Hello! I've edited an array of wiki-articles and I quite unintentionally or intentionally became the primary author of additional wiki-articles. I neither have a Ph.D. in comp lit from a comp lit dept. nor a Ph.D. in am lit from an english dept. I don't have an LL.D. in whatever, but I have something in something else. I'm busy with changes and continuities...as I'm sure everyone in this biosphere is. I don't know you, you don't know me, but we both know grammar, syntax, editorial empowerment, and aid for editorial imperium. There are incomplete streaming televisionography, filmography, musicology, and a bare minimum of sports affinities in my profile, but meanings ascribed only to my lilting "voice" shine through. Please be patient and don't diss me with that wiki-link to summative tone. "The diss will always upset you, as the unknown page views and temporal organization upset me. But hey, I can delete pages that you created and didn't create---and you can abscond into copyrightworld." --- Editor/Administrator to Editor/Administrator
Copper age began with DPS mic drop done with '80 or '84 debate...Ok maybe dec. 1979 when P1 went on sale and Miller DD. this isn't like the 3.2 kiloyear debate, people.
 | This user wonders who is watching the Watchmen |
 | This user knows that whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor. |
 | This user knows Wolverine is the best there is. |
This user's favorite Ninja Turtle is Leonardo.
Beware the wrath of asymptotic totality, anyone who uses "bustah" and not "busta", pseudonym precision (you may have learned that I ruin endings). Don't try homonymy/homograph, you'll end up scary kinda like her. Also, don't get bogged down in (non)activism like Carl L. Becker.
 | Indigenous Andes x 4 - (Miner + Intel Pilot) + Gaelic Canada PEI x 2 ≅ WTF Gen American |
80s | This user was a 80s kid. |
90s | This user was a 90s kid. |
{{{5}}}'{{{11}}}" | This user is {{{5}}} feet, {{{11}}} inches tall, according to RNs. Don't laugh. |
Character Mist not like the Ethics of Ambiguity. Please excuse my morphemic, logographic, and Latin alphabetic signifiers. Newnes and London fans avoid NYC/CAN reprints, less scarce and currently valued higher. Exceptions: Cardboard Box, small number of Last Bow stories, and almost all Return of SH stories first printed in Collier's.
Don't be insecure that your philosophy of the thing is no longer a definition for intelligence. No, you're referring solely to indeterminate semantic fields. Get it? Like the Hubert Lyautey thing, but also not?
 | This user is deeply invested in the metaphorically dense & sprawling works of Thomas Pynchon. |
 | This user is currently reading The Singularities by John Banville. |
This user is critical of postmodernism and its effects on the academy. |
The "Because They Don't Have Those Issues...or Do They" Refrain
RHCP = Hotter than you | This user has a Scar Tissue that they wish you saw. |
This user is still down with Tupac
R | This user is a fan of Rancid. |
This gangsta is down wit Dr. Dre
|  | This user says this is for every time you took my orange juice. |
Young MC | This user loves the band Young MC. |
Reeinlistment, Wounded, and then the Infamous LibbyCampfest---See Rights
 | No ancestor of this user fought for the CSA, but one guy married a woman from nineteenth-century seasonal Kentucky.. |
 | This user knows that when it comes to the American Civil War there was nothing civil about it. |
Soap Opera: Tears of the Postseasons. Not that kind of tear.
 | My local professional sports franchise can beat your local professional sports franchise! |
NO New Eng. in NE | This user thinks New England should break apart from the Northeastern United States to form its own census region — because think about it...why should the Red Sox and Yankees inhabit the same census region? I mean, that is just ridiculous... |
Our Other Rubric: Tell Momma Declined Before is Declined not 100% Tentative Declined a Retraction. This is Consult Gov Rep Before Applying. This isn't the categorical imperative: words can be actions if practice is theory. it's still not, even if one has to accept the immaturity that makes the ideals and ethics crucial, yet ephemeral, goals. just kidding! now that's a dagger mark.
This user believes they are unique, just like everybody else. | =] |
Hanlon's Razor | This user never attributes to malice that which is best explained by stupidity. † |
 | This user believes that political compasses, judicial appointments, and partisan politics are for mere mortals, yet pursues employment in political economy. |
I use extant images from Wiki-Commons for userboxes. If you find one that you don't like, it's not mine. Similarly, if you find start-up subsidies, generational wealth, venture capital, and capital gain in real estate somewhat jejune, this user suggests ANCs, Robin Hood effects, and the C.A.R. for filial inspiration. |
 | Did Károly Ferenczy conflate "centrist" archaeology with somber clowns? Who defines "center", "POC liberty leaders", and intersections in partisanship? |  |
C&H | This user is a fan of Calvin and Hobbes. |
 | This user is a hetero-fan of flags n' intersections, in a captioned style. |
...but guess what he's not. |
 | This User is a proud supporter of the ACLU |
 | This user supports strict gun control, possibly including an outright ban on the civilian ownership of guns. |