The lumper classification of APG and Kubitzki system of Malvaceae sensu lato, including Bombacaceae, Tiliaceae and Sterculiaceae, with that reducing the degree of homogeneity of the group completely.
After Chase et al.2000 [1] "If there are genera for which placement is not clear, then a larger unit with good support should be recognised. This was exactly the reason given for recognising Malvaceae s.l. (including Bombacaceae, Sterculiaceae, and Tiliaceae) rather than splitting out some new families." Well, this argument is simply ingenuous.
Obviously this classification (Malvaceae sensu lato) shall be totally rejected. Still, with regard to this: according to Soltis et al. 2000 (model for APG II system) [2], with phylogeny inferred from 18S rDNA, rbcL, and atpB sequences, but not morphology (what certainly is an error) they considered Malvaceae sensu stricto " monophyletic ", that is homologous, and the traditionally Malvales (not sensu Soltis et al.) also homologous as "Malvaceae sensu lato", with low support level there was a realignment of the subgroups of Malvales, in way that one might conclude that if were included the morphological data, certainly would be a rearrange closer of the traditional classifications based on morphology. Also should be recognized (for the support level: 93%) the families: Sparrmanniaceae J. Agardh, 1858 and Byttneriaceae R. Brown, 1814. It is also probable: Subfamily Bombacoideae as synonym of Bombacaceae. Subfamilies Helicteroideae, Dombeyoideae, Durionoideae and Sterculioideae should be included into Sterculiaceae, with tribe Durioneae transferred from Bombacaceae to Sterculiaceae as subfamily or even family. Subfamilies Tilioideae and Brownlowioideae should be included into Tiliaceae.
Another much more acceptable approach is to divide taxa in ten families as Heywood et. al. 2007 [3] made recently.
So, the classification of Order Malvales is:
Homologous taxa in bold; not homogeneous taxa in italics; * = taxonomic category corrected; + = strongly "anagenetic" taxa with transitional forms.
- Order * Malvales
- Subfamily Tilioideae
- Subfamily Brownlowioideae (or as family Brownlowiaceae Cheek, 2006 [4], according to Heywood et al. 2007) [3]
- Family * Sterculiaceae [3]
- Subfamily Sterculioideae +
- Subfamily Helicteroideae + (or as family Helicteraceae J. Agardh, 1858, according to Heywood et al. 2007) [3]
- Subfamily * Durionoideae + (or as family Durionaceae Cheek, 2006 [4], according to Heywood et al. 2007) [3]
- Subfamily Dombeyoideae + (or as family Pentapetaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820, according to Heywood et al. 2007) [3] (or as family Dombeyaceae Desf., 1829, according Doweld & Reveal) [5]
Note: Durionaceae already is listed at IPNI website.
List of genera
Sparrmanniaceae (26)
- Ancistrocarpus Oliv.
- Apeiba Aubl.
- Clappertonia Meisn.
- Colona Cav.
- Corchorus L.
- Desplatsia Bocq.
- Duboscia Bocquet
- Eleutherostylis Burret
- Entelea R.Br.
- Erinocarpus Nimmo ex J.Graham
- Glyphaea Hook.f.
- Goethalsia Pittier
- Grewia L.
- Heliocarpus L.
- Hydrogaster Kuhlm.
- Luehea Willd.
- Lueheopsis Burret
- Microcos L.
- Mollia Mart.
- Pseudocorchorus Capuron
- Sicrea (Pierre) Hallier f.
- Sparrmannia L.f.
- Tetralix Griseb.
- Trichospermum Blume
- Triumfetta L.
- Vasivaea Baill.
Byttneriaceae (26)
- Abroma Jacq.
- Ayenia L.
- Byttneria Loefl.
- Commersonia J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Dicarpidium F.Muell.
- Glossostemon Desf.
- Guazuma Mill.
- Guichenotia J.Gay
- Hannafordia F.Muell.
- Hermannia L.
- Herrania Goudot
- Keraudrenia J.Gay
- Kleinhovia L.
- Lasiopetalum Sm
- Leptonychia Turcz.
- Lysiosepalum F.Muell.
- Maxwellia Baill.
- Megatritheca Cristobal
- Melochia L.
- Rayleya Cristobal
- Rulingia R.Br.
- Scaphopetalum Mast.
- Seringia J.Gay
- Theobroma L.
- Thomasia J.Gay
- Waltheria L.
Tiliaceae (13)
Subf. Tilioideae (3)
- Craigia W.W.Sm. & W.E.Evans
- Mortoniodendron Standl. & Steyerm.
- Tilia L.
Subf. Brownlowioideae (10)
- Berrya Roxb.
- Brownlowia Roxb.
- Carpodiptera Griseb.
- Christiana DC.
- Diplodiscus Turcz.
- Hainania Merr.
