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There is an Industrial Engineering Dept. In College of Engineering of Fayoum University , Egypt

More Info. @

This page, Industrial Engineering, was copied some time ago from Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering. The latter has a lot of history to it, so should not be deleted. The pages for the other forms of Industrial Engineering are simple REDIRECT pages, but could be explanations of the history of these forms. The explanations of the techniques used should be, perhaps, separate articles; but we have very few of these techniques linked. Joe1011010 19:56, 5 September 2005 (UTC)

This is currently a bit buzzwordy. It could do with some plainer English, from someone knowledgeable enough to pare it down without gutting it. In addition, it would probably help to clarify why industrial engineering isn't synonymous with logistics, logistic engineering, or supply chain management (a question I don't know the answer to). --Delirium 06:08, 14 October 2005 (UTC)

It is often difficult for people on the inside of a topic to recognise buzzwords - can you give an example paragraph? Logistics, etc. is the transportation, movement or similar of goods and making sure they are available where they are needed. Industrial Engineering is concerned with the Manufacturing of goods with a limited concern for their transportation as they are made in fixed location factories. Generally speaking the Manufacturing and Logistics elements are done by separate companies. Joe1011010 23:22, 25 October 2005 (UTC)

I do not understand why the very long list of universities involved in metallurgical and materials engineering.... since when is this equivalent to industrial engineering? Marcelo1229 November 21, 2006

Under producibility, it refers to surface mount technology as recent. It is at least 20 years old, which makes it almost as old as electronics manufacture itself!

fayoum university

There is an Industrial Engineering Dept. In College of Engineering of Fayoum University , Egypt

More Info. @ —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) 19:15, 2 April 2007 (UTC).

industrial engineering.....dreams come true

By far there wasnt any perfect managment for industries until this branch of engineering appeared,it performed many tasks that was hard to be done before, i'm studying it now in my 2nd year ..looking forward to graduate in order to utilize our life better. - by\ mohammed S. Agha....palestine prithvirai,india —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 15:55, 23 January 2009 (UTC) always ranked among the top 3 industrial engineering schools, is MSOE, Milwaukee school of engineering, albetraymond and associates, came into being about the same time as charles taylor, true industrial engineering, begines with a very strict discipline, of scientific work measurement, the identifing of the variables surrounding the operation or manufacturing process being studied, putting them into their proper sequence and subdividing them into elements of study which can be exactly defined and time studied with stop watches or the single watch method. The layout of the workplace is clearly defined, as is the precise methods to be used in the operation. time standards are established for setting up the workplace and for continuing the job assignment. This industrial engineering event is done for the foreman responsible for supervising the job assignment. Real industrial engineering standards are often paid in piecework, and can be a single or combined operations, such as on an assembly line. Working closely with the industrial engineer is the manufacturing engineer, often with a degree in mechanical engineering or in manufacturing engineering. The two engineers work together in designing the jigs, fixtures, and tooling required to perform the work. The manufacturing engineer, withdraws to design drawings necessary to create a drawing and bill of material required to order the materials required to make the jigs, fixtures, and tooling, where his work is then sorted out between purchasing agents, draftsmen, tool and die makers, and often are returned to process engineers for revisions to the plans involved in the original design of the product and processes, and often to the research and development phase who may well have been involved in the original estimates, so the prices may be adjusted to satisify the companys profit structure plans. I read the statements that say industrial engineering began in europe, when in fact there is a misunderstanding in the nomenclature of industrial engineering. You have made no division in the industrial engineering fields that separates motion and time study as a separate entiety, ( Industrial Engineering ) Nor is any clarification made of The American Institute of Industrial Engineers, AIIE. I have observed the changing times, when originally America made most of what it consumed and exported a vast quantity, The only remaining market products in this realm are the hi-tech companies that did not sell enough shares into the stock market to be taken over and setup in 3rd world countries, and, where the other countries educational structures do not supply the engineering sector to continue ongoing technology with regard to the world of ever changing materials. Liftcranes, mining equipment, utility company equipment and a few others. I will make a statement and say that motion and time study, the element of engineering that makes Industrial the newest engineering kid on the block ( discounting metrology ) had its origin in the united states of america, Charles Taylor, and Albert Raymond and associates.Not the cheaper by the dozen guy like the picture shows state. You are confusing the industrial art era with the industrial age, which the Field of Industrial Engineering took industry to a new level, called scientific work measurement, which evaluates the company in all aspects from point of design to customer delivery and beyond. The current software related to this field is AutoCad, in its 24th generation or more, which was preceeded first by spreadsheet, then lotus 123, then CAD, then, CAM, then CadCam, and finally Autocad, for instance if you go to any one of the top three schools of industrial in the united states, you graduate as a operator of autocad, which is the master software of all really big industry, Only in the United States. Msoe was its beginning, MIT lays claim as well as georgia tech to being no. 1, but all three knows who the big dog really is. With the loss of the american manufacturing infrastructure by the criminal commercial gangs on the NYSE new york stock exchange, america has changed. the days of the white collar-blue collar teams that created the worlds leading edge technology happened here, in the United States of America, Exactly like the field of Industrial Engineering, sorry I have no list of associates and names to collude with on these preceeding facts, because I left the field and developed my own manufacturing company after developing the empirical matrix, the math platform for visual basic, and auto cad among other innovations. I am old enough to have lived this great era in mankind, playing a significant role along with the thousands of engineering manyears of the white collar- blue collar teams that made america what it was before the time of goods and services, when the old people died and no one made enough money to buy their homes, which started the housing crisis, really, americas biggest employeer pays its average worker 12,000 per year, less than factory workers were making 40 years ago, on piecework, cheaper than the rest of the world. God Bless America, because no one else will. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 07:15, 26 April 2009 (UTC)

