Road signs in Lithuania conform to the general pattern of those used in most other European countries as set out in the 1968 Vienna Convention on Road Signs and Signals.[1] Due to the country being occupied and annexed by the Soviet Union between 1940 and 1990, when it restored its independence, modern road signs used in Lithuania are in many ways similar in design to road signs used in the Soviet Union before its dissolution in 1991.
The official typeface used on road signs in Lithuania is based on the Soviet standard GOST 10807-78.[2]
The first road signs arrived in Lithuania on 1 October 1930 after the President of the Republic Antanas Smetona signed the International Convention on automobile traffic.[3] In 1940, after the Soviet Union occupied and subsequently annexed Lithuania, the Soviet road traffic rules and road signs, which had been in force in the Soviet Union since 1936, were adopted in Lithuania.[4] On January 1, 1980, the standard GOST 10807-78 was adopted in the Soviet Union, including the territory of present-day Lithuania. In 1990, after Lithuania restored its independence by the Act of the Re-Establishment of the State of Lithuania and the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, the Soviet road sign design used remained unchanged.[5]
Lithuanian road sign design saw minor changes in 2014.[citation needed] Some of the warning signs design were changed, a few new signs were added, like the sign indicating speed bump (formerly uneven road sign was used for indicating speed bumps), or sign indicating emergency stopping lane. Also, Lithuania is the only post-Soviet state to use both a blue and green background on the "Motorway" road sign. Lithuania formerly used only green background on the "Motorway" road sign, as now do the rest of the post-Soviet states.
Due to the fact that modern road signs in Lithuania are very similar in design to Soviet signs, including modern Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian, and Moldovan signs, there have been proposals to change the design of road signs used in Lithuania. In 2020, Seimas deputy Kęstutis Masiulis addressed the Minister of Transportation Jaroslavas Narkevičius with a proposal to change the design of road signs, which had not been changed since Soviet times.[6] He stated the following about it:
Lietuvos kelio ženklų dizainas per 30 laisvos Lietuvos metų mažai keitėsi ir yra beveik toks pat, kaip buvo naudojamas Sovietų Sąjungoje, o dabar vis dar yra naudojamas Rusijoje, Baltarusijoje, Ukrainoje, Moldovoje ir kitur. Taip simboliškai vis dar esame buvusios SSRS įtakos zonoje. Lenkijoje, Vokietijoje, Prancūzijoje ir kitose Vakarų Europos šalyse kelio ženklinimo dizainas pastebimai skiriasi nuo lietuviško. Jeigu jau esame Vakarų pasaulio dalis, kodėl vis dar išlaikome net ir simbolines sąsajas su SSRS?
The design of Lithuanian road signs has changed little in the 30 years of free Lithuania, and is almost identical to that used in the Soviet Union and still used in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova and elsewhere. Symbolically, we are still in the zone of influence of the former USSR. In Poland, Germany, France and other Western European countries, the design of road signs is markedly different from that in Lithuania. If we are already part of the Western world, why do we still retain even symbolic links with the USSR?
— Kęstutis Masiulis
In March 2022, after the Russian invasion of Ukraine started, two road signs were installed in the Liepkalnis area of Vilnius, indicating distances to the Ukrainian and Belarusian capitals, Kyiv and Minsk, respectively.[7] The Ukrainian flag is displayed at the bottom of the sign indicating the distance to Kyiv on the left, while "OCCUPIED BY KREMLIN" is written at the bottom of the sign indicating the distance to Minsk on the right.
