Lee Guk-jong (Korean: 이국종) is a South Korean doctor. As a surgeon specializing in trauma, he is South Korea's leading authority in the treatment of trauma, post-traumatic stress disorder, and gunshot wounds.[fact or opinion?] He won "The Person Who Brightened the World" award in November 2017.[1] Lee Guk-jong leads the trauma surgery team at Ajou University Hospital.
Personal life
Lee Guk-jong was born in Gangseo-gu, Seoul in 1969. His father was a disabled Korean War veteran. As a child, Guk-jong's family was so poor that they had to subsist on government food rations. Due to the negative social views in Korea surrounding disabled veterans, [fact or opinion?]he hid the fact that he was a son of national merit until middle school.
Young Guk-jong went to the hospital with a medical welfare card given to the people of national merit, but often got rejected for being unremunerative. He had to walk a long way because there were no big hospitals near his home. He decided that he would treat people better when he grew up.[2]
However, one hospital, Kim Hak-san Surgery, treated Lee Guk-jong the same as a regular patient. The doctor of the hospital refused to charge Guk-jong and would often give him pocket money.[3]
- Graduated from Ajou University College of Medicine [when?]
- Doctor of Medicine degree from Ajou University Graduate School of Medicine.[when?]
- Surgical Research Instructor of Ajou University Medical College[when?]
- Training[clarification needed] at the University of California, San Diego, USA[when?]
- Full-time lecturer in the emergency medical class at Ajou University Medical College[when?]
- Training[clarification needed]at The Royal London Hospital Trauma Center, UK[when?]
- A director of the Regional Trauma Center at Ajou University Hospital[when?]
- Head of Ajou University Medical Center's Trauma Research Institute[when?]
- Professor of Surgery and Emergency Medical Classes at Ajou University Medical School [4][when?]
Treatment of Captain Seok Hae-gyun during Operation Dawn of Gulf of Aden
In January 2011, the Samho Jewelry of Korea's Samho Shipping Co. was hijacked by Somali pirates.[5] Republic of Korea UDT/SEALs were sent to retake the boat and wipe out the pirates. During the operation, Captain Seok Hae-gyun was seriously wounded by six AK gunshots to his abdomen and limbs. He underwent surgery at Oman University Hospital, but soon fell into critical condition. After news got back to Korea, professor Guk-jong was immediately dispatched to Oman. After checking Hae-gyun's condition, he made the judgement that Hae-gyun would die if left in Oman and insisted on escorting Captain Seok back to Korea using an air ambulance.[6]
However, the air ambulance intended to be used for the evacuation cost about US $380,000 to rent. As the Korean government stalled in providing payment, Guk-jong stated that he would pay for the rent, and that they needed to transfer him immediately. The situation was settled with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs eventually agreeing to pay for the expenses.[7] After transferring Captain Seok to South Korea, Lee Guk-jong successfully conducted surgery on him. After the recovery of Captain Seok, both Seok and Guk-jong received medals for the incident,[8] bringing Guk-jong and Ajou University Hospital national recognition. [citation needed]
2017 North Korean soldier shooting in Panmunjom
On November 13, 2017, Oh Chong-song, a North Korean soldier, crossed the Military Demarcation Line and attempted to defect to South Korea at one of the North Korean guard posts in the Joint Security Area of Panmunjom. He was shot five times by other North Korean soldiers pursuing him.[9] The soldier who defected to South Korea was seriously wounded and was rushed to Ajou University Hospital in a state of unconsciousness.[9] Lee Guk-jong was in charge of emergency surgery for the soldier, and after several operations, the soldier regained consciousness.[10]
In a press briefing, Professor Lee Guk-jong stated, "A large number of parasites, which are rare in the South Korean people's bodies, have been found in the bodies of soldiers of North Korea, and are having difficulty treating them as parasites have invaded at the wound."[11] Hong Sung-tae, a professor at the Seoul National University School of Medicine, stated, "There are a lot of roundworms in North Korea. A North Korean soldier is said to have hurt his small intestine, which is where the roundworms live in.[11]
On November 21st, Kim Jong-dae, a member of Congress, posted, "The North Korean soldier who defected to the South was terrorized by the disclosure of parasites" on Facebook, causing a controversy.[12] He pointed out, "Through this soldier, North Korea has become a parasite country, a dirty country, and an abhorrent country." He criticized South Korea, saying, "I think South Korea, a country of voyeurism that exposes it, is no better than North Korea."[13] As criticism and protest flooded Kim Jong-dae's Facebook page over this controversy, He expressed regret over putting pressure on Lee Guk-jong.[14]
Work-related injury
Professor Guk-jong works 120 hours a week. He has worked 36 hours in a row consistently for 15 years in trauma surgery while occasionally taking short naps.[15] As a result, his right shoulder broke while going to the scene of the Sewol Ferry disaster and his left knee broke after he jumped out of a helicopter. [citation needed]His left eye became almost blind after capillaries in his eyes ruptured while he was treating Captain Seok Hae-kyun.[16] People around him tried to stop him, but he said he would rest after completing treatment. Even when surgery was over, he operated again and again when the patient came, and eventually almost went blind.[17] He discovered this issue in a medical checkup in 2015.
