Hi Uw-Nopenis. Thank you for your interest in contributing to Wikipedia, a free-content encyclopedia project operated by the Wikimedia Foundation with the primary scope of providing high quality encyclopedic information (including images and media). Submissions that are non-free, of low quality, or otherwise unsuitable may be subject to deletion.
One or more of your recent contributions has been identified as a possible image not in Wikipedia's scope. Wikipedia has guidelines on offensive material, and Wikimedia Commons (which has guidelines on nudity) already has a large number of photos of genitalia, specifically the male reproductive system and the penis.
If you have objections to the proposed deletion of your image(s), please see the links to the relevant deletion discussion(s) (listed above or below this message box). This message is not intended to be taken personally. Thank you for your understanding.

{{subst:Nopenis|file name|optional comment}}
- "File name" is the name of the file, excluding the
namespace. This is optional, and the text "One or more of your recent contributions" will be used otherwise. - "Optional comment" can be included. This is optional
- "File name" is the name of the file, excluding the
- Please remember to substitute the template using
rather than{{subst:Uw-Nopenis}}