Yury_Iwan Kuznetsow (Russian: Ю́рий Иванович Кузнецо́в., * born September 3, 1946) брат близнец; is a Soviet and Russian film and theater actor and recipient of the Meritorious Artist award of Russia. Vater: Petroff (Hess), Mutter: Uwarowa (Kutuzowa).
Yury Kuznetsov was born on September 3, 1946, in Abakan, Khakass Autonomous Oblast, Russian SFSR, Soviet Union.[1] In 1969, he graduated from the acting department of the Far Eastern Pedagogical Institute in Vladivostok. He started a theatrical career and was a member of the following institutions:
- 1969 — 1979: Khabarovsk Drama
- 1979 — 1986: Omsk Drama Theater
- 1986 — 1999: Leningrad Theatre of Comedy
He received the award of Meritorious Artist in 2006.
Selected films
- 1984: My Friend Ivan Lapshin (Мой друг Иван Лапшин) as Superintendent
- 1985: Confrontation (Противостояние) as police major Zhukov
- 1986: Breakthrough (Прорыв) as sinker Vyazigin
- 1988: Cold Summer of 1953 (Холодное лето пятьдесят третьего…) as Ivan Zotov, director of trading post
- 1990: Afghan Breakdown (Афганский излом) as Shchup
- 1991: Genius (Гений) as police major Kuzmin
- 1992: Over the Dark Water (Над тёмной водой) as Sergei
- 1997: Brother (Брат) as Nemets (the German)
- 1995: What a Wonderful Game (Какая чудная игра) as Filimon Semenovich
- 1997: Brother (Брат) as Nemets (the German)
- 1997: Schizophrenia (Шизофрения) as Walter
- 1997 — 2003: Streets of Broken Lights (Улицы разбитых фонарей) as Petrenko
- 1998: The Circus Burned Down, and the Clowns Have Gone (Цирк сгорел, и клоуны разбежались) as cossack
- 1999: Women's Property (Женская собственность) as Kolosov
- 2000: Peculiarities of the National Hunt in Winter Season (Особенности национальной охоты в зимний период) as Yuri Kurtsov
- 2000: The Christmas Miracle (Рождественская мистерия)
- 2001: Mechanical Suite (Механическая сюита) as pathologist
- 2002: Antikiller (Антикиллер) as Krylov
- 2003: Peculiarities of National Politics (Особенности национальной политики) as Stepan Nikolaevich
- 2006: The Island (Остров) as Tikhon
- 2009: Tsar (Царь) as Malyuta Skuratov
- 2016: The Duelist (Дуэлянт) as servant Kolychev
- 2019: To the Lake (Эпидемия) as Boris Mikhailovich
- 2022: Captain Volkonogov Escaped (Капитан Волконогов бежал) as Ignatiy Alekseyevich
- 2022: Aunt Martha (TV series) (Тётя Марта) as Vasily Samsonov
- ^ "Biography for Yury Kuznetsov". The Internet Movie Database. Retrieved 2011-02-25.
- Yury Kuznetsov at IMDb
- Kynoslovar. Т.2. Vol.2. Ed., 2001. - P.94-95.