Thun 1794 (official name Thun 1794 a.s.) was a German and Czech porcelain manufacturer using the porcelain mark "TK". Originally founded in 1793/1794 as Thun'sche Porcellanfabrik and, after many restructurings, finally closed in 2024 after 230 years,[1][2] it was the oldest and largest Czech porcelain manufacturer. It operated in three locations: Klášterec nad Ohří (formerly Klösterle an der Eger), Sadov-Lesov (formerly Sodau-Lessau) and Nová Role (formerly Neurohlau).[3]
Klášterec nad Ohří
The company in Klášterec nad Ohří was founded in 1794 by Franz Joseph Graf von Thun und Hohenstein and Johann Nikolaus Weber. From the beginning, it has focused on the production of tableware.[4] In the seventies of the 20th century, the factory was moved to new premises.[3] The production of porcelain in the Klášterec plant stopped in September 2023. It was taken over by plants in Nová Role and Lesov, whose semi-finished products continued to be decorated, fired and packaged in Klášterec.[1] Porcelain from the Klášterec factory is part of the collections of the Porcelain museum of Klášterec nad Ohří.
Concordia Lesov
The factory was founded in 1888 by Ernst Máder. Between 1941 and 1945, the site was used by Melitta.[5] After World War II, the company became part of the Karlovy Vary porcelain company. It was purchased by Thun 1794 in 2009.[6]
Nová Role
The plant was founded in 1921. After World War II, it became part of the Karlovy Vary porcelain company. In 2009, the plant was purchased by the newly formed company Thun 1794, based in Nová Role.[3]
Porcelain marks
See also
- Oswald von Thun und Hohenstein (1849–1913)
- Karlsbad coffee maker (1878)
- ^ a b Šebestová, Miroslava (2023-09-05). "Nejstarší porcelánka končí s výrobou v Klášterci. Kvůli energiím a odbytu" [The oldest porcelain factory ends production in Klášterec. Because of energy and sales]. Chomutovský Deník (in Czech). Archived from the original on 2024-06-17. Retrieved 2024-01-06.
- ^ Stejskalová, Klára, ed. (2024-09-15). "Vor 230 Jahren stellte das böhmische Unternehmen Thun sein erstes Porzellan her" [The Bohemian company Thun produced their first porcelain 230 years ago] (in German). Prague, Czech Republic: Radio Prague International. Archived from the original on 2024-10-07.
- ^ a b c Faktorová, Jitka (2011-08-15). "Společnost Thun 1794: Největší český výrobce porcelánu" [The company Thun 1794: The largest Czech porcelain manufacturer]. (in Czech). Bohemia-Euro Agentur. Archived from the original on 2021-04-19. Retrieved 2024-01-06. [1]
- ^ Mahler, Marek (2004). Oceňování starožitného porcelánu [Appreciation of antique porcelain] (in Czech). Prague, Czech Republic: Asociace starožitníků. p. 99. (151 pages)
- ^ Ruisinger, Karl. "Melitta: Geschirr-Nostalgie in Pastellfarben" [Melitta: Dish nostalgia in pastel colors] (PDF). Trödler (in German). Gemi Verlags GmbH. pp. 32–37 [34]. 180/94. Archived (PDF) from the original on 2024-09-10. Retrieved 2024-10-24. (6 pages)
- ^ "Concordia Lesov" (in Czech). Thun 1794. Archived from the original on 2017-03-23. Retrieved 2018-06-02.
Further reading
- Otruba, Gustav [in German] (1964). "Die älteste Manufaktur- und Gewerbe-Statistik Böhmens" [The oldest Bohemian statistic on manufacturers and small businesses] (PDF). Bohemia-Jahrbuch (in German). Vol. 5. Collegium Carolinum. pp. 161–241. ISSN 0523-8587. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2021-04-29. Retrieved 2024-10-14. (81 pages)
- Otruba, Gustav [in German] (1965). "Anfänge und Verbreitung der böhmischen Manufakturen bis zum Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts (1820)" [Origins and distribution of Bohemian manufacturers up to the 19th century (1820)]. Bohemia-Jahrbuch (in German). Vol. 6. Collegium Carolinum. pp. 230–331. ISSN 0523-8587. Archived from the original on 2024-01-14. Retrieved 2024-10-14. (102 pages)
- Karell, Viktor (1965). "Die Graf Thun'sche Porzellanfabrik". Kaaden-Duppau. Ein Heimatbuch der Erinnerung und Geschichte des Landkreises (in German) (1 ed.). Frankfurt am Main, Germany: Verlag Das Viergespann. OCLC 32230090. Archived from the original on 2024-01-07. Retrieved 2024-11-01. (486 pages)
- Schneibergová, Martina (2006-04-08). "Geschichte der böhmischen Porzellanproduktion im Schloss Klasterec nad Ohri / Klösterle an der Eger (I. Teil)" [History of the Bohemian porcelain production in the Castle Klášterec nad Ohří (Part I)] (in German). Prague, Czech Republic: Radio Prague International. Archived from the original on 2024-10-03. Schneibergová, Martina (2006-04-22). "Geschichte der böhmischen Porzellanproduktion im Schloss Klasterec nad Ohri / Klösterle an der Eger (II. Teil)" [History of the Bohemian porcelain production in the Castle Klášterec nad Ohří (Part II)] (in German). Prague, Czech Republic: Radio Prague International. Archived from the original on 2024-10-03.
