inappropriate for an encyclopedia. "Say no to Da Bian You are DA BIan REPUBLIC OF CHINA". He is also a woodchuck, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, du, du, du, da, du, du, du, du, da, da, da, da, da, da!!
I, Folic Acid, award you this Republic of China (ROC) Barnstar of National Merit for your level-headedness and your valuable contributions to various Taiwan-related articles. --Folic Acid 16:54, 21 May 2007 (UTC)