Moshorin plateau (Serbian Cyrillic: Мошоринска Висораван) or Moshorin plateau, also known as the Titel plateau is a loess plateau situated in the Vojvodina province, Serbia. It is located in south-eastern Bačka (Šajkaška region), between the town of Titel in the south, the villages of Glock, Vilovo and Šajkaš in the south-west, the village of Mošorin in the north, and the river Tisa in the east. It is 18 km long and 7.5 km wide, with steep cliffs, up to 60 m high along the Tisa. The hill has a flat top with an elevation of around 100 to maximally 128 m. The cliffs and the flat top give it a mesa-like appearance. The hill is an interesting geographical feature because it is the only hill in Bačka region, most of which is a flat plain. It is a loess formation deposited during the Pleistocene, showing six distinct bands, visible in gullies at the edge.[1]
The plateau was the site of Bronze Age settlements, notably the large fortified settlement of Feudvar belonging to the Vatin culture.[2]
Aerial view of the Feudvar Bronze Age settlement site
Map of the Fedvar site
The Plateau in the Early and Middle Bronze Age (Vatin culture)
See also
External links