This is a list of Slovak football transfers in the winter transfer window 2013–14 by club. Only transfers of the Corgoň Liga and 2. liga are included.
Corgoň Liga
ŠK Slovan Bratislava
In: Note: Flags indicate national team as defined under FIFA eligibility rules; some limited exceptions apply. Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality.
Out: Note: Flags indicate national team as defined under FIFA eligibility rules; some limited exceptions apply. Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality.
FK Senica
FK AS Trenčín
In: Note: Flags indicate national team as defined under FIFA eligibility rules; some limited exceptions apply. Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality.
Out: Note: Flags indicate national team as defined under FIFA eligibility rules; some limited exceptions apply. Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality.
Spartak Myjava
In: Note: Flags indicate national team as defined under FIFA eligibility rules; some limited exceptions apply. Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality.
Out: Note: Flags indicate national team as defined under FIFA eligibility rules; some limited exceptions apply. Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality.
MFK Košice
In: Note: Flags indicate national team as defined under FIFA eligibility rules; some limited exceptions apply. Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality.
Out: Note: Flags indicate national team as defined under FIFA eligibility rules; some limited exceptions apply. Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality.
MFK Ružomberok
In: Note: Flags indicate national team as defined under FIFA eligibility rules; some limited exceptions apply. Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality.
Out: Note: Flags indicate national team as defined under FIFA eligibility rules; some limited exceptions apply. Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality.
MŠK Žilina
In: Note: Flags indicate national team as defined under FIFA eligibility rules; some limited exceptions apply. Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality.
Out: Note: Flags indicate national team as defined under FIFA eligibility rules; some limited exceptions apply. Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality.
FC ViOn Zlaté Moravce
In: Note: Flags indicate national team as defined under FIFA eligibility rules; some limited exceptions apply. Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality.
Out: Note: Flags indicate national team as defined under FIFA eligibility rules; some limited exceptions apply. Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality.
FK Dukla Banská Bystrica
In: Note: Flags indicate national team as defined under FIFA eligibility rules; some limited exceptions apply. Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality.
Out: Note: Flags indicate national team as defined under FIFA eligibility rules; some limited exceptions apply. Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality.
FC Nitra
In: Note: Flags indicate national team as defined under FIFA eligibility rules; some limited exceptions apply. Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality.
Out: Note: Flags indicate national team as defined under FIFA eligibility rules; some limited exceptions apply. Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality.
FC Spartak Trnava
In: Note: Flags indicate national team as defined under FIFA eligibility rules; some limited exceptions apply. Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality.
Out: Note: Flags indicate national team as defined under FIFA eligibility rules; some limited exceptions apply. Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality.
FK DAC 1904 Dunajská Streda
In: Note: Flags indicate national team as defined under FIFA eligibility rules; some limited exceptions apply. Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality.
Out: Note: Flags indicate national team as defined under FIFA eligibility rules; some limited exceptions apply. Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality.
2. liga
1. FC Tatran Prešov
In: Note: Flags indicate national team as defined under FIFA eligibility rules; some limited exceptions apply. Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality.
Out: Note: Flags indicate national team as defined under FIFA eligibility rules; some limited exceptions apply. Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality.
ŽP Šport Podbrezová
In: Note: Flags indicate national team as defined under FIFA eligibility rules; some limited exceptions apply. Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality.
Out: Note: Flags indicate national team as defined under FIFA eligibility rules; some limited exceptions apply. Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality.
ŠK SFM Senec
In: Note: Flags indicate national team as defined under FIFA eligibility rules; some limited exceptions apply. Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality.
Out: Note: Flags indicate national team as defined under FIFA eligibility rules; some limited exceptions apply. Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality.
Partizán Bardejov
In: Note: Flags indicate national team as defined under FIFA eligibility rules; some limited exceptions apply. Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality.
Out: Note: Flags indicate national team as defined under FIFA eligibility rules; some limited exceptions apply. Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality.
FC ŠTK 1914 Šamorín
In: Note: Flags indicate national team as defined under FIFA eligibility rules; some limited exceptions apply. Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality.
Out: Note: Flags indicate national team as defined under FIFA eligibility rules; some limited exceptions apply. Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality.
FK Slovan Duslo Šaľa
In: Note: Flags indicate national team as defined under FIFA eligibility rules; some limited exceptions apply. Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality.
Out: Note: Flags indicate national team as defined under FIFA eligibility rules; some limited exceptions apply. Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality.
MFK Zemplín Michalovce
In: Note: Flags indicate national team as defined under FIFA eligibility rules; some limited exceptions apply. Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality.
Out: Note: Flags indicate national team as defined under FIFA eligibility rules; some limited exceptions apply. Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality.
MŠK Rimavská Sobota
In: Note: Flags indicate national team as defined under FIFA eligibility rules; some limited exceptions apply. Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality.
Out: Note: Flags indicate national team as defined under FIFA eligibility rules; some limited exceptions apply. Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality.
MFK Dubnica
In: Note: Flags indicate national team as defined under FIFA eligibility rules; some limited exceptions apply. Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality.
