Tecomeae is a tribe with 44 genera of trees, shrubs, and vines in the family Bignoniaceae.[1]
- Argylia
- Astianthus
- Campsidium
- Campsis
- Catalpa (Needs verified)
- Catophractes
- Chilopsis
- Cybistax
- Delostoma
- Deplanchea
- Digomphia
- Dinklageodoxa
- Dolichandrone
- Ekmanianthe
- Fernandoa
- Godmania
- Haplophragma
- Heterophragma
- Incarvillea
- Jacaranda
- Lamiodendron
- Markhamia
- Neosepicaea
- Newbouldia
- Pajanelia
- Pandorea
- Paratecoma
- Pauldopia
- Perianthomega
- Perichlaena
- Podranea
- Radermachera
- Rhigozum
- Romeroa
- Santisukia
- Sparattosperma
- Spathodea
- Spirotecoma
- Stereospermum
- Tabebuia
- Tecoma
- Tecomanthe
- Tecomella
- Zeyheria
- ^ Taxonomy - Tecomeae (TRIBE), retrieved 6 March 2019