Things to do
- Translate to Spanish Wikipedia articles related to DNA repair (DNA_repair#Single-strand_damage) like BER, mismatch repair, NER
- Suggest a category: "species" or "classified organism" to work better with this kind of articles.
Consider to upload images of http://www.flickr.com/photos/rling/
- Last images has not the proper license (see here).
- But you can look for another other people uploading free images:
- http://www.flickr.com/photos/lipkee/page11/ (Example, many of them already uploaded by other Wikipedia users.)
- Looking for groups: http://www.flickr.com/search/groups/?q=zoology
- (Use the robot to upload: http://toolserver.org/~bryan/flickr/upload)
- Translate to spanish some list of plant species
- Add species to the article Phlebotomus
- Add info to DNA articles with regard to "supercoiling". Take the info from: http://biomodel.uah.es/an/super/inicio.htm
- Translate: Cell disruption
- Add info Eng -> Spa for: Thrombin, Anopheles
- Organize articles about transmission electron microscopy, single particle analysis, cryomicroscopy, etc. following the same schema than Joaquim Frank bible.
- Upload my image about negative stain (from my PhD thesis).
- We should include the information in Wikipedia about the most common strains (for cloning and expression of proteins (at least for E. coli DE3, RIPL, Rosetta, pLysS, CE43, BL21, DH5α)) from:
- With regard to antibiotics: http://openwetware.org/wiki/Endy:Preparing_Antibiotic_Stocks. Maybe to add to Wikibooks (http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/School_Science/Agar_plate).
- About List of restriction enzyme cutting sites: If the article is promoted to "Featured article", don't forget to write: "featured list" in the {{Wikiproject MCB}} template, following the recomendations in WP:ASSESS.
IPTG -> Spanish- Protease inhibitor -> Spanish
- Diethylcarbamazine -> Spanish
- Wikify articles about Nematodes
- Tropical infectious diseases -> Spanish