Scruff is a 2000 Catalan animated TV series by D'Ocon Films.[1] The series is based on a 1993 book by Josep Vallverdú.[2] It depicts the life of a puppy, Scruff, who is adopted by a farmer named Peter. The show was directed by Antoni D'Ocon and distributed in English by BKN International. The animation is rendered using Toon Boom's Harmony software, through a method of creating traditional 2D animated characters over a 3D computer-generated background. A total of 105 episodes of the series were released along with six movies.
Pilot Episode
- Wanted A Home
- What Will We Do With This Dog
- The Course of Three Dogs
- Craving for Eggs
- Christmas is Almost Here
- Preying Around
- A Circus Dog
- The Circus Star
- Fox Hunting
- Bringing the Flock Home
- A Canned Tail
- The Runaway
- Shackled by Fear
- Staking Out Territory
- Two Families For Just One Dog
- The Hero Of Nevell
- Scruff And Peter Ltd
- That's Not For Playing With
- Smells Like An Adventure
- Princess Always On His Mind
- Fugitives
- Prizes Galore
- All Because Of A Mushrooms Omlett
- Going Up The Rock
- Where's Miaow
- It's Time To Say Good-Bye
Season 1 (2000–2001)
- Useless and Unnessary
- Too Much Sun
- The Last Of His Kind
- A Testing Time
- Uncle Ron and Aunt lil
- Peter the city mechanic
- Early Retirement
- Friends Face off
- Princess is not Impressed
- Invisible scruff
- A Foxy Tale
- Changing places
- America
- Books and Roses
- Sweet and sour dreams
- Kidnapping of The chestnuts seller
- Some Very Generous Truits
- Run Aways
- Totally barking
- I'm not me
- Be yourself
- Best friends
- The richest Treasure
- Spring Has sprung
- Neither mine nors yours
- A Saint's Day For Scruff
- Where are you scruff
- Fire
- Sing What you like
- April Fool
- Honey Tongued
- Moonstruck
- The Floral Games of Navell
- Saint Anthony's Day
- The Devils
- The Tree Festival
- Good luck Bad luck
- The Godfather
- The First cherry
- Fireside Stories
Season 2 (2002–2003)
- Scruff, I'll Never Leave You
- The Messenger Dog
- The Rain Man
- A Puppy Forever
- Can't Cope
- The Monument
- Things Aren't Always What They Seem
- The Law of Nature
- Contradictius Muscarius
- I'm Not Always Happy All the Time
- Peter is Jealous
- Count Scruffala
- Buttons and Circus, Owners of Tolosa Farm
- The Tramps
- Theory of Practice
- Buttons, My Love
- The Joking Dog
- ST, the Extraterrestrial Dog
- The Dog Who Knew too Much
- The Other Scruff
- Dogs and Masters
- The Date
- A New Home For Strummer
- Peter, a Free Man
- A Bad Day
- Family Ghosts
- Insurance For Dogs
- No to War
- The Peter Show
- The Road
- Privacy
- The Family Feud
- Eclipsed
- The Crazy Firecracker
- The Case of the Hens That Laid Fried Eggs
- Strummer Without His Guitar
- If They Could Talk
- Mutiny in the Series
- Where is Everybody
Scruff 6 Movies (2005–2007)
- Scruff and the legend of saint George
- Scruff in a midsummer nights dream
- Scruff Cinderella's carnival
- Scruff's Halloween
- Scruff A Christmas tale
- Scruff Christmas without clause
- The show often re-used footage (example, the rain storm scene from "The Course of Three Dogs" was used 3 more times.
- "A Circus Dog", and "The Circus Star" was a 2-part episode.