About 'imaginary engineering'

I want to be fair about trying to explain 'imaginary engineering'. At first it was just included in the list of "other names industrial engineering is known by" but I think it's more of a pejorative than anything else. I'm an IE graduate, and I hear it all the time from students of other engineering branches who think IE is 'too easy' or 'not really engineering.' So it's really just a knowledge/communication gap and a bit of educational rivalry more than any real prejudice. But I wanted to try and express that as factually as possible without getting personal or biased with it. --Crisu (talk) 15:46, 1 February 2010 (UTC)

University Rankings

In is not appropriate to provide a (partial) list of colleges and universities that offer this major. That is a form of advertising. Rlsheehan (talk) 15:19, 6 April 2010 (UTC)

Policy WP:EL, WP:SPAM, and WP:NOT#LINK indicates that lists of institutions are promotional and not appropriate. A link to a list might be allowed. Rlsheehan (talk) 13:32, 12 May 2010 (UTC)
I fully support your removal of the pointless and promotional "such as" list of institutions. Johnuniq (talk) 02:24, 13 May 2010 (UTC)

USA focused

I find this article too USA focused, offering too many data about USA's Industrial engineering history and stuff.Koke0 0 (talk) 09:58, 26 May 2010 (UTC)

industrial engineering = industrial management

According to industrial engineering is a synonym of industrial management, so the redirect industrial management to industrial organization is apparently erroneous. --Espoo (talk) 23:05, 21 March 2011 (UTC)

Since management and engineering are the same, industrial engineering and industrial management are also ;-) -- Tasma3197 (talk) 15:47, 22 March 2011 (UTC)

Hallo everybody! My name is Gabriele Levy and I am an industrial engineer working in Italy. I wanted to say that the terms INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING in the italian language are translated INGEGNERIA GESTIONALE, and the correspondent italian wikipedia site for Industrial Engineering is

Thank you. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Gabriele.levy (talk • contribs) 12:36, 29 January 2007 (UTC).

Hi everybody.

I am an Industrial Engineer from Spain and I would like to point out that in Spain the equivalent for Industrial Engineering is : Ingenieria de Organizacion Industrial (

In Spain Industrial Engineering is a general and wide engineering degree of 5 years (at Master level) with a small specialization. More info:

For example: MSc Mechanical Engineering = Ingeniero Industrial especializado en Mecanica (Industrial Engineer specialized in Mechanics). However, an Ingeniero Industrial is prepared to deal with problems beyond his specialization with a small training.

This is a complicated issue, as Spain is the only country with this problem. One of the consequences is that an English man reading the CV of a Spanish engineer gets totally the wrong idea about the education and skills of this person. In South America the Spanish speaking countries use a more standardized terminology so I think they don't have this problem.

Regards — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 17:01, 26 August 2011 (UTC)

British English termanology?

What is the British English -- UK specific -- term for "Industrial Engineering" or "Process Engineering"? Are IE or "Process Engineering" used in the UK?--TGC55 13:35, 19 April 2007 (UTC)

Operational Research is one term used in the UK (instead of Operations Research, which is used throughout North America) —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 01:33, 16 March 2011 (UTC)

When I started studying Production Engineering at College and University in the late 60's and early 70's in England the subject commonly ran under the heading 'Work Study'. Medium to large manufacturing companies typically had Work Study departments. It was known that Americans typically used the term Time and Motion Study (although I'm currently looking at my old copy of one of the major source text books of the time by Ralph Barnes of the University of California which he titles the other way round 'Motion and Time Study'; arguably a more logical way round. I seem to recall the American term wasn't favoured probably because 'Time Study' was too inflammatory during that period of strong Union power. I also seem to recall that the United Nations published an exceedingly good compilation of all the techniques of Work Study although I cannot recall whether it titled it the UK or American way. It was more of a manual for practitioners to apply the techniques than an academic treatise such as Barnes. In the late 70's I took up a position in the UK factory of an American pharmaceutical company. The job was title 'Industrial Engineer'. This may have been the first time I came across the term although I really can't recall. To me it was 'Work Study'. I'm saddened to see a whole profession that now not only has been replaced by a variety of new names (but frankly mostly the same ideas and techniques) without even any reference to their origins in Work Study. For example many Lean and 6 sigma practitioners will talk about DMAIC but who remembers SREDIM (Select, Record, Examine, Develop, Install, Maintain). Easier to say and more likely to cause mirth in the classroom. I got fed up with the number of times since those days that I had to sit through classes of the latest management technique fad being rolled out only to hear the basic principles of Work Study being repeated to me but under new (and possibly copyrighted) names. Wikipaedia needs to include a section on the history of this subject, including all its various nomenclature. It also should be cross referenced with entries such as six sigma and lean. One last point - it's spelt 'terminology' W Spragg — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 07:24, 4 October 2012 (UTC)

Building from the start.

It could be argued that Industrial Engineering was seeded by the work done by Frederick Taylor. In trying to explain what Ind Eng is today and how it relates to other eng disciplines track its history. See link [[1]] — Preceding unsigned comment added by Damowe (talk • contribs) 12:43, 22 May 2009 (UTC)

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