Hello my fellow Wikipedians! My user name is k72ndst, but my real name is Kevin C. Fitzpatrick. I usually contribute to New York City items and Americans from the early 20th Century.
My first of eight books was A Journey into Dorothy Parker’s New York from Roaring Forties Press. I work as a New York writer and tour guide.
In 2015 I was elected to The Lambs, the oldest professional theatrical organization in the country. In 2023, I was elected the 36th Shepherd (president) of the Club.
I am the president of the Dorothy Parker Society, which I founded in 1999. I created the award-winning dorothyparker.com (1998).
I led the way for Dorothy Parker’s birthplace in West End, New Jersey, to be named a National Literary Landmark by Friends of Libraries USA. I oversaw the creation of a bronze memorial plaque that was unveiled in August 2005 in West End. In 2020 I brought Dorothy Parker's cremains from Baltimore to The Bronx, and buried them next to her parents.[1]
I am a U.S. Marine Corps veteran, and reside on the Upper West Side of Manhattan.