- Indagator Halford
- Jarandersonia Kosterm.
- Pentace Hassk.
- Pityranthe Thwaites
Sterculiaceae (45)
Subf. Sterculioideae (13)
- Acropogon Schltr.
- Argyrodendron F.Muell.
- Brachychiton Schott & Endl.
- Franciscodendron B.Hyland & Steenis
- Cola Schott & Endl.
- Firmiana Marsili
- Heritiera Aiton
- Hildegardia Schott & Endl.
- Octolobus Welw.
- Pterocymbium R.Br.
- Pterygota Schott & Endl.
- Scaphium Schott & Endl.
- Sterculia L.
Subf. Helicteroideae (6)
- Helicteres L.
- Mansonia J.R.Drumm. ex Prain
- Neoregnellia Urb.
- Reevesia Lindl.
- Triplochiton K.Schum.
- Ungeria Schott & Endl.
Subf. Durionoideae (6)
- Boschia Korth.
- Coelostegia Benth.
- Cullenia Wight
- Durio Adans.
- Kostermansia Soegeng
- Neesia Blume
Subf. Dombeyoideae (20) (= Pentapetaceae)
- Aethiocarpa Vollesen
- Astiria Lindl.
- Burretiodendron Rehder
- Cheirolaena Benth.
- Corchoropsis Siebold & Zucc.
- Dombeya Cav.
- Eriolaena DC.
- Harmsia K.Schum.
- Helmiopsiella Arenes
- Helmiopsis H.Perrier
- Melhania Forssk.
- Nesogordonia Baill.
- Paradombeya Stapf
- Paramelhania Arenes
- Pentapetes L.
- Pterospermum Schreb.
- Ruizia Cav.
- Schoutenia Korth.
- Trochetia DC.
- Trochetiopsis Marais
Bombacaceae (25)
- Adansonia L.
- Aguiaria Ducke
- Bernoullia Oliv.
- Bombax L.
- Catostemma Benth.
- Cavanillesia Ruiz & Pav.
- Ceiba Mill.
- Chiranthodendron Larreat.
- Eriotheca Schott & Endl.
- Fremontodendron Coville
- Gyranthera Pittier
- Huberodendron Ducke
- Matisia Bonpl.
- Neobuchia Urb.
- Ochroma Sw.
- Pachira Aubl.
- Patinoa Cuatrec.
- Pentaplaris L.O.Williams & Standl.
- Phragmotheca Cuatrec.
- Pseudobombax Dugand
- Quararibea Aubl.
- Radyera Bullock
- Scleronema Benth.
- Septotheca Ulbr.
- Spirotheca Ulbr.
Malvaceae (133)
But it might have been included some synonyms because Heywood et al. [3] enumerate 115 genera.
Actually the genera Lagunaria, Camptostemon, Uladendron and Howittia, forming a called "bridge taxon", that is, anagenetic relict, mangroves or small sublittoral trees [6] from Australasian/Indomalesian or trees from Neotropical region (Uladendron), then should be placed in their own family (perhaps something like Lagunariaceae).
- Abelmoschus Medik.
- Abutilon Mill.
- Abutilothamnus Ulbr.
- Acaulimalva Krapov.
- Akrosida Fryxell & Fuertes
- Alcea L.
- Allosidastrum (Hochr.) Krapov., Fryxell & D.M.Bates
- Allowissadula D.M.Bates
- Althaea L.
- Alyogyne Alef. genus anomalum in Kubitzki [7]
- Andeimalva J.A.Tate
- Anisodontea C.Presl
- Anoda Cav.
- Anotea (DC.) Kunth
- Asterotrichion Klotzsch
- Azanza Alef.
- Bakeridesia Hochr.
- Bastardia Kunth
- Bastardiastrum (Rose) D.M.Bates
- Bastardiopsis (K.Schum.) Hassl.
- Batesimalva Fryxell
- Billieturnera Fryxell
- Blanchetiastrum Hassl.
- Bombycidendron Zoll. & Moritzi
- Bordasia Krapov.
- Briquetia Hochr.
- Callirhoe Nutt.
- Calyculogygas Krapov.
- Calyptraemalva Krapov.
- Camptostemon Mast. ("Bridge taxon" with Bombacaceae)
- Cenocentrum Gagnep.
- Cephalohibiscus Ulbr.
- Cienfuegosia Cav.
- Codonochlamys Ulbr.
- Corynabutilon (K.Schum.) Kearney
- Cristaria Cav.
- Decaschistia Wight & Arn.
- Dendrosida Fryxell
- Dicellostyles Benth.
- Dirhamphis Krapov.
- Eremalche Greene
- Erioxylum Rose & Standl.
- Fioria Mattei
- Fryxellia D.M.Bates
- Fuertesimalva Fryxell
- Gaya Kunth
- Goethea Nees
- Gossypioides Skovst. ex J.B.Hutch.