Most of Korea's trauma surgeons, including Professor Lee Guk-jong and Ajou University Hospital's trauma clinics, are in red and are maintained by government subsidies and sales from other departments.[18] Professor Lee Guk-jong expressed his feelings about the poor medical system in Korea. While participating in Ulchi-Freedom Guardian military exercise, he realized that Ajou University did not have a helicopter landing site. To solve this issue, he wrote a big 'H' on the street between the medical school and the hospital building and used it as a helipad. He said that rather than complimenting him, people treated him as a "crazy guy".[19]
- ^ "'세상을 밝게 만든 사람' 선정된 이국종 교수 | Professor Lee Guk-jong was chosen as 'The One Who Brightened the World'". YTN (in Korean). 2017-11-30. Retrieved 2020-12-21.
- ^ 박, 명윤 (2017-12-06). "[외상외과 전문의 이국종 ①] 6.25 참전 상이용사 부친이 그의 스승이었다. [Lee Guk-jong, a trauma surgeon ①] The Korean War veteran father was his teacher". Retrieved 2020-12-14.
- ^ 심, 지연 (2017-09-29). "이국종 교수 "기대도 희망도 없지만, 원칙 버리진 않겠다" Lee Guk-jong "There is no expectation nor hope, but I will not abandon the principles."". The Hankyoreh (in Korean). Retrieved 2020-12-14.
- ^ "이국종 경력. Lee Guk-jong Career.by Ajou medical college". hosp.ajoumc.or.kr. Retrieved 2020-12-14.
- ^ "Operation Dawn of Gulf of Aden", Wikipedia, 2020-10-10, retrieved 2020-12-14
- ^ "석 선장, 한국 이송 결정..내일 도착(종합). Captain Seok, decided to transfer to Korea..Arrival tomorrow". Naver News (in Korean). Retrieved 2020-12-14.
- ^ "[북한국 JSA 귀순]이국종, 그리고 석해균을 아십니까?...아덴만의 두 영웅. Do you know Seok Hae-gyun and Lee Guk-jong?...Two heroes of The Gulf of Aden". 국제신문. Retrieved 2020-12-14.
- ^ "이명박 대통령, 아덴만 작전 도운 석해균 선장 훈장수여. President Lee Myung-bak, awarded medal to captain Seok, who helped the Operation Dawn of Gulf of Aden". YTN (in Korean). 2011-10-31. Retrieved 2020-12-14.
- ^ a b Kim, Ju Hwan (2017-11-13). "[속보] 총격 부상당한 북한군 귀순...긴급 후송. | [Breaking News] North Korean soldier who was shot and wounded...emergency evacuation". YTN (in Korean). Retrieved 2020-12-14.
- ^ Park, Hyun Ju (2017-11-23). "이국종 교수 "귀순 병사 빠른 회복세…대화 나눌 정도". | Professor Lee Guk-jong said, "The soldier who returned to the South is recovering fast...The extent to which we can talk."". JTBC (in Korean). Retrieved 2020-12-14.
- ^ a b Shin, Sung Sik (2017-11-15). "이국종 교수 "JSA 귀순 병사 배에 기생충 엄청나…치료 애먹어". | "There's a lot of parasites in the belly of a JSA soldier...You're having a hard time treating". JoongAng Ilbo (in Korean). Retrieved 2020-12-14.
- ^ "정의당 김종대 '귀순 북한군 기생충 공개로 인격 테러 당했다…관음증의 나라'. | Kim Jong-dae of the Justice Party said, "I was terrorized by the disclosure of North Korean parasites who defected to the South Korea country of voyeurism."". Busan Ilbo (in Korean). Retrieved 2020-12-14.
- ^ Cha, Soon Woo (2017-11-22). "귀순병 인권논란에 이국종 "내가 적폐냐"…김종대 사과 | Lee Guk-jong said, "Am I a deep-rooted evil?"Kim Jong-dae Apologizes". news.tvchosun.com (in Korean). Retrieved 2020-12-14.
- ^ Jung, Hwan-bo (2017-11-23). "김종대 "이국종 교수 직접 만나 사과하겠다…불철주야 헌신에 감사" | Kim Jong-dae said, "I will meet Professor Lee Guk-jong in person and apologize...Thank you for your untimely dedication."". Kyunghyang Shinmun (in Korean). Retrieved 2020-12-21.
- ^ "외상의사 15년…'아덴만 영웅' 아닌 자연인 이국종 이야기". The Hankyoreh (in Korean). 2017-09-29. Retrieved 2020-12-14.
- ^ "외상의사 15년…'아덴만 영웅' 아닌 자연인 이국종 이야기. 15 Years of Trauma...Not a hero of the Gulf of Aden, but the story of a natural man". The Hankyoreh (in Korean). 2017-09-29. Retrieved 2020-12-21.
- ^ Jung, Eun-hye (2017-11-17). "이국종 교수, 왼쪽 눈 거의 실명···오른쪽도 위험 | Professor Lee Guk-jong, left eye almost blind, and right eye is also at risk". JoongAng Ilbo (in Korean). Retrieved 2020-12-21.
- ^ ""차가운 진료비 삭감통지서...나는 자꾸 궁지로 내몰렸다" | "Cold notice of cuts in medical bills..."I kept being pushed to the wall."". m.rapportian.com (in Korean). 2017-09-28. Retrieved 2020-12-14.
- ^ Lee, Han Na (2017-08-30). "'골든아워 지키기' 이제 첫발…외과 지원자 없는 현실 '막막' | It's only the first step to protect the Golden Hour, and the reality is hopeless". 매일경제 (in Korean). Retrieved 2020-12-14.