^ ab[f] and [ʃ] occur only in loanwords; the latter is sometimes replaced by [s] by some speakers.
^ abcdPalatalized consonants [tʲnʲsʲlʲ] are pronounced with the tongue constricted towards the hard palate (as if a simultaneous /j/ were being pronounced) when geminated and before /i/.
^ abcEstonian has a three-way contrast between short, long, and overlong syllables. This contrast is present on both consonants and vowels. In some IPA transcriptions long sounds are marked with a single IPA length marker /ː/ and overlong with two /ːː/, while other transcriptions use half-long /ˑ/ and long /ː/ respectively. Overlong syllables also feature a falling pitch contour, while short and long syllables have a level pitch; however this is not marked.