Expressway S47 (Polish: Droga ekspresowa S47, abbreviated as S47) – former planned expressway in Poland on the stretch of national road 47 between Rabka-Zdrój and Zakopane.[1]
The road was included in the Regulation of the Council of Ministers of September 29, 2001 as a new expressway planned on the entire course of the existing national road 47. The project had been heavily criticised by the inhabitants of villages located near the route.[2]
With the next regulation, published in 2003, the expressway has been cancelled[3] and will not be constructed.
- ^ Rozporządzenie Rady Ministrów z dnia 29 września 2001 r. w sprawie ustalenia sieci autostrad, dróg ekspresowych oraz dróg o znaczeniu obronnym. [Regulation of the Council of Ministers of September 29, 2001 on establishing a network of motorways, expressways and roads of defense importance.], Dz. U., 2001, vol. 120, No. 1283
- ^ Adam Molenda (2004-05-16). "Zakopianki nie będzie? Korki z Zakopianki nie znikną, bo Szaflary i Biały Dunajec nie chcą rozbudowy drogi" [There will be no Zakopianka? The traffic jams won't disappear from Zakopianka, because Szaflary and Biały Dunajec don't want expansion of the road.]. Przegląd (in Polish). Retrieved 2023-01-24.
- ^ Rozporządzenie Rady Ministrów z dnia 26 sierpnia 2003 r. zmieniające rozporządzenie w sprawie ustalenia sieci autostrad, dróg ekspresowych oraz dróg o znaczeniu obronnym. [Regulation of the Council of Ministers of August 26, 2003 amending the regulation on determining the network of motorways, expressways and roads of defense importance.], Dz. U., 2003, vol. 174, No. 1683