Richard Kraut (sündinud 27. oktoobril 1944 Brooklynis) on USA filosoof. Ta on Northwesterni Ülikooli Charles ja Emma Morrisoni humanitaarteaduste professor.
Kraut sai magistrikraadi Michigani Ülikoolist ja doktorikraadi Princetoni Ülikoolist, kus tema juhendaja oli Gregory Vlastos.
Tema huvivaldkonnad on moraalifilosoofia ja poliitikafilosoofia, samuti Sokratese, Platoni ja Aristotelese eetika ja poliitiline mõte.
- Two Conceptions of Happiness. – The Philosophical Review 88 (1979), lk 167–197.
- The Peculiar Function of Human Beings. – Canadian Journal of Philosophy, 9(3), 1979, lk 53–62.
- Socrates and the State (Princeton UP: 1984).
- Aristotle on the Human Good (Princeton UP: 1989).
- Comments on Julia Annas' "Self-Love" in Aristotle. – The Southern Journal of Philosophy, 27(S1), 1989, lk 19–23.
- (toim). The Cambridge Companion to Plato (Cambridge, 1992).
- The Defense of Justice in Plato's Republic, lk 311–337.
- Aristotle Politics Books VII and VIII, tõlge kommentaaridega (Clarendon: 1997).
- (toim). Plato's Republic: Critical Essays (Rowman & Littlefield, 1997).
- Aristotle on Method and Moral Education. – Jyl Gentzler (toim). Method in Ancient Philosophy, Oxford: Clarendon Press 1998, lk 271–290.
- Return to the Cave: Republic 519-521. – Gail Fine (toim). Oxford Readings in Philosophy: Plato: Ethics, Politics, Religion, and the Soul, Oxford University Press, 1999.
- Aristotle: Political Philosophy (Oxford UP: 2002)
- (toim koos Steven Skultetyga). Aristotle's Politics: Critical Essays (Rowman & Littlefield, 2005)
- (toim). The Blackwell Guide to Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics (2006).
- How to Justify Ethical Propositions, lk 76–95.
- Doing Without Morality: Reflections on the Meaning of Dein in Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics. – Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, 2006, lk 169–200.
- The Examined Life. – Sara Ahbel-Rappe, Rachana Kamtekar (toim). A Companion to Socrates, Blackwell (2006, lk 228–242).
- Nature in Aristotle's Ethics and Politics. – Social Philosophy and Policy, 24(02), 2007, lk 199–219.
- What is Good and Why: The Ethics of Well-Being (Harvard UP: 2007).
- How to Read Plato (Granta Books : 2008).
- Against Absolute Goodness (Oxford University Press: 2011).
- Aristotle on Becoming Good: Habituation, Reflection, and Perception. – Christopher Shields (toim). The Oxford Handbook of Aristotle 2012, lk 529–557.
- The Quality of Life: Aristotle Revised, Oxford: Oxford University Press 2018.
- An Aesthetic Reading of Aristotle's Ethics. – Verity Harte, Melissa Lane (toim). Politeia: Essays in Honour of Malcolm Schofield, Cambridge University Press, 2013.
- Human Diversity and the Nature of Well-Being: Reflections on Sumner's Methodology. – Res Philosophica, kd 90, nr 3, 2013, lk 307–322.
- Précis: Against Absolute Goodness. – Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, kd 87, nr 2, 2013, lk 457–458.
- Replies to Stroud, Thomson, and Crisp. – Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, kd 87, nr 2, 2013, lk 483–501.
- Aristotle's Ethics, Stanfordi filosoofiaentsüklopeedia, 2020