- Gossypium L.
- Gynatrix Alef.
- Hampea Schltdl.
- Helicteropsis Hochr.
- Herissantia Medik.
- Hibiscadelphus Rock
- Hibiscus L.
- Hochreutinera Krapov.
- Hoheria A.Cunn.
- Horsfordia A.Gray
- Howittia F.Muell. ("Bridge taxon" with Bombacaceae)
- Humbertianthus Hochr.
- Humbertiella Hochr.
- Iliamna Greene
- Julostylis Thwaites
- Jumelleanthus Hochr. (incertae sedis in Kubitzki [7])
- Kearnemalvastrum D.M.Bates
- Kitaibela Willd.
- Kokia Lewton
- Kosteletzkya C.Presl
- Krapovickasia Fryxell
- Kydia Roxb.
- Lagunaria (DC.) Rchb. ("Bridge taxon" with Bombacaceae)
- Lavatera L.
- Lawrencia Hook.
- Lebronnecia Fosberg
- Lecanophora Speg.
- Lopimia Mart.
- Macrostelia Hochr.
- Malachra L.
- Malacothamnus Greene
- Malope L.
- Malva L.
- Malvastrum A.Gray
- Malvaviscus Fabr.
- Malvella Jaub. & Spach
- Megistostegium Hochr.
- Meximalva Fryxell
- Modiola Moench
- Modiolastrum K.Schum.
- Monteiroa Krapov.
- Montezuma DC.
- Napaea L.
- Navaea Webb & Berthel. [8]
- Nayariophyton T.K.Paul
- Neobaclea Hochr.
- Neobrittonia Hochr.
- Neohumbertiella Hochr.
- Nototriche Turcz.
- Notoxylinon Lewton
- Palaua Cav.
- Papuodendron C.T.White
- Pavonia Cav.
- Peltaea (C.Presl) Standl.
- Periptera DC.
- Perrierophytum Hochr.
- Phragmocarpidium Krapov.
- Phymosia Desv.
- Plagianthus J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Pseudabutilon R.E.Fr.
- Rhynchosida Fryxell
- Robinsonella Rose & Baker f.
- Rojasimalva Fryxell
- Senra Cav.
- Sida L.
- Sidalcea A.Gray
- Sidasodes Fryxell & Fuertes
- Sidastrum Baker f.
- Sphaeralcea A.St.-Hil.
- Symphyochlamys Gurke
- Talipariti Fryxell
- Tarasa Phil.
- Tetrasida Ulbr.
- Thepparatia Phuph.
- Thespesia Sol. ex Correa
- Thespesiopsis Exell & Hillc.
- Triplochlamys Ulbr.
- Tropidococcus Krapov. [8]
- Uladendron Marc.-Berti ("Bridge taxon" with Bombacaceae)
- Ulbrichia Urb.
- Urena L.
- Urocarpidium Ulbr.
- Wercklea Pittier & Standl.
- Wilhelminia Hochr.
- Wissadula Medik.
- ^ Chase, M. W., Fay, M. F. & Savolainen, V. (2000). Higher-level classification in the angiosperms: new insights from the perspective of DNA sequence. Taxon 49(4):685-704.
- ^ Soltis, D.E., Soltis, P.S., Chase, M.W., Mort, M.E., Albach, T.D., Zanis, M., Savolaninen, V., Hahn, W.H., Hoot, S.B., Fay, M.F., Axtell, M., Swensen, S.M., Prince, L.M., Kress, W.J., Nixon, K.C., and Farris, J.S. (2000). Angiosperm phylogeny inferred from 18S rDNA, rbcL, and atpB sequences. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 133(4): 381-461
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l Heywood, V. H., Brummitt, R. K., Culham, A. & Seberg, O. (2007). Flowering Plant Families of the World. Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada: Firefly Books. ISBN 1-55407-206-9.
{{cite book}}
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- ^ Doweld, A. & Reveal, J. L. (2007). (1764) Proposal to conserve the name Dombeyaceae. Taxon 56(1):265-266.
- ^ Baum, D. A., DeWitt Smith, S., Yen, A., Alverson, W. S., Nyffeler, R., Whitlock, B. A. & Oldham, R. A. (2004). American Journal of Botany 91(11):1863-1871.
- ^ a b Kubitzki, K. & Bayer, C., (2003).The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants Vol. 5: Malvales, Capparales and Non-betalain Caryophyllales
- ^ a b Tate, J. A., Aguilar, J. F., Wagstaff, S. J., La Duke, J. C., Slotta, T. A. B. & Simpson, B. B. (2005).Phylogenetic relationships within the tribe Malveae (Malvaceae, subfamily Malvoideae) as inferred from ITS sequence data. American Journal of Botany 92(4): 584–602.