Włodzimierz Wolski (9 October 1824, Pultusk – 29 July 1882, Brussels) was a Polish poet, novelist, translator, and librettist. He is best known as the author of the libretto to Stanisław Moniuszko's opera Halka.
He grew up in Warsaw and published his poems and prose in magazines there. He took part in the January Uprising and settled in Brussels after the defeat.
- Ojciec Hilary (Father Hillary)
- Halka
- Połośka
- Śpiewy powstańcze (Songs of Insurgents)
- Promyki (Rays)
- Listy z Belgii (Letters from Belgium)
- Halka
- The Countess
- Połośka gwinciarska
- Zofia Lewinówna, Literatura polska. Przewodnik encyklopedyczny, Volume II, Warsaw 1985, p. 624.