Westfield Farm Chalk Bank is a 14.1-hectare (35-acre) biological Site of Special Scientific Interest west of East Garston in Berkshire.[1][2]
The site is lowland Calcareous grassland[3] The bank is North facing.[4] There is access by a footpath from Newbury Road.
The site has the following Flora:[4]
- Bromus erectus
- Brachypodium pinnatum
- Lolium perenne
- Cynosurus cristatus
- Scabiosa columbaria
- Linum catharticum
- Thymus praecox
- Cirsium acaule
- Carex flacca
- Gentianella amarella
- Knautia arvensis
- Primula veris
- Anthyllis vulneraria
- Galium verum
- Briza media
- Ononis repens
- Sanguisorba minor
- Plantago media
- Campanula glomerata
- Koeleria macrantha
- Trifolium medium
- Dactylorhiza fuchsii
- Listera ovata
- Anacamptis pyramidalis
- Coeloglossum viride
- Platanthera chlorantha
- ^ a b c d "Designated Sites View: Westfield Farm Chalk Bank". Sites of Special Scientific Interest. Natural England. Retrieved 14 January 2020.
- ^ "Map of Westfield Farm Chalk Bank". Sites of Special Scientific Interest. Natural England. Retrieved 14 January 2020.
- ^ "Condition of SSSI Units for Site WESTFIELD FARM CHALK BANK". Natural england. Retrieved 15 February 2017.
- ^ a b "Westfield Farm Chalk Bank citation" (PDF). Sites of Special Scientific Interest. Natural England. Retrieved 14 January 2020.