- Stroessenreuther, Stefan, ed. (2012-06-05). "Klösterle (Klasterec nad Ohri)". Porzellanfabriken Boehmen (vor 1945) [Porcelain factories in Bohemia (before 1945)] (in German). Selb, Germany: issuu. pp. 27–28. Archived from the original on 2024-01-05. Retrieved 2024-01-05. pp. 27–28:
[…] Thun'sche Porzellanfabrik […] Gegründet im J. 1793 als angebliche Steingutfabrik durch Johann Nicolaus Weber, dem Oberdirektor der Herrschaft Klösterle i.R. Die Bewilligung erhielt er am 22.11.1794. Am 15.3.1822 erhielt die Fabrik die Landesfabriksbefugnis. […] Besitzer: 1793– Johann Nicolaus Weber, 1800– Graf Josef Mathias von Thun ["Gräflich Thun'sche Fabrik"], 1820– Graf Josef Mathias von Thun und LA. Raphael Haberditzl, 1830–1945 die Grafen von Thun und Hohenstein. […] Pächter: 1795 Johann Heinrich Vollrath und Johann Georg Reumann, Schlaggenwald, 1795– Ignaz Proß aus Klösterle, 1796– Heinrich Ernst Mühlberg und Johann Anton Mühlberg aus Roschütz in Sachsen, 1798–1803 Christian Nonne aus Rudolstadt in Thüringen, 1805–1829 Josef Melzer und Raphael Haberditzl aus Klösterle. […] Unter dem Direktor Johann Hillardt versuchte man, mit Torf zu brennen, unter dem Direktor Carl Venier mit Gas und Steinkohle. […] Erzeugnisse: 1883: Tafel-, Kaffee-, Tee-, Wasch- und verschiedene Gebrauchsgeschirre. Karlsbader Kaffee- und Wiener Teemaschinen [mit i.J. 1878 patentierten Sieben], ebenso 1904. […] 1937: Gebrauchsgeschirre wie Tafel-, Kaffee-, Tee-, Mokka-, Frühstücks- und Kuchenservice, Platzteller, Mokkatassen, Seriengeschirre, Küchen- und Hotelgeschirr, Karlsbader Kaffeemaschinen, Weiß-, Elfenbein-, Rosa-, Blau- und Seladonporzellan, 20. […] 1944: Gebrauchsgeschirre feinster Art. […] 1887: 550 Arbeiter, 1904: 650 Arbeiter, 1937: 600 Arbeiter. […]
[2] (47 pages) - Bućan, Strahinja; Stejskalová, Klára (2019-09-13). "Das weiße Gold aus Klášterec" [The white gold from Klášterec] (in German). Prague, Czech Republic: Radio Prague International. Archived from the original on 2020-10-20.
- Strejc, Jakub (2023-05-11). "Development of the porcelain factory Thun 1794 a. s., Nová Role" (PDF) (Thesis). Prague, Czech Republic. Archived (PDF) from the original on 2024-01-07. Retrieved 2024-10-14. (5 pages)
- "Porzellanfabrik Thun 1794 - Der älteste tschechische Porzellanhersteller" (in German). Nová Role, Czech Republic. 2023-10-04. Archived from the original on 2024-10-10. Retrieved 2024-11-03.
- "Klášterec nad Ohří (Klösterle), Thun - porcelán". (in Czech). Prague, Czech Republic. Archived from the original on 2024-10-09. Retrieved 2024-11-03.
- Neuwirth, Waltraud (ed.). "Porzellan-Monatsobjekt Oktober 2014: Blatt aus einem Firmenkatalog der Thun'schen Porzellanfabrik in Klösterle bei Karlsbad" (in Austrian German). Vienna, Austria. Archived from the original on 2023-06-05. Retrieved 2024-11-03.