Out: Note: Flags indicate national team as defined under FIFA eligibility rules; some limited exceptions apply. Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality.
MFK Tatran Liptovský Mikuláš
In: Note: Flags indicate national team as defined under FIFA eligibility rules; some limited exceptions apply. Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality.
Out: Note: Flags indicate national team as defined under FIFA eligibility rules; some limited exceptions apply. Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality.
FC Spartak Trnava juniori
In: Note: Flags indicate national team as defined under FIFA eligibility rules; some limited exceptions apply. Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality.
Out: Note: Flags indicate national team as defined under FIFA eligibility rules; some limited exceptions apply. Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality.
FK Pohronie
In: Note: Flags indicate national team as defined under FIFA eligibility rules; some limited exceptions apply. Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality.
Out: Note: Flags indicate national team as defined under FIFA eligibility rules; some limited exceptions apply. Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality.
See also
- ^ a b Perniš sa už zapojil do tréningového procesu Slovana December 5, 2013
- ^ a b Ákos Szarka sa z Dunajskej Stredy vrátil do Slovana December 9, 2013
- ^ a b c Slovan do jari s cieľom obhájiť double February 26, 2014
- ^ Čikoš do konca sezóny na hosťovaní v Ross County January 30, 2014
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m V Dunajskej Strede prievan v kádri February 28, 2014
- ^ a b c d Putnocký s Augustínom zo Slovana na hosťovanie do Nitry February 28, 2014
- ^ Senica opäť lovila v Arapongase, získala obrancu Vitora Gavu January 14, 2014
- ^ a b Róbert Mazáň na dva roky do Senice! Archived 2014-02-02 at February 2, 2014
- ^ a b c d e Sedem hráčov na odchode zo Senice, vracia sa Pillár December 13, 2013
- ^ a b Ferenčík uspel na skúške, zostáva v Senici January 21, 2014
- ^ Bohemians definitivně angažovali zkušeného stopera Brabce,, citováno 30. 1. 2014
- ^ Juraj Križko, nová posila našeho klubu Archived 2014-02-22 at the Wayback Machine,, citováno 5. 2. 2014
- ^ a b Róbert Pillár February 27, 2014
- ^ Štepanovský do arménskeho FC Banants March 1, 2014
- ^ Lamine Diarrassouba posiluje znojemský útok,, citováno 13. 2. 2014
- ^ Jaroslav Diviš odchádza zo Senice do Slovácka January 22, 2014
- ^ a b c Jairo do Trenčína, na Williamovi sa AS nedohodol s Botafogom January 8, 2014
- ^ Mladí Nigérijčania podpísali s AS Trenčín zmluvy na tri roky January 18, 2014
- ^ [Mladí Nigérijčania podpísali s AS Trenčín zmluvy na tri roky Mladí Nigérijčania podpísali s AS Trenčín zmluvy na tri roky] January 15, 2014
- ^ Trenčín je pre mňa najlepšia voľba, povedal Van Kessel January 19, 2014
- ^ Ďuriška sa polročnom hosťovaní na Malte vrátil do Trenčína February 4, 2014
- ^ a b William Alves de Oliveira podpísal v Žiline trojročnú zmluvu January 13, 2014
- ^ a b [1] February 3, 2014
- ^ a b c d e f g h i Myjava začala prípravu so zmenami v realizačnom tíme i kádri January 8, 2014
- ^ a b c d e f g Myjava chce stabilizovať káder a byť v elitnej šestke February 26, 2014
- ^ a b c d e f g h i Prečo prišlo k zmenám v Spartaku Myjava? December 23, 2013
- ^ Kukoľ odchádza z Myjavy do Jihlavy December 30, 2013
- ^ a b Šinglár aj na ďalší rok, Hovančík s Gondoľom končia December 6, 2013
- ^ Karim Diaby na hosťovanie do Karvinej February 6, 2014
- ^ Duda definitívne do Legie Varšava, podpíše kontrakt na štyri roky February 28, 2014
- ^ a b c d e V Ružomberku začalo prípravu 25 futbalistov January 8, 2014
- ^ Lačný podpísal kontrakt s Kajratom na tri roky February 19, 2014
- ^ a b c Z Jurča sa stal "šošon", chce ukázať, čo je v ňom January 9, 2014
- ^ a b c d e V Žiline skončilo trio legionárov, ďalšie zmeny na obzore December 9, 2013
- ^ Akakpo si už našiel nový klub, odchádza na Ukrajinu January 2, 2014
- ^ a b c Žilina v príprave bez Leitnera, Dúbravku, Gergela a Majtána January 7, 2014
