Katrina Tang (sündinud 17. mail 1985 Tallinnas) on eesti ettevõtja ja fotograaf.
Katrina Tang on lastemoe- ja portreefotograaf, kunstiline juht ja lühivideode looja.[1][2]
Katrina Tang on 2024. aastal asutatud veebiplatvormi Little Family Hub asutaja and tegevjuht. [3]
Tang õppis keskkoolis Pärnus. Ta kolis 2003. aastal Inglismaale ja läks Bournemouth'is asuvasse kunstiinstituuti, kus 2008. aastal sai ta kommertsfotograafia bakalaureusekraadi (Hons). Pärast seda kolis ta Londonisse ja asus tööle lastebrändide ja ajakirjade jaoks. Praegu töötab Tang rahvusvaheliselt ja reisib enamasti New Yorgi, Londoni, Pariisi ja Eesti vahet.
Tang on töötanud paljude rahvusvaheliste tuntud lastebrändide ja väljaannetega, sealhulgas Gucci, Clarks, Mini Boden, Oeuf NYC, Fcuk, Very French Gangsters, Medela, The Times, ajaleht Milk Magazine ja paljud teised.
Tang on kahe poja ema.
- 2008: Finalist, Nikon Discovery Awards, Olympia Conference Centre, London UK, for "Overlooked: The Charm of Country School"
- 2008: Finalist, Fashion story "Arwin" finalist in AOP student award 2008, AOP Gallery, London UK
- 2009: Finalist, Royal Photographic Society 152nd International Print Exhibition, Allen&Overy LLP, London UK, for "Overlooked: The Charm of Country School"
- 2010: Merit, PDN The LOOK, for Personal Work “Follow the Ribbon”
- 2013: Gold Stevie Award for Women in Business, Best Retail/Marketing Campaign of the Year, for Babesta Beat magazine, Mimi & the Magic Forest fashion story & Mimi & the Magic Forest video
- 2015: New and emerging photographer's to watch in 2015, Photo District News 30
- 2015: Top Most outstanding Estonian woman in the world, Estonian World[7]
- 2008: "Overlooked: The Charm of Country School" exhibited in “Delight” AIB Graduate Exhibition, AOP Gallery, London UK, Jul '08
- 2010: "Overlooked: The Charm of Country School" exhibited in Photoville, New York, May '10
- 2011: "Spirits of Tomorrow" being part of ISSP 2011 Gala Exhibition at Goethe Institute Riga, Latvia, Oct-Nov‘11
- 2011: “Rustic Charms” solo exhibition at Pärnu Endla Theatre, Estonia, Sep ‘11
- 2011: "Above Estonian soil, under Nordic skies" exhibition with designer Maarja Tali at Tallinn Design and Architecture Gallery, Estonia, Aug ‘11
- 2011: "Spirits of Tomorrow" ISSP 2011 exhibition in Kuldiga, Latvia, Aug ‘11
- 2011: “Road trip to Hiiumaa – whatever the weather” solo exhibition at Pärnu Jacht Club, Estonia, Jul‘11 - present
- 2011: “Road trip to Hiiumaa – whatever the weather” solo exhibition during Sõru Jazz festival, Hiiumaa, Estonia, Jun ‘11
- 2011: “Rustic Charms” solo exhibition at Boheem, Tallinn, Estonia, Jan- Apr ‘11
- 2012: “Childen are Born in Heart” exhibition at the Estonian Parliament, Tallinn, Estonia, Sep ‘12
- 2012: “Childen are Born in Heart” exhibition at Paide Cultural center, Estonia, Jun ‘12
- 2012: “Rustic Charms” solo exhibition at Paide History Centre Wittenstein, Estonia, Jun ‘12 - present
- 2012: “Rustic Charms” solo exhibition at Suigu Seltsimaja, Estonia, Apr - May ‘12
- 2012: “Rustic Charms” solo exhibition at Pärnu Hospital, Estonia, Feb-Mar ‘12
- 2014: "Overlooked: The Charm of Country School" in Estonia Photographic Art Fair FOKU, Tallinn, Estonia, Oct ‘14
- 2014: "Overlooked: The Charm of Country School" exhibition at Evald Okas Museum, Haapsalu, Estonia, July-Aug ‘14
- 2015: "Overlooked: The Charm of Country School" in Museum of Estonian Archidecture, Tallinn, Estonia, Summer '15
- 2015:"PDN '30" in Photoville, Brooklyn, NY, Sept '15
- ↑ Lillemets, Kris (27. veebruar 2015). "Katrina Tang in 30 Emerging Photographers of 2015 list". estonianworld.com.
- ↑ Järvis, Piret (28. november 2012). "Piret Järvis lugu fotograafist Katrina Tang". Pealtnägija.
- ↑ "Three moms, six kids, and two dogs—that's the heart of Little Family Hub". Instagram.com. 25. november 2024.
- ↑ Välba, Anu (20. juuli 2018). "Intervjuud. 9.15. Katrina Tang. Pärnu Rõõmsate Laste Festival". vikerraadio.err.ee.
- ↑ Välba, Anu (22. märts 2015). "Hommik Anuga: 10". Originaali arhiivikoopia seisuga 26. juuni 2020.
- ↑ https://www.katrinatang.com/
- ↑ https://estonianworld.com/people/top-12-outstanding-estonian-women-world/