English: This photo was made by me and my wife, and is released into the public domain as far as we are concerned. The underlying image is part of an official U.S. Navy training film, and so would be considered a public work of and by the U.S. government.
The picture shows a 16mm film, with sound track.
В некоторых странах это не может быть возможно юридически, в таком случае: Cmacd123 предоставляет любому право использовать данное произведение в любых целях, без каких-либо условий, если только такие условия не требуются по закону.
The movie whose film frames are the subject of the photograph
https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/PDMCreative Commons Public Domain Mark 1.0falsefalse
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2007-02-19 02:06 Cmacd123 1288×2280×8 (530222 bytes) This is a slightly better version, it was done the old fashoned way with a pentax auto bellows and a copy stand. In this case the shot is the end title of a US Navy Training film. It is sutable for WikiPedia as the NAVY has no copyright in the US, most
2007-01-08 03:26 Cmacd123 814×1353×8 (109348 bytes) This photo was made by me and my wife, and is released into the public domain as far as we are concerned, the underlying image is part of an official US Navy Training film, and so would be considered the work by of for the US Governmnet. The picture show
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16 mm film is a historically popular and economical gauge of film. 16 mm refers to the width of the film; other common film gauges include 8 and 35 mm. It is generally used for non-theatrical film-making, or for low-budget motion pictures
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{{BotMoveToCommons|en.wikipedia}} {{Information |Description={{en|This photo was made by me and my wife, and is released into the public domain as far as we are concerned. The underlying image is part of an official U.S. Navy training film, and so would
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