- ^ Dúbravka uprednostnil Esbjerg pred PAOK-om Solún January 30, 2014
- ^ "Pišta" Leitner zavesil kopačky na klinec January 7, 2014
- ^ Majtán skončil v Žiline: V kútiku duše som to tušil January 7, 2014
- ^ Majtán definitívne hráčom Górnika Zabrze February 26, 2014
- ^ Pich sa sťahuje na štadión, ktorý hostil EURO 2012 February 22, 2014
- ^ Mravec novou posilou Podbeskidzia Bielsko-Biala February 26, 2014
- ^ Pavelku teší návrat do Zl. Moraviec, chce ísť s tímom vyššie January 21, 2014
- ^ a b Márius Charizopulos Archived 2014-02-21 at the Wayback Machine February 14, 2014
- ^ a b c Zlatomoravčania budú mať náročný piatok February 18, 2014
- ^ a b c d Zlaté Moravce v príprave doma, chcú skončiť v hornej časti January 8, 2014
- ^ V Zlatých Moravciach Bosniak Hadžič, Peter Farkaš do Vrábeľ February 4, 2014
- ^ Český mladík Kliment na jar v drese Banskej Bystrice February 4, 2014
- ^ Banská Bystrica získala srbského obrancu Plavšiča February 28, 2014
- ^ David Střihavka March 18, 2014
- ^ Brankář Rodinger skončil v Banské Bystrici, hledá si angažmá December 6, 2013
- ^ Marcin sa vracia do Jihlavy, nevylúčil však jar v B. Bystrici December 12, 2013
- ^ a b Pod Urpínom začali bez šiestich hráčov základnej zostavy January 8, 2014
- ^ John Mensah: Teším sa na slovenskú ligu! February 27, 2014
- ^ Ladislav Hudec: Prítomnosť Mensaha mladých motivuje February 25, 2014
- ^ Do Nitry mieri bývalý hráč Lyonu i Sunderlandu John Mensah February 24, 2014
- ^ Matúš Mikuš February 27, 2014
- ^ Jaroslav Kolbas February 27, 2014
- ^ Husár sa dohodol s Brnom na odchode do Nitry March 12, 2014
- ^ Proti Slovanu s novým útočníkom March 8, 2014
- ^ Vladimir Soares Forbs Archived 2014-03-22 at the Wayback Machine March 14, 2014
- ^ Franklin Ekene Igwe March 14, 2014
- ^ Šimončič stratil trpezlivosť, pod Zoborom dal výpoveď December 10, 2013
- ^ a b c d e f g h Nitra začala prípravu s mladučkým kádrom a dočasným trénerom January 7, 2014
- ^ Vestenický našiel v AS Rím šťastie, Totti je jeho idol January 29, 2014
- ^ a b c d Trnava začala s prípravou, na skúške štvorica legionárov January 6, 2014
- ^ a b Do tretice všetko dobré - Gašparík je opäť v Trnave February 3, 2014
- ^ Do tretice všetko dobré - Gašparík je opäť v Trnave February 9, 2014
- ^ Bojan Knežević February 26, 2014
- ^ a b Klabník z Trnavy na hosťovanie do Dunajskej Stredy March 1, 2014
- ^ Franky Nguekam February 14, 2014
- ^ Pavol Penksa February 14, 2014
- ^ Andrej Čaušić February 14, 2014
- ^ Ivan Šnirc February 14, 2014
- ^ Darijo Krišto February 21, 2014
- ^ Róbert Valenta February 28, 2014
- ^ a b Nemanja Pušara March 8, 2014
- ^ Gambrinus liga, přestupy změny v prvoligových mužstvech v zimě 2014 February 14, 2014
- ^ Goran Antunovič: Po roku v DAC sa chce zregenerovať February 18, 2014
- ^ a b Tatran začal so zimnou prípravou January 8, 2014
- ^ Ľubo Belejík znovu objavil radosť z futbalu February 18, 2014
- ^ Richard Kačala posilou Sandecje Nowy Sacz January 30, 2014
- ^ Dolný z Prešova na hosťovanie do Brna February 5, 2014
- ^ a b c d Najlepší kanonieri minulej sezóny 2. ligy si vymenili kluby February 8, 2014
- ^ Gevorg Badalyan February 21, 2014
- ^ Chýbajú štyria hráči zo základu Partizánu January 10, 2014
- ^ Bardejovský Brazílčan Dyjan de Azevedo hráčom Baníka Ostrava January 27, 2014
- ^ a b Lukáš Pelegríni February 16, 2014
- ^ Šaľa sa chce hlavne vyhnúť baráži January 21, 2014
- ^ a b Čapek a Micka z Dukly Praha na hosťovanie do Michaloviec February 20, 2014
- ^ Samuel Garcia Bayon February 24, 2014
- ^ Miroslav Božok do Górnika Leczna January 2, 2014
- ^ Obert po odchode z Michaloviec: Možno zanechám futbal January 9, 2014
- ^ Exmichalovčan Vanák si tri roky kupoval zlé kopačky January 25, 2014
- ^ Róbert Kovaľ: Najkrajší darček mi dal tréner Kozel February 19, 2014
- ^ Mladík Róbert Kovaľ do Dukly Praha February 19, 2014
- ^ Marcel Ondráš do konca sezóny v Polonii Bytom February 19, 2014
External links
- Official site (in Slovak)
- Official site of the SFZ (in Slovak)
- (in Slovak)
- (in Slovak)