On 2 April 2024, Seimas deputies Andrius Vyšniauskas, Paulė Kuzmickienė and Mindaugas Skritulskas appealed to the Minister of Transport, proposing to change the design of road signs, because in their opinion, the design of road signs used in Lithuania is similar to the signs used during the Soviet occupation. "Lithuania has not only identified itself with the Western world for more than 30 years, but is also a part of it. We do not associate our identity with the states stuck in the post-Soviet space, which were part of the USSR, even more so with Russia or Belarus. In the course of Russia's war against Ukraine and against the entire democratic Western world, we are trying to sever all links with the criminal authoritarian regimes of Russia and Belarus. However, after crossing the Lithuanian-Russian or Lithuanian-Belarusian borders, we are greeted by the same or very similar Soviet standard road signs with the same Soviet font. We are able to remove Soviet boulders from city squares, move soldiers' cemeteries, it is time to abandon these Soviet relics as well", says Seimas member A. Vyšniauskas.[8] However, the Ministry of Transport and Communications states that there is no sufficient legal basis to change the design of road signs following the example of other countries. The ministry also emphasized that installing one standard road sign costs an average of €200.[9][10][11]
Warning signs
Level crossing ahead, with gates
Level crossing ahead, without gates
Swing bridge
Unprotected quayside or riverbank
Crossroads without priority (give way to the vehicles coming from the right)
Junction with minor road
Junction with minor road (from the right)
Junction with minor road (from the left)
Traffic signals
Dangerous curve to the right
Dangerous curve to the left
Double curve, first to the right
Double curve, first to the left
Steep descent
Steep ascent
Slippery road
Uneven road
Gravel loose
Dangerous shoulder
Road narrows on both sides
Road narrows on right side
Road narrows on left side
End of one-way traffic
Pedestrian crossing
Cattle crossing
Deer crossing
Falling rocks
Low-flying aircraft
Traffic jams
Accidents area
Other dangers
Level crossing (single track)
Level crossing (multiple tracks)
Level crossing countdown
Level crossing countdown
Level crossing countdown
Level crossing countdown
Level crossing countdown
Level crossing countdown
Chevron right
Chevron left
Curve to the (T)
Ruts ahead
Priority signs
Priority road
End of priority road
Give way
Give priority to oncoming traffic
Priority over oncoming traffic
Prohibitory signs
Do not enter
Closed to all vehicles in both directions
No motor vehicles except motorcycles
No trucks
No entry for motorcycles
No tractors
No trailers
No animal-drawn vehicles
No cycles
No pedestrians
No vehicles carrying dangerous goods
No power-driven vehicles
No power-driven or animal-drawn vehicles
Mass limit
Total mass limit
Height limit
Width limit
Length limit
Minimum separation
Passing without stopping prohibited
Passing without stopping prohibited
Passing without controlling prohibited
No right turn
No left turn
No U-turn
No overtaking
End of overtaking prohibition
No overtaking by trucks
End of overtaking prohibition by trucks
60 km/h maximum speed limit
End of 60 km/h speed limit
No audible warning devices
No stopping
No parking
Alternate parking on odd days
Alternate parking on even days
End of all prohibitions
No mopeds
No vehicles carrying explosive or readily inflammable substances
No vehicles carrying substance liable to cause water pollution
No motorized scooters
No residential vehicles
Mandatory signs
Proceed straight
Turn right
Turn left
Straight ahead or right turn permitted
Straight ahead or left turn permitted
Keep right
Keep left
Keep left or right
Cycle path
Pedestrian path
Cycle and pedestrian path
Cycle and pedestrian path
70 km/h minimum speed limit
End of 70 km/h minimum speed limit
Proceed straight for vehicles carrying dangerous goods
Indicative signs
Dual motorway
End of dual motorway
One-way street
Two-way lanes
One-way street to the right
One-way street to the left
Traffic directions at the intersection
The direction of traffic at the intersection is straight
The direction of traffic at the intersection is to the right
The direction of traffic at the intersection is left
The direction of traffic at the intersection is straight and right
Added lane from right
Added lane from left
End of the right lane
End of the left lane
Traffic directions in traffic lanes
Traffic directions in traffic lanes
Traffic directions in traffic lanes
Lane start and limits
Traffic in lanes
Added lane from junction
Added lane from junction
Lane reserved for buses
Lane reserved for buses
Entrance to the road with a lane for buses
Entrance to the road with a lane for buses
Parking on limited duration only
Parking on time period only
Reserved parking only
Parking of bus vehicle
Pedestrian crossing
Pedestrian crossing
Underground pedestrian crossing
Advisory speed
No parking zone
Parking zone
Speed limit zone
End of no parking zone
End of parking zone
End of speed limit zone
Start of tunnel
End of tunnel
Bus stop
Taxi stop
Start of city limit
Start of city limit
Start of city limit
End of city limit
