An international decoration is a military award which is not bestowed by a particular country, but rather by an international organization such as the United Nations or NATO. Such awards are normally issued as service medals, for participation in various international military operations, and not for specific acts of heroism or bravery.
The following is a list of the most commonly recognized international military decorations:
United Nations
UNKorea United Nations Korea Medal
UNTSO – United Nations Truce Supervision Organization – Medal
UNOGIL – Observation Group in Lebanon
UNMOGIP – Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan
UNOC – Congo
UNTEA – Temporary Executive Authority
UNYOM – Yemen Observer Mission
UNFICYP – Cyprus
UNEFME – Emergency Force, Middle East – also known as UNEF II
UNDOF – Disengagement Observer Force
UNIFIL – Interim Force in Lebanon
UNIIMOG – Iran/Iraq Military Observers Group
UNTAG – Transition Assistance Group
ONUCA – Observer Group in Central America
UNIKOM – Iraq-Kuwait Observation Mission
UNAVEM – Angola Verification Mission I, II & III
MINURSO – Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara
ONUSAL – Observer Mission in El Salvador
UNPROFOR – Protection Force
UNMOP – Mission of Observers in Prevlaka
UNTAES – Transitional Admin for Eastern Slavonia, Baranja & West Sirmium
MINUGUA – Mision de las Naciones Unidas en Guatemala
MINURCA – Verification Mission in the Central African Republic
UNMIK – Mission in Kosovo
UNOMSIL – Observer Mission In Sierra Leone
UNPREDEP – Preventive Deployment Force
UNMONUC – Congo 2000 –
UNMEE – Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea
UNSSM – Special Service Medal
UNHQ – Headquarters New York
UNMIS – Mission in Sudan
UNPSG – Police Support Group
UNTAET – Transitional Administration In East Timor
UNAMET – Assistance Mission East Timor
UNMISET – Mission of Support in East Timor
UNONUB – Operation in Burundi
UNMIT – Mission in Timor
UNAMID – African Union Mission in Darfur
MINURCAT – Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad
MONUSCO – United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
UNISFA – United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei
UNMISS – United Nations Mission in South Sudan
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NATO Meritorious Service Medal
Yugoslavia service medal
Kosovo service
Macedonia Medal
Operation Eagle Assist service (Article 5)
Operation Active Endeavor service (Article 5)
Operations in the Balkans
Afghanistan service (Non-Article 5)
Serge Lazareff Prize
European Union
Western European Union Mission Service Medal[1]
European Community Monitor Mission Medal for Yugoslavia[1]
European Union Monitoring Mission Medal for Yugoslavia
Eurofor – European Force Service Medal[2]
European Police College – Civil Crisis Management[citation needed]
Common Security and Defence Policy Service Medal (CSDP), for Staff Service (Always worn with operation clasp)[1]
CSDP Medal for the Police Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina (EUPM)[3]
CSDP Medal for EUFOR Concordia[3]
CSDP Medal for Operation Artemis[1][3]
CSDP Medal for the Police Mission in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (EUPOL Proxima)[3]
CSDP Medal for EUFOR Althea[1][3]
CSDP Medal for the Reform Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (EUSEC RD Congo)
CSDP Medal for AMIS EU Supporting Action
CSDP Medal for the Border Assistance Mission for the Rafah Crossing Point (EUBAM Rafah)
CSDP Medal for the Coordinating Office for Palestinian Police Support (EUPOL COPPS)
CSDP Medal for EUFOR RD Congo
CSDP Medal for the Police Mission to Afghanistan (EUPOL Afghanistan)
CSDP Medal for the Bridging Operation in Chad and the Central African Republic (EUFOR Tchad/RCA)
CSDP Medal for EU Naval Operation Atalanta
CSDP Medal for Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX Kosovo)
European Union Somalia Training Mission (EUTM Somalia)
European Union Regional Maritime Capacity Building for the Horn of Africa and the Western Indian Ocean (EUCAP NESTOR), 16 July 2012 –
EUTM Mali, January 2013–
European Union Aviation Security Mission in South Sudan (EUAVSEC SOUTH SUDAN), February 2013 – January 2014
EUFOR RCA, April 2014–
CSDP EUTM MALI Medal for Extraordinary Meritorious Service ribbon bar
International Control Commission
International Commission of Control and Supervision
International Commission of Control and Supervision Medal (first version)[5]
International Commission of Control and Supervision Medal (second version)
Organization of American States
Inter-American Peace Force Medal
Inter-American Defense Board Medal
System of Cooperation Among the American Air Forces
SICOFAA Legion of Merit Gentleman
SICOFAA Legion of Merit Officer
SICOFAA Legion of Merit Grand Cross
Multinational Force and Observers
Multinational Force & Observers Medal
Multinational Force and Observers Civilian Medal
Multinational Force and Observers Director General's Award
- ^ a b c d e "HONOURS AND AWARDS IN THE ARMED FORCES" (PDF). JSP 761. Ministry of Defence: 8A–10. May 2008. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2020-08-02. Retrieved 2011-07-05.
- ^ "Bulletin nr 9 Year 2009" (PDF). European Rapid Operational Force (EUROFOR). 2009. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2011-09-28. Retrieved 2011-07-10.
- ^ a b c d e "European Security and Defence Policy Service Medal (ESDP)". National Defence and the Canadian Forces. 2008-04-29. Archived from the original on 2011-11-16. Retrieved 2011-07-05.
- ^ "DH&R – Canadian Honours Chart". Archived from the original on 23 November 2015. Retrieved 14 October 2013.
- ^ "DH&R – Canadian Honours Chart". Archived from the original on 17 November 2015. Retrieved 14 October 2013.