End of city limit
Residential area
End of city limit
End of residential area
End of motorway
Safety island
Emergency stopping lane
Bicycle street
End of bicycle street
Information signs
Advance direction indicator
Advance direction indicator
Advance direction indicator
Advance direction indicator
Advance direction indicator
Advance direction indicator
Indication of direction
Indication of direction
Indication of direction
Indication of direction
Driving scheme
Driving direction for trucks
Dead end
Start of city
End of city
River name
County name
Border checkpoint sign
Street name
Street name
Distance index
General speed limits
Kilometer sign
Kilometer sign
International Road number
County Road number
Motorway number
Number and direction of the road
Number and direction of the road
Number and direction of the road
Number and direction of the road or cycle track
Number and direction of cycle track
Circuit diagram
Detour direction
Detour direction
Reordering arrow
Directional arrow to point of interest
Name of the place to visit
Direction pointer to national, regional parks, state nature reserves, state nature and complex reserves
Beginning of a national, regional park, state nature reserve, state natural or complex reserve
End of national, regional park, state nature reserve, state natural or complex reserve
Direction to historical national, historical regional parks, state cultural reserves, museums
Name of historical national, historical regional park, state cultural reserve, museum
Republic of Lithuania EU sign
Automatic traffic control
Automatic traffic control
Service signs
First aid post
Filling station
Breakdown service
Car washing
Public telephone
Camping site
Caravan site
Caravan and camping site
Picnic site
Police station
Public lavatory
Swimming pool
Drinking water
Customs area
Information zone
Youth hostel
Rural tourism homestead
National historic/cultural/tourist site
Golf sport
Equestrian sport
Ski lift
Bus station
Train station
Vehicle ferry
Registry of vehicles or drivers
Technical inspection station
Electric car charging place
Industrial zone
Additional panels
Side extension (of no stopping or no parking)
Side extension (of no stopping or no parking)
Stop ahead
Beginning (of no stopping or no parking)
Continuation (of no stopping or no parking)
Ending (of no stopping or no parking)
Validity area to the right
Validity area to the left
Validity area in both directions
Direction of validity to the right
Direction of validity to the left
Direction of validity in both directions
Type of vehicle: Trucks
Type of vehicle: Vehicles with trailers
Type of vehicle: Cars
Type of vehicle: Buses
Type of vehicles: Tractors
Type of vehicles: Motorcycles
Type of vehicles: Cycles
Saturdays, sundays and holidays
Working days
Days of the week
Day of the week
Time period
Time period during saturdays, sundays and holidays
Time period during working days
Time period during days of the week
Parking method of vehicle
Parking method of vehicle
Parking method of vehicle
Parking method of vehicle
Parking method of vehicle
Parking method of vehicle
Parking method of vehicle
Parking method of vehicle
Parking method of vehicle
Parking of no working engine only
Payment services
Payment services during saturdays, sundays and holidays, working days, days of the week and time period
Dangerous roadside
Direction of priority road
Direction of priority road
Blind pedestrians
Wet coating
Disabled parking
Except for the disabled
Ice or snow
Compressed natural gas
Compressed natural gas
Liquified petroleum gas
Liquified petroleum gas
Types of fuel
Type of vehicle: Mopeds
Except for cycles
Type of vehicle: Electric cars
Except for electric cars
Bicycle traffic
Type of vehicle: Residential vehicles
- ^ Kelių eismo taisyklių 1 priedas –
- ^ "Seimo nariai siūlo keisti kelio ženklų dizainą: ragina atsisakyti sovietinio standarto". Delfi auto (in Lithuanian). Retrieved 7 April 2024.
- ^ Žičkus, Ričardas. "Įdomioji istorija: pirmieji kelio ženklai Lietuvoje, kai dar nereikėjo žalių rodyklių". (in Lithuanian). Retrieved 3 November 2023.
- ^ "Pirmieji kelio ženklai Lietuvoje: kada atsirado ir kokie buvo?". Retrieved 7 April 2024.
- ^ "Konservatorius nerimsta: vėl kreipėsi į susisiekimo ministrą dėl "sovietinių kelio ženklų keitimo"". (in Lithuanian). 16 May 2022. Retrieved 3 November 2023.
- ^ "Konservatoriui nepatinka sovietinio dizaino kelio ženklai". Kauno diena (in Lithuanian). 21 January 2020. Retrieved 9 January 2024.
- ^ "Vilnius mayor expresses support for Ukraine with road signs". 10 March 2022. Retrieved 7 April 2024.
- ^ Vilnius, Made in (2 April 2024). "Suggests changing the design of road signs". - Vilniaus naujienų dienoraštis. Retrieved 7 April 2024.
- ^ "Iš jūsų – po 200 eurų už naują kelio ženklą: konservatorių siūlymą lenkia net ministerija". (in Lithuanian). Retrieved 7 April 2024.
- ^ "Dabartiniai kelio ženklai – sovietinis palikimas? Vien valstybiniuose keliuose jų ketvirtis milijono". (in Lithuanian). 3 April 2024. Retrieved 7 April 2024.
- ^ "Planuojami pokyčiai dėl kelio ženklų – pirmieji žingsniai numatomi rudenį". Delfi auto (in Lithuanian). Retrieved 7 April 2024.
External links
Media related to Road signs in Lithuania at Wikimedia Commons